Natural Animal Care

Natural Animal Care

Natural Animal Care's role was to promote natural therapies and products for all animals. Natural Ani

Natural Animal Care facilities animal healing and optimal well-being through the use of the following natural therapies:
* Homeopathy
* Reiki and energy healing
* Flower essences
* Essential oil therapy
* Herbal tonics
* Nutritional supplements

Consultations are available via phone, email or Skype.

Timeline photos 23/08/2014
Timeline photos 23/08/2014

Natural Animal Care is closed. The occasional post or pic may continue to pop up here, or a question answered. Thank you for your support over the years. I am having a healing rest.

Mobile uploads 19/02/2014

Hello friends. I hope you and your animal friends are doing well,

Mobile uploads 23/12/2013

Thanks to Dogma Massage for sharing this important info. Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas.


Important note: Natural Animal Care is closing down indefinitely due to personal health issues. However occasionally interesting articles and info may be posted to the FB page. You are encouraged to visit The Complete Pet Company. Thank you. I'd love to take a moment to express my gratitude and thanks to everyone that has supported me and NAC over the years. xx

Timeline photos 19/08/2013

Kitty purrs are beneficial. Even more reason to have a cat.

Herbs For Canine Joint Care | Dogs Naturally Magazine 10/08/2013

I have been using a NZ herb for my own orthopaedic pain relief at the moment with some good success. Herbs can be used as wonderful nature's tools for many ailments and this article highlights their use for canine joint health. I hope you enjoy the read:

Herbs For Canine Joint Care | Dogs Naturally Magazine Dogs Naturally Magazine. The best source of natural dog care, vaccines, raw food and nutrition.

Vaccines and Vets: Is Your Holistic Vet Really Holistic? | Dogs Naturally Magazine 10/08/2013

Two fast facts: 1. Vaccinations are capable of creating disease (and often do!). 2. Repeating vaccinations throughout life just plain don't work. To find out more visit:

Vaccines and Vets: Is Your Holistic Vet Really Holistic? | Dogs Naturally Magazine Dogs Naturally Magazine. The best source of natural dog care, vaccines, raw food and nutrition.

Important News from Natural Animal Care *please read* 23/07/2013

Have you missed my latest newsletter? You can find it here:

Important News from Natural Animal Care *please read*


One of my clients has lost a cockatiel called Smokey from Bowral St, Alderley. If you live in the area and find a cockatiel please let Rachael know by calling 0422 607 525. Thank you.

Natural Animal Care List 18/07/2013

Hello all. Thank you for your support and understanding while I rest up and wait to hear what treatment my bone doctors come up with. I hope to have an update
email sent out to my mailing list within a day or two. If you aren't on my mailing list but would like to be please visit:

Natural Animal Care List Natural Animal Care List Email Forms


Hello everyone. Eileen is currently unavailable for Keperra consults due to a hospital stay of undetermined length for a knee fracture. She is still available via email - [email protected] - and is more than happy to reply to enquiries or to do online consultations. - thank you for your understand. =^;^=


Kash has been in again today for a follow up. As some of you may remember Kash came in three weeks ago with one of the worst cases of skin and/or autoimmune disorder I've ever seen. He was severely underweight and it would have been easy to jump to the conclusion that he was being neglected - anything but the truth! All of his bloods have so far failed to provide a clear diagnosis and many specialist visits and thousands of dollars later have provided no cure. Talk about heartbreaking!! I put him on digestive enzymes, complete meal (he is eating for a 40kg dog, not a 14kg), essential fatty acids, homeopathic remedy, anti-inflammatory (he was like a heater to stand next to) and topical support. He came in today still skin and bone. :-( Despite this there have been some positive changes that to a holistic practitioner are great little signs that something is happening. His skin is softer and he is shedding less; he feels normal, not overheated like 3wks ago; he used to tremble constantly, even in his sleep, and the trembling has stopped; he had an irrational fear of walking on grass, avoiding it at all costs, and today he is happy to walk on grass without hesitation; he continues to be interested in playing. Kash's owner is taking him to get further tests (as long as they aren't too invasive) and we've also added a product to clear out any parasites that might be hiding away and utilising some of that precious food. I'll keep you posted on his progress. Please send your best healing wishes and energy to Kash - thanks.


It's always interesting when someone comments that their particular breed of dog should only ever eat a particular protein of food, especially when it's unfounded like German Shepherds and chicken, or Blue Heelers and fish. Huh? Sometimes there is ancestral basis where some people believe that their bred of dog does better on a diet they would primarily eat in their natural habitat. For e.g. sheep herding dogs may traditionally eat a lot of lamb and mutton, duck retrieving dogs may eat a lot of duck, etc. We have to remember though that all of these breeds originated from a wild dog, i.e. the wolf, and have been (over)bred for human requirements. Essentially a raw diet is better than something out of a bag or a can. :-)

Animal Healing with Eileen McLean (2) 02/07/2013

Wow! My interview for The Lisa Aston Show has had 101 plays in only three days! :-)

Animal Healing with Eileen McLean (2) Eileen McLean describes herself as an "Animal Healing Facilitator". With a degree in Animal Sciences and practical experience in veterinary nursing, Eileen is accredited in natural medicines, canine massage, small animal nutrition and has a Diploma in Applied Animal Homeopathy. She is a Reiki master...

Animal Healing with Eileen McLean (2) 29/06/2013

My interview for The Lisa Aston Show! Thank you so much for the opportunity Lisa J Aston.

Animal Healing with Eileen McLean (2) Eileen McLean describes herself as an "Animal Healing Facilitator". With a degree in Animal Sciences and practical experience in veterinary nursing, Eileen is accredited in natural medicines, canine massage, small animal nutrition and has a Diploma in Applied Animal Homeopathy. She is a Reiki master...


The NEW Dogs Naturally magazine is available now! Subscribers, watch your letterboxes! The July / Aug issue is only $4. I also have a few back issues still available. To order your copy please call 0404 085 768 or drop a line to [email protected]. Thanks.


I just did an interview with the lovely Lisa for her show The Lisa Aston Show. "...I hadn't really thought about using natural therapies with animals until I was working on a daily basis in a veterinary clinic. I felt that there was far too much focus on the use of drugs, vaccinations, chemical based insecticides and processed foods. Animals didn't seem to get “well” they just seemed to stay “okay” and that “okay” became the norm." - the full audio interview will be available at the end of the month. Thanks Lisa!

Timeline photos 18/06/2013

Can you tell from the photo which part of the body Josie needed work on today? Josie came in with a digestive complaint. She suffers from constipation. A few dietary tweaks, digestive support, and a homeopathic remedy and hopefully she'll be on the mend. I've also recommended some acupuncture. I offered Josie some Reiki and essential oil therapy. She loved the energy around her lower back and then flipped over for work on her sacral and solar plexus. Animals often tell us exactly where they want the Reiki energy directed. :-)

Natural Animal Care 16/06/2013

My lovely little Natural Animal Care website has had a few changes. Can you spot them? :-)

Natural Animal Care natural therapies for animals


Lumps and Lipomas - a great article -


Congratulations to my Get Up and Go! competition winners! Gay & Gemma, Virginia & Melody, Jeanette & Molly and Leea & Winston. I will send out your FREE bottle of capsules early next week. I'd love some feedback on how your dog does on the product. Thanks.


Today I saw a lovely dog called Kash. He has a chronic skin disorder, mange / autoimmune. His owner has spent thousands on treatments, tests, potions, diets, etc. Kash is 8kg underweight and his skin is just falling off. Heartbreaking stuff! His owner is just beautiful, doing whatever he can for his dog which is really amazing because if you saw this dog on the street you'd think he was mistreated due to the sight of him. Avoid judgement! I have seen quite a few dogs as bad as this and they have all improved tremendously under Natural Animal Care's care and on TCPC's food. Let's see how Kash does! I have taken a before photo, which I won't share yet. I hope in a few months to share this before pic and a BRILLIANT after photo. Stay tuned!!


Only a few more days to enter!

Timeline photos 11/06/2013

The lovely Tango came in for Reiki today. She was very hyper to start, leaping around the couch, bounding over her person and me, heightened to the max. I rubbed a drop of the essential oil blend Serenity between my hands and began giving Reiki. She stopped in her tracks, leaned against her person and went into a relaxed, can't-keep-my-eyes-open state. Before too long she was yawning and lying down and by the end we had a very chilled out dog.

Timeline photos 08/06/2013

I had an amazing dog in today called Ben. He has a digestive issue where he regurgitates water and some food suddenly and without warning from the stomach. We discussed his diet, I worked out a remedy for his specific symptoms, we talked about his restlessness and possible stress levels, and added a digestive enzyme. I also used the essential oil blend DigestZen on a couple of pressure points along his back. Towards the end of the hour consultation I asked his people "do either of you have digestive issues?" YES. Although there are multiple dogs in the household Ben is particularly close with the male owner, who has digestive issues. The topic of human-animal bonds / contracts and mirroring was discussed, and how our pets are often trying to show us something we need to address in ourselves (or vice versa). There was great focus on trying to resolve the dog's issue but the owner wasn't doing the same for himself. Heal thy self and this is very much likely to help heal the animal.

Timeline photos 06/06/2013

My second patient of the day was a little terrier with recurrent ear infections. He has had this condition for four years, has been to multiple vets, has had many types of ear drops, antibiotics, swabs, and clean outs but the issue keeps coming back. The dog eats a dry food diet so this is the first change we are going to make - stop all grains. I went through his complete history and took full details about the look, smell and consistency of his ear discharge. I narrowed the case down to three homeopathic remedies. The info that helped me to decide on the right remedy was that he is very sensitive to noise. He improves when his surroundings are quiet, and worsens when there is a lot of sound. He is also better for staying in the county, and worse when living in the city. Along with the homeopathic remedy I also recommended a great ear clear product, containing all natural ingredients to gently clean away the debris in and around the area.


My first patient of the day was a little Spoodle with separation anxiety. The owners told me all about how this little dog reacts when she exhibits signs of anxiety. We ruled out past traumas, fears and other possible links in order to pinpoint the true underlying cause. We discussed in depth dog behaviour and how some of the day to day things the owners were doing could be altered. I also spoke to them about possible treatments including a herbal tonic, homeopathy, nutritional supplements and diet. It was a great hour consultation and the owners went away feeling confident that these new tools can help their gorgeous doggy. If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, give me a call to book a consultation.


Hello. I am in the process of planning some free online Skype Q&A sessions for June and July. Are you interested? The session will go for an hour and it is an opportunity to have questions answered about animal health and healing. All you need is access to Skype on your computer or phone. Please LIKE if you are interested.



Natural Animal Care has 4 FREE bottles of GET UP AND GO! - an all natural revitalizing Superfood for older dogs that supports mobility and flexibility - to GIVE AWAY! This product usually retails at $29.70. I am giving away a FREE bottle to 4 lucky winners!

Does your dog exhibit any of these symptoms:
- stiffness or limping
- decreased activity or lethargy
- difficulty getting up or down
- loss of playfulness
- lack of interest in exercise
- loss of range of motion

Simply send an email to [email protected] and tell me about the pet you would like to give this product to and why. Also provide your name, postal address and contact phone number. This competition will finish on June 14th. I look forward to hearing from you. Please share this with your friends.


Cushings Disease occurs when the adrenal gland is overactive. We are seeing some great results in dogs with this condition thru the use of a raw and all-natural diet (Complete Meal), homeopathy, herbs and a wonderful adrenal support nutritional supplement. Reiki is also beneficial to promote balance. If you know a dog with Cushings Disease please get in touch to find out more.


Hi everyone! Do you, or does anyone you know need their dog or cat to be SPEYED OR CASTRATED at a DISCOUNTED PRICE? We really need people to get behind this initiative. For more details please email [email protected] and please share on your wall.

Cats: Spey $95, Castration $40
Dogs: Spey $105, Castration: $85

Timeline photos 30/05/2013

A couple of dogs this week have been suffering from hotspots. Remember to always check for fleas as hotspots are often caused by even only a single flea bite. I've been seeing great results from a spray called ItchyScratch. 100ml is only $25. Wash the affected area with some salty water (1 tsp of salt per cup of water), lightly dab dry, and then apply the spray over the affected area. Reapply as needed - it stops the itching immediately. For more information drop me a line.



Natural Animal Care has 4 FREE bottles of GET UP AND GO! - an all natural revitalizing Superfood for older dogs that supports mobility and flexibility - to GIVE AWAY! This product usually retails at $29.70. I am giving away a FREE bottle to 4 lucky winners!

Does your dog exhibit any of these symptoms:
- stiffness or limping
- decreased activity or lethargy
- difficulty getting up or down
- loss of playfulness
- lack of interest in exercise
- loss of range of motion

Simply send an email to [email protected] and tell me about the pet you would like to give this product to and why. Also provide your name, postal address and contact phone number. This competition will finish on June 14th. I look forward to hearing from you.


It's getting cold! Check out these great beds.