Rest and Remain

Rest and Remain

Send me a DM to book your free call. You were made for more!

I help Christian women who are tired of feeling anxious, overwhelmed and alone, learn how to grow from a place of REST in our great God and REMAIN in the space of unshakable faith and peace.


Anxiety used to cripple me.
Anxiety used to suck the life right out of me.
Anxiety used to control me.

But then God reminded me of this power He placed inside of me when Jesus became my Saviour.

This Holy Spirit power shakes foundations.
This Holy Spirit power brings death to life.
This Holy Spirit power is fearless and unstoppable.

We tear down the stronghold of anxiety by walking in this foundation shaking, life giving, fearless and unstoppable Holy Spirit power of Almighty God 🙌🏻


This brings me so much comfort 🤍

God has it all figured out.

He’s taken care of it all since before the foundation of the world and all He asks is that we follow Him.

He is looking for our hearts trust.

For His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than ours because that is what sets Him apart as God.

What do you need to trust God with today sister?


This is one of my favourite quotes.

It is such a beautiful reminder of who God.

And it brings so much comfort to know that when we are tucked away under the shadow of His wings we find everything we are so desperately looking for is only found in a closeness with Him.

What is your favourite quote? Share it below 👇🏻


His thoughts are higher and His ways are greater!


Sister, what do you need to lay down and trust God with today?


God has set you apart before we were even born.

God has revealed Himself to you at a time He
determined was right.

God has a purpose for your life that involves spreading the gospel.

God has been setting the stage for your life and He has allowed you to face challenges, hardships, and walk through seasons of darkness because He is refining you.

Your life is a testimony of faith to those you rub shoulders with, but are you using it to proclaim His goodness and to tell others Jesus is worth it?

Keep reading at the link below 👇🏻

Don’t want to miss a post? Join my mailing list! I send a newsletter out on the first Monday of each month with a direct link to the blog and much more 🥰 Send me your email and I’ll be sure to add you!


Here are a few prompts to help guide your prayers 🙏🏻
Also if this content is encouraging you, blessing you and/or helping you in any way please let me know! I’d love to hear from you in the comments and my inbox is always open 🥰
Also my next Newsletter goes out on Monday! If you’re not on the mailing list send me your email and I’ll be sure to add you 😊 You’ll stay up to date on my most recent blog posts, receive an encouraging prayer for the month, gain access to a library of free resources and be in the know with anything else that’s new!


Ohhh how easy it is to get sucked into this. I know this was (and sometimes still can be) a huge struggle for me.

I know according to the algorithm it’s about the likes, shares, saves and follows — but God is greater than all of that.

Whether you post for fun or for business ask yourself this:

Am I sharing this for attention or to point the attention to the One I claim to love?

If your heart is set on following Him and bringing Him all the glory, then you’ve beat the algorithm.


You are not a product of your environment.
You are not a result of your circumstances.
You are not defined by the labels of society.
You are not the sum of your failures or shortcomings.

No, you are so much more.

Because God is Creator, you are His beautiful masterpiece.
Because God is Father, you are His deeply loved child.
Because God is Love, you are free through Christ.
Because God is One, you are fully secure in Him.

You are an outpouring of who God is because of the overflowing grace He provided through the sacrifice of His dear Son.

Don’t believe the lie that you are anything less or that you need to be anything more.

I struggled with my identity for years and often need to remind myself who I am now that I am in Christ. This is something I help women work through because knowing who we are at our core fundamentally changes our relationship with God.

Send me a DM if you’d like to know more about 1 on 1 mentoring 😊


Whatever you’re going through right now, let this be a reminder of the hope you have beyond whatever you’re facing.

He’s got you Sis, and He is never letting you go ♥️

In case this account goes 💨 I welcome you to join my mailing list! I send a monthly newsletter out on the first Monday of each month that includes a link to my blogs, a prayer of encouragement and access to free resources! DM with you’re email if you’d like me to add you 😊


To be so full of Christ that the only response people have when they interact with you is:

She must follow Jesus ♥️

And Lord willing they decide they want to follow Jesus too 🙏🏻

I encourage you to join my mailing list in case, for whatever reason, this account goes 💨 You never really know these days 🤷🏼‍♀️ I send out a monthly newsletter and it’s a simple way to stay connected 😊 DM your email and I’ll be sure to add you!


In my blog post: Pause and Pray, I share a personal example of our day not going in the direction my husband and I intended it to go. But through that simple experience God taught me some valuable lessons, some of which include:

1. To be thankful and that there is still good in the midst of what we consider bad.

2. It’s about forgiveness first.

3. The Lord gives and He takes away because He knows what we need even if it doesn’t make sense to us.

4. We can trust God to work out the details of our life.

To read the full story and get the big picture lesson go to the lynk in my biio and click on the ‘Rest and Remain Quick Links’ and then ‘Read the Blog’ 😊


My boys enjoy superhero’s and something I’ve told them is that our greatest superhero is Jesus.

Well the other night while laying in bed I realized that Jesus is the only superhero who ever shared His power: the Holy Spirit.

So if you really think about it, as followers of Christ, we are all superhero’s sent into a lost world to continue sharing this awesome gift with anyone and everyone.

Let’s supercharge this world through His fearless Spirit that produces in us power to reach into the lives of others, by a love that touches the darkest parts of souls and a clear mind that is set on the truth of the gospel — the only message worth sharing ♥️

Can I get an AMEN?! 🙏🏻


Lord, I pray for the one who is having trouble surrendering all to You. I ask that they would experience You in a tangible way right now and that they would see at Your feet is the safest place to be. From You pours all comfort and peace and when we draw close to You, Your word promises us that You draw close to us too. Amen 🙏🏻


Sometimes I’m afraid to let go of my kids.
Sometimes I’m afraid to let go of my husband.
Sometimes I’m afraid to let go of the plan.
Sometimes I’m afraid to let go of the details.
Sometimes I’m afraid to let go of the schedule.
Sometimes I’m afraid to let go of the day.

Because I’m afraid if I do let go, if I don’t try my hardest to hold the reins of life and keep things under control, then it will all fall apart.

But what I so easily forget is that when I let go of whatever I’m clinging so tightly to and TRUST it to Jesus — then everything ends up falling into the hands of the One who is ultimately taking care of it anyways.

And letting myself and all the people I love or things I care about rest in the loving arms of Jesus and hold onto Him instead — I’m reminded that He’s worth everything I’m afraid to let go of and so much more ♥️

If this encouraged you please let me know in the comments or share it with your friends 😊


This is a real struggle.
To fight our flesh and not feed our fears.
To walk in the Spirit and set our eyes on what is good, true and honourable.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the chaos of this world that our fears become magnified and God suddenly becomes small.

But our God is anything but small.

Our God is great.

He formed the earth and everything in it.
He exists outside of time.
He is the beginning and the end.
He is in control.
He is sitting on the throne.

And fear trembles in the presence of our great God.

If fear is something you’re struggling to navigate and you need someone in your corner to help you process what you’re going through and keep your eyes set on Jesus — let’s talk ❤️ My DM’s are always open or you can check out my website 😊


That is the promise you can walk into everyday with — no matter what is going on around you, God is holding you.

And He will never let go.

Do you need someone to come alongside you to help keep your eyes up instead of out? If this sounds like you, let’s talk 😊

I know what it’s like to feel like you’re trying to navigate life all on your own but it makes all the difference in the world having someone in your corner ♥️

Defined by God 04/06/2024

You have a beginning. It started with God.
You have a story. It too started with God.

Yet the flimsy wisdom of this world has done its best to break this truth, shatter this great love and move you so far from your beginning that you’ve forgotten who you are.

Let me remind you, that you are defined by God.

Defined by God We all have a beginning. We all have a story. Each of us started as a thought in God’s mind: predestined to exist for but a moment in time here on earth. Each of us started as a promise in God’s heart: created for a path with a purpose for a season. In perfect love He formed you in the depths of...

Rest in the Fight 16/04/2024

The enemy wants us focused on what is best for me.

The enemy wants to keep us distracted, lost, overwhelmed by the many curve balls life throws our way that ultimately leave us feeling completely depleted.

We’re attached to this fleshly body that wants physical things to bring us comfort, peace and hope. But our battle is not against flesh: it’s against spiritual forces beyond what our eyes can see or comprehend (Ephesians 6). There is a war waging on around us day and night, night and day — forever chipping away at the armour we painstakingly try to keep on because we’re on the front lines fighting a war with the wrong weapons.

Read the entire post to learn how to we fight this spiritual battle and how we continue to persevere.

If you aren't on the mailing list and would like encouraging content and free resources sent directly to your inbox on the first Monday of each month, send me your email and I will be sure to add you to the list! 😊

Rest in the Fight We can’t fight while being lackadaisical about our faith. If we are, we will lose before we even get started because we’re actually running


Holy Spirit have Your way in me because only You can chip away the stone cold parts of my heart and replace them with the flesh that beats only for the Living God 🙏🏻


I need this pray today and every day. I just want to be closer to Him ♥️

Who’s with me? 🙏🏻
If you’d like more encouraging content like this send me a DM and I’ll add you to receive my monthly Newsletter ☺️


This is my prayer:

Lord help me kneel before you in unapologetic adoration. For You deserve my praise. You deserve my thanks. You deserve my unwavering devotion and attention. You deserve it all because You alone are worthy.

Amen 🙏🏻

Want more content like this? Send me a DM with your email so you can start getting my monthly newsletter I send out on the first Monday of each month 😊

Father, Forgive Them 01/04/2024

Jesus came to unite a lost generation of people into one holy family. To show us that loving someone is more important than the offence they've committed against us.

And He did this by showing us how to forgive.

Father, Forgive Them Forgiveness is hard but necessary, because without it we give the enemy room to stomp out the light of love we are to display . . .


And this is one hope that we can hold onto with both hands:

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

[Hebrews 13:8]

When life feels dark.

When it seems as though the clouds won’t part.

When the evil around us feels bigger than the light within us.

Remember the Son.

He will break open the darkness.

He will come on the clouds in glory.

He will conquer the evil once and forever.

The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.

[Revelation 11:15]
Want more content sent directly to your inbox? Message and and I’ll add you to my mailing list or check out that liink in my biio 😊


Hey friends I need your help! I'm planning on starting a podcast, but I can't decide which cover image to go with. If you could comment below with your vote, it would be very appreciated! Thank you :)


Whether you’ve been praying for a day, a week, a month or years — whatever it is you continue to lift up to God, I encourage you today to not give up.

God is at work behind the scenes.

God is still working out the details.

God is listening to every single one of your prayers.

God is orchestrating a symphony that isn’t ready for its debut.

The completed work is coming.
The answer to your prayers will be made clear.
The music will be played.

But for now you need to continue to remain steadfast and trust that whatever God is doing, He will show up right on time.
Want more content like this sent directly to your inbox? Send me a message and I’ll add you to my mailing list 😊

Pause and Pray 05/03/2024

God has a purpose in everything; and what man might mean for evil, God can always use for good. Genesis 50:20

When things don't go your way.
When something happens outside of your perceived control.
When the day goes in an opposite direction than you intended.
When you can sense the frustrations rising and you're on the verge of becoming overwhelmed . . .

It’s a good indication that it’s time to step away from the noise to pause and pray.

Read the full blog here:

Pause and Pray Listen to Audio Version In the summer of 2022 we had gone to our camp for the night and when we got back home we discovered that Ken’s car had been broken into, rifled through and his extra set of keys, which he happened to leave in the car, were stolen. Fast forward to late fall of 2023 when Ken ...

Photos from Rest and Remain's post 27/02/2024

Has anxiety held you back from being who God has called you to be?

Has stress been a crutch that keeps you from loving God with your very best?

Are you so overwhelmed you don’t even know how to move forward in a way that shows God you do truly love Him?

Let me help you.

I’ll meet you right where you are and we can walk through the hard things together.

You weren’t made to navigate this on your own.

Send me a message or check out my website:

Lots of love - Krista xo

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