Human Rights Pulse

Human Rights Pulse

The aim of Human Rights Pulse is to build a platform that brings together human rights practitioner

We want to make human rights discussions accessible, engaging, and practical. We welcome contributors and submissions from a wide range of human rights-related fields in order to encourage a diverse conversation. Together, we want to create content which promotes the values of democracy, sustainability, and human rights.

Who Do You Call When The Police Murder? Discussing the Role of Caste and Religious Bias in Indian Law Enforcement — Human Rights Pulse 10/08/2022

[CW: This post mentions police brutality, torture, and death.]

According to the National Human Rights Commission, India recorded nearly 1,723 custodial deaths in 2019. 1,606 of these deaths happened while the victim was in judicial custody, and an additional 117 deaths occurred in police custody. This averages approximately five deaths per day.

Shibani Melba explores the role of caste and religious bias in Indian Law Enforcement, and highlights the immunity afforded to police officers, resulting in low conviction rates and accountability.

This article was originally published on 29 April 2021, but this issue remains relevant as custodial deaths are still occuring in India.

Read the full article here ⬇️

Who Do You Call When The Police Murder? Discussing the Role of Caste and Religious Bias in Indian Law Enforcement — Human Rights Pulse The increase in custodial deaths has brought focus to the issues of caste and religion in relation to the deaths, torture, and disproportionate incarcerations of marginalised citizens in India.

Book review of Black Warrant by Sunil Gupta and Sunetra Choudhary — Human Rights Pulse 09/08/2022

This post mentions executions.]

Published in 2019, “Black Warrant”, co-written by Sunil Gupta and Sunetra Choudhary, provides a rare peek into Asia's largest prison complex, Tihar Jail.

In her review, Venil Ali describes the book as an honest, personal account of a jailer, and a crash-course in the most rich, famous, and controversial prisoners in India.

The book shares some controversial confessions of procedural lapses and corruption leading to a travesty of justice, and provides a humanistic view of the prisoners in question.

Read the full review here ⬇️

Book review of Black Warrant by Sunil Gupta and Sunetra Choudhary — Human Rights Pulse Black Warrant is an honest memoir of a jailer in Asia's largest prison complex, India’s Tihar Jail, and provides an insider’s view on the corruption and injustice in the Indian prison system.

The Urgent Need To Protect Youth Against Facebook's Algorithms — Human Rights Pulse 08/08/2022

The growth of Facebook has been achieved at the expense of young people’s mental health – showing a pressing need for further regulation of the tech giant.

Sarah Nasir provides a perspective on how Facebook’s addictive algorithms, that pose a risk to mental health and children’s human rights, need to be limited and regulated by the government’s agendas on a global level.

The Urgent Need To Protect Youth Against Facebook's Algorithms — Human Rights Pulse The growth of Facebook has been achieved at the expense of young people’s mental health – showing a pressing need for further regulation of the tech giant.

Children in prisons have been ‘left out’ of the COVID-19 response — Human Rights Pulse 08/08/2022

CW: This post mentions su***de.]

As stated by Human Rights Watch, children in prisons have been “left out” of the Covid-19 response.

Rebecca Malczewski discusses the devastating impact of the health crisis and restrictions on all aspects of life in children’s jails, which were brought to light in a report by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons in April 2020.

This article was originally published on 11 June 2020, but this issue remains relevant as profound reforms have still not been undertaken to protect the mental health of young prisoners.

Read the full article here ⬇️

Children in prisons have been ‘left out’ of the COVID-19 response — Human Rights Pulse With continued social distancing measures in place in the UK, some children in the country’s young offenders institutions (YOIs) have been locked in their cells for over 22 hours each day.

Transgender Athletes in Professional Sport: The Way Forward — Human Rights Pulse 07/08/2022

Transgender athletes face widespread discrimination in sports. The industry needs broad change going forward.

Neil Mugabe calls for consideration in the proposed criteria to regulate testosterones levels for athletes, and urges the governing bodies to shift their gender framework from the institution of sport to the individual.

Transgender Athletes in Professional Sport: The Way Forward — Human Rights Pulse Transgender athletes face widespread discrimination in sports. The industry needs broad change going forward.

The U.S. Leaves The ‘Graveyard of Empires’ For The Taliban: Dark Clouds On The Horizon Of Women’s Human Rights In Afghanistan — Human Rights Pulse 06/08/2022

The future of women's rights in Afghanistan have been plunged into uncertainty since the Taliban has taken control of the country. It is the international community's obligation to assure that women's rights and liberties are protected.

Sarthak Gupta reflects on the drawback on Afghan women’s liberties as the Taliban continue their oppressive regime, and calls for the international community to act upon human rights violations.

The U.S. Leaves The ‘Graveyard of Empires’ For The Taliban: Dark Clouds On The Horizon Of Women’s Human Rights In Afghanistan — Human Rights Pulse The future of women's rights in Afghanistan have been plunged into uncertainty since the Taliban has taken control of the country. It is the international community's obligation to assure that women's rights and liberties are protected.

Use Of Potentially Lethal Force Against “Key Instigators”, “Key Rioters” In The Occupied Palestinian Territory — Human Rights Pulse 06/08/2022

Back in April 2021, rising tensions in the occupied Palestinian territory precipitated a resurgence of violence that resumed to rage in the following months.

This caused protests against the evictions to begin in Jerusalem and spread to other parts of the West Bank.

In her article, Mei Ching Liu examines the current status of the Palestinian - Israeli Conflict from an international humanitarian law perspective concerning the occupied Palestinian territories and the questionable use of force against protestors.

You can read the full article, available here ⬇️

Use Of Potentially Lethal Force Against “Key Instigators”, “Key Rioters” In The Occupied Palestinian Territory — Human Rights Pulse Israel is classifying protestors in the occupied Palestinian territory as “key instigators” and “key rioters,” unrecognised in international law, to justify use of potentially lethal force.

Mental Health in Prisons: The COVID-19 Afterthought — Human Rights Pulse 05/08/2022

[CW: This post mentions su***de.]

The Covid-19 health crisis has highlighted the stigmatisation of mental health as a human right for prisoners.

Priscilla Del Carmen Peralta explores the overlooked consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on prisoners’ mental health, despite the establishment of mental health as a human right in many international texts.
This article was originally published on 22 March 2021, but this issue remains relevant as profound prison reforms have still not been undertaken to protect the mental health of prisoners.

Read the full article here ➡️

Mental Health in Prisons: The COVID-19 Afterthought — Human Rights Pulse Mental health has deteriorated in prisons in the UK during the pandemic. Failure to address the causes would further deprive prisoners of their right to mental health protection.

The Unreliability Of Papal Authority Within LGBTQ+ Rights Discourse — Human Rights Pulse 04/08/2022

By hiding behind trivial statements of support, Pope Francis continues to evade his responsibility of unifying the Catholic Church; and bringing an end to the discrimination and persecution of LGBTQ+ people.

Caitlyn Daly explores the unreliabilyy of Papal authority as Church leaders continue to not uphold his message to respect and dignify the LGBTQ+ community, and the lack of responsibilty to go further to his statements and end discrimination and persecution of LGBTQ+ people within the Catholic Church.

The Unreliability Of Papal Authority Within LGBTQ+ Rights Discourse — Human Rights Pulse By hiding behind trivial statements of support, Pope Francis continues to evade his responsibility of unifying the Catholic Church; and bringing an end to the discrimination and persecution of LGBTQ+ people.

Use Of AI And Facial Recognition Technology In Policing In India — Human Rights Pulse 03/08/2022

As the reliance on facial recognition technology increases, so do fears of surveillance states, especially when the AI responsible for policing inherits human biases.

Jibran Khan explores the rapid implementation of facial recognition technology in India and calls for caution in its unregulated application.

You can read the full article here:

Use Of AI And Facial Recognition Technology In Policing In India — Human Rights Pulse India has increased its reliance on the use of facial recognition technologies in policing which could deepen discriminatory treatment of minorities.

The Politics of Terrorism: France’s Targeting of Islamic Extremism — Human Rights Pulse 31/07/2022

Despite claims from the government, France remains at the forefront of Europe’s anti-Islamic legislation, with increasingly aggressive measures looking to minimise religious freedom and expression.

Emma Fearon analyses some of the measures implemented in the past years and how they oppress peaceful prayer rather than protecting against extremism.

The Politics of Terrorism: France’s Targeting of Islamic Extremism — Human Rights Pulse President Emmanuel Macron’s secular rhetoric and proposed policies to safeguard laïcité could further alienate French Muslims in the country.

Burqa Bans And Religious Repression Across The World — Human Rights Pulse 30/07/2022

Last year, Switzerland voted on a referendum to ban face coverings, with the ban being approved by a narrow margin. Despite having no mention of religious attire, the referendum has nonetheless been nicknamed the Burqa Ban.

Leah Colgan debates whether face covering bans are tools of Islamophobia rather than of female empowerment, as their proponents often claim.

Burqa Bans And Religious Repression Across The World — Human Rights Pulse Often it is non-Muslim government officials, in countries in which Muslims are a minority, dictating to Muslim women how to dress appropriately under a guise of freedom and dignity.

Counterterrorism At What Cost? Sri Lanka To Open Controversial Extremist Rehabilitation Centres — Human Rights Pulse 29/07/2022

Sri Lanka is expanding its Prevention of Terrorism Act to construct rehabilitation centres for religious extremists as a way of fighting against terrorism.

Nadezhda Raduncheva investigates the historical background of the Sri Lankan Prevention of Terrorism Act and highlights the growing concerns that the rehabilitation centres may be used to facilitate human rights abuses. Article available here:

Counterterrorism At What Cost? Sri Lanka To Open Controversial Extremist Rehabilitation Centres — Human Rights Pulse Raising human rights concerns over Sri Lanka’s future rehabilitation centres to combat terrorism.

Uyghur Tribunal Day 1: Uyghur Women Sexually Abused In Chinese Camps — Human Rights Pulse 28/07/2022

Harrowing accounts of Uyghur oppression continue to emerge.

In this 4-part series on the Uyghur tribunal, Samuel Pitchford gathers the testimonies of Uyghur prisoners and experts on the horrors of the so-called re-education camps. Part 1 briefly details the sexual violence in women-only camps and torture in male camps.

Uyghur Tribunal Day 1: Uyghur Women Sexually Abused In Chinese Camps — Human Rights Pulse Evidence of pervasive violent sexual abuse of Uyghur women including r**e and forced sterilisation was presented at the first day’s hearing of the Uyghur Tribunal.

Hindu-Muslim Fragmentation: A Consequence Of India’s Colonial Legacy — Human Rights Pulse 27/07/2022

During the colonial period in India, religious identities began to emerge within political groups, and tensions between Hindus and Muslims began to heighten. The religious conflict became one of the biggest challenges in India, and this conflict is still ongoing today.

Sadia Ahmed analyses India's colonial legacy regarding the divergence between Hindus and Muslims, which continues to lead to discrimination and violence.

Hindu-Muslim Fragmentation: A Consequence Of India’s Colonial Legacy — Human Rights Pulse In removing British influence, India became a catalyst for socio-political change starting with the emergence of distinct identities that shaped India both before and after the partition.

Perseverance in the Face of Persecution — Human Rights Pulse 26/07/2022

The Baha’i Faith is a relatively young religion, and the largest religious minority in Iran. However, its members are systematically persecuted and discriminated against by the Iranian government and authorities.

Introducing the basic principles of the Baha’i Faith, Sartaz Billing explains the legal framework surrounding minority religions in Iran and the many ways the followers of this religion are still targeted.

Perseverance in the Face of Persecution — Human Rights Pulse Despite domestic and international legislation protecting the rights of religious communities in Iran, Baha’is continue to be persecuted.

Cultural Assimilation Of Native Americans — Human Rights Pulse 25/07/2022

Between the 1790s and 1920s, the United States of America made a series of efforts to assimilate Native Americans into the dominant European-American culture. The consequences of assimilation are still being felt in Native American communities.

Giulia Marchiò highlights the assimilation history of Native Americans in the USA throughout the years by touching upon the case of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in her article, available here:

Cultural Assimilation Of Native Americans — Human Rights Pulse The negative effects of the human rights violations embedded in the ‘cultural assimilation’ projects continue to be felt, alongside new attacks on Native American rights.

Mass Conscientious Objection Is Making Abortion Inaccessible in Croatia — Human Rights Pulse 24/07/2022

The plight of Mirela Čavajda highlights the failings of Croatia’s reproductive healthcare provisions.

Helena Trenkić describes the current state of abortion rights in Croatia, where outdated legislation and conservative principles hinder the access to safe and timely procedures.

Read the full article here:

Mass Conscientious Objection Is Making Abortion Inaccessible in Croatia — Human Rights Pulse The plight of Mirela Čavajda highlights the failings of Croatia’s reproductive healthcare provisions.

The Forgotten Genocide: Hmong And Montagnards Face Violent Religious Persecution — Human Rights Pulse 24/07/2022

In 1975, the communist regime in Laos vowed to exterminate the Hmong “to the last root”. A campaign of ethnic cleansing continues to this day.

Samuel Pitchford discusses the history of the region and continued reports which have filtered out of Vietnam and Laos regarding attacks, and calls for serious international sanctions as seen against China.
Read the full article here:

The Forgotten Genocide: Hmong And Montagnards Face Violent Religious Persecution — Human Rights Pulse In 1975, the communist regime in Laos vowed to exterminate the Hmong “to the last root”. A campaign of ethnic cleansing continues to this day.

Juneteenth Must Be Marked With Action — Human Rights Pulse 23/07/2022

It is unsurprising that Juneteenth has fallen victim to the same dishonest and performative “glossification” that has come to signify US Federal holidays.

Tofunmi Odugbemi calls for meaningful and impactful action in addressing racism and anti-blackness sentiments in the USA through reparations and healing rather than performative gestures.

Read the full article here:

Juneteenth Must Be Marked With Action — Human Rights Pulse It is unsurprising that Juneteenth has fallen victim to the same dishonest and performative “glossification” that has come to signify US Federal holidays.

Who Do You Call When The Police Murder? Discussing the Role of Caste and Religious Bias in Indian Law Enforcement — Human Rights Pulse 23/07/2022

In June 2020, the seemingly brutal deaths of a father and son in police custody sparked significant public outrage and highlighted the worrying increase in custodial deaths happening in India.

Shibani Melba explores the influences of religious and caste biases on Indian policing and the need to better protect marginalised communities from abuses of power.

Who Do You Call When The Police Murder? Discussing the Role of Caste and Religious Bias in Indian Law Enforcement — Human Rights Pulse The increase in custodial deaths has brought focus to the issues of caste and religion in relation to the deaths, torture, and disproportionate incarcerations of marginalised citizens in India.

The Bulli Bai App Incident: Shedding A Light On Misogyny In Online Spaces — Human Rights Pulse 22/07/2022

This article discusses the Bulli Bai app controversy in India, with a specific focus on the prevalent widespread misogynistic attitudes that it exposed in the online world.

Nishka Kapoor explores the rise of cyber-misogyny since the beginning of the pandemic and the phenomenon of women “auctioning” through unregulated channels.

Read the full article here:

The Bulli Bai App Incident: Shedding A Light On Misogyny In Online Spaces — Human Rights Pulse This article discusses the Bulli Bai app controversy in India, with a specific focus on the prevalent widespread misogynistic attitudes that it exposed in the online world.

Islamist Parties In The Arab Region – What Do They Stand For And Should They Be Included? — Human Rights Pulse 22/07/2022

The rise in strength and number of Islamist parties in the Arab world leads to questions over their policies and whether their exclusion is the most productive approach.

Dalia Mikulska reports on what these parties stand for and calls for inclusion of non-violent groups as an important step in protecting the core principles of democracy.
Read the full article here:

Islamist Parties In The Arab Region – What Do They Stand For And Should They Be Included? — Human Rights Pulse The rise in strength and number of Islamist parties in the Arab world leads to questions over their policies and whether their exclusion is the most productive approach.

Droits Humains En Mer – Le Droit, La Réalité, L’Avenir — Human Rights Pulse 21/07/2022

[Translated article]

Avec une population humaine d’environ 30 millions en permanence, l’efficacité de la gouvernance des océans pose un sérieux défi aux droits humains, tenant à la tendance à être invisible et oubliée.

Joe Hodson examine les politiques existantes en matière de gouvernance des océans, attirant l’attention à la lacune concernant la législation des droits humains.

Vous pouvez lire l’article complet ici:

Droits Humains En Mer – Le Droit, La Réalité, L’Avenir — Human Rights Pulse Avec une population humaine d’environ 30 millions en permanence, l’efficacité de la gouvernance des océans pose un sérieux défi aux droits humains, tenant à la tendance à être invisible et oubliée.

Is Canada Doing Enough to Atone for its Imperial Past? — Human Rights Pulse 21/07/2022

The discovery of an unmarked grave site containing the remains of 215 Indigenous children sparked a nationwide reckoning over Canada’s imperial past.

The process, now identified as "cultural genocide," caused untold fatalities. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) estimated that 4,100 children died in the residential school system. The actual figure is likely to be far higher than this.

In her article, Macy Kalirai investigates Canada's response and the necessity of demonstrable action.

Is Canada Doing Enough to Atone for its Imperial Past? — Human Rights Pulse The recent discovery of an unmarked gravesite, containing the remains of 215 Indigenous children, has sparked a nationwide reckoning over Canada’s imperial past

Australia Introduces Contentious Religious Anti-Discrimination Bill — Human Rights Pulse 20/07/2022

A Bill seemingly safeguarding Australians from being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs or activities may also protect harmful statements, enable schools to fire LGBTQ+ teachers, and provide certain students with special advantages.

Mili Gupta discusses the legal framework of the Religious Discrimination Bill and its possible consequences.
Read the full article here:

Australia Introduces Contentious Religious Anti-Discrimination Bill — Human Rights Pulse The Australian Prime Minister recently presented the Religious Discrimination Bill to Parliament, opening the door for an important backlash in anti-discrimination legislation.

Ireland and New Zealand Confront Historic Child Abuse — Human Rights Pulse 19/07/2022

Both Ireland and New Zealand have recently been spotlighted for human rights violations during the 20th century, and the governments of both countries are trying to develop financial redress schemes to support past victims of institutional abuse.

In her article, Cliodhna Buckley investigates how these restorative justice schemes are not enough to rectify past failures to protect children from abuse.

Ireland and New Zealand Confront Historic Child Abuse — Human Rights Pulse Ireland and New Zealand have introduced compensation schemes to help victims of child abuse, however both may ultimately fail to help victims.

Intolerant India - A Map Of Threats To Religious Freedom In India In 2022 — Human Rights Pulse 18/07/2022

The Indian government may be moving towards establishing a Uniform Civil Code, but a universal law could be catastrophic for Muslims.

Shubhangi Derhgawen reports on how institutionalised communalism has encouraged the normalisation of violence since the beginning of 2022, including banning the hijab in educational institutions, objections to halal meat, and threats of sexual violence.
Read the full article here:

Intolerant India - A Map Of Threats To Religious Freedom In India In 2022 — Human Rights Pulse The Indian government may be moving towards establishing a Uniform Civil Code, yet a universal law could be catastrophic for Muslims.


The prohibition of wearing religious symbols in the workplace was assessed by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in 2021. On 25 February 2021, Attorney General Rantos delivered his opinion on the joint cases of C-804/18 and C-341/19. The cases involved Muslim women who were asked to remove their religious headdresses (hijabs) by their employers.

In her article, Nayia Christodoulou discusses how the prohibition of one’s right to manifest their religion (without causing harm to anyone) is being normalised.

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