Piper O' Malley

Piper O' Malley

Author,wife,rancher, mother and grandmother!


Paperback author's copies!


I got this message from a friend who purchased my books. It made my day!.

"Morning sweet pea!!! Hope you're doing good!!! I have to say that your books are amazing!!! I had trouble starting the first but that was me just being able to pick up a book again not because of the writing. You know how stages like that go. Anyway I haven't been able to put them down. I'm about half way thru the second already!!! I am so proud of you and what you have done with these books!!! I have lent the first to a co worker even!! I tell everyone about them!! You have done amazing with these and I am so proud to call you friend!!! Love you!! "

This made my day!


I have editing book 2, since there was an unacceptable amount of ridiculous errors. I got bored and decided to make a map of Blue River


Book 3 is under way!!

Changes are coming for the happy couple, but the big questions is, will the survive these major changes?

What lies in store for Aiden and Beau?
Will her biological mom make contact?
Will there be a ground shaking event that will leave the people of Blue River trying to rebuild?

Or will someone die?

Be sure to check out Book 1 & 2 on Kindle Unlimited as a free read.
Paper Back and Hard Back copies are available on Amazon.


As an Author this makes me super happy and fills my heart woth joy!


And so it begins.... book 3 is 3 chapters in already!

Blue River 07/06/2023

It's finally here!!

Blue River Visit Amazon's Blue River Page and shop for all Blue River books. Check out pictures, author information, and reviews of Blue River

Photos from Piper O' Malley 's post 06/06/2023

Internet is Back!


I am sorry.
I have no control. Release has been postponed.


I am sorry to say, but Century link killed my internet and I cannot launch a book 2 today. I will get it up a.s.a.p


Wooohoooo super excited to announce that June 1st is the official release date for Fire's Light!


Wicked sexy in hardback


I am getting ready to start the final read through of Book 2 in the Blue Rover Series- Fire-s Light.


Welp I said I wouldn't do it, but here I am toying with the idea of giving away a signed copy of the first book to someone who buys the second book. I would need screen shots of the purchase for an entry..
What do you all think?


It's so pretty!


Today I finished my 3rd edit amd started formating the ebook!
Chapter 1


Putting together a soundtrack place list for the book series and it will be available on Spotify.


in love with the cover for book #2


It is coming to an end! Murder, love, a new baby and secrets told!
Hold on tight as Changes - book 2 in the Blue River Series comes to an end and heads to editing!


So happy!


110,018 words and Chapter 30!!
10 more chapters and 40,000 more words.


I will have this book done and publishes before the end of March!


Book 2 is coming along nicely!


Half way done with book 2!


A New Year means new worlds to explore...




If I hit 1000 followers I can start earning money on Facebook and help to promote my books!
Freaking awesome!


Printing off so I can do some hands on editing!


I have been quiet for a few months.
Holidays, writers block and the flu, but I am back at it!
Shooting for March release of book 2!


When it's too cold to be outside..cuddle with the best friend

Photos from Piper O' Malley 's post 13/12/2022

When you are procrastinate writing




Welp... I twisted Book 2 all up!!
Hold in tight its gonna get really good!!


So I am in a dilemma...
A) Book 2 - Abby and Tyler
B) Book 2 - continues with more Beau and Aiden?

Put you answer in the comments.


We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful episodes of our lives. By remaining stuck in the power of our wounds, we block our own transformation.

We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds – the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them. Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise.

~ Caroline Myss

[Art: Jason Mowry: http://www.jasonmowryart.com/]



"...And after a long time the boy came back again.
"I am sorry, Boy," said the tree, "but I have nothing left to give you-
My apples are gone."
"My teeth are too weak for apples," said the boy.
"My branches are gone," said the tree.
"You cannot swing on them-"
"I am too old to swing on branches," said the boy.
"My trunk is gone," said the tree.
"You cannot climb-"
"I am too tired to climb," said the boy.
"I am sorry," sighed the tree.
"I wish that I could give you something... but I have nothing left. I am an old stump. I am sorry..."
"I don't need very much now," said the boy, "just a quiet pleace to sit and rest. I am very tired."
"Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could,
"well, an old stump is a good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."
And the boy did.
And the tree was happy."
Shel Silverstein - The Giving Tree, 1964.



Starting Over: Book 1 of the Blue River Series 02/10/2022

My first book is set to launch on Kindle October 12th,2022
Check this out: Starting Over: Book 1 of the Blue River Series by Piper O'Ma...

Starting Over: Book 1 of the Blue River Series When Beau Braxton made the decision to move to Blue River, she had no idea that her arrival would trigger a series of events that would change the course of so many lives. Beau’s abusive husband had died eleven weeks earlier while yelling at her in the kitchen. She sold everything and move...

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Today I finished my 3rd edit amd started formating the ebook! Chapter 1Ebook
Printing off so I can do some hands on editing!
