Woodheads Furniture & Design

Woodheads Furniture & Design

Welcome to Woodheads - a new Poolesville family-business focused on reclaiming beautiful pieces of w


It’s been a day
Woke up motivated. I got the girls off to school, watched the new episode of The Great British Baking Show, called an architect about rebuilding the barn, and then found out from the crew clearing our basement that we have copperheads in the house.
Ummmm…heck, no!
Hours later, I finally found a pest control company that handles snakes and could do an inspection right away. Their recommendation and quote was mind-boggling!
The crew, our contractor, our HVAC guy, and our tenants(who are also contractors) said we were being hosed. Well, dang, it’s not like I am capable of checking this out myself!
And in the interim, Jimmy is quoting “Snakes on a Plane” and looking for hotel rooms. My girls are devastated that their grandparents aren’t coming for their planned visit this weekend. And I am trying to find anyone else to come give us their opinion.
Y’all, I knew buying a 230-year-old house would come with expensive problems. But this was never on my radar!
Geesh. Still trying to work it out. Will let you know how it goes! 😳😩🤣


This is a post for my dear friend, Lizi 🧡
Jim and I have been making plans for what we are going to plant on the farm - food, flowers and trees.
On our walk this morning, we started wondering about what we could do with what is already living on the farm - a.k.a. foraging our 9 acres (see, Lizi, I learned from you!!). Kind of a no-brainer that we missed as we were dreaming up plans.
So, today’s post is all about the beautiful and plentiful Black Walnut trees we already have.
Jim loves working with walnut wood because of its strength and appearance. Sorry, honey, we aren’t killing these trees!
Instead, I did a little digging into what else we can use then for - mainly the nuts and their husks and shells.
Black walnuts are the only all-wild nuts in the U.S. They have a distinctive flavor that can be richer and bolder than the European walnuts that are normally consumed.
Cooking and baking with black walnuts dates back to the colonists (honey black walnut bread was on the menu for Lewis and Clark). Although harvesting these nuts is a time-consuming pain in the neck that includes old clothes, multiple layers of gloves, and hammers, it seems like the results are worth it!
The shells are used across all industries, including cosmetics, as safe and natural soft-grit abrasives. And the husks and shells are used for dyes and inks.
Wait! What?!!!
First project has been planned - making my own dye and ink from black walnuts!
And then maybe I will try baking…
Next time, I’ll chat about the much-maligned Russian Olive Tree that has pretty much overtaken parts of our farm.
Have a wonderful weekend, Woodheads!


It’s a rainy day on Montrose Farm, so I thought it would be a good time to show you our Milk House. 😊


Museum vs Home
First - but also somewhat pertinent to the conversation - sorry for not posting more! Getting a strong internet signal in a 230 year-old house has been challenging (duh, Kate!). Apparently, our electricity isn’t strong enough to support the router.
What to do?
Well, I am struggling with the challenge of making our new old house into a home and still protecting all of its history.
Case in point - this picture. You can see that most of the walls are still the horsehair plaster and all of the windows are original.
When we bought the Montrose Farm, I was adamant we would restore everything and keep the history intact. That meant refurbishing the windows and living with the plaster.
Ummmm…to refinish the windows will cost more than replacing them with more energy efficient windows that look the same but require less maintenance and make the house more environmentally friendly.
And those beautifully wonky old walls are hiding the electricity and plumbing “quirks” we discover every day.
So, is this a museum or a home we hope to live in for a long time?
It’s a home. And I am just going to have to suffer through bringing down plaster and replacing windows in order to keep it a beautiful home for another hundred years.
But the floors stay as is!!!!

Photos from Woodheads Furniture & Design's post 20/08/2021

231 year-old floors
They are heart pine, we believe. And they are perfectly imperfect.
They are different colors by room and wear.
There are gaps between some boards that allow you to clearly see the light coming from the basement.
They creak and bow and most of the rooms look like they were built on waves.
There are scratches and divots and small stains and just life lived on this wood.
We’ll never be able sand or refinish them because they are already down to the handmade nails.
But, goodness, do I love these floors!


Wanna see one of my favorite parts of the farm?

Photos from Woodheads Furniture & Design's post 17/08/2021

No, really…these are 4 different colors!
We aren’t tackling any major projects on the first floor of the Montrose Farm main house yet. We have some other priorities (like twisted floor joists and tiny showers).
But, I want to do something to make the rooms we will spend most of our time in feel more like our home. So, paint!
I want white, to help the 231-year-old brick and floors be the focal points. But what white?!
Lots of options, y’all. So many options!
I don’t want a white with too much yellow because the floors are warmer and the brick is red.
And I don’t want a white with too much blue or grey in it because I want the rooms to be more homey than formal.
I think I am going with Natural White from - it just felt good to me.
What do you think?
By the way, how cool are the peel-and-stick paint samples?!!


Hi! It’s been awhile - I’ve missed you guys. As you may have guessed, our content is going to change a bit just as our life has changed a lot!
There is going to be a lot of old house and small farm adventures - and I can’t wait to share with you this more purposeful life we are trying to create for our family.
I thought I would share one of my favorite features of our Georgian country house. (I’ll post a more general history of Montrose Farm soon! I just need internet. 🤪)
Montrose Farm was not a grand estate - so the simple symmetry of the outside was carried inside. Soooo many beautiful windows, and the ones in the kitchen have these wonderful deep sills. They need some love, but so does the rest of the kitchen, so I guess we’ll wait until we have a plan in place to start making changes.
But the best part is that this side of the house is cuddled by amazing old maple trees, so everyone time you look outside, you feel like you are living in a tree house!
Gotta go unpack some more…have a wonderful day, Woodheads!


I am not sure I am happiest on social media right now.
🧡I love seeing the creativity and ambition of my friends and family. I like the pictures and updates.
🧡But I feel like there may not be enough positives for me right now. How much of yourself can you have tied to other people and things?
🧡I don’t think this has anything to do with politics or social degradation or anything lofty like that.
🧡I think it has more to do with focusing my energies on what means the most and needs my attention the most.
🧡Just thinking out loud.
🧡Happy Tuesday, Woodheads.


Just gonna’ keep this in mind today as I do more box packing and moving and cleaning.
🧡I feel young.
🧡I feel young.
🧡I feel young.


You don’t have to stay in the story you have been written into.
🧡You can write your own!
🧡Add intrigue and love and angst, if that is your jam. Or quiet walks and beach sunrises - whatever makes you feel like the “you” you want to be.
🧡For me, I am writing my own story of family, empathy, nature and peace. Add a couple cute animals, some front porch conversations with Jimmy, and lots of cuddles with the girls - and I will be reading my very own best seller!


Woke up funky after a funky night of crazy dreams.
🧡I wanted to wander around like a zombie as I did my morning routine. Instead, I opened my eyes wide and walked into my day.
🧡I like my dreaming during the day. I like feeling that rush of creativity and anticipation.
🧡I am working on the follow through - but I am really good at the dreaming!
🧡What shall we dream about today, Woodheads?


I can’t wait to have trees. Lots of trees!
🧡Trees figured quite a bit in my childhood.
🧡A beautiful willow on the lane to the house we lived in when my parents were the caretakers on an estate. I used to trail my hands through the branches when I was sitting in the back of the truck.
🧡The tree in front of my grandparents’ house with a swing.
🧡The forest on the farm where my sister and I made believe we were in Bridge to Terabithia.
🧡The very old magnolia tree I used to climb until my dad said I couldn’t anymore until I was brave enough to come back down by myself.
🧡I want to give my girls memories like those. I want lots of trees!


I think I’ll just leave this here today and try to live it.
🧡Happy Wednesday, Woodheads!


I want to wake up with purpose.
🧡I want to spend my day in purposeful action.
🧡I used to think that meant I needed a job or a business or a project or something where I could be graded and judged as competent and good.
🧡Now I think I’ve had it all wrong.
🧡I want to live with purpose - not to just work with purpose. I want to notice the sunrise as I take the dog out. I want to revel in the anticipation of making my first cup of coffee. I want to allow myself to enjoy cooking dinner instead of thinking of it as the latest in a long line of chores during the day.
🧡I want to spend the day within my meaningful life instead of constantly working toward it.
🧡Because this is the only life I will get - and just visiting isn’t going to cut it!


Pantry Chat: Do I Really Need That?

Chatting through the Team Brummitt huddle, my new metric for deciding what to keep, and the fear of apartment living.


The bastards could be anyone or anything.
🧡For me, it’s crippling inactivity- just waiting for the next big thing to happen.
🧡Big things happen everyday! My baby’s smile when she figured out something for herself. My morning walk with Linc in crisp, cool air as the horses across the way whinny. My decision to not let my back pain keep me from doing all the things on my list (there is always a list😊).
🧡Or it could be the civil unrest in our country - the pain, hatred, and uncertainty.
🧡Today is your day! You can choose how feel about it.
🧡Go get ‘em, Woodheads!


We are getting our house together.
🧡Team Brummitt is working toward our goal of a slower lifestyle on a farm.
🧡Lots to do to purge, clean and pack up unnecessary essentials.
🧡Yesterday was Marie-Kondo-big the heck out of our closets. Today is my hair day with and grocery shopping. Much more excited about Sam than the grocery store.
🧡My number one panic trigger is the grocery store - I have no idea why. So, I always have my music on.
🧡Sometimes I forget myself and add a little wiggle to my walk if one of my jams come on. I wish I could just let it all go and get a dance party going with the other moms just trying to get this chore done as quickly as possible without breaking our bank accounts.
🧡I’m thinking cart conga. How ‘bout you?


Okay - this has to be quick because the first episode of season 2 of Discovery of Witches is waiting for me!
🧡Jimmy and I split a bottle of wine while we tried to figure out how to fix democracy last night.
🧡Yes, we are big nerds.
🧡And no, we did not fix anything.
🧡But, this is our perfect idea of a date. Chatting, sipping wine, and generally just enjoying time with each other.


Positive thought for the day!
🧡We read fairytales for the happy endings. We watch mysteries for the clever solutions. We love superheroes because they save the day.
🧡Okay, 2021 has not started out as well as we all hoped. We could wallow for another year (or have a breakdown in our pantry)...or we could consider this the middle of our fairytale and stick in there, fighting the good fight, until we get our happy ending.
🧡My happy ending includes: widespread vaccination and control over the pandemic, concrete political change to racial inequity and environmental threats, happy and healthy family, and respect and love for all. Throw in some adorable, singing forest animals who will clean my house, and I am set!
🧡I need to think of a name for my tale - how about “Kate and Team Brummitt!”?
🧡What’s the name of your 2021 fairytale, Woodheads?

Photos from Woodheads Furniture & Design's post 07/01/2021

Okay, my loves, let’s learn U.S. History and Government.
🧡I live outside D.C. I worked at The Washington Post during President Obama’s first Inauguration and handed out hot chocolate to the National Guardsmen protecting empty streets from potential Obama supporters and protesters. I came from a family of military officers and hippies, Republicans and Democrats, educators and farmers, musicians and artists.
🧡The actions of yesterday made my heart hurt, made me cry, and made me so damn angry and scared for our “grand experiment”.
🧡Let me just say - this was nothing like a Black Lives Matter protest. This was nothing like the Million Man March. This was nothing like the Suffragist marches, the anti-war sit-ins, the Gay Pride parades...this was a tantrum and selfie-opportunity that resulted in death and destruction led by the leader of our country.
🧡This was seditious, this was illegal, this was anti-democratic, this was autocratic, this was childish, this was ill-informed - I want to say it was un-American, but was it?
🧡Let’s discuss, debate, argue, and compromise- but for f**k’s sake, let’s start with the damn facts, behave with respect, and actually try to protect our grand experiment instead of tear it down to appease some toddler’s tantrum.
🧡Love you, my Woodheads!


Have you ever read something that seemed to speak directly to you, yet you just can’t figure out why?
🧡This quote was like that for me this morning.
🧡Something about it seems to fit - this idea that my place is a part of me rather than a destination.
🧡I think I am going to need to sit with that awhile.
🧡How do you read this, Woodheads?


Pantry Chat: Assertive Me

Chatting about where my stress nightmare came from, how I want to balance assertiveness with service, and my clothing montage with Jimmy idea.


Please forgive me for taking this quote a bit out of context, Bard.
🧡But this pretty well encapsulates my night!
🧡Took me a while to fall asleep, and when I did, I had one doozie of a stress nightmare. One where I just could not close my eyes again until I calmed down.
🧡So I left our bedroom as quietly as possible and met Abby in the hall. She hadn’t been asleep at all!
🧡Ultimately, we both ended up on the sofas, falling asleep to Aladdin.
🧡We both had counseling yesterday - I’m wondering if that had anything to do with our inability to sleep.
🧡Gonna be an interesting day, my Woodheads.


What will your atmosphere be like today?
🧡How will you affect those around you?
🧡My counselor would say I worry too much about this and not enough about me. Balance in all things, right?
🧡I have always been acutely aware of how my vibe can either put others at ease or make them uncomfortable.
🧡I am learning that being the calming presence is not always the best thing.
🧡Sometimes we need inspiration through painful change.
🧡Sometimes my girls need to feel angst and learn to deal with it.
🧡Sometimes we all need to feel uncomfortable.
🧡But this discomfort must come in an atmosphere of acceptance and respect.
🧡Balance in all things.
🧡Happy Monday, my Woodheads.


Pantry Chat: Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021!

Chatting with my hubby about 2021 plans and Green Acres dreams.


I woke up early, decided I didn’t want to get out of bed, and put a movie on my phone to watch while I waited for the rest of the house to wake up.
🧡While there is absolutely nothing wrong with relaxing in bed with Vin Diesel (hehe), it didn’t refresh me or inspire me or motivate me to start my day.
🧡I love mindless entertainment, especially after a round of arguing with my girls or reading the news. But, what we allow ourselves to experience is so much more important than we believe.
🧡What would my morning have looked like if I had decided to read poetry or taken a walk or even folded laundry instead?
🧡You have the power to enrich yourself rather than just inoculate yourself.
🧡Fill yourself with the good stuff and only consume the “junk food” mindlessness on “cheat days”. It will make you so much happier and healthier in the long run.
🧡Happy Sunday, my Woodheads!


They have closed the ferry.
🧡And the ferry is what makes Jimmy’s long commute feasible.
🧡So, we are doing pro/con lists on moving. We love our life in Poolesville, but an hour and a half commute is just not okay.
🧡Sooo...in typical Kate fashion, I have started fantasizing about a new house, a farm, and a new life, which would mean a new Kate, right?
🧡No! 1: the current Kate is a pretty cool work-in-progress. 2: and no matter where we end up, this is the Kate going with us.
🧡So, stay or go - I am the me I choose to be. And I don’t need a major life change to create the life I want.
🧡Thanks, Papa Hemingway, for reminding me.


Usually, it takes me at least all of January to remember to write the new year on checks, emails, etc.
🧡Not this year!
🧡I have been eagerly awaiting the chance to gleefully write, say, yell “2021”!
🧡Obviously, nothing really changed last night at 12:01 am, but there is hope and expectation. And those are good things.
🧡Happy New Year, my Woodheads!


It’s New Year’s Eve.
🧡Tomorrow can be the start of something new.
🧡The hope of something different, of something better, brighter.
🧡Let’s not question it too much today.
🧡Let’s just sit in the warm comfort of hope.
🧡Be well, my Woodheads, and happy New Year!

Videos (show all)

Milk House Tour
The Courtyard at Montrose Farm
Pantry Chat: We Gave it a Good TryJimmy’s last chat of the year included talking about aliens, singing, dancing, parenti...
Pantry Chat: New Friends on Meditation It was so much fun talking to @_ria_z today that it took me forever to edit down ...
Small Biz Saturday -Come to the last day of our Holiday Pop-Up.       10% your whole order!See you there!
Pantry Chat: All Joy - No JudgementChatting today about small biz inspiration, Pinterest momming, and joy over judgement...