Isle of Palms Short-Term Rental Owners

Isle of Palms Short-Term Rental Owners

A place for IOP Short-Term Rental owners to communicate and share Information.

IOP Thrives - Community Engagement Survey 26/10/2023

It would be beneficial for all STR Owners to fill out this survey.

IOP Thrives - Community Engagement Survey Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

Folly Beach CAP Comparison 20/10/2023

Commentary from a Folly Realtor on the impact of the STR Cap on Folly real estate.

Folly Beach CAP Comparison

Isle of Palms United : Property rights are at risk 06/10/2023

Here is a helpful web site that is promoting a ‘NO’ vote on the Cap Referendum.

Isle of Palms United : Property rights are at risk Isle of Palms United is committed to promoting a healthy environment for the Isle of Palms community to learn about and understand the synergies between full-time residents, short and long term rentals and commerce. We aim to create an environment where everyone can work for the betterment of the en


Saw this poll on Nextdoor that may interest you.

Check out this poll on Nextdoor:

Short Term Rental Ordinance Explained 07/09/2023

These video segments are actually pretty helpful once you get past the unvarnished format. Listen to them at 2x speed if you are pressed for time. If you subscribe to the channel, you will be notified when new content is posted.

Short Term Rental Ordinance Explained

Economic Impact of Short Term Rental Restrictions - Discover Isle of Palms 04/09/2023

Economic Impact of Short Term Rental Restrictions - Discover Isle of Palms In July, the Isle of Palms City Council rejected the First reading of ordinance 2023-12 with a vote of 5-4. This ordinance proposed a cap of 1,600 licenses for all […]

Court rules Austin short-term rental ordinance unconstitutional 03/08/2023

Important Federal Court ruling on treating out of town STR owners different from local owners.

Court rules Austin short-term rental ordinance unconstitutional A federal judge ruled Tuesday in a lawsuit against the City of Austin for its short-term rental (STR) ordinance, which a Houston couple said unfairly prevented them from listing their Austin proper…


Special City Council Meeting 7/11/2023 to Discuss Potential Referendum on Capping Short Term Rentals

At the Rec Center 3:00pm. Rumored to be moving to 5:00pm

See the link for public comment procedures etc. will be a packed house. Get there early.

Get it? . . . that’s a cap —-vvv


Tonight, IOP passed a resolution to oppose H3253. The mayor will read it into the record of the committee discussing it 4/26 at 9:00am.

9:00 am -- Blatt Room 427 ** HYBRID -- 3-M Municipal and Public Affairs on H3253.


Here is the current status of House Bill H3253 seeking to prevent SC municipalities limiting Short-term Rentals.


Preserve IOP Now has launched their petition for a referendum to cap investment STRs at 1600. No limit on STRs for ‘Legal Residences’ (4% taxpayers). Are ISTRs (6% taxpayers) illegal residences?

Folly Beach just dug it's own grave 21/03/2023

Folly Beach just dug it's own grave A special vote just happened on Folly Beach where residents voted on whether a cap to short-term rentals (AirBnB/VRBO) should be implemented. After a narrow...

Palm Republic Report: Short Term Rentals 21/03/2023

Palm Republic Report: Short Term Rentals Palm Republic Report: Short Term Rentals

The Palm Republic 19/03/2023

Palm Republic Radio

The Palm Republic

Another View Of The Math On Short-term Rental Licenses 12/03/2023

Another View Of The Math On Short-term Rental Licenses At our Feb. 28 meeting, the city administration presented that IOP has 1,772 short-term rental licenses, representing a 39% pe*******on of IOP’s 4,570 dwelling units. It’s also a 26% increase in licenses in about 18 months.

It’s Time To Take Back Our Island 12/03/2023

It’s Time To Take Back Our Island On Feb. 28, the Isle of Palms Council voted 5-4 against any short-term rental caps. Isle of Palms now occupies a unique position as the only community in this area without STR caps.

Commentary: Short-term rentals benefit both visitors and South Carolinians 10/03/2023

Commentary: Short-term rentals benefit both visitors and South Carolinians Here in South Carolina, we’re known for our hospitality. The warm welcome everyone receives is one of the many reasons travelers from across the globe are drawn to our state,


Last night, IOP City Council voted 5-4 for no caps. Focus on enforcement and monitor/measure semi-annually.

There is reason to believe someone will push for a referendum like Folly did.

Just because a group passes a referendum does not mean what they are proposing is legal or that the City Council has to implement it.

Is A Referendum On Short-term Rentals Coming To Isle Of Palms? 24/02/2023

Is A Referendum On Short-term Rentals Coming To Isle Of Palms? Folly Beach voters, apparently frustrated by the inaction of their elected officials, recently passed a referendum that will put into effect an ordinance limiting the proliferation of short-term rentals.

Bill would make local bans on short-term rentals illegal in SC 17/02/2023

Bill would make local bans on short-term rentals illegal in SC A growing number of cities and counties around South Carolina are trying to set regulations around or even outright ban short-term rentals, and some have already passed local ordinances and laws to do that.

SC bill could keep cities, counties from restricting short-term rentals 17/02/2023

SC bill could keep cities, counties from restricting short-term rentals As more local governments impose restrictions on short-term rentals advertised on sites like Airbnb and VRBO, some lawmakers are looking to stop the practice.

Isle Of Palms Short-term Rentals | Preserve Iop Now 14/02/2023

Looks like a new group has surfaced. They do not list their names.

Isle Of Palms Short-term Rentals | Preserve Iop Now 'Preserve IOP Now' is dedicated to preserving the residential nature of the island through the limitation of short term rental business licenses. We are determined to maintain the equilibrium on the island so that the quality of life for residents does not diminish.


Special City Council STR Workshop Monday Night 2/6

Special City Council STR Workshop Agendas and MinutesMeeting LivestreamPublic Comment:All citizens who wish to speak during the meeting must email their first and last name, address and topic to City Clerk, Nicole DeNeane at [email protected] no later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. All verbal comments will have a time limi...


Folly Beach solving a problem they don’t have. Don’t let this happen to IOP.

This is a copy of a post by Steve Goodwin on a Folly Beach FB group.

Jan 2nd, 2023


How much of a nuisance are STRs really?

Here are the official breakdowns of all STR incidents from the City of Folly Beach.

Just 40 noise and trash incidents in 2022 through July and 57 total in all of 2021. (That is about 1 a week and of those 1/3rd were caused by just 8 homes). Overall less than 5% of homes had issues in 2021.

The City started including turtles in May 2022 and have been heavily citing people (many incorrectly) for that issue this year so 2022 numbers are inflated by this tactic.

Based on these numbers Noise and Trash hardly seem to rate as a major crisis - what will the new STR department do all day? (remember Kiawah budgeted $280k for STR Ordinance in 2023 and they have a comprehensive STR Ordinance).

Interesting too that the City was able to shut down the few noisy homes in 2021 so they don't appear in the list for 2022.


Wild Dunes Resort sues the City of Isle of Palms for overreach in property rights dispute.

House bill would protect short-term rentals in SC 15/12/2022

South Carolina Policy Council

House bill would protect short-term rentals in SC By RICK BRUNDRETT S.C. municipalities and counties that ban short-term rentals would face the loss of state aid and property taxes under a House bill filed for the second time since last year. Contacted this week by The Nerve, Rep. Lee Hewitt, R-Georgetown, who is the bill’s main sponsor, said


Please consider signing this petition.


Please sign this petition opposing the moratorium on STR licenses.

Folly United, Inc. 21/11/2022

IOP seems to be following Folly’s lead and not leading themselves.

Folly United, Inc. Save Folly's Future | We are Folly United


At Tuesday’s IOP City Council Meeting, they directed staff to draw up an ordinance to put a 6-month moratorium on STR licenses. They added it the their agenda the day prior catching everyone off guard. First reading would be 12/6.

Purportedly, it is in response to all of the people clamoring for licenses in the wake of the uncertainty caused by the STR cap discussion dragging out. After the island participated in Council’s own well facilitated workshops, they are refuting the results of their own process. Clearly they were hoping the result would match their desired narrative. Now that it doesn’t, they are backpedaling and seemingly favoring a cooked survey by BIPA.

They also seem to be letting speculation over Folly Beach’s drama lead them. It fits their narrative.

Folly Beach is a different market. Different circumstances. And different citizenry. Anyone can set up a petition for anything. It does not make the goal of the petition legal or enforceable.

For example, a petition for a referendum on legalizing murder would still be illegal.

Please encourage council to lead and not follow.

This potential 6-month moratorium could be renewed every 6 months in a blink.

The real estate market will be reeling. Who needs caps when you have a moratorium indefinitely?

Airbnbs won’t be banned in Columbia, but city still making plans to limit them. Here’s how 08/10/2022

South Carolina Policy Council

Airbnbs won’t be banned in Columbia, but city still making plans to limit them. Here’s how Here is a first look at the city’s latest proposal to regulate Airbnbs and other short-term rentals in Columbia.

Save Folly's Future – Non-profit to preserve the future of Folly Beach 25/09/2022

There is a group fighting STRs in Folly Beach.

Here is a summary of the Coucil’s action which turned out to be MUCH less than what the petitioners sought.

Save Folly's Future – Non-profit to preserve the future of Folly Beach Send Your STR Comment to City Hall Fast & Easy With one email send your comments about STRs to any or all members of the Folly Beach City Council We are a conduit, your message is not read, recorded or saved. Read/Download Ordinance 27-22 View Petition Here Want to sign petition. We can come to you....

Bridging the divide: A balanced approach to short-term rental regulation 14/09/2022

South Carolina Policy Council

Bridging the divide: A balanced approach to short-term rental regulation The annual college football game between South Carolina and Georgia kicks off in Columbia this weekend, and local short-term renters couldn’t be happier. A recent search of Airbnb listings in Columbia indicated that far more homes were booked ahead for gameday weekend than the weekend prior (when


IOP Short Term Rental Cap Listening Sessions.

Space is limited. Please sign up to participate. And submit your written comments in advance if possible.

Short-Term Rental Regulations Listening Sessions The City of Isle of Palms will host several listening sessions to gather feedback from the community about the proposed regulations on short-term rentals on the island. The proposed recommendations from the Planning Commission are available here. The listening sessions will be held at the Recreation...

New proposal could regulate number of short-term rentals on Isle of Palms 02/05/2022

New proposal could regulate number of short-term rentals on Isle of Palms Leaders on Isle of Palms are considering a change in the town's short-term rental policy. A new proposal would put a cap on the number of available rental homes. Former City Councilman Ryan Buckhanon has lived on Isle of Palms for decades, and he says the tourism increase has been a big help for bus...
