Hormonise with Smriti Videos

Videos by Hormonise with Smriti. Helping women balance their hormones and beat endometriosis, naturally and holistically, to improve quality of life, prevent reoccurrence and preserve fertility.

If not addressed at the root, fibroids come back! 3 things you can do to SHRINK YOUR FIBROIDS and prevent reoccurrence:Manage Your Stress Levels:High stress impacts our hormones, thyroid, and adrenals, often resulting in estrogen dominance. Manage and tackle stress in your life with self-care, self-love, and deep breathing. Surround yourself with well-meaning friends and family, and establish clear boundaries to ensure that you protect your time and energy.LOVE YOUR LIVER:We know that the liver helps in removing estrogen from our body. However, alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, pesticides, and drugs all interfere with the process, leading to higher-than-desired estrogen levels in the body. Besides eliminating these, we can support the liver by eating cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage.Reduce Inflammation:An anti-inflammatory diet based on eliminating dairy, sugar, and processed foods, and one that includes protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats where you digest your food easily, support your liver, and feed your estrobolome is your best bet.Click like, share and, leave a comment if you are looking for natural ways to address fibroids. And, Be Period Wise 😊 #periodproblems #periodpositive #periodcramps #hormonebalance #hormoneimbalance #estrogendominance #fibroid#estrogendominance #perimenopausehealth [endometriosis, endometriosis awareness, endometriosis support, women’s health, women’s health tips, hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance, puberty, fibroid, period issues, menopause, perimenopause, hormone health]

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If not addressed at the root, fibroids come back! 3 things you can do to SHRINK YOUR FIBROIDS and prevent reoccurrence:Manage Your Stress Levels:High stress impacts our hormones, thyroid, and adrenals, often resulting in estrogen dominance. Manage and tackle stress in your life with self-care, self-love, and deep breathing. Surround yourself with well-meaning friends and family, and establish clear boundaries to ensure that you protect your time and energy.LOVE YOUR LIVER:We know that the liver helps in removing estrogen from our body. However, alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, pesticides, and drugs all interfere with the process, leading to higher-than-desired estrogen levels in the body. Besides eliminating these, we can support the liver by eating cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage.Reduce Inflammation:An anti-inflammatory diet based on eliminating dairy, sugar, and processed foods, and one that includes protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats where you digest your food easily, support your liver, and feed your estrobolome is your best bet.Click like, share and, leave a comment if you are looking for natural ways to address fibroids. And, Be Period Wise 😊 #periodproblems #periodpositive #periodcramps #hormonebalance #hormoneimbalance #estrogendominance #fibroid#estrogendominance #perimenopausehealth [endometriosis, endometriosis awareness, endometriosis support, women’s health, women’s health tips, hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance, puberty, fibroid, period issues, menopause, perimenopause, hormone health]

Hope my story helps shape your story!

If you are facing period issues do get your thyroid checked. #thyroid #periodproblems

Have your periods suddenly gone missing ? Or are you noticing periods coming sooner than before. Check your Prolactin Levels. Prolactin is a pro lactation hormone for breastfeeding moms that suppresses ovulation. But if you are not nursing and notice any changes in your cycle then it’s worth getting your prolactin levels checked. What can cause mild elevations ? Estrogen dominance Low dopamine (our happy, love hormone) Stress Hypothyroid Kidney issues Prolactinoma(benign pituitary tumor )Alcohol Under eating What to do ?📝Check your thyroid and address the root causes of underactive thyroid📝Take targetted supplements to bring the levels down 📝Increase your dopamine! Find joy in small things. Hug more. Love more and make time to incorporate some fun and play in your day📝Limit alcohol📝Consider meditation, journaling, and walks in nature to reduce your stress Are you noticing any changes in your cycle? Comment below.DM to know how we can help!

Conscious deep breathing is meditation. And it doesn’t have to be in a room with dim lights. It can be done even when you are busy navigating the demands of everyday life. All it takes is a conscious effort to pause. Even if for five deep breaths. Wishing you all a happy International Yoga Day . May we all follow our breath to trust, let go and see what happens.

Let's hear this once more!I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am!!So often we start identifying ourselves based on what we think others think of us. And that's self-sabotaging. Not only do we tie our self-image to how we think others see us but all our efforts to improve are basically trying to be that person. When I imagine my friend is judging my weight and my ever-increasing waistline, it leaves me feeling very dejected and disappointed. But the truth is, if I really paid attention to what I think about myself, honestly, I might not have much of an issue with my weight because there is a story behind that gain, and my friend has not lived my life to know my weight issues! And I am fine with myself in my own body.If you are caught up in this circle, it's time to change the narrative. It's time to intentionally and consciously have a look at your real selves. It's time to create our reality based on our values and recognize who we are and what makes us happy!

On an average, our bleeding should be around 50 ml which is about 10 soaked regular pads during a cycle. Keep an eye out for (heavy) bleeding that continues for more than 7 days and is more than 80ml or over 16 regular pads for the entire cycle. This would require some investigation to find out the causes so we can further address the root cause Most often heavy bleeding is due to: ✅Estrogen Dominance ✅Hypothyroid ✅Fibroids and polyps ✅Endometriosis ✅Adenomyosis ✅Copper IUD ✅Iron deficiency Some tests you can run with your doctor to rule out the above conditions A pelvic exam to determine if there are any physical issues. This should also include a pelvic ultrasound to check for fibroids, endo cysts and also endometrial thickness. A full thyroid panel and not just TSH. Please insist that the doc checks for TSH, T3 (free and total), T4 (free and total), reverse T3, anti-thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibodies. A pap smear A complete blood count to determine if you have anemia. There may be a need for other procedures like an endometrial biopsy, to determine the presence of endometrial hyperplasia, uterine cancer or infection. Do you think any of the above could be causing heaving bleeding? Comment below.

A quick fix to balancing your hormones is starting your day right! What you do in the first fifteen minutes after you wake up can make a huge difference in how you feel the rest of the day. For the longest time I was reaching out for my phone to see what was world busy doing while I was sleeping. And some updates made me feel uneasy and angry! Result - unhealthy rise in cortisol affecting all other hormones! With time I slowly introduced small healthy habits that dramatically changed my mood, my happiness and even my sleep! Some easy to do practices you can include in your morning routine are:- meditation - gratitude. - saying a little prayer. - setting an intention for your day -journaling What will you choose to do first thing in the morning today ? Comment below.

One common problem that we often see in women with endometriosis is having digestive issues. We are talking about 😐bloating right after meals 😐alternating between constipation and diarrhea 😐undigested food in the stool 😐pain in the abdomen 😐foul-smelling stool 😐acid reflux 😐constipation 😐low iron anemia (till a few years back I was ticking most of these) There could be several reasons for these symptoms. When we host too many of the wrong kind of bacteria in our gut, they cause digestive issues. They even produce a toxin called LPS (lipopolysaccharide) which promotes both inflammation and endometriosis. And guess what, if these toxins travel up to our ovaries, they suppress progesterone levels - hello PMS, mood swings, pain, and more inflammation! These digestive problems can worsen endometriosis. How? Because anything that upsets your digestion will upset your immune system and cause it to increase inflammation. An important part of the digestive system is the gut lining and when that lining is permeably (leaky gut) we see an over active immune system. This brings in more inflammation and plays a role in the progression of endometriosis. Having digestive problems is a big clue that the integrity of the lining is compromised. When endometriosis lesions and adhesions are present on the bowel(intestines), we see even more digestive problems. Our programs are designed to work on your body as a whole and digestion and gut health are a big part of the program. You don't have to live with these problems. We can work on them and bring you back to enjoying your favorite meals without having to worry about the repercussions. Send me a DM. Book a discovery call. Comment below. Talk to me.

If your doctor dismisses your excruciating period pain as normal, despite knowing that 😐it interferes with your daily life 😐makes you miss work/school 😐affects your productivity at work/home/school 😐impacts your mental and emotional health then, I would humbly request you to please get up, open the door and RUN. Also, change your doctor. Do thorough research and choose a doctor who has ample experience with endometriosis, comes with a good reference, is willing to listen to you, and pays attention to your concerns. Who collaborates with you and is willing to work as a team to get you living your best life. How has your experience with your doctor been? Were you heard? How soon were you diagnosed with endometriosis? Were you ever told to ignore your period pain as normal? Comment below. P.S: Follow me for my next post on tips to manage endo pain 🎯Check my previous post on types of endo pain. It will help in describing your pain to the doctor. 🎯Bookmark this post 🎯Tag a friend. 🎯Share this post with an endo sister. She needs to know her pain is valid.

Ok! I have done this! I shared my home video here!! And I know my laughter is embarrassing! But you see there is a message in here that I want to share! 🤪To laugh like no ones watching. 😆Laugh with an open heart. 🤣Laugh so hard that happy tears start flowing. 😃Laugh so people around you start smiling too! Yes, believe me, laughter is contagious! Have you ever had a laughter attack? When you try to stop laughing and one look at that person and you start again!! My kids and their funny antics crack me up. Every time my husband gets upset at me, his face makes me laugh. And I lose my battle there! 😂yeah I am weird! Can you promise to laugh some more. What do find most funny - comment below. P.S. - I am reminded of some of my family and friends who have typical expressions while laughing and I can’t stop smiling. Does this post remind you of anyone?

Did you check my last post on how to choose a hormone friendly sunscreen? On my visit to the local store I found a couple of sunscreens that I would have easily picked up had I not looked at the ingredient list! Ladies, we need to choose wisely and protect our hormones from endocrine disrupters that mimic our hormones and cause havoc. What does your sunscreen contain? Comment below. Save this reel for your next buy. And don’t forget to check my last post on choosing the right sunscreen!

We do not want our ovulation ever to go missing! Ovulation is the event that produces Progesterone, and missing ovulation means we are left feeling grumpy, irritable, and snappy! We need to supporting ovulation to pump up progesterone levels. If you know you are not ovulating, then before reaching out for the pills, identify and address the root cause. This could mean: 🛑Reducing Stress 🛑Reducing inflammation 🛑Paying attention to your nutrition 🛑Getting your thyroid levels checked 🛑Check for insulin resistance. Girls, we need Progesterone to make us feel sane and calm, especially in the two weeks approaching our periods. Low levels result in PMS, painful periods, shorter cycles, fibroids, mood swings, poor sleep, and a host of other undesirable health conditions. ✅Do you tick any of these above for your low Progesterone Levels?Comment below

Dear family and friends in India, I know you are stressed and worried. I know you fear for yourself and your loved ones. But I also know that you are brave and courageous. I know you will do everything in your power to work through this mess and find peace in the midst of chaos No matter how hard your day is, take the time to pause. To breathe. To stay calm. And maybe see this video as a reminder to smile.

Sunday started right! Starting our day with this hormone health friendly beet and celery juice 🥤

Endometriosis comes with a lot of symptoms. These are the classic signs: 🚩Intense menstrual cramps 🚩Pain during intercourse & 🚩Infertility Not all women with the condition experience them, but if you notice any of these three and the other symptoms, it would be wise to investigate further. Having -a short menstrual cycle with periods lasting more than eight days; -PMS, hot flashes, migraines, mood changes are additional signs confirming further investigation. I was sad while making this video because I have endometriosis and have suffered from several of these symptoms for many years before I was diagnosed. Sending big hugs and love to all you ladies if you or your loved ones have this condition. Endometriosis has no cure, but in most cases, the symptoms can be managed. Consistent effort with diet and lifestyle, lots and lots of self-care, a very supportive circle of friends and family, AND a change of career from being an accountant to a health coach and yoga instructor have helped me immensely manage my symptoms. I would love to work with you and run some tests, especially these two, to dig deeper: 🩺DUTCH hormones test- it is fascinating to see the amount of information this test gives about our hormones and their metabolites. Imagine finding out that all these years, your symptoms were due to hormonal imbalances ( estrogen dominance, low progesterone)that can be easily resolved with diet and lifestyle changes. 🩺GUT PATHOGEN TEST- the gut plays a crucial role in metabolizing our hormones, and this test can tell a lot about the gut microbiome. Save this post. Share this post. How has your experience with endometriosis been? I am all ears.

Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you spend your first few hours in bed tossing and turning with your partner snoring like crazy beside you? 😜 Well, I get you! As a new second-time mom, my anxiety levels have hit the roof. I find myself in a new space of stress, trying to juggle too many things with too little time. What has come handy is a concoction of these tea leaves: Passionflower Chamomile & Lavender. And if you are not a tea person, you could even spray some lavender essential oil on your pillowcase for a good night's sleep. I love doing that for my nine-year-old and my DH when they have trouble sleeping. What is your favorite bedtime routine? I would love to know ❣️

There could be many reasons for infertility. If you have been tying to have a baby since long it would be worth checking if any of these reasons could be at play. For me it was endometriosis and stress. Emotional and physical well being is most critical for creating the right environment in the baby making organ. The body is more intelligent than we think.

Over time, we have come to believe that it is OK to be not OK. Fatigue, aches and pains are normal and expected wear and tear of the body. Allergies and food sensitivities are typical. Headaches, colds, indigestion, bloating are part of our lives. Chronic Stress is inevitable. But is that what being healthy means? It’s time now to shift our perspective - time to be healthy in the real sense. Because it is NOT OK. . . . . . . . . #healthylifestyle #health #healthcoachpaloalto #diseaseprevention #diseasefree #symptoms #healthcoachtips #iinhealthcoach #functionalmedicine #lifestyle #sleep