Devin Wilbourn

Devin Wilbourn

The Book of Circles & Lines is part guide, part concept art, and part mental rabbit hole, designed to


My 12 year old son decided he wanted to start a business selling jolly ranchers and gum to other kids. Unfortunately he didn’t have the money to start his business. So, he loaded up a cart with his old toys, Pokémon cards, and a table, walked a half mile to our local park, and set up a stand. He made $50 in 2 days. Today he bought his first batch of gum and jolly ranchers.

The difference between those who succeed in life, and those that don’t, isn’t where you start. It’s what you do with what you have.


One of the hardest things I had to overcome when I started writing The Book of Possibility was the fear that it wouldn't be as good as The Book of Circles & Lines. In my businesses, I never encountered this problem, because I just had to build on the lessons of my last business. But in my art, I'm always striving to create something new. So while The Book of Possibility is a continuation of the concepts in The Book of Circles & Lines, both the idea and ex*****on needed to be strong enough to stand alone. As a result, I spent the first 3 months of this project overcoming my fear of producing a lesser copy of my last book, and it was only when I finally released that fear that I was able to start gaining traction with the new book.

I share this because I want you to know no matter where you are in your journey, fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs are the gatekeepers to every level of accomplishment. I'm now in the process of writing my 3rd book, scaling my second business, and launching my personal brand, and I still have to overcome new layers of these three blockers. And here's the thing, it's hard for me every time. But that's great news for you! Because it means I'm not special, and the blockers that stood between me and the things I'm building are the same blockers standing between you and what you're building. And you can beat them; you just have to take the first step.


One of the most powerful things about The Book of Possibility is its simplicity. As you read this book you'll find that what seems like nothing more than a simple sentence, when considered deeply, can open your mind to an entirely new way of thinking.

Get your copy for just .99 Cents on Kindle!

The Book of Possibility 05/10/2023

After 2.5 years, over 500 rewrites, 2k+ hours, and almost scrapping the project 150 times, it's finally finished.

If you enjoyed The Book of Circles & Lines, you do not want to miss The Book of Possibility. Now available on Amazon for just .99 Cents. Thank you to everyone who's provided feedback, and encouraged me on this journey. I hope this new book encourages you as much as my last one.

The Book of Possibility The Book of Possibility

Book giveaway for The Book of Circles & Lines by Devin Wilbourn Oct 29-Nov 10, 2021 30/10/2021

I'm giving away 100 free kindle copies of The Book of Circles & Lines! Follow the link to sign up for the Goodreads Giveaway and get yours!

Book giveaway for The Book of Circles & Lines by Devin Wilbourn Oct 29-Nov 10, 2021 Enter to win one of 100 free copies available. Giveaway dates from Oct 29-Nov 10, 2021. The Book of Circles & Lines is part guide, part concept art, & pa...


It’s messages like this that remind me of why I write.


Your perspective determines your choices. Your choices create your experiences. Your experiences shape your beliefs. Your beliefs become your perspective. Your perspective determines your choices...


Open the Door.

Free Book Download | Circles & Lines-Book 07/10/2021

Hey Circles & Lines Friends, I'm working on building up to 100 reviews and I need your help! If you followed the page but haven't had a chance to read the book yet, follow the link below to get a free digital copy. All I ask is that you leave a review and fill out the short questionnaire. Thank you everyone who has participated so far, you guys are awesome! #100

Free Book Download | Circles & Lines-Book Thanks for checking out The Book of Circles & Lines!

The Book of Circles & Lines | by Devin Wilbourn 30/09/2021

It's official! The Book of Circles & Lines now has its own website. Check it out below!

The Book of Circles & Lines | by Devin Wilbourn The Book of Circles & Lines is part guide, part concept art, and part mental rabbit hole, designed to make you question the very foundations of how you think about the world. If you’ll let it, this book will open you up to a whole new way of approaching life.


The Book of Circles & Lines is part guide, part concept art, and part mental rabbit hole, designed to make you question the very foundations of how you think about the world. If you’ll let it, this book will open you up to a whole new way of approaching life, help you break through mental blockers, and take you on a journey of self discovery that will change the way you think forever. Welcome to the maddeningly simple, yet infinitely deep black box that is The Book of Circles & Lines.


2 more ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Reviews! Thank you everyone for all the support in helping to get this book out to more people. If anyone would like a free copy for themselves, or to send to a friend, just message me. All I ask is that you leave a review on Amazon or the page.



The Book of Circles & Lines is part guide, part concept art, and part mental rabbit hole, designed to make you question the very foundations of how you think about the world. If you’ll let it, this book will open you up to a whole new way of approaching life, help you break through mental blockers, and take you on a journey of self discovery that will change the way you think forever. Welcome to the maddeningly simple, yet infinitely deep black box that is The Book of Circles & Lines.



Thank you everyone who’s Supported my efforts to get this book out to those who need it. One of the most critical elements to self publishing is reviews; so for anyone who has liked or followed the page that would be willing to provide a review, I will send a free digital copy of the book. All you have to do is read it and provide honest feedback on Amazon.

Anyone who’s interested, just click the “send message” button below and let me know.


Coming soon...

The Book of Circles & Lines 01/07/2020

Your life is a path of cause and effect. You have an experience that creates a reaction, which creates another experience, which leads to another reaction. But how do you know you're actually having the experience you think you are? What you see and hear is translated by your eyes and ears, and interpreted by your mind; so what happens if your mind misinterprets something? How would you know? How would we know? Billions of people around the world, reacting to one another, creating new experiences for one another, laying the groundwork for our future. How many misinterpretations does it take to destroy the world? How many re-interpretations does it take to save it? What if all it takes to change the future, is to change our interpretation?

The Book of Circles & Lines The Book of Circles & Lines


The only thing in the world that cannot be forcibly subjugated and enslaved is your mind; yet it is the one thing we most often and easily surrender because we value comfort over freedom.


Pain can either be your teacher, guiding you down the river of life; or your anchor, holding you in place until you drown.


One day we woke up and realized the boxes we created to comfort ourselves had become our prisons, but it was too late, we loved our comforts too much to leave; so we made the boxes bigger.

But the big boxes felt empty, so we filled them with little boxes. And for a while the little boxes made us happy, until one day we woke up and realized that the little boxes were empty too.

So we bought a medium sized box to carry us from place to place so we could tell others about all our boxes. And for a little while that made us happy, until one day we realized that that box was empty too.

So we hated our boxes all the more, but it was too late, we’d invested nearly everything we had to get the big box, the medium box and all the little boxes.

So we gathered together what little we had left to buy one more box, a very special box, just the right size, to keep us comfortable when we were finished with all of our boxes.

Photos from The Book of Circles & Lines's post 11/06/2020

Pain is an emotional matter, not an intellectual one, so our brain has no ability to process it; instead, it has to rationalize it. However, it's not enough that our brain understands it, it has to assign a responsible party, create a framework for us to operate in until the pain stops, and construct protections to prevent that pain from happening again.

This rationalization process can manifest in either Circles or Lines. If we are emotionally incapable of handling the truth, then our minds will create circles to protect us. Blame assigns responsibility, Discontent allows us to accept the pain without embracing it, and Worry makes us feel prepared so we can avoid it in the future.

But this cannot be the end. Like any injury, sometimes we need to heal before we can rehabilitate. However, at some point we have to get out of the hospital bed. At some point, we have to begin taking the understanding line so we can learn from our pain. At some point, we have to be grateful for what is good in our life so that our pain has a purpose. And most of all, we have to accept that we cannot control the future so we open ourselves up to living again; because you cannot rationalize your way out of pain, you have to progress beyond it.


Certainty is our greatest delusion, because even what we are certain of, cannot be entirely verified. Not because it is unverifiable, but because our verification is merely a perception of the truth.

With this understanding we are forced to accept that we only live in degrees of certainty, and every moment is a continual unfolding of the truth.

While uncomfortable at times, it is through this realization that we discover the infinite path; where we move forward with the degree of certainty which we have, while remaining open to expanding our perspective of even the things we are most certain.


Our world is on fire right now, and we all are longing for comfort; comfort from the pains of the past, comfort from the chaos happening around us, and comfort for our fears about the uncertain future before us.

But we have to fight it. We must press on towards uncertainty. We must allow ourselves to be uncomfortable so that we can progress, because it is only by continuing to progress as individuals and as a society that we find way home.

Photos from The Book of Circles & Lines's post 08/06/2020

The worry circle traps your mind by convincing you that you can see the future. The truth line frees your mind by reminding you that the future is uncertain.

One sacrifices your present to your future, the other harnesses your present to create your future.

While this truth can be unnerving, it can also be freeing. Because the moment you accept that the future is out of your hands, your hands become free of trying to control the uncontrollable and may be applied to something more productive; like this beautiful moment you're occupying right now.

The Book of Circles & Lines 06/06/2020

“Your perspective determines your approach. Your approach creates your experiences. Your experiences shape your perspective. Your perspective determines your approach...”

If we do not start allowing our perspectives about each other to evolve, continue blaming each other for the past, remain focused on the things we’re discontent with, and continue viewing the future with fear instead of hope; this circle of violence and hatred will never end.

However, if we can begin to look at the past through a perspective of understanding, the present through a perspective of gratefulness, and the future through a perspective of truth; progress becomes possible.

But it begins with us, because we are the only ones who can change our perspective. And while the beginning of our perspective is shaped by our experiences, it is the perspectives that we accept which determines our approach, and it is our approach that changes or reinforces our experiences.

The Book of Circles & Lines The Book of Circles & Lines


Anxiety is like a ghost that haunts your mind. You can't see it, smell it, taste it, or touch it; yet when it comes, its presence is undeniable, and it's almost always suffered alone.

If you struggle with anxiety, use the button below to message me, and I will send you a free digital copy.

While anxiety isn't the only focus of The Book of Circles & Lines, many who struggle with anxiety have found it to be a powerful tool to help them carry on their journey.

Photos from The Book of Circles & Lines's post 04/06/2020

Blame prevents us from making progress as individuals and as a society because it has to find a responsible party to justify our pain. It is only through taking the understanding line that we can move forward, because it is through increasing our understanding of others, our circumstances, and ourselves that we elevate our perspectives; which in turn raises us out of our past and present life patterns.


Dear Readers,

Thank you all for the unbelievable support you've shown this project. We are at nearly 100 readers in the last 30 days and climbing daily.

I'm now working on a companion guide with practical steps to using the book in every day life, and hope to have it out in a few months.

Until then, if you purchased the book, please let me know in the comments below so I can thank you personally.


The Book of Circles & Lines 30/05/2020

The Book of Circles & Lines is part guide, part concept art, and part mental rabbit hole, designed to make you question the very foundations of how you think about the world. If you’ll let it, this book will open you up to a whole new way of approaching life, help you break through mental blockers, and take you on a journey of self discovery that will change the way you think forever. Welcome to the maddeningly simple, yet infinitely deep black box that is The Book of Circles & Lines.

The Book of Circles & Lines The Book of Circles & Lines


When the soul is broken it is much like the body, you have to allow time for it to heal. However, much like your body, if you do not first realign what's broken, it will never heal correctly. Understanding is the painful yet necessary process of realigning what was broken, so you can heal fully and move forward with your life.

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Break the Cycle