Occupational Therapy for Occupational Health

Occupational Therapy for Occupational Health

Connects specialist and highly skilled occupational therapists (OTs) with a wide variety of occupational health (OH) providers, across the UK






I've just wrapped up another Intro to OTs in OH webinar, and what a fantastic group they were!

If you missed today's session, the next one is on Friday 13th October from 09:30am - 1pm.
You can register here: https://bit.ly/3wFKUXx

Introduction to OTs in OH 11/08/2023

If you've never attended one of our FREE webinars for OTs interested in working in OH, and you are free tomorrow from 9:30am – 1pm, register your place here: https://bit.ly/3wFKUXx

Introduction to OTs in OH Join us for an introductory talk for all occupational therapists interested in the field of occupational health


OTs are rehabilitation experts as well as experts in assessing function. A perfect fit for the OH practice! If you are an OT interested to know more about how you can fit into this field, this Saturday I am running another one of my popular webinars introducing OTs into OH.
Book your place here: bit.ly/3wFKUXx


📣 Occupational Therapists, what are you doing next Saturday 12th August?

I am hosting my next free webinar for OT’s interested in working in OH. You still have time to book your place here: bit.ly/3wFKUXx


Excited to host another webinar! Join me for a FREE and informative session on Saturday 12th August at 09:30am! Plenty of valuable insights to share with the OT community interested in working in Occupational Health.
Book your spot now at: bit.ly/3wFKUXx


“Occupational health disability case management interventions that include early contact with workers on sick leave and specific agreements around work modifications result in faster returns to work and are cost-saving” The Value Proposition (2022)
Vocational Rehabilitation Association


I will be hosting my next introductory talk for OTs interested in OH on Saturday 12th August – book you free place here. bit.ly/3wFKUXx


Within OH, OTs can also offer “functional restoration” or “work hardening” programmes. These programmes specifically target things that are preventing a return to work.


Thank you so much to all who attended my webinar Introducing occupational therapists to occupational health this morning!
If you missed it, I am running another webinar on Saturday, 12th August, you can sign up here: https://postly.app/2W9F

Introduction to OTs in OH 21/06/2023

📢 Calling OccuapationalTherapists - Our next FREE webinar for OTs interested in working in Occupational Health is in 2 days: Fri 23 June, 09:30 am.

Click here to book your place: https://bit.ly/3wFKUXx

Introduction to OTs in OH Join us for an introductory talk for all occupational therapists interested in the field of occupational health


Only a few days left until our free webinar for Occupational Therapists interested in Occupational Health!

Book now at: bit.ly/3wFKUXx so you don't miss out!


Excited to host another webinar! Join me for a FREE and informative session on June 23rd. Plenty of valuable insights to share with the OT community interested in working in Occupational Health.

Book your spot now at: bit.ly/3wFKUXx


If you are an OT looking to step into the world of occupational health. Join me for an informative FREE webinar on Friday, 23 June.

Book a place here: bit.ly/3wFKUXx


If you've never attended one of our FREE webinars for OTs interested in working in OH, they have always been so well received; our next one is 23 June at 9:30am

Book here: https://bit.ly/3wFKUXx


Our next free webinar for OTs interested in working in OH is on Friday, the 23rd of June, at 09:30 am.

Sign up to book your place by clicking this link: https://postly.app/2W9F


The OTforOH networking group now has over 💯 members!! It’s such a privilege to know so many incredible working in
Vocational Rehabilitation Association


We've just wrapped up another webinar Introducing OTs to OH. Thank you so much to all who attended and allowing me to share my passion with you.

If you have missed this one, I am running another webinar on Friday, 23rd June, and you can sign up here: https://postly.app/2W9F


Putting the final touches on the Introduction to OTs in OH webinar presentation for occupational therapists wanting to learn about working in occupational health!

Our previous webinars have always been so popular; I’m so excited for the next one, this Saturday 15th, April!

It’s not too late to sign up!

Simply scan the QR code below, or click this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-ots-in-oh-tickets-397808474857


What a luxury for an OT to be able to say!


I am so looking forward to our second webinar of the year for occupational therapists interested in working in occupational health next Saturday.

We are rare birds!

If you haven't signed up yet, click on this link:

Royal College of Occupational Therapists 07/04/2023

It has been such an honour to have even been considered for an RCOT merit award. Find out more about why I was nominated here:

Royal College of Occupational Therapists We’re RCOT, the Royal College of Occupational Therapists. We champion occupational therapy. We’re here to help achieve life-changing breakthroughs – for our members, for the people they support and for society as a whole.


I run free webinars throughout the year to help OTs learn about the role of OT within OH and why we’re perfectly suited to this area of practice.

These sessions are very informative – This is some feedback I received.

Book your place on the next webinar on Saturday 15th April 2023, by clicking this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-ots-in-oh-tickets-397808474857

Using occupational therapists in vocational clinics in primary care: a feasibility study - BMC Primary Care 04/04/2023

There is such exciting and growing evidence about the efficacy of OT in vocational settings.


Using occupational therapists in vocational clinics in primary care: a feasibility study - BMC Primary Care Background GPs are under considerable pressure providing routine care. However, they may not be the most appropriate professionals to manage getting patients back to work, and keeping them there. Objective To test the feasibility of delivering occupational therapy-led vocational clinics (OTVoc) to p...


Interested to learn about the role of OT within OH and why we’re perfectly suited to this area of practice?

Join in on one of our free webinars about what it’s like for an OT to work in OH and what skills are required.

As an Occupational Therapist - you will have most if not all of these skills already!

These talks run throughout the year on weekdays and weekends, and the feedback has been awesome!!

Scan the QR code in the image to sign up to our webinar.


Join in on one of our free webinars about what it’s like for an OT to work in OH and what skills are required.

(spoiler alert… you will have most if not all of these skills already!).

These talks run throughout the year on weekdays and weekends:

Click the link to sign up: https://postly.app/2NBy


Occupational therapists are experts in understanding the interactions between an individual (person), the occupation (task) and the environment.

This makes us a perfect fit for the OH industry!


I run free webinars for occupational therapists interested in the field of occupational health!

My previous courses have been very well received!

Our next one runs on Saturday, 15th April 2023.

Sign up here for your free place: https://postly.app/2NBy


Calling Mental Health Occupational Therapists in the Derbyshire area.

Fantastic opportunity!

To apply or request a job description, direct message me or email: [email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00