Author Karissa Evans

Author Karissa Evans

Author Of Breathe... You Are Not Alone

Karissa Evans is a divorcee who after enduring her own divorce heartache wants to help others who are dealing with the same pain and anguish she once did to realize their is help out there and that it will get better.


Remember this the next time you question yourself

New Website Addition 26/02/2022

New Website Addition Hi everyone, I've added another aspect to my site which portrays my thoughts today from reflecting back on my divorce and moving on. Hope you are liking the site. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just need someone to talk to. [email protected] Emberly

Decision Time 26/02/2022

Decision Time Decision Time


Never let anyone tell you that you're not enough. You're enough, you're more then enough!! Please belive this.

Divorce 30/01/2022

How to heal from a divorce -to-heal-from-divorceHow

Divorce The dissolution of a marriage is almost always an upsetting event, at the very least marked by disappointment and the loss of dreams and expectations. In addition, there are legal, financial, parental, emotional, and practical challenges that require time, energy, and changes in responsibilities. It...

TaraMuthu on Twitter 21/01/2022

TaraMuthu on Twitter “ I grew up with parents who were constantly fighting. By the time I was 16, I was begging them to get a divorce so v could be peaceful. N till date I carry the guilt that they suffered coz they thought they were providing a better life for me. Stop using children as an excuse.”

ENOUGH 18/01/2022

Life finally settled down a little and I was able to get the next blog post up. I truly hope this blog is helping some of you realize you're not alone. I'm also still looking for more people who want to share their stories in 'Breathe... You Are Not Alone.' The book I wrote and published to help those going through a divorce or seperation to know they are not alone. Both women and men are welcome to contribute. I plan on expanding the book with the new entries. I'm also looking for happy ending stories, please pm me if your interested.


Infidelity: Were The Signs Right In Front Of You? 17/01/2022

Infidelity: Were The Signs Right In Front Of You? Were there signs right in front of you? Signs that didn't become fully clear until after you became aware of his cheating?

6 Ways to Empower Our Relationship with Ourselves 16/01/2022

6 Ways to Empower Our Relationship with Ourselves While some may think that investing in a relationship with ourselves is a self-indulgent exercise and may distract from more useful pursuits, it is actually vital to our sense of well-being.

Discovery 05/10/2021

Blog Post #7 Discovery has been posted. I hope these posts are helping those realize that they are not alone. Subscribe to the site to get emails each time a new blog post is posted and recieve a free Breath... You Are Not Alone ebook.

Discovery Discovery

Breathe... You Are Not Alone 03/10/2021

Although 'Breathe... You Are Not Alone' has been published, I am still looking for more people willing to tell their divorce stories as well as their happily ever after stories so the book can be expanded in the future. If you're interested in sharing your story to possible help other women and men, please PM me. Below is a link to the book so you can check it out and see if it's something you would like to help with.

Breathe... You Are Not Alone Breathe... You Are Not Alone


Stay Strong.. it does get better, I promise ❤️❤️

Betrayed 12/09/2021

Blog Number 6 'Betrayed' has been posted on I Am Enough Blog. I'm offering a free ebook of my book 'Breathe... You Are Not Alone' to subscribers of my site. If you'd like a free ebook, please email me at [email protected], and put Ebook in the headline. You must subscribe to my site in order to be eligible for the free ebook.

Betrayed Betrayed



Karen 01/09/2021

Blog Number 5, Karen, is posted. I truly hope these blogs are helping those who are hurting. Please feel free to share the blog link with others if you think it could help them. If you would like to be alerted when new blogs are posted please subscribe to the page.

Karen Karen

Breathe... You Are Not Alone 22/05/2021

If you’re going through a divorce, you know that the overwhelming feelings of loneliness, rejection, bitterness, anger and resentment are a daily struggle. Breathe… You’re Not Alone shows you you’re not alone in this life-changing event and that there are others out there who are going through the same pain and heartache as you.
Breathe provides testaments from women who recount their emotions they have endured dealing with the same pain and anguish that comes with being faced with a divorce. Sometimes knowing there are others going through the same thing makes the struggle a little less painful.

Breathe... You Are Not Alone Breathe... You Are Not Alone

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Remember this the next time you question yourself