Dream Big With Clarissa

Dream Big With Clarissa

To change people’s lives by providing the best nutrition and weight management products in the world and the best opportunity in direct selling.


Meal prep for the week


Healthy meals


Living life to the fullest takes a lot of dedication and work. 🤙🏽
However, it can be extremely difficult to maintain a high level of inspiration, especially when the going gets tough. 💪🏽
Whenever things don’t go as planned, I developed the habit to relax for a couple of minutes, take a step back and have a look at my handpicked selection of the most inspiring quotes about life, love, happiness and growth.💚
Often times, that’s all it takes to re-enlighten the burning fire of inspiration within me. 🔥 It’s really astonishing what a few very wise words can do to your overall well-being and the way you perceive the world. 🌎 Sometimes you’re just so caught up with your daily life that it appears to be a grim and ruthless world you’re living in. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Inspiration from so many different sources allows us to remember the true beauty of life. 🌞
It makes us see opportunities where others only see problems. 🌈🎁


Okay friends, let's KEEP IT REAL. Let's talk the real questions about Herbalife that you want to ask....

✔️ Why does it cost money to sign up?
✔️ How long before I make money?
✔️ My friend said this doesn't work.
✔️ Is it one of those pyramid schemes?
✔️ Are you trying to make money off me?
✔️ Is it a scam?
✔️ Can I try it out for a month?
✔️ How do you fit it in to a full-time job and family?

Since it may be awkward to ask me up front, allow me to take the pressure off.

1. "Why does it cost money to sign up?"
Because it's a business, not a job.
You are becoming a business owner and your start up kit with the portfolio of product is your "store". Your kit is full of products that you get to use for yourself and use as a tax deduction.

2. "How long before I make money?"
I have the steps to success and you will have all the tools you need to to make money. However, YOU determine your success. I am here to train, encourage and support you, along with many other consultants. It's up to YOU what you want out of Herbalife. This business works if you do.

3. "My friend said this doesn't work."
No, your FRIEND didn't work. 😂

4."Is it one of those pyramid schemes?
You mean where all the people on top make all the money, take the long vacations, fly on jets, and get all the stock options while the people on the bottom work the most for the least amount of money and get 2-4 weeks of vacation every year? NO!! That's called CORPORATE AMERICA!!
Pyramid schemes are illegal, and I wouldn't be a part of something like that.

5. "Are you trying to make money off of me."
No, I'm trying to make money WITH you. And, I get a deep sense of gratification from empowering others to help them build their own businesses and change their lives just like this has changed my life.

6. "Is it a scam?"
I would never try to mislead my friends and family - many of whom are now enjoying the time and financial freedom not to mention being in the best shape of your life. Social commerce is changing the landscape and opportunities like this have emerged.

7. "Can I try it for a month and see how I do?"
YES, you actually have 30 days to try it.

8. "How do you fit it in to a full-time job and family?"
You're able to work where you want, when you want....during lunch break, before work running errands sitting in the car at sports pick ups etc. If you catch yourself offering advice, or making recommendations to friends, you work Herbalife the same way. There are no party requirements, no deliveries no handling money and no inventory. Customers shop your website, it's shipped straight to them.


Photos from Dream Big With Clarissa's post 02/08/2020

This “home-based business” is booming left and right....there’s never been a better time to join a team of “Ambitious” ladies!! They’re working their tail off to help others become healthy!! Earning money in process is rewarding. 💰

✅ Were you affected by the pandemic?
✅ Are you looking for additional ways to make money?
✅ Did the government stop that extra $600?
✅ Are you still able to collect unemployment?
✅ What are you plans when it’s maxed out?

These ladies have given themselves incredible raises recently with the decision to help change lives. 💰

This is only the beginning and none of this would’ve been possible without the help of OUR team...and a proven system that WORKS if you work it. 💚

I’m looking for 10 more people who want to become the best version of themselves!! We need YOUR help in spreading the word of good nutrition....AND earn money!!

Yes of course this business might potentially NOT be for you but you’ll never know unless you take a look. 💯

If any of those questions above made you “think”....now’s the time to decide: do you want to work a business as a side hustle around your current lifestyle? You don’t have to change much of what you’re already doing. Full training is provided. No experience needed. Serious inquiries only.

Let’s chat 💭


Changing your life starts with the decision to change


My beautiful wife and son...lunch date!!


Committing to this and writing it are very similar.

Take it out of the mental realm and put it into the physical realm.

Watch the magic happen...


Learning to cook healthier food options!

When the world is quarantined and dealing with protests and riots....I’m at home building my business and learning new recipes.

Keeps my mind at ease and fearless!


How are you staying active?

Would you workout more if I gave you a link to a free 45 min online workout?!

Open to all ages
Open to all fitness levels

Are you avoiding all the quarantine weight-gain?!

I can help you....

Did I mention my advice is 100% free....
Did I mention the workout is free too???

Message me or comment below


To ALL my SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS and direct sales friends:

Post one picture of an item you sell, or something that represents your business, or about a service you provide. One per person & NO prices please 🚫

If my friends are interested, they’ll contact you.

Please re-post this on your timeline so we can help promote small businesses everywhere 🙂


If you’ve been laid off or are on furlough, I can help you become your own boss!
Message me


We don’t have control over what’s going on around us but we can control what goes on in our minds.

If you give attention to something, it stays! Positive or negative. Read that again.

This too shall pass.....keep a light & humble heart 💗💕💗💕


I’m loving my wife even more today, just because!

Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths!! ❤️


Tired of being broke? Here’s what to do next…

Everything about wealth and money starts in the mind, being broke is actually a mental state that’s been embedded inside of us (over years). We have everything we need to become successful, but as we grow up, something changes.

Remember when you were a child? Your parents always told you that you can be anything you want. Then the older you became, THE LESS the people around you believed in you.

Now, these very people constantly tell us that our dreams aren’t realistic and we’ll never reach them…

Why do they do this?

How come as children we could have big dreams, but not as adults?

No matter how big your goals, remember one thing - someone in the World has to achieve them - why not you?

Well, I’m here to tell you - it CAN be you!

Let me prove it to you.

In my 41 years of meeting over 1 million people, I’ve come to learn that the Wealthiest in the World have mastered things about money that we are never taught.

Not just that…

The Wealthiest in the World are using SYSTEMS that we’re never shown…

So, the question is: “How do we get our hands on these systems…”

Well - we have to go directly to the source - go to those who are DOING IT (right this minute)!

Remember, you have greatness within you - it’s time we brought it out. Take ACTION!


For so long, I lived my life backwards. I thought that if I just got the job, I’d be happy. If I got fit I’d be happy, if I traveled, found someone who loved me, bought the car I wanted, THEN I’d be happy. I kept looking at the EXTERNAL, I kept attempting to achieve MORE to only find myself.... incomplete.

It has taken time, I have gone through quite a journey to find my true happiness... It is the knowing that I am whole. I am complete. Just as a I am. And just as I was. And I have always been.

We were all made perfect and whole humans.

And I think that’s what sometimes intimidates people... that we can be whole and complete all by ourselves. That we really don’t need anything to complete us, we are complete. I have come to learn that when we meet other whole and complete people, that energy ONLY AMPLIFIES and brings us to a NEW level. I can remain the same. Or I can surround myself by amplifiers, multipliers, and whole loving souls.

“Two halves make a zero, two wholes make and infinity.”

Don’t play half.
You are the whole damn deck, go find what makes you amplify your abundance.



This should be fun! Post a picture of you as a kid and a current picture. Let's see how much we have or haven’t changed. 🤣❤️

Lets keep it going.


I’ve carried children (two to be exact) within my body. I’ve slept with them on my chest. I’ve kissed toes and wiped away tears. I’ve been vomited on, peed on, and spent sleepless nights cradling my child. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My body isn’t magazine perfect but when I look in the mirror, I see a mother. And there is no greater honor, love or blessing ❤️


If you’ve been following me, the time is NOW to be your own boss. Get healthy with balanced nutrition AND earn money 💰


Five Key Stress Resilience Skills

💚Attention – flexibility & stability of focus.
💚Letting go (1) – physical.
💚Letting go (2) – mental.
💚Accessing & sustaining positive emotion.


My handsome rescue dog....our fur baby!!! 2.5 years with us and we love him dearly.

Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. 🐶 🐾


💙I love my son, he is the greatest gift that has been given to me by the heavens above, really.

💙 You just have this amazing talent of making my days so much brighter than they ever were.

💙I feel so blessed to be able to raise a child like you, it has been both an honor and joy to me.

💙 I love my son and within my capability, I will protect him, keep him locked up in my embrace.

💙I want to raise you the best that I can because I want you to grow up to be the best you can.




“My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — every day I’m learning something new.”
-Richard Branson

When I’m old and dying, I plan to look back on my life and say ‘wow, that was an adventure,’ not ‘wow, I sure felt safe. 💕




LET GO of anything that no longer serves you!

Lesson- if you’re obsessing over the past, wishing to go back, or fantasizing about an outfit that no longer fits, sometimes it’s better to just let go of the illusion!!

Point is, if you don’t like something, change it and consistently work towards whatever goal that is....otherwise simply embrace where you’re at 💚


Change is scary

It is unknown and is never a guarantee. But it is also essential for growth. Without changing certain areas of our lives we can not grow into our full potential. ✅

Our habits, actions, relationships, and mindset is dependant on change. 💯

Something that is even scarier than change is regret. The regret that you didn't want to leave your comfort zone and follow through on your decision to grow. ✅

Yes, change can be challenging, difficult, and confronting. But imagine your life a year from now.

Do you want to be in the same position you are in now? Do you want to be at the same job you hate? ❎

Are you more afraid of the change than you are of being in the same position you are in now? Is it worth it to change to spend more time with your family and live life on your terms? ❎

We can choose to focus on the scary aspects of change or we can remember that change is possible.


I’m Kalua Pig 😂


You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss

Celebrating a wonderful Valentines Day weekend 🥰🥰🥰


“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

- Steve Jobs


Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday recognized around the world. 💕
It celebrates romantic love, making it a popular day for couples to spend together. Valentine’s Day is traditionally associated with red hearts, romance, flowers, candy or other sweet things, and the exchange of cards, called valentines, that express love 💗

Most people agree that Valentine's Day is a good, if somewhat random, opportunity to shower loved ones with affection.

What are your plans for Valentines Day?


This was me when I was hesitant!
This was me when I listened to the naysayers!
This was me when I doubtful!

You’ve got to trust!
You’ve got to take risks!

I’m here to tell you, it’s okay. I will guide you with a system that has been proven to work.

It’s a WIN-WIN.... you can get healthy and earn money with a team of powerful women. Just like YOU

If you’re still skeptical, message me and I’ll show you a quick 30 min video


Sneak Peak at my quick arm workouts this morning.

I’m not trying to bulk up. I’m just reaching goals. My “fit” will always look different than yours and it’s supposed to be because they’re MY goals. 😘

This is my 20% fitness. 🏋🏻‍♀️
My 80% nutrition is mastered too. 🥗
100% mindset keeps me disciplined 💚

Inspiring and encouraging others is how I’m leaving my legacy.

I gotta do the deal too and not just “tell, tell, tell”....

I hope you enjoy my videos. Just remember, if I can do it, SO CAN YOU 🤷🏻‍♀️


Expanding my team of women who want to grow a business in the health and wellness industry isn’t difficult. 🤣

This is my workout in my bedroom. 🙌🏽

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. 🤪

My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long college PHD that I never had — everyday I’m learning something new 😊


Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.


Is there such a thing as a secret to success❓

Is it about working hard?

You can work hard and still not have any results.

Part of building an online business is to provide value.💯

Provide the value to your customers, friends, and everyone between.

Focus on helping others without expecting anything in return. 👈

It can be as simple as giving advice or helping them find a solution to their problem.

In this line of business, you get what you put in👊


This quote is such a powerful one! Think about it generally....

Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important voice of the American civil rights movement, which worked for equal rights for all!!

Today marks a special day for what he fought for in addition to his dream...

Meet Clarissa aka “Coach Rissa”

Hi I'm Clarissa.

I am 40 years young. I have a beautiful wife (blended family) and we’re mothers’ to 3 wonderful children. I was born in California and spent my early years in the bay area and then moved to Hawaii after being emancipated during my late teenage years.

I got started in this business because I originally needed to lose some extra baby weight. After being diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), I understood my body a little more. I gained and lost weight like a yo-yo every month. Although, these products do not claim to cure, diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, I realized when I changed my eating habits, my body began to operate the way it’s suppose to.

Furthermore, after I saw what these products did for my body and my weight, I saw the opportunity to make money too so I was “all in”.

Videos (show all)

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 10:00
11:00 - 12:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00