Kathleen L Greene Life Artist
Last night’s Circle was amazing- filled with rich conversation on how to raise and keep your energetic vibration high, body image and dismorphia and deep vulnerable shares and connection. If this sounds like something you could use in your life, come join us. Weekly calls and a classroom of rich content and creative exploration. This program changed my life. Literally. We would love to share the magic with you. You can join at any time!
Has the little angel on your shoulder been nudging you to shift something in your life? Unstoppable Dream Recovery Circles support just that! We tap into our creativity (NO experience necessary) and support each other by being nonjudgmental, safe and confidential. Come join us!
In honor of National Recovery Month, I am thrilled to announce Unstoppable Dream Recovery Circles are starting this month on September 12. These circles offer amazing support to recover from anything! We are all in recovery from something. Come join us!
30 minute abstract with Art Sherpa! So much fun!!
Been playing with Kali energy the last few days! Took an old canvas and brought it fierce new life. Thanks Tammy Roth for the class!
Been playing with Kali energy the last few days! Took an old canvas and brought it new fierce life. Thanks Tammy Roth for your amazing class.
I am READY! ❤️
The Festival of Feminine Artistry and Power has begun!!! 21 Workshops with 21 Artists and supporting a great cause! Click on the link below to sign up! Lifetime access and 70% of the proceeds go to our sisters in Africa to help end female ge***al mutilation. It’s a win win. Do something for yourself while paying it forward.
This is Aiyana and her message is this: The Divine Feminine yearns to reveal her way and her wisdom to you that you may love passionately and purposefully. ❤️
PS I am still working on Ishtar and will be revealing more of her soon. 😊
This session was about detail work. Sometimes we need to focus on the big picture and sometimes it’s all in the details!
My personal painting practice reflects back to me. How we do one thing in our life is how we do all things in our life. Painting allows me to reflect on what is happening inside and adjust accordingly. I love this process because just like life we can always adjust and “paint over” something we have created that is no longer working for us.
Join us in celebrating the divine feminine we all carry inside - no matter what gender you identify with. Great fun AND a great cause with over 70% of all proceeds going to .
And so it begins....as I bring Ishtar to life on my canvas, I start by lighting my candle to create sacred space and then infuse my canvas with words of intentions and symbols.
I have never worked with a black canvas before but felt called to do so for this painting. I would usually “cover” a white canvas more - not caring if I wrote over other words or symbols but I wanted to allow some of the black to still shine through. Always follow your intuition when painting. Amazing things are borne of this process.
Remember - NO painting experience necessary to create and have a sacred painting practice. It’s all in the process and NOT the product. Create, explore and have fun! It will bring joy to your world. ❤️
Want to explore more and join the fun? Go here for more information.
Today is International Women's Day AND It’s Women’s Month and I am taking this opportunity to celebrate and explore my own Feminine Power + Artistry! Through my own Personal Painting Practice, I can and have learned so MUCH about who I am, what I desire and how I can create more of what I desire into my life experience. I have stepped into my personal power. Will you join me?
This month I will be painting Ishtar. Ishtar is a multifaceted Goddess from the Mesopotamian Period. She is a BAD A$$ and I will be sharing more about her throughout the month. Today I celebrate her fertility. We are all creative beings and responsible for what we create in our life. We all create - either consciously or unconsciously. Which do you want to do?
All of our painting in March is building up to…. Drumroll… A Festival of Feminine Power + Artistry that goes live April 1st!
The Festival is 21 painting workshops taught by 21 Women Artists, all intended to inspire and empower you! Along the way we are raising bucket-loads of money to help young women and girls in Africa escape (female ge***al mutilation). Please learn more about all the fun and the powerful mission behind this passion project at https://whitneyfreyastudio.com/p/a-festival-of-feminine-power-artistry?affcode=146549_qmkissqe
The COOLEST thing about this Festival is 70% of the proceeds will be going to the foundation we are supporting through our efforts to help end . You can learn more about this foundation or donate directly here: https://donordirectaction.org/end-fgm/
Thank YOU for stepping more and more into your Creative Self!
I played around with a little divine goddess energy tonight. 😊
This goddess was inspired from reading Return of the Bird Tribes. I don’t have images to paint come to me often and am so grateful she showed up. She’s done for now - we will see if she wants more in a bit. 😊
Day 3 - White Soothing Tara (Tara has 21 Aspects each with their own mantra and I will paint them all!) She who blazes like a stack of a hundred full autumn moons (in Aries 😊) and offers you deep peace and self- kindness. We can all probably use a bit of that! Om Tare Tuttarre Sarva Papam Shintam Kuru Soha ❤️
Day 2 - Red Swift and Courageous Tara. She cuts through all your negative beliefs about yourself like a lightning bolt. Om Tare Tuttarre Sarva Tre Shatu Vasha Kuru Soha. And so it is!
Day 1 Whitney Freya’s 22 Day Tara Painting Meditation Program. Third time through this awesome program! Attended a talk on Green Tara last night and was inspired to begin again. Om Tare Tuttarre Ture Soha May all sentient beings have peace. ❤️
I started this painting last October! This is how it works. Sometimes you just need to set it aside for a bit - for many reasons. Yesterday I decided to revisit for a bit. 😊 Still a Work in progress. The symbol is a unalome topped by the lotus blossom. The unalome is a Buddhist symbol (well several religions have their own iteration and meaning) which is all about transcendence. The lotus grows out of the muck. Perfect. ❤️
Indeed. ❤️
Working on this!!!
My first attempt at pouring paint. SO much fun!
Focus on what you want and how that will feel and not what you fear or don’t want. It’s the key to manifesting your dreams. 😊
This is so true. Practice practice practice. ❤️
Lake day!
I have been working on my three-part painting series and am excited to release it soon...stay tuned!
My Christmas Buddha. ❤️
BIG energetic day! Make changes - release the past!