Class of 2025 GPAC

Class of 2025  GPAC

This is the parent page for Henry County High School class of 2025.


This is American education week! Our class has been asked to cover Thursday. Everyone loves Mexican so how about a “Nacho bar!” We need about $230 to cover food, and disposables for 95 teachers. We also need 2 people who can make sure it is stocked. 1 person from 11:15-12:30 and another 12:30- 1:45. These are the lunch shifts. My plans are that everything will be self serve but it is refrigerated, so we can’t put it all out at once. You can donate through Venmo or PayPal and if you can help by being at the high school please let me know so I can coordinate you. Thank you so much in advance for showing appreciation to your teachers.


Welcome back! We can't wait to see our students and families!


It’s getting to be teacher appreciation time of year again. Last year at Grove we did a popcorn bar and it was a hit so that is what our class will sponsor Friday, May 5.
Mini soft drinks (coke, Diet Coke, Dr Pepper, sprite, and waters) 100 total
Pretzels, m&m’s, reeces pieces Also,
Money to get popcorn and a few more decorations.

I got paper products, m&ms and skittles at Sams. This is pretty well self serve so we won’t need people to stay with it. Thanks for continuing to be supportive of the faculty at HCHS.


Dr Webb has asked us to sponsor Thursday of this week for American Education week. It is the day for Thanksgiving lunch in the cafeteria so we don’t need a meal, but I am putting together a dessert table that can be self serve. It is going to run about 75.00 total for 95 teachers. I can take care of set up if you guys will help cover the cost so we don’t dip into class funds. Thanks in advance for your help.


Teacher Appreciation week is May 2-6. How can you help?
We need money and a couple volunteers who could help between 11-2 Monday and Thursday. I will add my Venmo in the comments but money can also be turned into the office. Thank you in advance!!


sales are more LIVE!

online using this link:


Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up! We would like to collect snacks again for the teachers for these 2 days. If you can donate, please get them to me or the school by next Friday the 18th. Thank you!

Photos from Class of 2025  GPAC's post 16/11/2021

Thank you all for helping us celebrate American Educators Week! We were able to give some wonderful gifts to Grove’s teachers & staff to let them know how much we appreciate them! It couldn’t have happened without you giving up some of your time & money, so thank you!


Calling all parent volunteers-we need you again 😉! American Education Week is next week, November 15-19, & we have 42 teachers & staff we want to show appreciation to. I am listing in the comments the special treats we are giving them each day, & if you see something you can donate, please reply. If you would like to donate $$, please send it to Sarah Simmons via PayPal (SBSimmons517). I need the donation or $$ by this Wednesday, please.

Also, if you would be available Thursday or Friday to begin putting the gifts together, please let me know. My number is 901-212-9477, if you'd like to text me.


Hey friends! We have 8 boxes of candy we need to get rid of. If you would like some, or know of a business that might would set one out, please message me. You do not have to get a whole box. Just let me know what you’d like, & I’ll get it to you. Thanks for your help!


We had an amazing fundraiser! Congratulations to our winners!

I do not have the final box or money count because we still have some that have not been turned it. Please encourage your students to do so as soon as possible.

Also, there are some boxes still available from what students have returned. If you can help us sell them, we would greatly appreciate it. We have already taken some to local businesses.


We are down to 10 boxes 🤗! Do you know a business that might want to put out a box, or would you like one to sell this weekend at a game? Come & grab one by Friday! Let’s work hard to sell them all!


This is our last week of candy sales. Please try to have your boxes & cash turned in by this Friday, October 1st!


Here is our leaderboard after our 2nd week! We have 1 week & 45 boxes left, so keep selling!


Thanks to everyone who donated money, shopped for snacks, & filled these bags for our Grove teachers to have a small treat today & Thursday during Parent/Teacher Conference!


We handed out 57 more boxes of candy today! That is the most boxes in a day so far. We are on track to have an amazing fundraiser 🤗. You kiddos are doing a great job!!


We have had a fantastic first week with our candy bar fundraiser! Thank you to all that have participated.

Here is the leader board for the first week of sales. There are cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place, so keep selling! Remember, the proceeds from this event go towards your graduation and prom in 2025!!


Thanks to all those offering to help for PTC! We are going to make up snack bags for the teachers. Sharon Sabin will be making a trip this weekend to get some salty & sweet snacks to put in the bags with a bottle of water. We have the bags & water, so if you’d be willing to donate money for the snacks, that would be great! You can see me, Sharon, or Wendy Wratten. We will be packing the bags next week in the morning after candy sales, if you want to stay & help.


Next week is Parent/Teacher Conference on Tuesday & Thursday. We are wanting to have snacks & drinks provided for the teachers during this time. Please comment if you’d like to help in some way!


Our second day of candy sales went great! We have already given out over 100 boxes. Keep encouraging your kiddos to sell!


If you are interested in helping with the World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser, please contact Sarah Beth Simmons or Sharon Sabin. We needs parents to help for 1 hour on the mornings of September 13-October 1 from 7:45-8:45. The kids will be bringing in money from their sales & taking out more candy to sell. We are needing to schedule 4 parents each day. Thank you for volunteering!


World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
E.W. Grove School's Grove Parent Action Committee (GPAC) is sponsoring a World's Finest Chocolate sale. This is the only fundraiser GPAC will do this year. The money raised will support events for the Class of 2025 this school year, and any leftover funds will follow the Class of 2025 to HCHS. To have the most successful fundraiser possible, we are challenging EACH Grove student to sell at least one box of chocolate. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 student sellers! Students will bring home permission slips to sell chocolate on Monday, August 30th!!!