Cool neat homemade histology pictures and/or memes

Cool neat homemade histology pictures and/or memes

Basically I'm a histologist and I like what I do, so I do it at home too. I process, embed, cut and

Some stains 09/02/2020

As requested by ya girl Carla


Ever wondered what the skin of a leopard gecko looks like at 10x mag? Me neither, but here we are.


Well I fu**ed up the stoichiometry a bit, but that’s the color I was looking for. It’s going to be a super weak, but it will be good for giving some color to very small pieces of tissue.


So this is a cool fun fact, we use a dye called eosin in histology and usually it's the Eosin Y variant but there is also an Eosin B. The Y stands for "yellowish" and the B stands for "blueish" because Eosin Y is yellowish and Eosin B is kinda blueish. That's not a very cool fact at all, is it?


i don’t know that I’d ever need this many control slides, but I couldn’t let them get thrown out tbh


Gonna be making some eosin Y lol


So this page is just a personal project for myself but I also wanted to share incase my friends are interested too. Occasional meme maybe?? We’re just here to have fun
I process, embed and cut plant tissue at home so I can look at it under the microscope that I paid too much money for and get excited that the green stuff is green and the red stuff is red. I have a section of euphorb stem in formalin right now, it’ll take 48 hours to fix and then I can proceed. In the mean time please enjoy this piece of bone I cut at work


in the meantime please enjoy this trichrome stain of a piece of heart.


i was gonna make some dweeb s**t to post on this page
