Mom Emerging Strong

Mom Emerging Strong

WELCOME! I’m Emily! Double Certified Pre/Postpartum Exercise Specialist and mother of 3!


Mothers need support, not judgment!

Photos from Mom Emerging Strong's post 17/01/2023

5 tips to support your diastasis recti recovery!

1. Improve Posture (see my posture highlight on IG)

2. Practice Core Breathing (I'll reshare a demo in IG stories today)

3. Consistent Corrective Exercise (see last post for some of my favorites)

4. Be intentional with daily movements/tasks (ie. lifting your little one, position while feeding, etc)

5. Progressive Overload
(I have an IG highlight on this as well)

This is the 4th and final part of my diastasis recti series. If you missed parts 1-3, they covered:

1. What is diastasis recti?
2. How to check yourself for diastasis recti.
3. Diastasis recti workout.

I hope this series was helpful! Here for you if you need support. ❤


I can't remember the last time I properly introduced myself! So here goes.

I'm Emily, Pre & Postpartum Exercise Specialist and mother of 3. After navigating my own challenging postpartum healing journeys, it is my passion and privilege to support other mothers on theirs.

I am here to help you restore core function and strength, so you can FEEL your best and get back to the activities that you love (pain and symptom free)!

I also actively speak out against cultural pressures to "bounce back" and advocate for better all around support for mothers.

YOU deserve to be supported on your journey! 1 postpartum appointment at 6-8 weeks and a general "all clear" is not good enough!

Have questions? My inbox is always open.

Here for YOU. ❤


Doing plank exercises from an elevated surface is a great way to modify during pregnancy and postpartum, as it reduces the pressure placed on the already overworked/healing abdominal wall. The higher the surface, the more protective of the core.

Elevated Plank Core Challenge!

➡️ Elevated Plank ➡️ Step Ins ➡️ Shoulder Taps ➡️ Side Planks

Repeat 5-10 times, pausing for a few deep breaths between rounds.

Exhale, gently lift pelvic floor, and engage core to set. Exhale during each movement, maintaining core engagement throughout.

➡️ Follow Mom Emerging Strong for more pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!
➡️ More on I G

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Watch this reel by momemergingstrong on Instagram 25/02/2022

Postpartum Posture Workout!

Watch this reel by momemergingstrong on Instagram Jeppe Reil • Summer Energy


This workout only takes about 10-20 minutes and is amazingly effective! The deep core, glutes, and pelvic floor are particularly important areas of focus during pregnancy and postpartum. This one strengthens them all!

1. Weighted Kickback + Fire Hydrant
Modification: Kickback
2. Glute Bridge March
Modification: Lying March
3. Glute Bridge + Ball Squeeze
4. Squat + Knee to Elbow Twist
5. Victory Dance & High Fives!

8-20 reps of each exercise (on both sides when applicable), 2-3 rounds.

Inhale and expand to prepare. Exhale, gently lift pelvic floor, and engage core with each movement.

Don't forget to hit that save button!

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong for quick/effective workouts for busy moms! More on I G

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Want a strong and functional core? Posture is an important piece of the puzzle, especially if you're working on healing diastasis recti and/or pelvic floor dysfunction!

Here are 4 tips to improve your posture right now!

See my last post for more posture info, and stay tuned for some of my favorite POSTURE EXERCISES!

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong for quick/effective workouts for busy moms! More on I G

Photos from Mom Emerging Strong's post 19/02/2022

Want a strong and functional core? Posture is an important piece of the puzzle. Our posture shifts during pregnancy, adding yet another element of strain to the entire core system. This posture can linger long after pregnancy if we don't work to correct it.

I am not actively engaging my core in the photo on the right, but I am focusing on standing tall in good posture, which allows the deep core system to function properly and fire naturally.

Stay tuned for my favorite posture cues and exercises!

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong for quick/effective workouts for busy moms! More on I G @ MomEmergingStrong


3 exercises to help you avoid and relieve the back pain that often accompanies the daily demands of motherhood!

1. DEADLIFTS for strengthening. Deadlifts are an incredibly functional exercise to support .

2. CAT COWS for some gentle mobilization. These feel so good! Move slowly in a range that feels good to your body.

3. CHILD'S POSE for a little stretch and release! This is my favorite for getting a gentle stretch in the low back, while also releasing the pelvic floor and any other tension you may be holding!

❤ Share with some fellow mamas who could benefit from this.

❤ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong for more ! More on I G

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These exercises are amazing for your core, glutes, and pelvic floor!

1. Forearm Kickback + Fire Hydrant
(optional weight for extra challenge)
2. Glute Bridge March
3. Banded Squat

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong for more! on I G


Have you heard that planks are "not safe" for postpartum and those with ? Well, I'm here to tell you that YOU CAN SAFELY PROGRESS TO A FULL PLANK! It will take time, and there are some things you want to keep an eye out for, but with consistent and mindful core progressions, planks can be a part of your life again.

Progressing to harder exercises (when YOU are ready) is actually necessary to see continual progress on your journey. This is called PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD, which involves gradually increasing the demand on your muscles and tissues to create change, enhancing strength and healing.

SIDE NOTE: It took me about a year to progress to a full plank after my third pregnancy. Take your time and offer yourself patience. You WILL get there!

1. Wall Plank
2. Gradually move to lower surfaces (i.e. countertop, back of couch, chair, step stool)
3. Hover Plank
4. FULL PLANK! 🎉💃🏻🎉
✔ Add step in/back to each level before moving on to the next
✔ I also like to add shoulder (and include a belly tap here and there to check core engagement)

❓How do you know when YOU are ready to progress?

✅ Are you able to maintain core control throughout the movement, avoiding doming/coning and downward pressure?

✅ Are you free of leaking and pain during the exercise?

✅ Can you perform 20 repetitions of the exercise with relative ease? (20 step ins while maintaining core control in your current plank progression)

➡️ If you answer yes to all of the above, you are likely ready to progress to a more challenging variation.

↗️ Don't forget to hit that save button!

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong for pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community! (More on IG )

❓Have questions? My inbox is always open. 🥰
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Enough said...

Who's with me? 🙋‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
Graphic text: The only thing you need to lose after having a baby is all the outside noise glamorizing diet culture and "bouncing back."

Photos from Mom Emerging Strong's post 29/10/2021

Yesterday I participated in Shelane's Run to raise awareness and support for those suffering from postpartum depression.

If you've been here for a while, you know that I am a huge advocate for improving postpartum care. A single postpartum appointment at 6-8 weeks to get the "all clear" is not enough! Postpartum recovery takes time, and PPD can start anytime in the first year postpartum. Ongoing support is needed in order for mothers to thrive both physically and mentally.

We MUST do better!

If you are struggling with postpartum mental health issues, please seek support. Postpartum Support International is a great place to start.

Thank you for inviting me to join your virtual 5K team and support this important cause Like a Sister!

My inbox is always open!

Mom Emerging Strong


Today is the last day of Awareness Week.

Did you know that 25-45% of new mothers report that their births were traumatic?

Many people respond to traumatic birth experiences with comments like:

"At least your baby is healthy."

"It could have been worse."


"Everything is okay now, just focus on your sweet baby."

As well intentioned as these comments may be, they are invalidating and unhelpful for a mother who is recovering from a traumatic experience and grieving the birth that she envisioned.

TW: traumatic birth experience... My first birthing experience was very traumatic for me. After almost 30 hours of unmedicated labor in a birthing center (including 5 hours of pushing), I was transported to the hospital and my daughter was delivered via c-section. Something that I deeply hoped to avoid had happened. After being given far more anesthesia than needed, I was barely conscious for her birth, losing my ability to swallow or fully control my arms on the operating table. My mother had to help me nurse my daughter for the first time, as I could not lift my arm to hold her. She was so healthy and strong, and I was incredibly grateful for that, but that was not "all that mattered." I was hurting both physically and emotionally and needed support.

Before I had my daughter, I supported a friend through what I saw as the most beautiful and "easy" 4.5 hour labor and birth, while she was incredibly traumatized by the experience and also needed validation and support.

Please remember that trauma is in the eye of the beholder.

Please take the time to truly listen and support ALL of the mothers in your life.

A listening ear and validation of one's experiences, whatever they may look like to others, is so important!

Thank you for being here and listening to mine.

Please feel free to comment below or send me a DM if you would like to share yours.



⬆️ Improve strength and function
⬇️ Reduce symptoms and pain

You and your body are capable of amazing things, especially when offered a little extra love and support.

Whether you are 6 weeks, 6 years, or 30+ years postpartum, I've got you!

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong ( on Instagram) for specialized pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community.

✉ Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need support on your journey. My inbox is always open.


Here's a quick B***Y BUILDING WORKOUT that's great for when you're at the park with the kids or have a few minutes to spare at home. All you need is a bench or chair.

1. Double Pulse Squat
2. Single Leg Get Up
3. Bulgarian Split Squat
4. Single Leg Step Up

8-12 reps of each exercise (on both sides when applicable), 1-4 rounds.

This is the second of two park bench workouts that I recently recorded. Check out my feed for the first (CORE + upper body) and ➡️ like & follow Mom Emerging Strong ( on Instagram) for more quick pre/postpartum workouts!

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Doing plank work from an elevated surface is a great way to modify during pregnancy and postpartum, as it reduces the pressure placed on the already overworked/healing abdominal wall. The higher the surface, the more protective of the core.

That said, this is definitely more of an intermediate level core workout. You can scroll down on my feed to find varying levels of pre/postpartum core workouts and more!

1. Elevated Plank + Step In
2. Shoulder Taps
3. Bird Dog Variation
4. Elevated Push-Ups

8-20 reps of each exercise, 2-3 rounds. About 10 minutes total!

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong ( on Instagram) for pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!

Head to my Instagram for longer/individual demos of each exercise.

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⬇️ My Belly...⬇️ Also My Belly... What you see on Instagram is often not reality, or is only part of the picture. A moment in time, often posed, filtered, and "touched up." These photos were taken just seconds apart. On the left I am engaging my core and on the right I am relaxed.

No one goes through pregnancy and birth without experiencing changes to their body, no matter what their social media portrays. There are also many postpartum challenges (both physical and mental) that are not apparent on the surface. Please don't compare yourself to the pictures you see online. We all have our own journeys and time frames for healing/transformation, and each of us will have unique challenges and successes along the way. May we always choose kindness. Kindness towards each other, as well as ourselves!

Thank you for being here and helping me create a space where we can all be ourselves, supporting each other and EMERGING STRONG TOGETHER, no matter where we are on our individual journeys.

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong ( on Instagram) for quick pre/ workouts and supportive community.


NO THANK YOU to diet culture!

Let's focus on what we'd like to add more of, rather than what we think we need to take away.

Amazing things happen when we choose to support and nurture our bodies, rather than restrict and punish them.

Some things I'm working on adding more of:

Physical: More water, vegetables, and hikes in nature.

Mental/Emotional: More presence/connection, baths, meditation, and hikes in nature (had to include that one in both categories).
What's something you would you like to add more of?


LET'S BE REAL... us parents don't often have an uninterrupted hour (or even 20 minutes) to focus solely on exercise, and that is OKAY!

Movement doesn't always have to be complicated. Incorporating a few short bursts of intentional movement throughout the day can have a huge positive impact on mood, energy levels, and overall health.

Here are 3 more ways that you can incorporate movement throughout your day! (Scroll down if you missed the first 3)

Which one will you try first?

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong ( on Instagram) for quick pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!


YOU MATTER TOO! One postpartum appointment at 6-8 weeks is not enough. We MUST do better!

Who's with me? 🙋‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️
🤝🏼 Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong (IG ) for specialized pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!


Quick low impact HIIT! This workout is great for both pregnancy and postpartum.

1. Squat + Punch
2. Side Shuffle
(+ rainbow kick for extra challenge)
3. Butt Kick Jacks

1 minute each (or 45 seconds on 15 off), 4 rounds = 12 minutes.

4. Victory Dance!

Do you have a favorite song to workout or dance to? Please share below! I'll go first.

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong
➡️ Instagram for more quick pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!

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Offer yourself patience and grace along the way.

Consistently support your body in ways that are SUSTAINABLE for YOU!

Ask for support if you need it.

You WILL get there!

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need support in regaining optimal function and strength. My inbox is always open.

Mom Emerging Strong


Here's a quick for you!

1. Glute Kickback + Core March
2. Walking Lunges
3. Single Leg Deadlift
4. Shoulder Mobility
5. Victory Dance!

8-20 reps of each, 1-4 rounds.
Take your time and prioritize maintaining control of the stroller and your movements (preventing tipping, roll away, etc). Please see disclaimer below (in comments).


LET'S BE REAL... us parents don't often have an uninterrupted hour (or even 20 minutes) to focus solely on exercise, and that is OKAY!

Movement doesn't always have to be complicated. Incorporating a few short bursts of intentional movement throughout the day can have a huge positive impact on mood, energy levels, and overall health.

Choose one of these to incorporate several times throughout the day, or do each of them 1-3 times.

Which one will you try first?

➡️ Like & Follow Mom Emerging Strong ( on Instagram) for quick pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!


True story.

Mom Emerging Strong


Here's a quick LOW IMPACT CARDIO workout that I spontaneously recorded a few days ago.

This is what my workouts usually look like...
Kiddos running around...
Toys shoved off to the sides...
Dishes and laundry to be done...
Sometimes it all has to wait.
WORKOUT: (1 minute each, 2-5 rounds, short breaks when needed)
1. Dance Warm-Up
2. Step & Reach Washing Machine
3. Core March + Arm Circles
4. Curtsy Lunges
5. Kneel to Stand
6. Victory Dance!
Remember to celebrate your wins, both big and small!

You're doing AMAZING, and you don't have to do it all.
➡️ Like Mom Emerging Strong and
➡️ Follow on Instagram for quick pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!


Our minds and bodies are deeply intertwined, and affirmations can have a powerful impact on both!

Do you have any favorite affirmations? Please share below.
➡️ Follow for specialized pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!


Have you heard that planks are "not safe" for postpartum and those with diastasis recti? Well, I'm here to tell you that YOU CAN SAFELY PROGRESS TO A FULL PLANK! It will take time, and there are some things you want to keep an eye out for along the way, but with consistent and mindful core progressions, planks can be a part of your life again.

Progressing to harder exercises (when YOU are ready) is actually necessary to see continual progress on your journey. This is called PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD, which involves gradually increasing the demand on your muscles and tissues to create change, enhancing strength and healing.

SIDE NOTE: It took me about a year to progress to a full plank after my third pregnancy. Take your time and offer yourself patience. You WILL get there!

1. Wall Plank
2. Gradually move to lower surfaces (i.e. countertop, back of couch, chair, step stool, floor)
3. Hover Plank
4. FULL PLANK! 🎉💃🏻🎉

✔ Add step in/back to each level before lowering to the next
✔ I also like to add shoulder taps at each level (and include a belly tap here and there to check core engagement)

❓How do you know when YOU are ready to progress?

✅ Are you able to maintain core control throughout the movement, avoiding doming/coning and downward pressure?

✅ Are you free of any leaking during the exercise?

✅ Can you perform 20 repetitions of the exercise with relative ease? (In this case, that would be 20 step ins while maintaining core control in your current plank progression)

➡️ Every body and journey is unique, but if you answer yes to all of the above, you are likely ready to progress to a more challenging variation.

➡️ Like Mom Emerging Strong and
➡️ Follow on Instagram for specialized pre/postpartum workouts and supportive community!

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Videos (show all)

When you switch your fitness intentions from a place of restricting and punishing your a place of nurturing an...
This workout is quick and low impact without compromising on intensity and effectiveness!1. Curtsy Lunge + Side Kick2. S...
3 keys to postpartum fitness:1. START SLOW... Our bodies go through a lot during pregnancy and childbirth! Starting with...
Think you may have diastasis recti? Here's how to check yourself!Check width and depth (all the way up and down your mid...
Are you months/years postpartum,  but can't seem to get rid of that "mommy tummy"? You may have diastasis recti.What it ...
Postpartum recovery takes time! Let's focus on moving forward, rather than "bouncing back."You and your body have been t...
Do you have a persistent lower belly pooch? Upper ab gripping may be a contributing factor. When we clench our upper abd...
LET'S BE REAL... us moms don't often have an uninterrupted hour (or even 20 minutes) to focus solely on exercise, and th...
Getting a workout in can be quite a challenge during those early months! Here's a great workout that you can do while yo...
Pregnancy is the perfect time to start preparing your body for the demands of motherhood! Here's a full body compound ex...
If you want a stronger core post baby, PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD is key! 🗝 Progressive overload is when you gradually increas...
Your DEEP CORE and PELVIC FLOOR are very important areas of focus during pregnancy, postpartum, and really always! Here ...
