

World's simplest minimalist tracker & journal app. https://time2.life

Journal and track your moods, activities and habits.

Install the Time2Life mobile app at:

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Google Play Store:


Happy International Day of Happiness!


Depression and Sadness – understanding the difference and managing the blues - Time 2 Life 31/01/2023

❓What is the difference between depression and (deep) sadness?
❓What are the external factors that trigger low moods?
❓What are some of the myths about what causes depression, and what are its real causes?

Discover the answers to these questions - and many more insights - by reading the latest article on our blog:

Depression and Sadness – understanding the difference and managing the blues - Time 2 Life What is the difference between depression and sadness? Many people use the words “sad” and “depressed” interchangeably: how many times have you hear people say "I feel depressed", when in fact, they are just describing a state of sadness? (albeit deep sadness) Depression and sadness are rela...


"Tracking my thoughts and mood shifts using a mood tracker app has been such a game changer for my mental health. Highly recommend giving it a try!"
"I noticed that I tend to feel more anxious and stressed when I don't get enough sleep, or when I'm not taking enough time for self-care. By becoming more aware of these patterns, I've been able to make adjustments to my routine and prioritize my mental health."


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition characterized by intense and unstable moods, relationships, and behavior. Coping with BPD can be challenging, but a mood tracker app can be a helpful tool in managing the condition.

A mood tracker app allows you to track your mood and emotions throughout the day, which can help you identify patterns and triggers for your mood swings. For example, you may notice that certain activities or events tend to lead to intense emotions or impulsive behavior. By tracking your mood, you can become more aware of these patterns and take steps to prevent or manage your mood swings.

A mood tracker app can be a valuable tool in coping with BPD. If you're living with BPD and are interested in trying out a mood tracker app, it's important to speak with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations and support. It's also important to remember that managing BPD may involve a combination of treatments, including therapy, medication (possibly), and self-care strategies.


Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging from manic episodes to severe depression. These mood swings can be difficult to manage and can have a significant impact on daily life. However, using a mood tracker app can be a helpful tool in coping with these mood swings.

A mood tracker app allows you to track your mood and emotions throughout the day, which can help you identify patterns and triggers for your mood swings. For example, you may notice that certain activities or events tend to lead to manic episodes or depression. By tracking your mood, you can become more aware of these patterns and take steps to prevent or manage your mood swings.

In addition to helping you identify patterns, a mood tracker app can also provide a sense of accountability and support. By regularly tracking your mood, you can see how your mood changes over time and share your progress with a healthcare professional or a support network. This can help you feel more in control of your condition and more motivated to work towards managing your mood swings.


Do you know what day is today?

Blue Monday is the term used to describe the third Monday of January — considered to be the most depressing day of the year. People are most likely to feel sad due to a combination of factors such as the weather, post-holiday blues, and the end of the winter holiday.

Although the idea has been criticized by mental health professionals for simplifying and trivializing the complex issue of depression, Blue Monday is still important for raising awareness about the many factors that can trigger feelings of sadness.

This month we are preparing an in-depth article about all of these factors — and how to manage your mood during difficult times. Watch our blog at Time2.Life for more details!


Have you ever tried using a mood tracker to improve your morning routine? This tool that allows you to track your mood and emotions throughout the day, and it can be really helpful for identifying patterns and being more mindful of your emotions.

By using a mood tracker, you can set it up to prompt you to check in on your mood at regular intervals, or you can manually log your mood as you go throughout your day. This can help you identify patterns in your mood and behavior, such as noticing that you tend to feel more anxious and stressed in the morning when you don't get enough sleep.

By tracking your mood, you can be more mindful of your emotions and reactions throughout the day. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but taking a few moments to check in on your mood can help you stay grounded and centered.

Overall, we highly recommend giving a mood tracker a try if you're looking to improve your morning routine. It's a simple tool that can have a big impact on your overall well-being.

Have you ever used a mood tracker before? Share your experiences in the comments below!




Good news! A new version of Time2Life is out now. As usual, keeping in mind our intention to make this app the most useful, yet simple & straightforward tool, we have added:

↪️ Sharing Function: Share your charts with anyone - your mental health expert, your family or friends.

💡Better Insights List. Your insights have a new fresh look, and are now easier to read and navigate through.

🖊️ Configure your own categories and activities: Customize your activities by removing those you do not need and adding those that match your lifestyle and the areas you want to track.

🏆 Track your streaks. Keep on track and make sure you make daily entries, thanks to the streak function, now available on the app home page.

Download the new update from the 📱Google Play Store or the 📱AppStore.

📊 Mood Tracking: 10 Amazing Use Cases for a Tracker App 15/11/2022

Although journaling and habit tracking are widespread practices, the practice of tracking your mood has yet to gain the fame and place it deserves among people’s daily habits. In this article, we will explain why mood tracking is such a useful tool in your self-development, emotional balance and mental health kit – by looking together at 5 real-life examples of cases.

📊 Mood Tracking: 10 Amazing Use Cases for a Tracker App Although journaling and habit tracking are widespread practices, the practice of tracking your mood has yet to gain the fame and place it deserves among people's daily habits. In this article, we will explain why mood tracking is such a useful tool in your self-development, emotional balance and men...


Discover the source of your happiness using a


Good news! A new version of Time2Life is out now. Why is this such good news? Because, following this update you can:

📷 Add photos to your entries! Since a photo is worth a thousand words, your entries just got richer and more meaningful with this feature.
⚡An even faster app experience. Because time is precious and every second counts, the app moves at lightning speed, and we will keep optimizing this aspect of the app.
⏰ Premium feature: set a personalized time for your daily reminder.
💎 Optimized interface - the app experience just got more intuitive and easier to navigate and use.

Download the new update from the 📱Google Play Store or the 📱AppStore.




A new version of Time2Life is out! Here is what it brings:
💎 Speed: Add Moods Quicker than ever before! (only 2 steps instead of 3)
💎 Better Journaling: Add & Edit Notes for any entry more efficiently
💎 Personalized, inspiring quotations, based on your moods
💎 Improved Settings Page - with more options to tweak and personalize
💎 More rapid flows, improved functionality and an optimized interface.

Download the new version using the link in the first comment.


See the details for each mood, gain deeper insights into your patterns (once you have enough moods recorded) export and import your moods, and interact with the app using a better interface and an overall improved experience — this is what you can expect from the latest version of Time2Life.

Update your app now, using the link in the Bio.


Being honest with your feelings, keeping at it and being mindful of your moods as they arise are the Top 3 secrets of successfully tracking your moods.

Monitoring your mood - Better Health Channel 13/09/2022

📊 Why would you want to monitor your moods?
🖊️ What is the best way for you to do it?
❓ What should you track?
❤️How important is honesty and consistency?

All of these and more, answered in this insightful article provided by the Australian Government in an effort to raise awareness about mental wellbeing and mental health:

Monitoring your mood - Better Health Channel betterhealth.vic.gov.au


🔔 New version now available! - Time2Life evolves every week, and this time we have introduced:

🔒 Data privacy - PIN protection against unwanted access
✅ Filter moods in Dashboard - see how specific activities (reasons) impact your moods.
📩 Add e-mail address to account - unlock the Premium features of the app, as well as receive updates and notifications.
⭐ Easily rate app and send us your feedback.

Update your Time2Life app to the newest version now. Links in the first comment.

Using a mood tracker – what are the benefits? Time 2 Life 19/08/2022

What are the benefits of tracking your moods?

🔑 5 key differences between 📈 mood tracking and 🖊️journaling,
💎 the 13 benefits of recording your moods, seeing charts, trends and discovering insights
💡 10 examples of real-life case studies of situations where you will benefit from tracking your moods, habits and activities:
➡️ How do you improve any area of your life by tracking it?

Read the article at:


Using a mood tracker – what are the benefits? Time 2 Life Recording your moods using a mood tracker can have a lot of benefits for many people, regardless of where they are in their life, as we will discover. What is a Mood Tracker? A mood tracker is, essentially, a tool that enables you to register your moods at different times throughout the day. Ideally...


A new version of Time2Life is now available for iOS and Android on the AppStore and Google Play Store.

Here are the new features and improvements:

✳️ You can now 🖊️ Journal — by quickly adding text notes to any of your entries
✳️ You can choose from brand new lists of default categories and activities - including ➕ Emotions, 🗓️ Habits & Routines, 🎸🥷 Activities, 💊 Health & Medication, 🙏 Spirituality, Challenges and more.
✳️ Improved design and flow — for a quicker and smoother experience

Links to download / upgrade to the latest version of Time2Life ⬇️ in the first comment.

Want To Be Happier? Start Tracking Your Mood Daily 09/08/2022

Want to be happier? Start tracking your mood daily.

💎 The step-by-step process:

1. Track your mood daily
2. Track events that affect your mood
3. Analyze results
4. Decide which changes are needed
5. Make those changes
6. Continue tracking

Want To Be Happier? Start Tracking Your Mood Daily A step-by-step process to help you stop feeling drained and start smiling again