La Chica del Lunar

La Chica del Lunar

Little pieces of art, custom Blythe dolls one-of-a-kind and friends. Nice to see you here. Thanks for visiting :D


All those pictures have no filter. This IS the real colour and photos have been taken with my mobile phone.
Real beauty doesnt need filters :)

I dont know what i didnt upload more pictures of this beauty before, cause she IS for adoption. Hope you like her :)


Happy monday!!!!
Mine started just and hour ago, but with many little kisses, Hot milk and kiwis jajajaja so It seems It Will be a good week.
Have a good week!
Hola!!! Feliz lunes!!!!
El mío ha empezado tan solo hace una hora pero con muchos mini besos, una taza bonita de leche caliente y kiwi, así que parece que va a ser una buena semana jajajaja.
Que tengáis una buena semana!


Todavía tengo algunos eyechips de los que pintaba yo misma :) y la verdad es que tienen su encanto, personalidad. Y que les tengo cariño, las cosas hechas a mano y distintas al final tienen su aquel y dan un puntito de amor.
Y con tanto brillo confieso que este año aún no he puesto el árbol. Y vosotras?


Hi! I still have some of the handpainted eyechips I used to do :) they are lovely and have something special for me. Handmade things are special, cause they are made with care and love.
They are like glitter jajaja And i have to confess that I didnt have my Christmas tree at home yet... Do you?


Hello! How are you???
I Hope the algorithm let me say hello to you?
I miss you allí, i Hope everything IS ok :)

Holaaaaa, espero que el algoritmo me deje saludaros. Echo de menos esto, espero que os vaya bien todo! Besos!