NATO MLO Belgrade

NATO MLO Belgrade

NATO Military Liaison Office Belgrade.


Within the framework of NATO Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation & Feedback Programme, a team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples - JFCNP was in the Advisory Visit to 🇷🇸Serbia (June 24-28) to support the upcoming NEL-2 of the Serbian Armed Forces Министарство одбране и Војска Србије units declared for participation in international peacekeeping missions.


Allies celebrate NATO’s 75th anniversary

Gathering at the Mellon Auditorium, where the North Atlantic Treaty was signed in 1949, NATO Leaders commemorated 75 years of unity, strength, solidarity and resolve.

One for all, and all for one 🛡️


Join us in celebrating our Ally the 🇺🇸 on Independence Day

🤝 U.S. Mission to NATO

Photos from NATO MLO Belgrade's post 20/05/2024

NATO MLO Belgrade staff officers paid a visit to NATO Force Integration Unit Hungary (NFIU HUN) on 13-14 May 2024. Informing each other about their respective missions, NATO MLO and NFIU HUN addressed issues of common interest and explored possibilities for future cooperation.


Chief of NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, Brigadier General Giampiero Romano:

"Today I attended the Distinguished Visitors’ Day of the Serbian Armed Forces exercise “Whirlwind 2024” at the Pešter Plateau, together with other representatives of the International Community, including the Commander of the NATO Kosovo Force - KFOR, Major General Özkan Ulutaş.

NATO values its long-standing partnership with Serbia, through political dialogue and practical cooperation. Our relations are based on mutual respect and cooperation, in full accordance with Serbia’s stated policy of military neutrality and in support to lasting security and stability across the Western Balkans region. Over the course of the years, NATO has provided substantial support, through capacity-building, to the modernization process of the Serbian Armed Forces.

We welcome Serbian Armed Forces’ continued contributions to UN and EU-led peacekeeping missions."


Šef NATO vojne kancelarije za vezu u Beogradu, brigadni general Ðampjero Romano:

"Danas sam prisustvovao Danu visokih zvanica vežbe Vojske Srbije „Vihor 2024“ na poligonu Pešter, zajedno s drugim predstavnicima međunarodne zajednice, uključujući i komandanta misije NATO Kosovo Force - KFOR general-majora Ozkana Ulutaša.

NATO ceni svoje dugoročno partnerstvo sa Srbijom zasnovano na političkom dijalogu i praktičnoj saradnji. Naši odnosi temelje se na međusobnom poštovanju i saradnji, u potpunom skladu sa politikom vojne neutralnosti Srbije, i uz podršku trajnoj bezbednosti i stabilnosti širom regiona Zapadnog Balkana. NATO već godinama pruža značajnu podršku procesu modernizacije Vojske Srbije kroz izgradnju kapaciteta.

Pozdravljamo kontinuirane doprinose Vojske Srbije mirovnim misijama UN i EU."


For 75 years, through times of uncertainty and challenges, NATO has stood to defend our shared values, showing unwavering dedication to peace and security by ensuring protection, demonstrating strength, fostering unity and maintaining trust.

By making sure that no nation stands alone, we have forged bonds of solidarity, proving that together, we are stronger. Let us celebrate the spirit of 'one for all, and all for one' that continues to inspire us and reaffirm our commitment to a future filled with peace and prosperity.

Photos from NATO's post 14/03/2024
Photos from NATO MLO Belgrade's post 11/03/2024

Danas je ispred sedišta NATO podignuta zastava Švedske, koja je 7. marta postala 32. članica Saveza.
"Pridruživanje NATO-u je dobro za Švedsku, dobro za stabilnost na severu i dobro za bezbednost čitavog našeg saveza", izjavio je generalni sekretar NATO-a Jens Stoltenberg.


[EWB Interview] Romano: A stable Kosovo is essential for regional stability - European Western Balkans 01/03/2024

[EWB Interview] Romano: A stable Kosovo is essential for regional stability - European Western Balkans NATO officials emphasize that Serbia is an important partner for peace and stability, while NATO respects Serbia’s decision on military neutrality. They also highlight progress in cooperation in many areas. Despite cooperation in various fields, Serbian citizens remain uninformed about that. The N...


❝I welcome the Hungarian parliament’s vote to ratify Sweden’s membership in NATO. Now that all Allies have approved, Sweden will become the 32nd NATO Ally. Sweden’s membership will make us all stronger and safer.❞

— Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

🇸🇪 |


"On behalf of NATO MLO Belgrade, I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Serbia on the occasion of its Statehood Day. NATO highly values its cooperation with Serbia, and the partnership we are building contributes to our common goal of preserving peace and stability."
Chief of NATO MLO Belgrade, Brigadier General Giampiero Romano

Photos from NATO Kosovo Force - KFOR's post 12/01/2024

Join us in celebrating our Ally 🇷🇴 on their National Day today.

La mulți ani, România!

Photos from NATO MLO Belgrade's post 22/11/2023

During his visit to Belgrade, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with 🇷🇸 Serbian President Александар Вучић and Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

On this occasion, Secretary General also met with Serbian scientists who presented technology developed under NATO-Serbia scientific cooperation in the context of NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme.

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