The Interfaith Lodge Juris

The Interfaith Lodge Juris

An initiative by Grandmaster Pradeep Bhanot to create a brotherhood of likeminded legal professionals worldwide.

Syria’s War and the Descent Into Horror 16/03/2021

Syria’s War and the Descent Into Horror The civil uprising against the longtime rule of the Assads deteriorated into protracted civil war. Here’s a look at the elements that have deepened Syria’s tragedy.

Venezuelan refugees and their receiving communities need funding, not sympathy 01/03/2021

Venezuelan refugees and their receiving communities need funding, not sympathy Dany Bahar and Meagan Dooley update their 2019 numbers on funding for Venezuelan refugees.

Institute for the Study of War 22/02/2021

Institute for the Study of War By Isabel IvanescuKey Takeaway: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is struggling to manage a deteriorating security situation in opposition-held Idlib Province as provocative attacks by more extreme al Qaeda

The Syrian Forever War Has Created Forever Refugees 22/12/2020

The Syrian Forever War Has Created Forever Refugees Without a formal peace agreement that commits to safety for returnees and creates a foundation for investment in Syria's demolished infrastructure, Syrians will not go home. They fear returning because of reports of returnees being arrested, imprisoned, and tortured.


Over 1 million Uyghurs and individuals from other Muslim groups have been detained and “re-educated” in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) due to government concerns about political stability and internal security.

A new interactive report from CSIS explores a range of existing policy options for the U.S. and its allies to combat widespread humanitarian abuses:

ICC complaint alleging Uighur genocide cites China Cables as evidence - ICIJ 08/12/2020

ICC complaint alleging Uighur genocide cites China Cables as evidence - ICIJ Leaked Chinese government documents published by ICIJ were part of evidence submitted to the International Criminal Court by two Uighur activist groups.

Yemen’s children: A crisis within a crisis 30/11/2020

Yemen’s children: A crisis within a crisis Omer Karasapan details the dangers facing children in the Yemeni conflict, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

Avoiding a Bloodbath in Ethiopia’s Mekelle 29/11/2020

Avoiding a Bloodbath in Ethiopia’s Mekelle Fighting between the Ethiopian army and Tigray forces has arrived near the region’s biggest city, home to half a million residents. Addis Ababa should pause hostilities, all sides should minimise harm to civilians and the AU should step up efforts to avert further bloodshed.

The Number Of Separated Migrant Kids Has Grown To 666 10/11/2020

The Number Of Separated Migrant Kids Has Grown To 666 The higher number includes a group for which the government didn’t originally provide information that could help locate the parents.

Neo-Malthusianism and Coercive Population Control in China and India: Overpopulation Concerns Often Result in Coercion 10/11/2020

Neo-Malthusianism and Coercive Population Control in China and India: Overpopulation Concerns Often Result in Coercion In the 1960s and 1970s, neo‐Malthusian panic about overpopulation overtook eugenics as the primary motivation behind coercive policies aimed at limiting childbearing. Neo‐Malthusian ideas spread…

Is a Crackdown Looming for the Thai Protests? 22/10/2020

Is a Crackdown Looming for the Thai Protests? Weeks of demonstrations in Thailand have now spread across the country. They continued over the weekend even as the authorities have arrested multipl…

Criminal group trafficking women dismantled | EUROJUST 15/08/2020

Criminal group trafficking women dismantled | EUROJUST In December 2019 a joint action day was carried out by judicial and law enforcement authorities in Romania, Spain and the Czech Republic, with Eurojust playi...

The Srebrenica Genocide and the Massive Failures of the UN and the Netherlands 31/07/2020

The Srebrenica Genocide and the Massive Failures of the UN and the Netherlands In July 1995, in East Bosnia, Bosnian Serbs massacred more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica. In the shadow of this act of evil, attention must also be paid to the gross incompetence, refusal to take responsibility, guilt, and abject failure of both the UN and the Netherlands. The Universal D...

The World’s Most Technologically Sophisticated Genocide Is Happening in Xinjiang 29/07/2020

The World’s Most Technologically Sophisticated Genocide Is Happening in Xinjiang The United States needs to formally acknowledge the scale of the atrocities.

Humanist activists call for a moratorium on forced evictions in India 26/07/2020

Humanist activists call for a moratorium on forced evictions in India India's policy of forced evictions hurts families in marginalised and low-income communities.

In a Historic Move, France Has Taken a Major Step Towards Fully Restituting 27 Looted African Objects to Senegal and Benin | artnet News 17/07/2020

In a Historic Move, France Has Taken a Major Step Towards Fully Restituting 27 Looted African Objects to Senegal and Benin | artnet News New legislation in France could see 26 looted objects returned to Benin and a sword restituted to Senegal.

In historic move, North Carolina city approves reparations for Black residents 17/07/2020

In historic move, North Carolina city approves reparations for Black residents The Asheville City Council said it will provide reparations for Black residents for historic wrongs, including slavery and discrimination.

Inside the Nepalese Human Trafficking Industry 16/07/2020

Inside the Nepalese Human Trafficking Industry Content Warning: Human Trafficking is the world’s second-largest criminal activity and it rakes in close to $32 billion dollars annually. And, in South Asia,...

The massacre of Bosnian Muslims is still denied by Serbs 11/07/2020

The massacre of Bosnian Muslims is still denied by Serbs A culture of denial is dangerous

Iran’s regime escalates violent persecution of Baha’is 02/07/2020

Iran’s regime escalates violent persecution of Baha’is At least 77 Baha'is face a new wave repression for their religious faith

China forces birth control on Uighurs to suppress population 29/06/2020

China forces birth control on Uighurs to suppress population The Chinese government is taking draconian measures to slash birth rates among Uighurs and other minorities as part of a sweeping campaign to curb its Muslim population, even as it encourages some...

Beyond the Pandemic, Boko Haram Looms Large in Nigeria 16/06/2020

Beyond the Pandemic, Boko Haram Looms Large in Nigeria As Nigeria suffers from the coronavirus crisis and shrinking oil revenue, security forces will be further strained in their fight against the jihadi group.

Libya: continuing atrocities must compel States to establish an International Investigative mechanism at the UN Human Rights Council 15/06/2020

Libya: continuing atrocities must compel States to establish an International Investigative mechanism at the UN Human Rights Council Member States convening today for the resumption of the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council should support the establishment of an international investigative mechanism to document and preserve evidence of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL)

A Global History of Genocide: Ben Kiernan 20/05/2020

A Global History of Genocide: Ben Kiernan In this illustrated lecture, Professor Ben Kiernan identifies powerful connections and patterns that, for nearly every case of genocide, gave early warning o...

“Genocides: A World History” featuring Norman Naimark 02/05/2020

“Genocides: A World History” featuring Norman Naimark Recorded on February 14, 2017 Norman Naimark, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and an expert on Eastern Europe and genocides throughout history, bring...

The Annihilation of International Law and the Right to Freedom of Speech: Julian Assange 26/04/2020

The Annihilation of International Law and the Right to Freedom of Speech: Julian Assange Julian Assange is an Australian hacker, famous for revealing US secrets relating to war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. A whole cache of classified information was published by Assange's org...

The human rights impact of COVID-19 18/04/2020

The human rights impact of COVID-19 The Oxford Human Rights Hub and team members have been contributing to the ongoing discussion surrounding the human rights impact of COVID-19 and supporting efforts to respond to the virus. 

Comparative Ethics of War: Islamic, Chinese and Hindu Perspectives part 5 13/04/2020

Comparative Ethics of War: Islamic, Chinese and Hindu Perspectives part 5 From the 2011 McCain Conference - Panelists include Chair -- Colonel James Cook, Chair, Department of Philosophy, US Air Force Academy John Kelsay, Bristol D...

Sexual Exploitation of Young Refugees in Greece 10/04/2020

Sexual Exploitation of Young Refugees in Greece In 2015, Greece found itself on the frontline of the biggest refugee crisis since World War II and caught unprepared to receive record numbers of people. The...

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (4/4) | DW Documentary 10/04/2020

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (4/4) | DW Documentary Twenty million Africans were enslaved by European colonial powers. It was only in the 18th century that opposition to the slave trade formed in Europe. The f...

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (3/4) | DW Documentary 10/04/2020

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (3/4) | DW Documentary In the 17th century, almost seven million slaves toiled in sugar production. The French, English, Dutch and Spanish empires all sought profits from "white go...

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (2/4) | DW Documentary 10/04/2020

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (2/4) | DW Documentary How did Africa become a hub for the trade in human beings? Part 2 of this four-part documentary series begins as the Middle Ages comes to an end and Portugue...

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (1/4) | DW Documentary 10/04/2020

Slavery routes – a short history of human trafficking (1/4) | DW Documentary The history of slavery did not begin in the cotton fields. It has been going on since the dawn of humanity. Part 1 of this four-part documentary series inves...

Our Elites Are Steering Us Towards Civil War 10/04/2020

Our Elites Are Steering Us Towards Civil War They are as clueless as the ancien régime.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Could Force Half A Billion People Into Poverty 10/04/2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic Could Force Half A Billion People Into Poverty Economic calamities spurred by the health crisis could erase decades of progress in raising standards of living.

UN Chief Condemns 'Horrifying Global Surge' In Domestic Violence 07/04/2020

UN Chief Condemns 'Horrifying Global Surge' In Domestic Violence COVID-19 lockdowns are putting people with abusive partners at greater risk for domestic violence, Secretary-General António Guterres said.

South Dakota’s genocide against Native Americans continues nonstop 07/04/2020

South Dakota’s genocide against Native Americans continues nonstop It will soon be a year since I wrote the first of a series of articles about the horrific genocide being perpetrated by the state of South Dakota against Native Americans. Incredibly, the genocide - the abduction and kidnapping of Indian children by state officials - continues unabated.
