

TatumGraphic resolves digtial media problems same day in most cases. Ask yourself, if a person’s firs


Good graphic design is not only great to look at, there’s also deep psychological aspects behind each design decision. If you are not a designer, it will be hard to pinpoint what you should and should not include in your small business graphics.
That is why you should use TatumGraphic for all your design needs. As an on-demand graphic design service, you can request different designs. If you need a logo, TatumGraphic can make one. Do you need to post social media graphics? TatumGraphic will produce engaging graphics. You will not have to worry about finding a freelancer per design project. TatumGraphic can help attain your business goals at a budget-friendly price. Subscribe to a TatumGraphic plan today to start requesting your designs.


When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.


“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it ‘looks,’ but of course if you dig deeper, it’s how it ‘works.”


TatumGraphic understand that image is everything:
If you don’t look good, neither do I. TatumGraphic knows that it takes only a few moments to make a good visual first impression. Good design should be consistent and have continuity that flows. It must be aesthetically pleasing to the observer or it can run the risk of being passed over


Graphic design is important for any business wanting to create credibility in their industry or field. The more content you provide that helps solve a problem or relieve a pain point, the more the audience will trust your advice and start to regard you as an expert in your field.
To demonstrate this point, let’s say you’re walking in the park and see a basketball player sink a 3-point shot. It was a great shot, but would you assume he’s a great basketball player because he made one basket? Probably not; it could’ve been a lucky shot. If you had seen the same player sink 30 shot in a row, though, you might start to believe he’s a professional basketball player. Consistency creates credibility.
The same principle applies to marketing and branding; if you create a piece of content that helps someone solve a problem or relieve a pain point in their own life, they will most likely turn to you for advice again when facing a similar situation in the future.


Hire TatumGraphic your business is worth it:
TatumGraphic is the best person to showcase your experience, your credibility and your expertise. Since you’ve put in all this hard work, you owe it to yourself and to your business to find the best graphic designer and photographer to help promote what you do best!


TatumGraphic is a visual teacher, graphic designers are good at breaking down the process. There’s a reason that many designers promote the idea that form follows function. Simply put, it means the design must work. It’s not a decoration just for show – it must have a goal in mind. A good web designer will give you a rundown on why your projects were designed that way from the font to the SEO. There is an incredible amount of design lingo out there, so it helps to get to know how it all works together.


Every day we are exposed to a busy landscape of words, sights and sounds. Saying that we filter a lot of information we see is an understatement. This is why visuals trump words most of the time. The good stuff that catches our attention can swing our mood, alter our feelings, peak our interest and change our minds too. When good design achieves this kind of purpose, then it becomes a memorable success.




TatumGraphic understands that budgets are a reality:
One size does not fit all when it comes to design. Small budgets and constraints are part of the territory. TatumGraphic believes in remaining flexible. If you cannot afford full color, then work with two. If you cannot afford a huge website, then start small and build it as you go along. The longer you work with TatumGraphic, the better your marketing efforts will be.


I’m reading from the book of Revelation 3”10 Jesus is speaking here to the Church of Philadelphia but he is speaking about loving to the entire church today as well through his words listen to what he said. Yeshua says because you have kept the word of my perseverance, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that hour which is about to come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth. What is Jesus saying he is saying that “if we obey him now when things get harder will be able to stand” and Yeshua will sustain us during the hour of testing he said that's about to come up on the whole world you see the time to get reading for difficulty is not when the difficulty comes then it's going to be too late. You've got to get ready for the difficulty before the difficulty happens. This is why when you're in the military the time to get ready for the battle is NOT in the heat of the battle, they train to prepare themselves before the battle so that when the battle happens, they'll be able to stand. I want to encourage you to understand things in the world are not going to get easier beloved there going to get harder I promise you that we're not heading for utopia. Science is not going to solve all the world's problems medicine is not going to solve all the world's problems no world leader is going to ever solve all the world's problems there's never going to be a lasting peace or utopia on earth until Messiah comes and reign over the world. It's going to get worse the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit that's restraining is going to begin to draw back from the earth so that more chaos begins to arise the scripture tells us no this difficult times will come Jesus was very clear about this in the book of Matthew chapter 24 when he told us what was going to happen before his return we need to get ready now we need to live for the lord today we need to practice loving the best of our ability with all our heart strength and mind today not yesterday not tomorrow.


During his 2016 keynote address at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Barack Obama went so far as to say: “Even if all restrictions on voting were eliminated, African Americans would still have one of the lowest voting rates. That’s not good. That is on us.’” On the other end of the spectrum, Trump insinuated that black voters stayed home during the election. “They didn’t come out to vote for Hillary. They didn’t come out… so thank you to the African American community.” Well this time I can assure it will be much different and a reflection of how far we’ve come.


I don’t get paid the big bucks, but I often find myself working for free. Why don’t we test the few kids that are returning to school for the COVID before entering the building thus reducing the unknown carriers of contracting the viruses to other students and staff. You say that is too expensive, it will cost you a lot more monies and damages in the long run than the short sprint. Dallas if you are listening common sense is a sign of understanding and ignorance is moral conspiracy once you have been warned.


I don’t get paid the big bucks, but I often find myself working for free. Why don’t we test the few kids that are returning to school for the COVID before entering the building thus reducing the unknow carriers of contracting the viruses to other students and staff. You say that is too expensive, it will cost you a lot more monies and damages in the long run than the short sprint. Dallas if you are listening common sense is a sign of understanding and ignorance is moral conspiracy once you have been warned.


Who is TatumGraphic, he is the Creative Owner of TatumGraphic Enterprise – Currently holds a 3.79 GPA and is postured for Cum laude! Not your average Digital Student at Dallas County Community College that enjoys the challenge of balancing academics, marketing, branding, and creative to bring a different perspective to all campaigns. He is focused on utilizing creative in a strategic way to support all marketing channels including (but not limited to) content marketing, social media, and email.


Why Is Marketing Important in Beating Your Business Rivals?
Your competitor is actively marketing their products, doesn’t this tell you why is marketing important? The only way to gain a competitive advantage over your competition is aggressive marketing.
However, you don’t have to be sleazy or negative while marketing against your competitor. Simply conduct research on what your target market is expecting, and then find ways to deliver better products or services.


Services ranging from simple floor plans, to complete designs. If you have an idea for a small add-on or a new building for your business, we can help with layout and design from start to finish.

Architectural design is a concept that focuses on components or elements of a structure. TatumGraphic architectural design will work with space and elements to create a coherent and functional structure. TatumGraphic works with clients to design both the interior and exterior of homes or commercial buildings.


Thank you, Facebook, it's my pleasure to connect with you. I'm privileged our similarities have crossed. Perhaps, it's an indication we should recognize the importance and work together to become better at who we are to add value to each other’s businesses. I've realized in life that it is difficult to succeed alone. I look forward in sharing life-visions, beliefs, and skills with you.

Photos from TatumGraphic's post 16/07/2020

A common misconception that many people believe is that skin retouching should focus on getting rid of the texture and making the skin smooth. This may be incorrect — skin texture actually brings the photo to life and can help it appear much more realistic.
My goal when retouching a photo is generally to repair any temporary skin imperfections, such as skin redness or blotchiness, as well as fix or enhance shadows. In most situations, you should stray away from manipulating the model’s actual features as these are what makes them unique. To accomplish this, I utilize a Photoshop technique called Frequency Separation and will show you exactly how I do this.


Professional, well-targeted creative graphic design can reduce the money you need to invest in media. When you are reaching the right audience with the right message, the return on your investment is much greater.


TatumGraphic understand that image is everything:
If you don’t look good, neither do I. TatumGraphic knows that it takes only a few moments to make a good visual first impression. Good design should be consistent and have continuity that flows. It must be aesthetically pleasing to the observer or it can run the risk of being passed over.


As TatumGraphic said,” Seeing comes before words.” Sometimes these words can go in one ear and out the other unless it’s combined with images. As the theory goes, words are processed by our short-term memory, but images go directly into the long-term memory vault where they leave a more lasting impression. It’s no surprise that it’s easier to show a cow jumping over the moon than describing it.


As the country prepares for a midterm election, Republican and Democratic candidates running for positions up and down the ballot are trying to find their own Red Hat—a symbol and a style that sets them apart and sells their message, Trumpian and otherwise. Design can help win and lose elections.
Here in two-party America, designers for political campaigns have generally worked with a limited palette of colors and icons: reds, whites, and blues; stars and stripes. That’s not enough anymore, all five of them emphasized. For new candidates, especially, to run and win, logos need personality, authenticity, and punch. “We consume information differently now,”.
“We’re constantly staring at screens with visual content, and we’re used to higher levels of design.”
And getting the logo right is only part of the battle: “Design matters,”


TatumGraphic can help you understand what you really need:
Sometimes we know what we want but we can’t explain it fully. TatumGraphic job is to package all your ideas by brainstorming with you. This is a casual meeting where all ideas can be discussed. The good ideas get jotted down and the bad ideas get tossed. From here TatumGraphic can help you with decisions about your marketing, advertising, branding and your website. Sitting down with TatumGraphic can help you get a strong handle on your vision for your business and point you in the right direction where your marketing and advertising should go.


TatumGraphic and Photography

What all do you do? 06/05/2020

Thank you, Facebook it's my pleasure to connect with you. I'm privileged our similarities have crossed. Perhaps, it's an indication we should recognize the importance and work together to become better at who we are to add value to each other’s businesses. I've realized in life that it is difficult to succeed alone. I look forward in sharing life-visions, beliefs, and skills with you.

What all do you do? See the story


let's take an image of your mother that reminds her of something very special in your relationship and let's give it words that say exactly what you want to tell her in a very special way

TatumGraphic said, for just $10 dollars and less than 5 DAYS left. Let's take an image of your mother that reminds her of something very special in your relationship and let's give it words that say exactly what you want to tell her in a very special way.
[email protected] and 972-972-5340 text!


TatumGraphic said, for just $10 dollars and less than 5 DAYS left. Let's take an image of your mother that reminds her of something very special in your relationship and let's give it words that say exactly what you want to tell her in a very special way.
[email protected] and 972-972-5340 text!


Our photographs tell us what is important to us!
When you ask people what possessions they would rescue from their burning house, one of the most frequent answers is the photograph album or a computer with their digital images. When in panic mode it’s interesting that we would probably grab photos rather than valuable jewelry. This impulse to save our recorded memories is a powerful force which tells us much about the role of photography in our lives and our constant desire to distil our most precious moments into images.


Marketing Is a Communication Channel Used to Inform Customers !
Through marketing, the customers get to know about the value of the products, their usage and additional info that might be helpful to the customers. It creates brand awareness and makes the business stand out.
There’s stiff competition in the market and you need to be a constant voice to convince the customers. Inform your customers of discounts and other competitive tricks you intend to use.
Through communication, marketing helps your business become a market leader.


TatumGraphic said, Ready Read !
Through his many images and idols he shows himself clever, for acceptance of his 666 mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18) will be the fashion--the logical, the reasonable, the convenient, the safest, the securest, the vital, the norm, that which is accepted in the eyes of man, both small and great.
What's colder than cold ? Ice Cold. I'm not trying to do anything but my part I can assure I will not lay down to the trajectory of what's happening today. I'M SICK of the lies, misinformation and the tactics of him, him who? The Devil and all his buddies in my book "Repent" I bring the fight he thought it would be 12 rounds I knocked him out in round 1. Get the book you gotta see the jabs,uppercuts and my swift counter moves I knocked him on his ass, GET THE BOOK! Repent.


Your Media Represents Your Brand!
Often times the cost of professional photography makes it tempting for business owners to take photos themselves or find a lower cost alternative to hiring a professional photographer. If this thought crosses your mind, remember: your photos represent your brand. Low quality, unprofessional photos on your website will communicate the same about your organization and the products and services you offer. Your photos and your website are hugely important when it comes to making a first impression on customers. Don’t skimp on them!


A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words !
You’ve probably heard this adage before. These days pictures are worth at least a thousand words – probably more! Photos enable you to show your clients and customers what you have to offer rather than tell them. In this day and age, consumers like to see things for themselves before making a decision about a purchase. The internet has made this increasingly possible, which means photos and videos of your products and offerings are more valuable than ever before.


TatumGraphic said,
Your Media Represents Your Brand !
Often times the cost of professional photography makes it tempting for business owners to take photos themselves or find a lower cost alternative to hiring a professional photographer. If this thought crosses your mind, remember: your photos represent your brand. Low quality, unprofessional photos on your website will communicate the same about your organization and the products and services you offer. Your photos and your website are hugely important when it comes to making a first impression on customers. Don’t skimp on them!


It’s important for your business to engage its customers. Marketing is a tool to keep the conversation going.

Engaging customers is different from pushing your offers. Engaging involves furnishing your customers with relevant information about your products and your business as well. It’s all about creating fresh content.

Tell your customers what they don’t know. Let it be interesting and worth their time.

Social media is one of the best platforms where you can engage your customers. Some organizations use short videos and other humor-laden tricks to engage their customer base.
