This page will help you in finding honest answers to your dental queries by dental experts.

How to prepare your child for their first visit to the dentist 26/05/2023

Preparing your child for their first visit to the dentist can be a hard task for any parent. Here are a few tips that can help make their first visit to the dentist a breeze.

How to prepare your child for their first visit to the dentist We hope our blog on preparing your child for their first visit to the dentist has been helpful. By following the tips we've outlined in this article, you'll be able to make dental visits of your child a positive experience.

Tips and Tricks for Healthy Teeth and Gums 09/04/2023

Good dental health is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires a persistent and consistent effort to maintain healthy teeth and gums. But with the right set of simple yet effective habits, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and disease-free.

Keep reading to learn about some tips and tricks that can help you achieve optimum dental health.

Tips and Tricks for Healthy Teeth and Gums Good dental health cannot be achieved overnight. It requires a persistent and consistent effort to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Zirconia Crowns: The Ultimate Guide to Benefits, Procedure, and Cost 14/03/2023

Nowadays, more and more dentists are recommending zirconia dental crowns to their patients. But do you know what are these zirconia crowns and why these crowns are better than metal and metal ceramic crowns?

Zirconia Crowns: The Ultimate Guide to Benefits, Procedure, and Cost Zirconia crowns tend to be more expensive but they are currently the best option for those who want a natural-looking artificial tooth.

Electric Toothbrush Uses | Disadvantages of Electric Toothbrush 07/03/2023

Now a days, there is new craze about electric toothbrush but is an electric toothbrush better than a manual toothbrush?

Electric Toothbrush Uses | Disadvantages of Electric Toothbrush An electric toothbrush uses an electric motor to make brushing teeth easier and more effective than manual brushing.

Freshen Up Your Routine: Effective Method of Using Mouthwash 20/02/2023

Are you aware of the correct way to use mouthwash? If not, then let us inform you about the correct methods and times for using mouthwash.

Freshen Up Your Routine: Effective Method of Using Mouthwash Are you aware of the correct way to use mouthwash? If not, then let us inform you about the correct methods and times for using mouthwash.


Interesting take on protecting the health of your teeth.

Mouth Cancerous | Symptoms and Sign of Leukoplakia 11/02/2023

Red or white patches in oral cavity are frightening but are all White Patches in the Mouth Cancerous?

Read below article to know more.

Mouth Cancerous | Symptoms and Sign of Leukoplakia Symptoms and Sign of Leukoplakia. White spots in the mouth can develop at any time, but it is the most common problem in the elderly. It can occur in the gums, cheeks and on tongue and lips.

Mouth Cancer: What is oral cancer or mouth cancer? - 06/10/2022

Mouth Cancer: What is oral cancer or mouth cancer? - Mostly oral cancer starts in the lips and can spread to the tongue and surrounding areas. It can also start in the teeth and gums and spread to other parts of the body.

Mouth Cancer: What is oral cancer or mouth cancer? - 06/10/2022

October is oral cancer awareness month.

Read the below article to know what is oral cancer and what are the symptoms?

Early diagnosis is most powerful tool to save life.

Mouth Cancer: What is oral cancer or mouth cancer? - Mostly oral cancer starts in the lips and can spread to the tongue and surrounding areas. It can also start in the teeth and gums and spread to other parts of the body.

How is osteoporosis affecting your oral health? - 30/08/2022

Although osteoporosis is a serious problem in countries all over the world, in India its effect is seen a little more. According to statistics, at present, around 30 million people in India are suffering from osteoporosis. However, this disease is more common in women. One in eight men and one in three women in India suffer from osteoporosis.

This disease not only affects the bones but also adversely affects your oral health.

Loss of bone density in osteoporosis increases the chances of infectious destruction of tissues surrounding the roots of teeth and it may become so severe that it may become impossible to create functional dentures.Osteoporosis has also been suggested as a risk factor in dental implant failure.

How is osteoporosis affecting your oral health? - A person with osteoporosis is more prone to tooth loss. Osteoporosis increases the chances of infectious destruction of tissues surrounding the roots of teeth

How to take care of baby teeth and gums? - 20/08/2022

Babies get their first milk teeth, which erupt after a certain age. Children’s oral health can be maintained if proper care of milk teeth is done. It is generally believed that not much attention should be paid to the milk teeth of children, which is totally wrong. If the baby’s milk teeth are damaged, it can lead to infection of the gums and roots of the teeth. Its effect can be seen even when permanent teeth come in.

How to take care of baby teeth and gums? - If the baby's milk teeth are damaged, it can lead to infection of the gums and roots of the teeth and can also affect permanent teeth.

What to eat after getting braces? - 30/07/2022

It is not easy to clean your teeth after having dental braces. Having sticky and sugar may lead to poor oral hygiene and can cause dental cavities along with gum diseases.

What to eat after getting braces? - When you get your braces on, you need to cut down on sugary and starchy foods and beverages to reduce the risk of damaging teeth braces.

What is Dental Scaling or Professional Teeth Cleaning? Do you need it? - 07/05/2022

Oral health is essential to physical health, so almost all dentists recommend scaling teeth. If needed, dental scaling can help keep your mouth and teeth healthy.

What is Dental Scaling or Professional Teeth Cleaning? Do you need it? - almost all dentists recommend scaling teeth. If needed, dental scaling can help keep your mouth and teeth healthy.

Dental & Oral Problems in Old Age 23/04/2022

Wisdom and experience may come with age, but so does a load of health problems including the ones associated with ageing teeth and gums.

Read the article to know more about common oral and dental problems in old age and how you can deal with these problems.

Dental & Oral Problems in Old Age Wisdom and experience may come with age, but so does a load of health problems including the ones associated with ageing teeth and gums.

Do not consume these foods after dental implants, it can be a big problem! - 02/04/2022

Dental implants for teeth related problems, although very effective and a long-term solution to make you eat, speak and smile naturally, there are a number of restrictions that you need to follow after getting it done. However, these restrictions are only for the first few months. There are many precautions to be taken after dental implant surgery.

Do not consume these foods after dental implants, it can be a big problem! - Spread the loveDental implants for teeth related problems, although very effective and a long-term solution to make you eat, speak and smile naturally, there are a number of restrictions that you need to follow...

Sensodyne Fined Rs 10 Lakh by Consumer Body Over "Misleading Ads" 22/03/2022

Don't simply believe on advertisement. Many times incorrect information is shared and wrong claims are made.

The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has ordered discontinuation of misleading advertisements of Sensodyne toothpaste within seven days and imposed a penalty of Rs 10 lakh on the manufacturer.

Sensodyne Fined Rs 10 Lakh by Consumer Body Over "Misleading Ads" Central Consumer Protection Authority has sought discontinuation of certain misleading advertisements of Sensodyne toothpaste.

Are you thinking to have dental Implants? 19/02/2022

Things You Need to Know Before Getting Dental Implants.

Are you thinking to have dental Implants? Dental implants can be termed as the best solution for tooth replacement which can help significantly improve your oral health.

“Symptom, Causes And Treatment Of Oral Cancer” 04/02/2022

Oral or mouth cancer is one of the most common cancer . Keep checking your mouth for early detection and treatment of disease.

“Symptom, Causes And Treatment Of Oral Cancer” In case you have any mouth ulcers which is not healing from more than 3 weeks. Please be cautious.

Swollen Gums: Causes and Home Remedies - 18/01/2022

अगर आप के मसूड़ों में सूजन है और ब्रश करते समय मसूड़ों से खून आता है,तो दिए गए घरेलू नुस्खे आप की मदद कर सकते हैं।

Swollen Gums: Causes and Home Remedies - Millions of people in India are troubled by bleeding from gums. It is mainly caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking and hormonal changes

Swollen Gums: Causes and Home Remedies - 18/01/2022

If your gums are swollen and bleed while brushing your teeth, you may try suggested home remedies.

Swollen Gums: Causes and Home Remedies - Millions of people in India are troubled by bleeding from gums. It is mainly caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking and hormonal changes

Are you afraid of going to the dentist? 07/01/2022

Millions of people fail to get necessary dental care because they're afraid to go to the dentist. Here are some tips to help you overcome your fear.

Are you afraid of going to the dentist? Every 3rd person is scared from going to dentist. Read this to know how you can overcome your fear.

Home remedies to remove sensitivity in teeth 31/12/2021

If your sensitive not allowing you to enjoy hot cup of coffee on this new year night, watch this

Home remedies to remove sensitivity in teeth Having sharp pain in the teeth after consuming cold food or beverages is a common problem. This is called tooth sensitivity or dentin hypersensitivity. It is...

How to get rid from Bad Smell or bad breath ?? 24/12/2021

in case you are having bad breath, watch this.

How to get rid from Bad Smell or bad breath ?? Have you ever noticed that people avoid coming close to you , check your breath or asking someone to give honest feedback. Bad Smell from mouth or bad breath...

Why My Teeth Are Not White ?? 22/12/2021

If you are struggling to get the pearly white teeth, this article will help you in getting the beautiful smile.

Why My Teeth Are Not White ?? Everyone wants white teeth but all can't have pearly white. Many factors are affecting the shade of teeth out of which few are in our hands while few are in our genes.


Now schools are re-opening and kids are generally super excited to meet and play with friends,so in case they injure their mouth or face,here are few home remedies to manage the injury.


Toothache is not an ordinary pain. Only those who have suffered this can understand the situation.

It is always advisable to immediately consult your dentist whenever you feel the pain first time. Ignoring it in earlier stage may prove costly. However if you are not able to visit dentist, let us tell you some home remedies to avoid this pain.


Who doesn’t love sparkling teeth and a beautiful smile, but what to do when the teeth are covered with plaque and tartar? Today, through our article, we will tell about some home remedies for cleaning tartar from teeth. to do when the teeth are covered with plaque and tartar?


Mostly mouth ulcers are harmless but can cause uneasiness and discomfort making it hard even to eat, drink or brush the teeth.
There are a few simple and effective home remedies that work well in providing quick relief from mouth ulcers.

Home Remedies to Remove Sensitivity in Teeth – 15/08/2021

If sensitive teeth are not allowing you to enjoy your favourite icecream 🍨this summer, try these home remedies to get freedom from the sensitive teeth.

Home Remedies to Remove Sensitivity in Teeth – The health of your teeth and gums is an important aspect of your overall health and well-being. Million of people are suffering from  oral and dental disease yet very small percentage of people receive…

Choosing the Right Toothpaste - 26/06/2021

Just like you would not use a shampoo designed for oily hair type on dry hair, different toothpastes are also made to cater different dental problems.

So before ordering grocery for this month,don't forget to read this to find best toothpaste for you and your family.

Choosing the Right Toothpaste - Just like you would not use a shampoo designed for oily hair type on dry hair, different toothpastes are also made to cater different problems

Black Fungus: Symptoms and Prevention - 21/06/2021

Though spread of the corona virus has reduced but still vast number of persons who were hospitalized for the treatment of are still at risk of getting infection.

Black Fungus: Symptoms and Prevention - Muco-mycosis (black fungus) is not a new infection, disproportionate use of steroids, prolonged ICU stay and unhygienic conditions have made... read more Black Fungus: Symptoms and Prevention

Swollen And Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy - 13/06/2021

Do you know that pregnant women with long standing chronic gum disease have four to seven times higher chances to deliver prematurely.

Swollen And Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy - As a result of varying hormone levels, 40% of women will develop oral health issue sometime during their pregnancy.

Ill effect of smoking on oral health - 26/05/2021

Smoking not only harms your lungs ,it also harm your teeth and gums.So to have beautiful smile,say NO to smoking 🚬.

Ill effect of smoking on oral health - Smoking is not only harmful to your lungs, it harms your teeth and gums too. In order to have healthy teeth and beautiful smile, say No to smoking,

10 Advantages of Keeping Teeth Clean - 16/05/2021

Beautiful smile 😁 and fresh breath.

Do you know what are the other advantages of maintaining good oral hygiene 🪥 ??

Read the below article to know other benefits.

10 Advantages of Keeping Teeth Clean - Most of the dentists recommend brushing twice a day if you want to keep your teeth pearly white and healthy.... read more 10 Advantages of Keeping Teeth Clean

Why you must change your toothbrush after recovering from Covid 19 infection? - 07/05/2021

Do you know that keeping toothbrush with Covid 19 patient toothbrush increase chances of infection of other family members by 60% while sharing the tube of toothpaste can increase the risk by 30%.

Follow these tips to save your family from deadly infection.

Why you must change your toothbrush after recovering from Covid 19 infection? - In a household having covid 19 patient , risk of spreading the virus increase by 30% if same tube of toothpaste is shared while it increases by 66% with shared a toothbrush container

Do you know that your poor oral health can effect Covid 19 infection outcome ? - 30/04/2021

Poor oral hygiene not only spoil smile,it may be life threatening in COVID 19 infection.


Click below link to know more.

Do you know that your poor oral health can effect Covid 19 infection outcome ? - Poor oral hygiene can be a risk factor for COVID-19. Maintaining proper oral hygiene and usage of oral antiseptics could lower the viral replication affecting the viral load.

Keep Checking Your Mouth for Covid 19 / Corona Virus Infection - 24/04/2021

Not just loss of taste, there are few other oral symptoms of or imfection. Keep checking your mouth to find out the infection at early stage.

Keep Checking Your Mouth for Covid 19 / Corona Virus Infection - Not just loss of taste, there are few other oral sign and symptoms of covid 19 infection like dry mouth, oral ulcers and Covid tongue.

8 Dental Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea - 16/04/2021

You must be knowing that green tea helps you in boosting your immunity and loosing weight.But do know that green tea can help you in getting the beautiful smile?

8 Dental Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea - Do you know that green tea can help you in getting the beautiful smile ?


Ageing itself is not a dominant or sole factor in determining oral health. However, a lifetime of chewing, grinding and general wear and tear combined with medications, other medical conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension etc and a potential decrease in dental care can cause many oral health problems in senior citizens. Click the below link to know more about these changes.

TOP 6 ORAL AND DENTAL PROBLEMS IN OLDER ADULTS - Ageing itself is not a dominant or sole factor in determining oral health. However, a lifetime of chewing, general wear and tear combined with medications, medical conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension etc can cause many oral health problems in senior citizens.

Why I don't have pearly white teeth ? - 25/03/2021

Tried all things still you don't have those pearly white teeth. The reason could be in your genes. Click the below link to know about the factors effecting color of your teeth.

Why I don't have pearly white teeth ? - Tried all things still you don't have those pearly white teeth. The reason could be in your genes. Read more to know about the factors effecting color of your teeth.

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Interesting take on protecting the health of your teeth.
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