James College LGBTQ

James College LGBTQ

James college LGBTQ+ Rep page


Hey guys!

For those Freshers who have found us, Welcome, and for those who have been here for ages, hello again!

I’m Georgia and your Head of Community. Unfortunately we don’t currently have a Community Rep for the College as we haven’t managed to recruit one.

I’ll do my best to keep you updated with events, and am planning an event for Freshers week. If anyone here would like to be our Community rep, I’d be really grateful if you could drop me a message!

Georgia 🦢🖤🤍

Photos from YUSU LGBTQ's post 15/03/2021

Join YUSU LGBTQ+ on Friday 19th February for a special guest talk and Q&A from Jonathan Blake! You can find the event on Facebook here: https://fb.me/e/199mhj9H0

Jonathan Blake was one of the first people in the UK to be diagnosed with HIV in the UK in the early 1980s and has been an advocate for LGBT+ rights for over three decades. He was involved with the campaign group Le***an and G**s Support the Miners (LGSM) and was portrayed in the film Pride by Dominic West.

Jonathan will be delivering a talk about attitudes towards HIV and AIDS, along with a history of the Le***an and G**s Support the Miners movement. There will also be some time after Jonathan's talk for a Q&A session.

To purchase a free ticket for the event, please book a ticket via the YUSU website; we will post the link once it is available.

If you have any further questions, please contact Connor Briggs, Community Manager on [email protected]


As History Month begins, we'd thought it'd be useful answer a frequently asked question within the community: what's the difference between Pride Month and LGBT+ History Month? Here's a little explanation as to why!

ID: A search bar at the top with the question "history month vs pride month", with an explanation below and the YUSU LGBTQ+ logo at the bottom.

Text reads: "This is a very common question!

Pride Month happens in June, and is a month that celebrates the LGBTQ+ community. It happens in June to honour the Stonewall riots, which happened in 1969; many people consider the Stonewall riots to be the first key event in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

History Month is a look at LGBTQ+ history. It was introduced more recently, and is in February to commemorate the repeal of Section 28 in the UK. We use this month as time to educate ourselves on LGBTQ+ history."


Happy national LGBTQ+ history month 2021. Be sure to check out this space regularly, where I will be posting information about the Highbury Fields March, the ‘first’ ‘Pride’ march in the UK.

Be sure to check out the events put on by the LGBTQ+ network and by the university.

ID the LGBTQ+ history month 2021 logo

The Log Books: Stories from our LGBTQ+ history 30/01/2021

The University of York invites you to a LGBT+ History Month event with the creators of the award winning podcast, The Log Books
About this Event
The University of York invites you to a LGBT+ History Month event with the creators of the award winning podcast, The Log Books. The Log Books explore the UK's LGBTQ+ history through the handwritten archives of Switchboard, the LGBT+ helpline that was established in 1974. Tash Walker and Adam Zmith will explore some of their favourite stories of the people who called into Switchboard, the common themes uncovered within its archives and the helpline's significance in UK LGBTQ+ history.

About The Log Books:

The Log Books was named Best New Podcast (Gold) at the British Podcast Awards 2020, is five-star rated on Apple and has been featured in The Observer and the Guardian, Esquire, Diva Magazine, Boyz Magazine, on BBC Radio Hour, History Hit with Dan Snow and the Pod Bible podcast.

The first two seasons of The Log Books podcast covers the period 1974 to 1991, and includes stories collected from more than 50 contributors talking about everything from nightlife to housing, from discrimination and HIV/AIDS, from censorship to migration.

About the Speakers:

Tash Walker

Tash Walker is a Co-Chair of Switchboard and podcast/radio producer. Tash has brought the charity’s log books to light through archiving at Bishopsgate Institute, talks during LGBT History Month and media interviews. She is also the Co-Founder of Get In Her Ears, an organisation set up to promote womxn and non-binary people in music.

Adam Zmith

Adam Zmith is a writer and podcaster. He is a London Writers Awardee (2019-20), the literature programmer for Fringe!, east London’s q***r film and arts fest, and a volunteer at Diversity Role Models. He is formerly a journalist and social media editor.


The Log Books: Stories from our LGBTQ+ history The University of York invites you to a LGBT+ History Month event with the creators of the award winning podcast, The Log Books


Some of you may have seen the new pride flag crossing outside spring lane. Some of you may be aware of the controversy this has caused on Twitter and various social media platforms. I speak with earnest when I say I know how hard and heartbreaking it can be to see the negative, homophobic and transphobic comments. I am always here if anyone needs to talk, I can be either be contact by email [email protected] or by a private message, any and all contact will be confidential. You can also contract the college manager, open door or the PTO. Remember that support helplines are always available such as the Samaritans at 116123, it is always okay to reach out for help.

This has highlighted the need for pride and other LGBTQ+ campaigns more than ever, together we will continue to make progress.

ID the new lgbtq+ pride crossing with words looking fabulous


Holocaust Memorial Day, on this day, 76 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, we remember the atrocities and hardship of all those who suffered and died in the Holocaust.

We remember the 50,000 LGBTQ+ members sentenced to prison and endured dehumanising punishment that followed.

We remember the 5,000-15,000 LGBTQ+ members sent to concentration camps.

We remember the 5.8 million Jews murdered.

May we never forget and may we never repeat.

Image description - The text reads ‘ Holocaust Memorial Day, we remember, we say never again’

The text is pink on a dark background with the image of Holocaust victims wearing a pink triangle in the middle.


🏳️‍⚧️ Transgender awareness week 2020! 🏳️‍⚧️
🧐🏳️‍🌈For transgender awareness week I have created a Kahoot! 🏳️‍🌈🧐
🏴‍☠️feel free to give a go at any point 🏴‍☠️
💬Feed back is more than welcome💬
Game pin - 07705435


🏳️‍🌈James college LGBTQ+ social mixer, quiz included🏳️‍🌈

💬 come along have a chat 💬

🏳️‍⚧️all welcome (from every college) 🏳️‍⚧️

🏎 Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 806 741 2568
Passcode: 736454 🏎
ID: The text reads “James LGBTQ+ social mixer Friday 13th at 18:30” the next is white on a black background with roses scattered sporadically, the James LGBTQ logo is in the top right corner and the the words “yes” in the top left.

Timeline photos 27/10/2020

🏳️‍🌈James college LGBTQ+ social mixer🏳️‍🌈 📅Friday 30th Oct at 17:00📅🎃All are welcome🎃👻Come along ain a spooky fashion (optional)👻 zoom link: https://york-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/93869782108?pwd=Q0hSaGhZdkFwMmhQMXhIU2hlN0JuZz09 Image description: An autumn leaf background with a white box in the centre. The text reads “JAMES LGBTQ+ ZOOM SOCIAL MIXER FRIDAY 30th OCTOBER AT 17:00”

Photos from James College LGBTQ's post 11/10/2020

🏳️‍🌈Happy national coming out day 2020. 🏳️‍🌈

Coming out is one of the most scary, challenging and difficult moments in any LGBTQ+ persons life. But it is one of the most rewarding and beneficial moments as well. Denying who you are is dangerous and damaging to yourself! You deserve better! To all the LGBTQ+ family that are yet to come out know that the LGBTQ+ community stands ready to welcome and support you.
Help and support can also be found at:

Your college via my self (Brook Reast James LGBTQ+) or any member of the college team (Mike Britland)

YUSU via Yusu Lgbtq Pto (Matt Rogan and Daniel Loyd)

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline
Helpline: 0300 330 0630 (10-10 daily)
At Switchboard we provide an information, support and referral service for le****ns, gay men and bisexual and trans people – and anyone considering issues around their sexuality and/or gender identity. We are confidential, welcoming, supportive and non-judgemental.

The Mix
Helpline: 0808 808 4994
Exploring your sexuality
How to come out
Life’s tough, we know that. It can throw a lot your way and make it hard to know what the hell to do with it all. So, welcome to The Mix. Whether you’re 13, 25, or any age in between, we’re here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts you have. We give you the information and support you need to deal with it all. Because you can. Because you’re awesome. We’ll connect you to experts and your peers who’ll give you the support and tools you need to take on any challenge you’re facing – for everything from homelessness to finding a job, from money to mental health, from break-ups to drugs. We’re a free and confidential multi-channel service. That means that you choose how you access our support, without the worry of anyone else finding out. Whether it be through our articles and video content online or our phone, email, peer to peer and counselling services – we put the control in your hands. You can even volunteer with us too.

Stonewall – The Le***an, Gay & Bi-sexual Charity
Coming Out
Stonewall works to achieve equality and justice for le****ns, gay m


We want to hear from LGBTQ+ students at York! How has your time been at the university? What positive experiences did you have? Are there any places you enjoy visiting/LGBTQ+ friendly?

Conversely, have there been any negative experiences? What would you like to see changed?

This is your opportunity to let us know, in advance of the next academic year!

Image description: A black poster with the rainbow flag along the side, with the YUSU LGBTQ logo at the bottom.
Text reads: "Tell us about your experiences
We want to hear your stories and experiences of being LGBTQ+ at York!
Message us on social media or email us: [email protected]"

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

🏳️‍🌈Calling all incoming LGBTQ+ freshers🏳️‍🌈 🗣Join the James college LGBTQ+ group to find out about events and be added to the James college LGBTQ+ group chat🗣


Image Description - a white background with a LGBTQ pride flag, bi pride flag, non binary pride flag, trans pride flag. With the text James college lgbtq+ group.

Timeline photos 04/06/2020

Happy pride month!

Image description - a rainbow paint background with a white hand touching a black hand, with the words happy pride month

Timeline photos 03/06/2020

A testimony of a BAME LGBTQ+ person experiencing racism within the LGBTQ+ community. Image description- on a black background “‘Remember that it’s not just white cis abled people who are LGBT+. I am an Arab, ex Muslim, autistic, mentally ill, poor brown girl who is also bi. No LGBT+ supports me or accommodates, I am invisible to you.’ Asha, 21 (North West)”

Timeline photos 03/06/2020

“In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist” Angela.Y.Davis
We all must stand up against racism no matter where it is, or how it is presented.
Stats from stonewall
Image description - on a black background read the words “51% BAME LGBTQ people have face discrimination within the LGBT community
For black LGBTQ people this is 61%”

Timeline photos 03/06/2020

“No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us” - Marsha.P.Johnson
Image description- text reads “No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us” - Marsha.P.Johnson. The text is grey on a black background.

BLACK LIVES MATTER - UK Resources 02/06/2020

BLACK LIVES MATTER - UK Resources This is a selection of resources designed to educate those who aren’t currently aware on the issues behind the movement. Information included has been collated from various sources, linked where possible - There will also be more academic content included than in many other BLM ....

Timeline photos 24/05/2020

Happy to all you fabulous pansexuals and panromantics!

Be proud, be visible - WE LOVE YOU!


Happy Agender Pride Day 🌈

Timeline photos 19/05/2020

Image description- a blue background with light blue, cream and brown spots. With the words “"Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it's a good place to start."--Jason Collins”

Timeline photos 30/04/2020

🍰 baking is a great way to stay positive during lockdown 🍰

Image description- A beige background with an image of brownies, in a red in the upper left is says ‘Happiness comes in all flavours’, in the bottom left is the logo and on the right hand side is the words ‘baking is a great way to keep active during the lockdown, these are something I have baked’

Free Text Service Sends Daily Support To Isolated Trans People 30/04/2020

Free Text Service Sends Daily Support To Isolated Trans People As the majority of us learn to cope with isolation, stories of LGBTQ people facing lockdown with unsupportive families have become a worrying reality for many.


Nightline is open for emails. We will reply within 48 hours of receiving your email. All emails are completely anonymous and confidential meaning we don’t know who they’re from and we won’t tell anyone what you say.
You can reach us at [email protected]
P.S. unfortunately we cannot give out supplies requested via email for the foreseeable future.

Timeline photos 27/04/2020

😁What makes you happy? 😁🌳For me it is walking through the woods listening to the sounds of birds chirping🌳 🗣comment below on the things that make you happy during lockdown.🗣
Image description-a off cream background. The words ‘what makes you happy on the top left hand corner.’ The James college LGBTQ+ logo in the bottom right hand corner. In the centre and image of a wood with two paths diverging. Stock images are behind to create a collage affect.

Photos from PinkNews's post 26/04/2020
Timeline photos 26/04/2020

Happy le***an visibility day! To commemorate the day I have made a quiz focused around all things le***an - https://kahoot.it/challenge/05121525?challenge-id=9cd0cd7a-28d7-4c4a-a0c0-0f91c0e10461_1587817983254

Image description- a purple background with the le***an flag with the words ‘le***an visibility day’. In the top left hand corner are the words ‘happy le***an visibility day’, in the bottom left corner is the LGBTQ+ James college logo.
