Academia and Research

Academia and Research

A platform to share the information to enhance knowledge and interest in academics and research.

It's Time to Go Within: Know yourself and Redefine Life "Everyday is a blessing" 22/07/2021

Reflect within. You will find all the answers to your issues which you are trying to find out outside.
The book covers the journey of life which starts with us.
Key highlights of Book: Self Love, Gratitude, Explore, Heal

It's Time to Go Within: Know yourself and Redefine Life "Everyday is a blessing" It's Time to Go Within: Know yourself and Redefine Life "Everyday is a blessing" eBook : Khatak, Kamini: Kindle Store

COVID-19 virus enters Brain: A study in mice 05/01/2021

COVID- 19 enters Brain: A study in mice

COVID-19 virus enters Brain: A study in mice Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV- 2) is a causative agent for coronavirus disease 19 (COVID- 19). A study conducted at the University of Washington Health Sciences in mice model shows that COVID-19 enters the brain through the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB). Spike 1 protein (S1)...


Microbiome and Immunotherapy for Cancer Researchers actively working in the field of improving the therapy for cancer (Immunotherapy) where they found the relation of the microbiome in the gut with immunotherapy. Microbiome is a group of billions of microbes in our body including viruses, bacteria, and fungus. They help in nutrition, deve...

COVID-19: Different phases and tracker of Vaccine 11/08/2020

COVID-19 Vaccine under trial and their different phases of development

COVID-19: Different phases and tracker of Vaccine Researchers are actively working on developing a vaccine for COVID-19. Here, I am going to include the classification of vaccine, Phases of developing Vaccine, Vaccines under trial, and some important links about the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccine word originated from Latin Variolae vaccinae (cowpox) whi...

What your Doctor doesn't Know about Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You_ BOOK PART III 02/08/2020

Cancer: its causative agents and mechanism.
Whats the role of nutritional supplements in preventing the disease.

What your Doctor doesn't Know about Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You_ BOOK PART III Chemoprevention and Cancer Cancer and its cause Excessive Exposure, charcoal streak, excess fats in the diet, saccharin, chemicals in herbicides, and pesticides, chimney sweeps, all are the causative agents of different types of cancer. What is the initial stage of cancer? Oxidative stress Results o...

COVID-19 Spread and Respiratory droplet physics 26/07/2020

COVID-19 Spread and Respiratory droplets concept to maintain social distancing

COVID-19 Spread and Respiratory droplet physics COVID-19 spreads via respiratory droplets and droplets are exhaled during sneezing, coughing, or talking. Coronavirus is a single-stranded RNA and its size ranges from (65–125 nm in diameter) and (26 to 32kbs in length). Environmental factors and droplets cloud has a role in the spread of respirat...

What your Doctor doesn't Know about Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You_ BOOK PART II 19/07/2020

Heart disease: Homocysteine, Vitamins, CoenzymeQ10

What your Doctor doesn't Know about Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You_ BOOK PART II Homocysteine in Heart Diseases: Vitamins Homocysteine: an intermediate byproduct of methionine amino acid metabolism. Methionine present in food products such as meat, eggs, milk, cheese, white flour, processed foods. The enzyme present in folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 converts homocystein...

What your Doctor doesn't Know about Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You_ Book PART I 12/07/2020

Heart Disease, Oxidative stress, and Nutritional Medicine

What your Doctor doesn't Know about Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You_ Book PART I Heart Disease: An inflammatory Disease Inflammation of blood vessels causes heart disease. But common information is that increase in Cholesterol level cause heart disease. Today, We will cover some of the common and uncommon facts about Heart diseases mentioned in Book "What your Doctor doesn't Kno...

Oxidative Stress: Door for Diseases 05/07/2020

Oxidative Stress: invitation to many diseases, Factors responsible and role of Antioxidants.

Oxidative Stress: Door for Diseases Introduction Oxidative stress is the phenomenon of imbalance production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in our body due to some internal and external factors such as disease, metabolism, exposure of radiation, etc. Definition of oxidative stress is given by Lushchak: “Oxidative stress is a situat...

Impact of Media: Psychology during COVID-19 emergency 03/07/2020

Impact of Media on our psychology during COVID-19

Impact of Media: Psychology during COVID-19 emergency Image Source: Pexel COVID- 19 is a viral disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus-2 (SARS-Cov-2). This disease is highly contagious causing severe respiratory problems. During this state of emergency, the government has taken serious action to prevent outbreaks in unaffected....

COVAXIN: India's first COVID-19 Vaccine 30/06/2020

COVAXIN: An Inactivated Vaccine

COVAXIN: India's first COVID-19 Vaccine COVAXIN An inactivated and indigenous vaccine for COVID-19 treatment manufactured at Bharat's Biotech Bio Safety Level 3 (BSL -3) facilities in Genome Valley, Hyderabad. BHARAT BIOTECH This Company has developed COVAXIN Vaccine in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and....

Timeline photos 27/06/2020

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COVID-19 Cytokine Storm: Mechanism and Therapy 25/06/2020

Cytokine Storm: COVID-19

COVID-19 Cytokine Storm: Mechanism and Therapy Introduction Coronaviruses are single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses. The virus has a genome of 26,000 to 32,000 bases and one of the largest known RNA viruses. COVID-19 is caused by SARS- CoV-2 virus which affects the lower respiratory tract and leads pneumonia in infected patients. In COVID-1...

Favipiravir: A New Hope 23/06/2020

Favipiravir: A new Hope

Favipiravir: A New Hope Favipiravir: Broad-spectrum antiviral drug with chemical name 6-fluoro-3-hydroxy-2- pyrazine carboxamide. This drug is marketed with the brand name “FabiFlu”. This drug is only effective in COVID-19 positive patients with mild or moderate symptoms and gradually reduces the viral load, but not su...

Blood Retinal Barrier: Eye Diseases 21/06/2020

Blood Retinal Barrier- Eye Disease

Blood Retinal Barrier: Eye Diseases Eye The eye is a visual organ and part of the nervous system. The eye receives the light signal and converts it into an electro-chemical signal in neurons. Eye and Blood Retinal Barrier (BRB) Eye is an immune-privileged site that is maintained by intact BRB. BRB is a tightly regulated barrier by man...

How Coronavirus enters cell 21/06/2020

How Coronavirus Enters Host Cell

How Coronavirus enters cell CORONAVIRUS (CoV- 2) A virus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV- 2). This RNA virus contains four structural proteins: 1. Spike protein (S) 2. Envelope (E) 3. Nucleocapsid (N) 4. Membrane protein (M) ACE 2 Receptor: Entry Door for SARS CoV-2 The receptor is transm...

Nutraceuticals and Health Benefits 21/06/2020

Nutraceuticals and their Health Benefits

Nutraceuticals and Health Benefits Nutraceuticals This is not just termed its boon for the food industry that has lead it to become a research-oriented sector. Nutraceuticals help in improving some of the major health problems such as obesity, bone diseases, sleeping disorders, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Th...

Coffee: Impact on Health 21/06/2020

Coffee: Composition, Constituents, and impact on Health

Coffee: Impact on Health Introduction Coffee is a widely consumed drink in the world. It has stimulating effects on CNS and composed of 800 volatile complex mixtures of compounds out of which caffeine and chlorogenic acids are important. Origin: coffee knowledge is found in Sufi monasteries of Yemen in the 15th century. Its...

Dexamethasone: A drug for COVID-19 21/06/2020

A Drug for COVID-19: Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone: A drug for COVID-19 Dexamethasone It is a synthetic adrenal corticosteroid drug that has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. It is more than other synthetic corticosteroids. This steroid is stronger than non-steroid drugs like Celecoxib, Advil. This is currently being tested to treat COVID-19 patients.....