Oblates of the Holy Rosary

Oblates of the Holy Rosary

Religious organizations of lay people who dedicate themselves to the Holy Rosary.

Photos from Oblates of the Holy Rosary's post 27/12/2022


Animals, with all creation, are certainly affected by sin. But do animals themselves sin, or is sin a strictly human practice? According to the Bible, sin is a transgression of the law. It is rebellion against God in thought, word, or deed (1 John 3:4). Animals did not rebel against God; man did.

Animals do not sin. They are incapable of sin because they were not created as independent moral agents. For an act to be sinful, there must be the violation of an indisputable law. Sin does not begin with the act; it originates in a soul that has the law of God written upon it.

Human beings are created in the image of God with an everlasting soul.
Animals are not. When God created Adam, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul”.

That living soul contains a conscience—an innate knowledge of right and wrong—and the ability to make moral choices apart from the survival instinct. We humans have the ability to choose obedience to God’s moral law, but we choose to follow our own inclinations instead.

Animals do not have an immortal soul created in God’s image. Although they can choose obedience, it is usually due to external motivators such as treats and training. Animals do not have the law of God imprinted upon their hearts and therefore cannot transgress it.

Animals cannot sin against God, and thus they require no means of forgiveness from God.

But Dude better be looking for forgiveness from me!

By His grace & for His glory,

Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Saturday December 24, 2022 24/12/2022

Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Saturday December 24, 2022 Fr. Dan Donovan📌 Subscribe to the Daily TV Mass YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/dailytvmass?sub_confirmation=1Mailing address: NCBC PO Box 54035 Ma...



To all of my living friends on earth:
I am now in hell. Yesterday, I was just like you are now – eating, drinking, laughing, watching TV, enjoying my family, etc. Then, I got in my car to go to work, and a drunk driver hit me broadside, going 70 mph in a 30 mph zone. I never even saw him coming. It all happened so fast. One minute I was alive listening to music on my car radio, and the next minute I was dead, floating over my wrecked car, looking at my lifeless, bloody body. It took me a while to realize that I was dead, and that I was looking at myself from above.
Then, all of a sudden, I was pulled through a really dark tunnel, where really nasty people were making fun of me and tearing at my flesh. I tried to fight them off, but there must have been a thousand of them. The more I fought, the more they laughed at me, and the nastier they got.
As I was sliding down this tunnel against my will, I caught a glimpse of what must have been heaven. It was beautiful beyond belief, with plants that seemed to be alive, with beautiful music that I had never heard on earth, and many different colors that did not exist on earth. I heard a voice inside my head, which I surmise was Jesus, telling me that I had forfeited heaven and being with Him for all eternity. Why? Because He said, while I was still alive, I did not fully commit my life to Him and His teachings. I always knew that Jesus was real, but I never seemed to make that life-changing commitment to follow Him.
I kept hearing Jesus repeat my sins to me – po*******hy, bad language, dirty jokes, greed, envy, lust, drinking, and gluttony. Jesus told me that He had sent me unlimited grace every day of my life, but that I had always rejected it in favor of sin. And since my lifestyle rejected His living water, that allowed satan to take over my life, and eventually my death.
I told Jesus in my mind that I really didn’t know what He expected of me, but He said that that was no excuse, since He had written it all down for me in the Bible, had given me the sacraments in His church to strengthen me, and had sent His Mom and Her saints and angels down to earth many times to help me. He said that I preferred to play computer games, read the newspaper, and watch football over doing the will of God. He told me that since I truly preferred the temporary things of the earth, rather than everlasting heavenly things, that I got my wish to not go to heaven upon death. And the really sad thing is that He told me that all I had to do was to make one sincere confession to be forgiven for everything.
Now, I am surrounded by millions of snakes and worms, unrelenting fire, loud noises and screams, a horrible stench, and terrible looking demons who torture me day and night. And I cannot move any part of my body on my own. Knowing what I threw away is the most depressing part, along with the fact than I am NEVER getting out of this place. If only I had listened to the Church’s teachings instead of “thinking for myself”. It never entered my mind while I was still alive that I could be wrong about anything, especially about salvation. I always considered it a strong virtue to “think for myself”, and it was always a weak vice to listen to anyone, especially some old-fogey church, telling me what to believe.
Now, I would gladly give up every penny I ever made to be sent back to earth for 5 minutes, but that will never happen. I, along with millions of other humans, were victims of satan’s great deception, which fooled me into believing that I would never die, that self-pride was a good thing, that the s*xual pleasures of earth were more important than obeying His commandments, that the real goal of life was the pursuit of wealth and to be surrounded by beautiful possessions, and that there would always be time to repent of my sins before dying. I really wish someone would have told me about Matthew 25:31-46 and what I was held accountable for during life. But no one ever did. And I never seemed to find the time to open the Bible and read what it said. That was as stupid as never reading my college textbooks in preparation for the final exam.
Satan disguised himself as an angel of light many times during my earthly sojourn, and I was totally taken in by him - the beauty, the glamour, the glitz, the power, the s*x, the money, the feel-good mentality, being entertained all the time, etc. I also believed everything the secular media ever said, instead of meditating on His Word to find out The Truth for myself. His bait of s*xual gratification seemed wonderful at the time, but it had lots of poison in it, which I know about now, when it is too late.
So now that you know my story, what will you do with your life? Like me, you may not have tomorrow to decide. Will you follow me to hell, or will you follow Jesus to heaven? The choice is yours, and only yours, to make, today.



1st Time Jesus Wept:
John 11:35

2nd Time Jesus Wept:
Luke 19:41

3rd Time Jesus Wept:
Hebrews 5:7

What lessons can be learned by Jesus weeping?

Lesson #1: Jesus was fully human.
Lesson #2: Jesus showed compassion for those who were grieving.
Lesson #3: Jesus was troubled by the people’s lack of faith.
Lesson #4: Jesus showed sorrow for those who rejected Him.

Jesus Christ wept with those who were grieving, even though He knew He would fix the situation in a short time. He wept for those who rejected Him, for He knew the consequences of their choices. And, when He was suffering Himself, He wept to the Father, to the only One who could do something about it. May we learn from Him and do our best to live our lives in a way that honors His tears and brings God glory.

Have a great Thursday!
By His grace and for His glory,

Saint Werburgh | Stories of Saints | Episode 185 22/12/2022

Saint Werburgh | Stories of Saints | Episode 185 Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Family TV could keep thriving. Use this link...


A book in the Old Testament that many people "skip" or "get through as fast as possible" is the book of Ezra. I was one of those people, until I found the spiritual significance within this book.

The book of Ezra is one of the historical books of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament. It tells the story of the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon.
The book begins with a decree from the Persian king Cyrus, allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Ezra, a Jewish priest and scribe, is commissioned by the king to lead the group of Jews back to Jerusalem and help them rebuild the city.
Upon arriving in Jerusalem, Ezra discovers that some of the Jews have intermarried with non-Jewish people, which is prohibited by Jewish law. He leads a campaign to purify the community by separating the Jews from the non-Jews and divorcing the mixed marriages.
Ezra also institutes reforms to ensure that the Jews follow the laws of Moses and worship God correctly. He reads and explains the laws of Moses to the people, and helps them establish a system of worship and sacrifice at the rebuilt temple.
The book of Ezra also includes a genealogy of the Jewish people, tracing their ancestry back to their forefathers. It ends with the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians.

Ezra's account proclaims that God kept His word, and it shows that when God's people remained faithful to Him, He would continue to bless them.

Have a blessed Tuesday!
By His grace and for His glory,



I mentioned the book of Nehemiah last night. It's a book in the Bible everyone should not just read, but also study and marinate on the spiritual meaning.

Nehemiah, one of Israel's great leaders, tells firsthand the powerful story of the rebuilding of ancient Jerusalem's walls after the exile. This rebuilding, in the face of great odds, represented the people's renewal of faith, their overcoming of shame and the reforming of their conduct. It is also a book that reminds us to seek God first.

One of the powerful messages of Nehemiah is how much you can accomplish when you align yourself with the will and plan of God. Nehemiah and his followers do what seems to be the impossible because they are doing what God has called them to do. You don't have to rebuild a wall to do the will of God.

Have a great week. By His grace & for His glory,

Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Friday December 16, 2022 16/12/2022


Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Friday December 16, 2022 Fr. Dan Donovan📌 Subscribe to the Daily TV Mass YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/dailytvmass?sub_confirmation=1Mailing address: NCBC PO Box 54035 Ma...


In today's world we want things now. Fast food, fast service. Pray fast, keep looking at our watches, hurry, hurry, hurry.
Even when expecting an answer from God we want it now, or at the very least "as soon as possible."
But let me remind you: be patient with God because He was patient with you first.
Our God is not a Burger King, you can't have it your way. It's Yahweh or no way.
Have a blessed week. By His grace and for His glory,

Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Friday December 9, 2022 09/12/2022

Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Friday December 9, 2022 Msgr. Robert Nusca - celebrantDeacon Robert Kinghorn - homilist📌 Subscribe to the Daily TV Mass YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/dailytvmass?sub_con...



Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

God’s words to Jeremiah apply to all mankind: he knew us, formed us, and consecrates us as his own. Let’s work, all of us, to ensure that all who belong to God in the womb have the right to life, their first right.

“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.” (CCC 2271)

St. Gertrude Chaplet Release 50,000 Souls From Purgatory 08/12/2022

St. Gertrude Chaplet Release 50,000 Souls From Purgatory In this video, we will pray St. Gertrude Chaplet to Release 50,000 Souls From Purgatory How to pray:On normal rosary beads, we begin at the Cross with the Ap...


What is the Immaculate Conception?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it this way:

CCC490 To become the mother of the Savior, Mary “was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role.” The angel Gabriel at the moment of the annunciation salutes her as “full of grace”. In fact, in order for Mary to be able to give the free assent of her faith to the announcement of her vocation, it was necessary that she be wholly borne by God's grace.

CCC491 Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, “full of grace” through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854:
The most "Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin. "

Have a blessed Thursday!
By His grace and for His glory,



People judge others to avoid reckoning with potential feelings of inferiority and shame. Since judging others can never give a person what they really need, they feel like they have to keep doing it. One can choose not to perpetuate the cycle of judgment.

When those judgments are based on principles of righteousness, our focus will more fully turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. We will increasingly rely on His perfect judgment, mercy, and grace rather than on mortal accomplishments or imperfections as a basis for judging God, ourselves, and those around us.
Remember: the only Judge that matters is God!
Have a blessed Wednesday.
By His grace & for His glory,

Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Wednesday December 7, 2022 07/12/2022

Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Wednesday December 7, 2022 Fr. Dan Donovan📌 Subscribe to the Daily TV Mass YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/dailytvmass?sub_confirmation=1Mailing address: NCBC PO Box 54035 Ma...


Oh God look with pity on the souls who suffer terrible agony especially the most forsaken ones who lie in isolation and are not prayed for by anyone due to abandonment and neglect, cleanse them with the precious blood of Thy son to remove the cause of their detention and hasten their deliverance to praise you in heaven, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen🕯️

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