The Well Health Initiative

The Well Health Initiative

Advocating, Serving and Healing with Compassion and Truth


We need your help with our Youth Bike Workshop! Click the link in our bio to sign up.


Best first impression? A SMILE. Worst impression? BAD BREATH. Take care of your mouth. It’s free!


And that’s a wrap!
This past weekend, 15 amazing students participated in our “Well Done” Culinary Retreat. They learned through hands-on workshops on kitchen skills, hygiene, laundry, nutrition, and more.

We, at The Well, want to give a BIG shoutout to all of the volunteers who sacrificed their time and energy, to for their space, to and Ross Catering for sponsoring our dinner. We could not have done it without you!

Stay tuned for more events from The Well HI!


This women’s conference with worship and workshops will break chains and encourage hearts. Be sure to register. Tickets will sell out fast!




Trail mix is a fantastic snack. It perfectly combines a healthy snack and a sweet treat ;) Here is The Well's favorite trail mix recipe! Enjoy and happy trails!


Research suggests that access to high-quality screening and appropriate cancer treatment are major reasons for higher deaths for Blacks versus Whites. So, let's not get in our own way. ,


We can make a difference in our own health by taking steps to get screened. Find other recommendations for screening at
, ,


Vitamin (C)Sea 🌊

Everyone is always telling us to consume more vitamin C, not many people tell us why! Vitamin C helps the body to fight infections, speed up recovery time, and supplement bone health. It also dramatically limits inflammation in your body!


There are some very simple things that each of us can do to reduce our risks for colorectal cancer. Take action today!


Increasing rates of colorectal cancer in younger Blacks may be related to the higher presence of obesity, physical inactivity, and unhealthy dietary patterns in this group.


E n d o m e t r i o s i s
( En-doe-me-tree-O-sis)

Endometriosis is a painful pelvic condition, found in women, that can be treated and managed by limiting consumption of gluten, red meat, trans fat, and artificially flavored foods. Increasing intake of fibrous, vitamin-C-rich foods and other nutritious fruits and veggies would be effective!

For more info visit the


Many medical conditions are improving in fewer people affected with less severity disease and improved treatment results. But, these benefits often do not reach people of color and poorer communities.

Keep following for more on how you can take control of your colon health. ,


Colorectal cancer often has no symptoms, especially early on. So, talk to your doctor about screening options. Come visit us at for more health advocacy information.


Let's make sure those smiles match the snow outside!!

Combat cavities with the aid of fluoride and frequent brushing. Use the tips found in the post and at

If you love hot chocolate, we have an event for you! Our next Serve The City is Saturday, February 26th! Come out and enjoy a cup of cocoa on us! More details are available at


This is vital knowledge for every woman and for every man who cares about the women in his life.

Women are often made to feel foolish and dismissed as exaggerating symptoms when they present to ERs and doctors' offices with upper back pain, lower chest or abdominal pressure and indigestion.

Speak up, ladies, and insist on being evaluated for a heart problem.

Photos from The Well Health Initiative's post 22/02/2022

Taking the time to honor the Black pioneers in my family that have impacted my passion of health advocacy. I am standing squarely on their ideals, hard work and struggles. So grateful.

Be intentional about learning your own family history, not just their work and achievements, but also their health histories. It can make a difference to your present perspective.


Dark Chocolate = Healthy treat

Don't feel bad about enjoying your favorite sweet treat. Use these tips to help discern between healthy and unhealthy treats when shopping for goodies! For more from The Well, visit


Though these steps are not easy, you can do it!. Talk to your doctor about your numbers for blood pressure and cholesterol. Eat less red meat and processed foods. Start walking.

Let us help you on this journey. Check out our FREE SELF-PACED WELLNESS PROGRAM at


Black people have higher risks of heart disease than any other ethnicity or race and across all socioeconomic levels, in part, because of lopsided high rates of High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Obesity.

Also the Black community often suffers from higher stress, less economic opportunity, reduced access to affordable grocery stores and fewer quality environments for exercise.

Photos from The Well Health Initiative's post 14/02/2022

There's more to your heart than just EMOTIONS, KISSES and CHOCOLATE. It needs you attention every day of the year. Watch for our more posts this week for facts and tips about heart health. ,


Eat responsibly!! - but how do you actually do that?

Oftentimes, staff finds themselves mindlessly emptying bags of chips, cookies, or other treats. Here are so fantastic tips for staying active and aware in the battle for proper nutrition! For more from The Well, visit


Visit our website for more information and health resources.


Let's keep those smiles bright!

Here are some fabulous nutritional tips which will help protect and enrich your dental health! In addition to brushing twice a day and consistent flossing, these foods can really be a gamechanger for your oral health!


Visit our website and see how we can help make a difference. You can also access us at Bookmark it!
