19th Together

19th Together

Maurilio Garcia, Jenny Schaffer and Sam Schoenburg—Candidates for the 19th Police District Council


With mail-in ballots counted over the past week, we are now confident that we’ve secured all three District Council seats in the 19th Police District! THANK YOU. For volunteering. For donating. For voting for us, and telling your neighbors to do the same. For believing in our shared vision for community-centered public safety and policing. We are excited and honored to serve all residents of the 19th District as your first-ever District Council Members.Read more and subscribe to our updates: https://rb.gy/4spmko

Timeline photos 21/02/2023

OPC is proud to endorse the 19th Together Slate for district council.
Jenny is a mom of three and community activist from North Center. Maurilio is a market research strategist and Northwestern alum from Uptown. Sam is a lawyer and former political organizer who lives with his husband in Lakeview.
Their platform hinges on making public safety truly public, expanding how we deliver public safety through more mental health and housing resources, making policing more transparent and accountable, and creating and supporting a strong community commission for public safety & accountability.

Photos from 19th Together's post 14/02/2023

This , we’re asking our supporters to share or repost a commitment to vote for Maurilio, Jenny and Sam with graphics for our digital toolkit. Get creative! THANK YOU

Photos from 19th Together's post 07/02/2023

This we're providing a detailed look at how we want to create a safer 19th District for everyone.

Photos from 19th Together's post 31/01/2023

This , help us educate our networks on this brand new position and why the team is ready to hit the ground running to make this position as impactful as possible.

Timeline photos 25/01/2023

Last Saturday, Mishkanite Jenny Schaffer reflected on the influence of Jewish tradition on her own justice organizing. Learn about police accountability, public safety, and more on the latest Contact Chai podcast!



We've got another member of Team 19th Together! 👏 When he's not focused on advocacy efforts, Sam is an attorney and is involved in local social justice efforts. Team 19th Together are dedicated to making policing more accountable, fair, and effective.


Maurilio Garcia is a part of the 19th Together team! Maurilio is running for District Council in Chicago's 19th Police District o work to ensure that all 19th District residents’ experiences with policing are positive and productive.

Photos from 19th Together's post 21/11/2022

Filing our petitions this morning! Thank you to the 100+ supporters who helped us get 3500 (!) signatures.


Signed our Statements of Candidacy together today and we’re ready to turn in our petitions Monday morning! Huge thank you to everyone who has helped us get to this point.

Photos from 19th Together's post 07/11/2022

Big shout out to our volunteers who've helped us collect signatures and talk to our neighbors this fall — rain or shine!

Police district council races gear up - Chicago Reader 02/11/2022

Thanks Chicago Reader for covering our team!

"A slate of candidates—data analyst Maurilio Garcia, parent Jenny Schaffer, and attorney Sam Schoenburg—are running for the 19th District Council. Schoenburg says policing is the government institution that is 'least accountable and most shielded from genuine community input.' Garcia says he wants to ensure all residents’ experiences with the police are 'positive [and] productive.' Schaffer says she wants to expand the umbrella of emergency services to include people like mental health care professionals, drug rehabilitation specialists, and homelessness response providers. Garcia and Schaffer have each founded antiracist community groups. All three candidates have filed candidate disclosures. The ONE People's Campaign and 47th Ward alderperson Matt Martin have endorsed the slate."

Police district council races gear up - Chicago Reader There’s still time to get on the ballot in your district.


We’re so honored to be endorsed by Alderman Matt Martin!

In 2021, I voted to pass the Empowering Communities for Public Safety (ECPS) Ordinance—the strongest civilian oversight law in the country. Beginning next year, we will place community voice at the center of public safety conversations and decisions involving new laws and regulations, as well as the selection of key public safety leaders.

This coming February, Chicagoans will for the first time ever vote to elect three District Councilors in each of our city’s 22 police districts. These Councilors will serve as ambassadors between residents and public safety stakeholders including the Chicago Police Department, the State’s Attorney’s Office, mental health providers, and violence prevention organizations.

I am proud to endorse the 19th Together Team for 19th District Council.

Maurilio Garcia, Jenny Schaffer, and Sam Schoenburg are running to empower neighbors to create a safer neighborhood together, including by advocating to expand our existing mental health first responder pilots citywide, and by elevating community voice at monthly public safety meetings.

As you consider who you will vote for in this important election, I hope you will join us for a Meet and Greet with these three candidates on October 17th at 6PM at Black Eagle Club.



We're honored to have the endorsement of Matt Martin for Alderman! We'd love to see our 47th ward (and beyond!) neighbors at our Meet and Greet next Monday, 10/17 from 6-8pm at the Black Eagle Club in North Center. https://secure.ngpvan.com/KgDAUtuySk-6RRqvk9ybZA2

Photos from 19th Together's post 08/10/2022

Photos from our campaign kickoff! It was such a jolt to have so many people there! Since then we've added a bunch of October canvassing sessions to our volunteer form. Sign up today to help us talk to more 19th District voters this month and get Maurilio, Jenny, and Sam on the ballot: https://www.19thtogether.com/volunteer


Where is Chicago's 19th Police District? The 19th District runs from Fullerton to Lawrence, and from Lake Michigan to the Chicago River. It spans many neighborhoods—including Uptown, Lakeview, Lincoln Square, Lincoln Park, North Center, and Roscoe Village, just to name a few. It also covers many aldermanic wards, including all or part of Wards 32, 40, 43, 44, 46, and 47. Do you live in the 19th District? Leave a comment or message us!


Meet Sam! Sam Schoenburg is a lawyer who lives with his husband, Nigel, in Lakeview. After organizing on President Obama’s campaign and graduating from Yale, Sam went to NYU Law School, where he sought to understand why the criminal legal system too often leads to injustice and racial disparity. Here in Chicago, Sam put his convictions into action by organizing with the grassroots coalition that helped establish district councils and democratize public safety. As Councilor, Sam will ensure the District Council does what it was intended to do: put the community’s voice first in public safety and policing.


Meet Jenny! Jenny Schaffer is raising three kids in CPS schools in North Center with her husband, Jeremy. While raising her children, Jenny confronted the stark inequalities that exist in our city and decided to act. She founded the antiracist group for parents at her kids’ elementary school; became active with Embarc, an educational nonprofit which builds student leadership and promotes racial equity through experiential learning; and leads her synagogue’s Public Safety Justice Team. As Councilor, Jenny will uplift innovative strategies to make our neighborhoods safer.


Meet Maurilio! Maurilio Garcia is a Northwestern grad living in Uptown with his partner, Savannah. As a data analyst, he distills diverse opinions into strategic action plans. He’s founded a pro bono grant initiative that assists Chicagoland nonprofit organizations better our community. Most recently, he worked to help underserved CPS students achieve their goal of attending college. As a Mexican-American who’s had varied experiences with police, Maurilio’s goal as a District Councilor is to work to ensure that all 19th District residents’ experiences with policing are positive and productive.


We officially kicked off our campaign last week! Thanks to all who were able to join us — we're so excited to build a safer community together with you all.

Sign up today to volunteer with us in October and help us reach more 19th District neighbors!
