

💡Soul food for the creative entrepreneur
📈 I help Solopreneurs build world-class brands online.


“And into the forest I go,
to lose my mind and find my soul.”

I’ve had it on my heart for a while to disappear from all of my social media channels for (at least) 30 days.

Where am I going?

To enjoy the summer, to practice a little self-care, and to release anything that isn’t serving me in this new chapter of life. 🙃 Think of it like a summer vacation for grown-ups, but sub out booze and parties for early bedtimes, nailing a consistent morning & evening routine, jumping in the ocean any time the mood strikes, travelling to wherever the road takes us, paddle-boarding in as many bodies of water as I can find, and finalizing the details needed to (finally!) begin the search for a new homestead of our very own. 🙌🏽 It’s been a long time coming! The reality is, I was an entirely different woman 2 years ago, with a whole other life, and a whole other family, in a whole other town - And I’m not sure I’ve ever really had the opportunity to pause, process all of the change I’ve moved through, and really sit with the question of,

“Who am I now?”

So instead of keeping the same old routine through these final days of summer,

I’m going to go find her. 🙂

If you’re set up for my newsletter, you’ll still receive updates from me there, which aside from emailing me ([email protected]) will be the only way to connect. And private clients still have access to me via Voxer, of course!

I’d love to leave you with a final thought that rings true here, and perhaps it will ring true in your life in some way, too:

Rest is not a waste of time.
Rest is not lazy.
Rest is a highly productive act.

Have the best summer ever, my friend.

I know I will! 🥳🙌🏽🌊🐾🚗⛺️🌲




Gentle reminder:

You're not unmotivated, you're dysregulated. ☝️

It's your nervous system that requires attention, not your attitude or desire to do the thing.

Go put your bare feet on the ground, and find your footing.

Not sure who this message was for today, but I knew it had to be said.

Was it you?




Did you know?
The average North American consumes 22 pounds of vegetables, and 150 pounds of sugar per-year. 🤯


Did you know?

One 4-ounce serving of sauerkraut contains more probiotic cultures than an entire 100-count bottle of your average probiotic pills!


Limiting beliefs suck 👎 They suck the energy right out of what's possible.

Beliefs in general limit our ability to KNOW. Because when we KNOW something from direct experience we don't need to believe it, we KNOW it.

If you don't like certain aspects of your current life experience, have you taken the time to self-reflect and uncover your beliefs?

Only then are you able to uncover SELF-LIMITING beliefs.

Spending time with yourself, your thoughts, your feelings, being mindful and observant of your automatic thoughts provoked by stimulus can be enlightening. This kind of work falls under Dr Quiet in the 4 doctor model I use as a CHEK Practitioner.

Introspection. Inspecting your inner-self.

Health, happiness, well-being and fitness requires honest self-responsibility.

The ability to respond.
To your thoughts and beliefs.

❤️‍🔥 YOU HAVE POWER ❤️‍🔥

You may just need awareness of this power, and time practicing the SKILL of inner-reflection. The skill of mindfulness. The skill of detaching from your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. To observe and ask,

"is that really true? Or is it
and I'm reacting, not responding?"

Or "is this really serving me? Is this dream affirmative?"

Step one in any healing or health optimization program is getting clear on your DREAM, goal or objective.

Then we have use for a compass to monitor our thoughts and beliefs as we will know if they leading us toward our dream/goal/objective or not.

Knowing where we are going, recognizing dream affirmative thoughts and beliefs, and taking dream affirmative action = lasting success 🙌

Your thoughts? 👇🙌

I help women feel better so they can enjoy life without being restricted by pain, fatigue or symptoms of dis-ease

One on one support via holistic personal training 💪 and health coaching ☯️

DM to apply



Did you know?

Nailing your sleep routine can help reduce your risk of heart attack.


One of my favourite resources to share with my Holistic Nutrition clients, specifically when talking about skincare and cosmetics, is the EWG Skin Deep Database. Ever heard of it? 😮

To give it a try, simply go to www.ewg.org/skindeep and type in the name of each of your skincare products to receive a wealth of information on the ingredients found inside, including an average safety rating. And lemme tell ya - Considering that your skin is porous, what you discover about these products that you apply to your body each day, just might surprise you!

Tell us: Have you used this resource before, and if so, what did you learn about your skincare products? Were you surprised by the search results?




SOS, send help. 🛟


Friends, I need your help with something: 👇

What are your favourite accounts to follow online, and what kind of content do they share? (Can be podcasts, FB pages, IG feeds, YouTube channels, anything!)


Entrepreneurs: Describe your niche with ONE word.
(Can you do it?)


Entrepreneurs: What has changed your business most (for the better) over the last 12 months?


If you had an extra hour of 100% FREE time per-day,
what would you do with it?


Here’s the thing: When we go to the cottage, we eat the cottage brunches. Always. 🤙🏽

Eggs with hollandaise
Bacon, sausage
Fresh fruit
Pancakes with all the gluten
Not pictured, but was also part of the spread: Homemade baked beans

And a special happy 65th shout out to my Uncle Perry. This was his birthday brunch, after a night of celebrating with family, friends, and fresh-off-the-wharf lobsters. 🦞


Fill in the blank: If I weren’t afraid, I would ______________.


Haven't you herd?

You don't want a cow having beef with you.

The steaks are far too high.

Oh, come on. Don't have a cow.

Don't act like you're not amoooosed. :)




Here’s what I’ve been chewing on today:

“A belief is just an idea you subscribe to.”


The answers I get to this Q always fascinate me:

If you had to teach a 30-minute class with zero time to prep, what subject would you ace?


Lemme tell you this crazy story. ✨


“You are the thinker of your thoughts, but not the thoughts themselves.”


SUPER excited to share that Wellandfree.kids is part of the 2023 Parenting Bundle, which went live TODAY! Have y’all seen this yet? It’s freakin’ GOOD.

Link in the comments.
It’s science. 😅


CURIOUS: What was your first entrepreneurial venture?

(Mine: I used to be a wedding photographer - Circa 2006-2008. I even took Applied Arts at NSCC!)

Pretty wild how the work I do today has so much to do with visual arts, and how the work I did back then serves me today, even though my job looks nothing like it did back then!

Funny how that works, hey?




Are you really lazy?
OR are you recovering and recuperating
from all the responsibilities
that take up much of your life?

Are you really snippy?
OR did you finally stand up for yourself
after being walked all over
for far too long?

Are you really stubborn?
OR do you follow through consciously
and sincerely using your own carefully thought out, chosen path?

Are you really weak?
OR did you have to be strong for so long
until you had very little left
to give?

Are you really boring?
OR do you simply not thrive in large crowds,
instead preferring the small?

Are you really naive?
OR are you carefree,
and willing to walk new paths?

Just stop ✋
with all the judgments.

Turn them around and recognize the truth sitting just below the surface.

The secret lies in the art
of loving all sides of yourself. 🪞

Because there are shadows, yes.
But there is also light.

And the magic happens
when we finally see
how it’s all here to serve us
in some way.



Perfectionism is trauma in sheep’s clothing.


If there's one thing I've learned through my time in business, it's this:

Competition doesn't really get you anywhere.

ESPECIALLY in the virtual space.

When there are no borders, there is only opportunity to expand, learn how to stand out, to hone our gifts, and to collaborate.

Competition, and the, "you vs. me" energy just ain't it anymore.

The world has changed.

There is more than enough for EVERYONE to go around.

Feel me on this?




The perks of being self-employed. 😂


I feel seen.


I feel seen. 🙈💀


Best personal development book? And go!


Look - I’m all for digging deep into your feminine when it comes to self-leadership, but all too often, there seems to be an imbalance between our masculine and feminine if things feel “off” in business!

When someone is too deep in their MASCULINE as they lead, this can look like:

💙 Feeling highly critical of ourselves and others, being avoidant of the important work (AKA always being BUSY but not necessarily PRODUCTIVE), feeling unstable or unsupported, holding an unselfish agenda or an unhealthy dominance, a lack of self-control, a competitive (Them vs. Me) energy, and the constant feeling of being in your HEAD, trying to figure out what is missing and why it isn’t working/why building your business feels like such a struggle.

When someone is too deep in their FEMININE as they lead, this can look like:

💜 Passive-aggressive energy, holding a scarcity mindset (there is never enough time/money/resources to go around), a feeling of emptiness, hopelessness, desperation to make it work, a victim mentality, constantly seeking external validation (the “tell me I’m pretty!” energy), indecisiveness (which is a form of self-sabotage btw), a need to know he HOW before@you take action, and a fragmented division of energy, and the constant feeling of being in your EMOTIONS, waiting until the circumstances are perfect (hint: they never are) before you make a MOVE.

Which one did you most resonate with at this stage of your biz? 🙋🏽‍♀️

When you have the tools and the awareness on how to embody and balance BOTH your empowered masculine and feminine, this tends to look more like:

🥳 Confidence, courageousness, decisive and aligned action, rational thinking, an upholding of the highest integrity, the ability to respond without reacting, being fully present, nurturing, intuitive, the freedom of expression, being naturally magnetic and abundant, patient, and upholding clear boundaries with yourself, with your community, and with balancing both work and play.

PS: On March 27th, I’ll be hosting one of my most popular signature business programs; Tempo: The Art of Speeding Up, LIVE for the first time in 2023! Each module and concept inside of this 6-week experience is split down the middle and taught from TWO perspectives: The Masculine, and the Feminine. Why? Because when you can view the art of building a body of work that you confidently call your LIFE’S WORK from both a STRATEGY (masculine) perspective, AND a FLOW (feminine) perspective, your ability to grow speeds up.

Ready to watch this dream of yours light up? Then grab my hand, and let’s move quickly. 🏃🏽‍♀️⌛️

Details at: www.michellemcisaac.com/tempo. You won’t want to miss this!



How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.


Let this be the year
where you no longer wait
for life to be perfect
to savour it,

and where you no longer wait
for the perfect time
to begin something new.

Let this be the year
where you no longer wait
for a special occasion

to celebrate
your life.



If nailing your niche has been a struggle, this one's for you!

I hosted today's episode LIVE Inside the GROWradio Listener's Lounge on Facebook, and had a blast doing it! Give it a listen on Spotify at: www.bit.ly/growradio_niche

You can also find the show notes over on the blog at: www.michellemcisaac.com/079-2/



Isn’t it funny how kids can’t seem to wait to be grown-ups, yet grown-ups all seem to miss being kids?

What do you miss about being a kid?

GROWradio Podcast Episode 078: Your Body is a Battery: How to Structure the Water Within with Ashley Howatt - michellemcisaac.com 21/04/2023

I LOVED this conversation with my dear friend and colleague Ashley Howatt of Howatt's Holistic Health - One on One Training ( on Instagram), where we discussed the topic of structured water, and how your body is actually a BATTERY that can absolutely be charged, with some very simple, FREE tools and habits!

Give this one a listen, and let me know what you think. This is one topic I DEFINITELY need to dig into more! I mean - Imagine if the whole world awakened to the shocking reality that our bodies are completely self-healing and self-regulating? 🙌



GROWradio Podcast Episode 078: Your Body is a Battery: How to Structure the Water Within with Ashley Howatt - michellemcisaac.com Hello, friends! I am THRILLED to have this opportunity to introduce you to my dear friend Ashley Howatt of H3o2training today, and for her to share all of her wisdom around structured water, our quantum “water battery,” and so much more. This show is going to knock your socks off! About Ashley: ...


What would you add?


I'll be recording an episode of GROWradio LIVE inside the The GROWradio Listener's Lounge with Michelle McIsaac today!

The topic: "How do I choose a niche?"

Come on by and say hello!