Izzy Insurance

Izzy Insurance

Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk management against unce


Call or Text Now (956)-620-4651 and learn about our coverage, liabilities, savings, and discounts. Request your FREE car insurance quote today!


Life Insurance Fun Fact

Certain occupations and hobbies can incur high risk ratings or preclude life insurance coverage altogether. But what if your job is an astronaut and your mission is to go to the moon? This is what the astronauts of Apollo 11 faced. With extremely high coverage options, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins resorted to a creative solution! Autographed “covers,” signed envelopes post-marked on significant days. In the event of their death, the astronauts knew their autographs would fetch a great sum.


Auto Insurance Fun Fact

In an accident, the car’s registered owner is the responsible party, not necessarily the driver. You should transfer your ownership titles immediately upon selling your vehicle.




It's always "can I get a quote?" never "let's go watch the sunset and eat wings" 😔


Auto Insurance Fun Fact

Collision and comprehensive coverage are required if you have a lienholder.


Life Insurance Fun Fact

One of the most significant determining factors in life insurance costs is age. The premium amount increases on average 8% to 10% for every year of age. Age can also influence whether a person qualifies for life insurance coverage at all.


Myths and Facts of Auto Insurance

Myth: Business use of your car is covered by personal auto insurance

Fact: If you run your own business and use your car for any business-related uses of that car, you’re not covered by your personal auto insurance policy. Business owners who use their car for business ventures, whether it’s meeting up with clients or traveling or anything else, must have commercial auto insurance.


Myths and Facts of Life Insurance

Myth: My kids are all grown up, so I don’t need life insurance anymore.

Fact: You might be an empty-nester, but you probably still care about the financial well-being of your children. There are many benefits of life insurance that help at all stages of your life. It can help pay for end of life costs, like funeral expenses, or perhaps medical bills or hospice in the event you were to die with outstanding medical debt. Life insurance can also help pay for any debts you leave behind, like a mortgage or student loans. You can even buy life insurance with the intent to leave your children with an inheritance.


Myths and Facts of Auto Insurance

Myth: Your credit score has no relation to your auto insurance

Fact: Your credit score is one of the primary factors that determine your cost of auto insurance. There’s a strong correlation between a higher credit score and being more responsible with money, so it means those people are more likely to make their payments on time and may be less likely to file an insurance claim.


Myths and Facts of Life Insurance

Myth: If I have life insurance through my place of employment, I don’t need a personal policy.

Fact: Though life insurance through your employer can be a great benefit, it might not be enough to provide for your family long-term. In fact, a typical payout is usually only around twice your base salary. And, if you were to lose or leave your job, the employer policy in most cases will not come with you, meaning it will be lost. Having a personal life insurance policy ensures your family will be financially protected in the event you were to pass away.


Myths and Facts of Auto Insurance

Myth: My personal items are covered by auto insurance if they’re stolen from my car.

Fact: You may have heard stories about a friend of a friend having their laptop stolen out of their car in a parking lot or a phone magically disappearing into thin air from the car. Well, auto insurance won’t pay to replace those items.

Larger items like laptops, phones and other electronics are covered by your renters or homeowners insurance policy when they’re in the car. So if they’re damaged in a wreck or stolen from your vehicle, you’ll have to file a claim with your home insurance company instead of your auto insurance company.


Myths and Facts of Life Insurance

Myth: Life insurance isn’t important right now because I’m young, single and don’t have any dependents.

Fact: This is one of the biggest misconceptions about life insurance. Some young people don’t believe that life insurance is important because they don’t have any dependents or many assets. But, getting life insurance when you’re young and healthy means you can secure a lower rate on your premium than you may be able to later in life since coverage typically becomes more expensive as you age. Consider your debts, like school loans, car loans, or credit cards, and final expenses such as funeral costs. Who will covered them in the event of your death? A life insurance policy can help remove the financial burden off your loved ones’ shoulders.


Myths and Facts of Auto Insurance

Myth: Red cars cost more to insure.

Fact: The saying that red cars cost more to insurance, than any other color under the rainbow is just absurd.
If you’re a safe driver, it doesn’t matter whether you have a red, white, blue or purple car. You’re going to pay the same amount in premiums. So, no, red cars don’t cost more to insure than any other color.


Myths and Facts of Life Insurance

Myth: Life insurance is too expensive.

Fact: Most people overestimate the cost of life insurance to the point where they don’t consider it at all. But the truth is, a healthy 30 year old could secure $250,000 of term life insurance for 30 years for around $20 per month – much less than most people think!


I hear it often "I got life insurance already, I don't need it, I'll think about it".
They're the same individuals I see asking for money due to cancer.
Same families selling food plates to raise for funeral expenses.
Same families that call me after their loved one passed, to ask about the life policy they'd "think about getting". Just to break the bad news, that unfortunately that's all it was an after thought and it was never acquired.
If you have kids, Life Insurance is not even debatable, you should have it.
If you have any sort of debt or are low income. YOU SHOULD HAVE IT.
A burial requires at least $20,000
Cremation anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000
You got that money already? Nice put it where your mouth is. Go pay for your funeral expenses and reserve your plot at the cemetery. Do that now before rates increase. And you'll be one step ahead everyone else.
Guess what? You still need life insurance.
Are you head of household? You need Life Insurance to provide for the absence of your income. Unfortunately you're not eternal and your employer will not freely continue to provide your paycheck to your family on your behalf.
Oh! Both of you provide income? Nice
Are bills split down the middle?
Who pays the most?
Is one of you the savings account?
Sorry to break it to you. You need Life Insurance.
Life Insurance is extremely inexpensive and affordable.
How much? Find out for yourselves either send message. Or conveniently locate the direct website link a the top of our Page to self quote yourself and your family.

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Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00