Anti-Onion Coalition

Anti-Onion Coalition

Passionate adversaries to the proliferation of the Devils Tuber! This horrific root must be STOPPED!


Have you, or someone you know, been assaulted or injured by a negligent ONION!!

Unfortunately ONIONS are everywhere in our society today. There is practically nowhere you can go to avoid them. They’re in our homes, our, jobs, our schools, restaurants, community functions, even our Churches! Their overwhelming presence is real!

And like any out of control populace, their already offensive nature is only magnified when they’re in a pack. Thus good, respectable people are often victim to their heinous agenda. So, if this has happened to you or someone you know, call your friends at:

“Goodbreath, Oniondeath and Roundup”

Our team of highly experienced attorneys, doctors and hit men will get you the justice that YOU deserve!


THE ONLY GOOD ONION IS A DEAD ONION!!! Let’s bring righteous judgement on these heinous evil demons!!

We cannot tolerate Onion kind! All that’s needed for onions to triumph is for good people to stay silent!


SEEEEE??? Even the ancient Egyptians knew not to EAT onions but to BURY them. These little nuggets of evil, apparent kept the evil spirits away with their foul smell! You’re welcome for this bit of REEAALL history.👍🏻


GOOOOOD Monday morning fellow onion haters! It’s the beginning of another great week to stomp out all of onion kind!

Don’t forget: If you eat them, the onions win! 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


The evil Onion Cabal has infiltrated our entire society, at all levels, with their filthy wickedness. They’ve ingratiated themselves into nearly every form of culinary preparation. Why they’ve been been found perverting food as wholesome and pure as an omelette… Gasp!…Good people we MUST unite to STOMP OUT ONIONS and anything onion-like!!


Hi welcome to our onion defamation page. So many have accepted the abuse of the horrendous onion in their diet and culture. It is our goal to end this oppressive vegetable and provide a safe space for all who have been assaulted by the pungent gastro-thug.
