The Writer's Diary

The Writer's Diary

Self expression, thoughts and ideas.


Dear closed friends!

When you think the right men came to you, know that your bestfriends are equally happy as you are. Your happiness simply bring them joy, for they knew how much you have waited. But please, do not expect us to cope up drastically. You do not have to show literally that you are replacing us with the one. We too are human. And please, know that you do not need to cut us into your lives. It hurt much but we are ready enough. So please, do your part as one whom we've shared part of our lives.

Thank you.


Often, as we get closer to people, we tend to feel so worried about them. We sometimes ask and wonder how are they. But when suddenly they ignored us, we felt so uneasy and sad. Dear people, its not easy to be us. So please, bear with our hearts. For indeed, someday we would be strangers again. Who knows?


Recently, it is hard to realized that we get too attached with people. Somehow, we doubt, but mostly we take the risk. Experiences are such a good teacher, that is why we get over when things go again as we experienced!
