Training on business continuity strategies for micro SMEs in the aftermath of Covid-19 (Coronomics)
Today, we had a chance to promote our project at the career fair of Izmir Bakircay University, where 50 firms and our students attended!! Great vibe and fruitful conversations!! ̧ayüniversitesi
Promotion of our project during Erasmus Days, at Izmir Bakircay University Campus.
Article regarding our Serres meeting in September 2023
Четвърта транснационална среща по Проект 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000034664 — Новини — СА "Д. А. Ценов" Новини за Стопанска академия Д. А. Ценов
The multiplier event we organised on 06 October 2023 in Svishtov is now available via below video link.
CORONOMICS Multiplier event 06102023 Svishtov, Bulgaria Training on business continuity strategies for micro SMEs in the aftermath of Covid-19 - Coronomics2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000034664https://www.pandeconomics.e...
Sizleri Bakırçay TEKMER sorumluluğunda ve AB destekli aşağıdaki iki proje çerçevesinde 20 ve 21 Eylül tarihlerinde gerçekleşecek çevrimiçi eğitime davet ediyoruz.
- Dijital Dönüşüm ve Endüstri 4.0 Konferansı kapsamında Coronomics “COVID-19 Sonrası Mikro KOBİ’ler için İş Sürekliliği Stratejileri Eğitimi”
- Girişimcilikte İyi Uygulama Örnekleri Eğitimi kapsamında COM-SET “Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretimde Ticari Odaklı Sosyal Girişimcilik Eğitimi”
Eğitim programı şu şekildedir:
A. 20 Eylül 10:00-12:00 Coronomics Projesi:
10:00-10:30 Açılış ve Projenin Tanıtımı; Mobil Uygulama ve Platformun Gösterimi
10:35-11:05 ''Pandemi Sonrası Ekosistem: Dinamik Olarak Değişen Piyasalar İçin Yeni İş Modelleri'' Eğitimi
11:10-11:40 ''Pandemi Sonrası Çağda Dijital Dönüşüm'' Eğitimi
11:40-12:00 Soru&Cevap Oturumu
Kayıt linki:
ZOOM linki:
B. 21 Eylül 10:00-12:00 COM-SET Projesi:
10:00-10:30 Açılış ve Projenin Tanıtımı; Mobil Uygulama ve Platformun Gösterimi
10:35-11:05 ''Uluslararası Yönetim ve Sürdürülebilirlik'' Eğitimi
11:10-11:40 ''İşletme Yönetiminin Temeli Olarak KSS'' Eğitimi
11:40-12:00 Soru&Cevap oturumu
Kayıt linki:
ZOOM linki:
On 8-9 June 2023, the project team will meet in lovely Larnaca, Cyprus towards finalising the training modules and preparing for evaluation.
Our Coronomics project is in the heart of facilitating the innovation ecosystem through state-of-the-art training to SMEs.
In the context of the Commercially Oriented Social Entrepreneurship Training and Coro-nomics Erasmus+ projects, our Belgian partner PhoenixKM visited and interviewed the founders of Aluvision Exhibits (Ann Vancoillie, Dirk Deleu) in Deinze (BE), and Page Electronica (Luc Page) in Poperinge (BE).
Our next meeting will take place on 20-21 September at Izmir Bakircay Universitesi, in Turkey.
More than 100 social enterprises, cooperatives and non-governmental organizations from Bulgaria and abroad presented their products and services during the 10-th anniversary edition of the European Forum of the representatives of social and solidarity economy at the Plovdiv Fair. The forum was opened by Vice President of Bulgaria Iliana Yotova, by Minister of Social Affairs Georgi Gokov, by Ministers of Agriculture and Tourism Ivan Ivanov and Hristo Prodanov. Our organization participated with a booth, which was visited by the European Commissioner Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit. The representatives of our organization presented to the European Commissioner our ongoing projects funded by the Erasmus + program.
An online meeting today with all partners.
Announcement published by Izmir Bakircay University about our kick-off meeting:
Press release by Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics of our kick-off meeting.
Проведе се първата транснационална среща по проект за професионално обучение по Еразъм + с координатор СА „Д. А. Ценов“ — Новини — СА "Д. Новини за Стопанска академия Д. А. Ценов
Our website is now available at
Training on business continuity strategies for micro SMEs in the aftermath of Covid-19 – Coronomics – 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000034664 The coronavirus pandemic is causing large-scale loss of life and severe human suffering globally. It is the largest public health crisis in living memory, which has also generated a major economic crisis, with a halt in production in affected countries, a collapse in consumption and confidence, and....
team work on the project in Plovdiv
Our 2 days blended (physical/online) meeting took place in lovely Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Coronavirus: de meest gestelde vragen over de impact op je onderneming
Coronavirus: de meest gestelde vragen over de impact op je onderneming | Voka We zitten nog steeds in de COVID-19-pandemie. Voka ontvangt nog regelmatig vragen van ongeruste ondernemers over de concrete aanpak van deze crisis. Hieronder vatten we de antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen voor je samen, in samenwerking met SD Worx.
Als kmo op weg naar de ‘New Normal’
Als kmo op weg naar de New Normal Ook voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven @ voornamelijk familiebedrijven @ zal de impact van COVID-19 niet min zijn. Door hun omvang zijn kmo@s namelijk kwetsbaarder voor een onvoorziene crisis.@ Om deze moeilijke situatie beter te begrijpen, kunnen kmo@s bij ons terecht voor gratis 360°dia...
Hoe kmo’s de economische impact van de coronacrisis kunnen verzachten
Hoe kmo’s de economische impact van de coronacrisis kunnen verzachten Terwijl COVID-19 stilaan z’n greep op onze samenleving verliest, oogt de toekomst voor onze bedrijven onzeker. Want wat gebeurt er als de huidige steunmaatregelen verdwijnen? Wat zal de economische impact van de coronacrisis dan zijn? Zal er zich dan een gevreesd domino-effect ontwikkelen? En hoe ...
Hoe groot is de impact van corona op kmo's? (video)
Hoe groot is de impact van corona op kmo's? (video) Voor het eerst in 2 jaar zijn er in onze KMO's meer jobs verloren gegaan dan er nieuwe zijn bijgekomen. Dat blijkt uit cijfers van HR-dienstverlener SD Worx. De tewerkstelling in de KMO's viel vorig jaar met 0,66 procent terug, terwijl ze in 2019 nog met 2,7 procent toenam. De dalende trend zet zich...
Negatieve impact van coronacrisis op kmo’s (2020)
Negatieve impact van coronacrisis op kmo’s nu al duidelijk Nu de meeste bedrijven en ondernemers terug aan het werk zijn, worden de financiële gevolgen van de coronacrisis op onze economie duidelijk zichtbaar. Dat is ook bij accountancy- en auditkantoor Vandelanotte het geval. Zij zien bij hun klanten dan ook een serieuze daling in het aantal documenten...
A fruitful kick-off meeting took place on 07/02/2022, while a first physical meeting will take place in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on 22-23 February 2022.
Training on business continuity strategies for micro SMEs in the aftermath of Covid-19 (Coronomics)
Call 2021 Round 1 KA2
KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Start date: 01-11-2021
End date: 31-10-2023
P1: D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics
P2: Izmir Bakircay Universitesi
Provide educational materials to help micro-SMEs to identify and develop the new competitive skills, the new organizational forms, the new business process designs, the new organizational systems, the new functional skills and the new human resources profile that businesses will need in the pandemic and the post-pandemic period.
Improve ability of micro-SMEs to cope with post-pandemic challenges, which its impact on them is more devastating due to liability of smallness, will increase.
Objective 1. Improving the ability of micro-SMEs to analyze the nature of the changing ecosystem during and after the pandemic post-pandemic and to develop the new managerial and organizational insight to find new ways to serve their customers and communities.
Objective 2. Supplementing the educational programmes which train the potential entrepreneurs and managers for SMEs with the curriculum developed by the project partners that includes the new ways of doing business in the post pandemic period.
Objective 3. Contributing to shaping the education and incentive policies of public institutions responsible for the development and competitiveness of micro-SMEs by educational material of the Project.
Expected outcomes:
PR1: Coronomics ECVET compliant curriculum and course material training toolkit – lead by P1
PR2: Video supported case database upon an integrated digital environment - lead by P3
PR3: Coronomics whitepaper on challenges and opportunities for micro companies – lead by P2
PR4: Coronomics Learner Logbook – lead by P4
Target groups:
Stakeholders who are direct users of the project’s outputs: These are the entrepreneurs and managers.
Stakeholders who contribute to the development and competitiveness of the SMEs which are managed by the first group. These are public institutions and actors that provide consultancy services.
The educational institutions that contribute to the training of the human resources (entrepreneurs and managers) that firms will need in the new conditions that characterize the post-pandemic period.
The actors most affected by the pandemic conditions in all countries are SMEs, especially micro ones. Among the most important common features of these type of SMEs are liability of newness and liability of smallness.