Improve Physio Foundation

Improve Physio Foundation

I’MPROVE it is a non-profit foundation whose first objective is to promote sustainable physical therapy in the most disadvantaged areas of the planet.


The best way to find your self is to lose yourself in the service of others


Now or never be your own hero



Seeing the future 🇺🇬


Newborns are perhaps the most vulnerable population the world over. Preterm or babies born too early, less than 37 weeks gestation, are particularly at risk. Currently, prematurity is the leading cause of death among under five around the world, and a leading cause of disability and ill health later in life.

In UGANDA 223.000 babies are born too soon each year and 9.830 children under five die due to direct preterm complications


Infant mortality rate in Uganda is 67 children per 1,000. In Spain, 3 per 1,000.

Viral diseases of all types and seriousness, derived from a lack of hygiene and medical social structure ravage Uganda day after day. AIDS spreads across the country, killing thousands of people each year. People who practice s*x without any precautions, abandoned mothers with an average of 6 children, gender violence, alcoholism and many other scourges make childhood a nightmare that, in many cases, has an early end.


Are you interested in sponsoring a child for just 12e month?

Or can you help kids with several pathologies?

There are so many ways to help- contact with us in our bio

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Life will never be the same
Volunteer teaching in Uganda 🇺🇬

Timeline photos 20/08/2020


With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer. The right match can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career.

Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness.

Benefits of volunteering: 4 ways to feel healthier and happier

Volunteering connects you to others

Volunteering is good for your mind and body

Volunteering can advance your career

Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life

Timeline photos 17/08/2020

Clap your hand with us 🇺🇬

Timeline photos 07/08/2020

Social educators are professionals in education who intervene to improve sociocultural reality and help in the emancipation of people with social difficulties or at risk of social exclusion.

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El educador social es un profesional en la educación que interviene en la realidad sociocultural para mejorarla y ayudar en la emancipación de personas con dificultades sociales o en riesgo de exclusión social.

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

A friend is what the hearts need all the time 💞

Timeline photos 31/07/2020

Sharing a few laugh and smile between local worker and volunteer ,


Walking through Kabale’s hospital to visit local physios 🏞️

Timeline photos 26/07/2020

Team work is our strength 🤝
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El trabajo en equipo es nuestra fuerza 🤝

Timeline photos 24/07/2020

Friday mood with the gang

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

Local kid enjoy eating with volunteers in the
This is possible thanks to your continued support.
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Niño local comiendo con voluntarios en la escuela de .
Todo esto es posible gracias a vuestra ayuda.


Volunteering heart for juniors

Timeline photos 05/07/2020

Together we are more ❤️🤜🤛

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Juntos somos más ❤️🤜🤛

Timeline photos 03/07/2020

Every day at 9am a bus will take us to the underprivileged district of Kabale where each volunteer
will collaborate in the different tasks. It will be a wonderful experience, where different professions come together for the same goal.
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Todos los días a las 9am un autobús nos desplazará al distrito desfavorecido de Kabale donde cada voluntario
realizará su colaboracion. Será una maravillosa experiencia, donde diferentes profresiones se uniran por
un mismo objetivo.

Timeline photos 01/07/2020

for Uganda 🇺🇬

Timeline photos 26/06/2020

Each volunteer may carry 2x25kg suitcases.The most needed materials are:

-School supplies and toys ✔️
-Clothes and shoes ✔️
-Personal hygiene products ✔️
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Once organised by the volunteers we will proceed to deliver it to the different families in need.👌

Cada voluntario podrá llevar 2 maletas de 25kg, los materiales más necesitados son:

Material escolar y juguetes ✔️
Ropa y zapatillas ✔️
Productos de aseo personal ✔️
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Una vez organizado por los voluntarios procederemos a entregarlo a las diferentes familias necesitadas👌

Timeline photos 23/06/2020

Everything its possible ❤️
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Todo es posible ❤️

Timeline photos 15/06/2020

Calling all nurses out there!!! 👩‍⚕️If you are a nurse and would like to be part of the collaboration, training and research of this project, join our next volunteer trip. ✈️
We will visit:
The main kabale hospital ✔️
Train local nursing students ✔️
Treat patients with special and disadvantaged needs✔️ Get in touch for further info!
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Si eres enfermer@👩‍⚕️ y te gustaria formar parte de la colaboración, formación e investigación de este proyecto, puedes unirte a nuestro próximo viaje de voluntariado ✈️
El hospital principal de kabale ✔️ Formaremos a estudiantes de enfermeria locales ✔️
Realizaremos tto a pacientes con necesidades especiales y desfavorecidas✔️

Timeline photos 11/06/2020

Health funded for Sports live ⚽
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Fundamos salud por la vida deportiva ⚽

Timeline photos 09/06/2020

Children of the future - - -
Los niñ@s del futuro

Timeline photos 01/06/2020

Would you like to collaborate in a health project? 🚑
Contact with us and be part of our next volunteer trip 🛬
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Te gustaría colaborar en un proyecto donde se fomenta la salud? Ponte en contacto con nosotros y forma parte del próximo viaje de voluntarios.

Timeline photos 29/05/2020

Timeline photos 24/05/2020

We are enormously grateful to for their donation of clothing material. If you are an organization, company or individual and would like to cooperate or participate, please get in touch to find the different ways where you can help us.
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Estamos enormemente agradecidos a por su donación de material de ropa. Si eres una organización, empresa o individual,
que te gustaria cooperar o participar, puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros para buscar los diferentes caminos donde poder ayudarnos.

Timeline photos 14/05/2020

One of our first priorities in our trip to Kabale was to discover if physiotherapy actually existed un the community. We were happy to find out that the university of Entebe currently has a physiotherapy career wich will help us,when trainning local physiotherapist.
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Uno de nuestros primeros objetivos en el último viaje a kabale, era saber si la fisioterapia existía en Uganda.Fue una alegría descubrir que existe la formación de fisioterapia en la universidad de Entebe, lo que nos ayudará a poder colaborar con fisioterapeutas locales.

Timeline photos 10/05/2020

- Miguel de la Peña, Physiotherapist.


We are very happy to announce that we will be collaborating hand to hand with Kabale’s main hospital, thanks to the Director, Sophie Namasomo. 👩‍🔬
This will be of great help for us to reach our target patients🌐🗺️

Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que estaremos colaborando con el Hospital de Kabale y su directora Sophie Namasomo. 👩‍🔬
Esto sera de gran ayudar para indentificar a los pacientes mas necesitados.🌐🗺️


After the first trip to Kabale (Uganda), the team of volunteer physiotherapists at the foundation realized the deficiencies that existed in the area, both material and professional, and also the importance of promoting therapeutic prevention.

“Unfortunately, in developing countries there are very few physiotherapists, and specialized physiotherapy does not even exist, so it is necessary a commitment from everyone to spread this knowledge to the rest of the world.”
Miguel de la Pegna (Foundation’s physiotherapist)

The Uganda Project arises from that trip made in 2020. Based on the pillars of health and sport, I’MPROVE aims to build a clinic in Kabale to offer health care and training to local professionals ( physiotherapists, doctors, podiatrists, nurses, midwives...) collaborating with the local hospital in the area and thus achieving the operational independence of the clinic, generating a great positive impact on the local population.

Malnutrition, lack of training and professionals, lack of technical means and adverse conditions in the country in general causes in many cases neurological pathologies that lead many children to suffer physical disabilities that end up leading to social exclusion, thus conditioning the rest of their lives.

Videos (show all)

Walking through Kabale’s hospital to visit local physios 🏞️#hospital #kabale #physicaltherapist #volunteertrip #uganda
Volunteering heart for juniors #improve #improvephysiotherapy #africa #uganda #kids #juniors