Susan Wood

Susan Wood

which is a narrow plate with at least one side straight.


"Wondered why my dog wouldn't come when I called him. Then I found this."


The most common squares of two types: with acute angles of 30 and 60 degrees and isosceles with the same acute angles of 45 degrees. Squares are used in drawing to construct some angles without the help of a protractor. When using two squares, you can build a larger set of angles by applying them to each other, for example, an angle of 75 degrees (30 + 45), 120 degrees (90 + 30), etc. Also, a square can be used to draw parallel lines or horizontal or vertical lines, applying its leg along the edge of the sheet. Used to build corners.


When a flower blooms, Divine Purpose (the expression and experience of any aspect of Divinity) has been fulfilled—and The Sacred Journey of the life form called “flower” has reached Completion at that stage. It does not reach what would be called “total” Completion, because the life form called “flower” does not and cannot ever “die” or “go away.” Its energy simply changes form, moving to the next stage in its expression and manifestation.

Unlike flowers or trees or other less developed biological Life Forms, the Life Expression called human beings is capable of expressing and experiencing wisdom—specifically, the Wisdom of the Soul—through which, when added to the Experience held in the Mind, a state of “partial Completion” may be reached many, many times, during many moments, across one physical life span.


For a long time, rulers have been made from various materials and in various sizes. Rulers are usually made from plastic or wood, less often from metals. Plastics have also been used since their invention; they can be molded using length markings rather than being written. The metal is used for more durable rulers for workshop use; sometimes the metal edge is built into the wooden table ruler to keep it when used for straight line cutting.
