The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse

For our owner/founder, Jenny Forks, Jesus has played a significant role in her life.

The Lighthouse is an online store where people can purchase Bibles, devotionals, and daily items that inspire them to rely on God.


Join us this Wednesday for our weekly Bible Study and Fellowship!!! We meet inside


Join us this evening!!!


The power of friendship is extraordinary! Ask yourself, how far would you go for your friend?

Check out our latest blog post to learn more!


"The waiting is the hardest part" - Tom Petty
Like Tom Petty's song, The Waiting, it can be the hardest part! But never worry! Have faith, and know that things will happen in God's time... "Obedience comes with waiting on the Lord and abiding by His timeline."

This week, we encourage everyone to have a little patience and a lot of faith! To learn more, check out our latest Spirtiaul Tip!


Join us tonight inside for our Bible Study!!!


"Each of us will face trials. Every single soul on this planet has made mistakes. Yet each of us who have come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, get to walk as a son or daughter of the King." Brittney Lunski

This is just a little snippet of the beautiful blog written by one of our contributors, miss ✨

Read the entire blog by going to:


"Each of us will face trials. Every single soul on this planet has made mistakes. Yet each of us who have come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, get to walk as a son or daughter of the King." Brittney Lunski

This is just a little snippet of the beautiful blog written by one of our contributors, miss Brittney Lunski!


Sorry, y'all! Our Spiritual Tip Tuesday is a day late... the tool we use to schedule our posts glitched. But, better late than never!

Have you stopped to think about your definition of “The Good Life”? Check out our latest blog, as we dive into this concept!


This week is a break week for our Bible Study but make sure and join us next Wednesday, June 23rd when we resume at 6pm inside


Don’t be a worry wart! God’s got you! 😉
But for real, we all fall victim of worry, but there is no need to. (Easier said than done, we know). God already knows what we are going through, and what the outcome will be! For this week’s Spiritual Tip Tuesday, we dive into this wonderful topic! Check it out!


Don’t be a worry wart! God’s got you! :)

But for real, we all fall victim of worry, but there is no need to. (Easier said than done, we know). God already knows what we are going through, and what the outcome will be! For this week’s Spiritual Tip Tuesday, we dive into this wonderful topic! Check it out!


Some days spending time with God looks like this...


We are excited to see you all tonight as we jump into another Lighthouse Bible Study session!!



"I have not always been a believer. In fact, I was basically the opposite. When people told me, "Just have faith!" I did not understand. I always wondered, "How can you have faith when you can't see/touch it?" But as my world began to change, and my heart started to open, it dawned on me that THAT was the meaning of faith! Believing, no matter what, and relying on God. Today, my world is very different because of it! And this week's Spiritual Tip Tuesday really embodies this topic! Check it out!" -- Courtney Gomez (One of the team members from The Lighthouse)


💥ANNOUNCEMENT 💥 Our bible study is now on Wednesday evenings!!! Join us this Wednesday June 2nd at 6pm!! We get started around 6:20!


We would love to see you tonight!!!!


When frustrated or concerned with a situation, it is easy for us to quickly tell someone what to do. Hoping this will change their attitudes, actions, and outlook on life. But perhaps there is a different way. This week, the team at The Lighthouse is focusing on the Beatitudes, and the blog post encourages us to apply these in our daily life, “Let us be the conduit through which the power of the light is delivered to a dark world.” By showing up and being a light in this world, the possibility to inspire others is endless.

Check out our latest blog post for more information:


Join us tomorrow evening inside for our Bible Study!!! We will be discussing Matthew 5:1-12.. see you there!!!


Imagine what the world would be like if we were all encouraging of one another! Sounds amazing, right? That is what we are focusing on this week! Check out our latest Spiritual Tip Tuesday for some inspiration!


We can’t wait to see you all tonight for our Bible Study in Boerne, Texas!!!


For this week’s Spiritual Tip Tuesday, we are focusing on conflict resolution! Super fun topic, right? Okay, but honestly, it is a super important topic to discuss as we all find ourselves in situations that can end… less than ideal.
When involved in a verbal conflict, it is often easier to quickly lash back with a sassy response as opposed to pausing, thinking, and slowly responding. So our goal this week is to pray for our willingness to bring healing to our relationships! Check out our latest post for more information!


For this week’s Spiritual Tip Tuesday, we are focusing on conflict resolution! Super fun topic, right? Okay, but honestly, it is a super important topic to discuss as we all find ourselves in situations that can end… less than ideal.

When involved in a verbal conflict, it is often easier to quickly lash back with a sassy response as opposed to pausing, thinking, and slowly responding. So our goal this week is to pray for our willingness to bring healing to our relationships! Check out our latest post for more information!


Come join us for our Bible Study tonight inside at 6pm... we usually get started around 6:20 with the study and out by 7:30!!! All are welcome!!!


Join us tomorrow evening for our Bible Study inside We will be studying James 1:19-20!!! #


Anxiety is something that many of us deal with. But due to social media, it sometimes looks like no one suffers from it and we're all just perfectly fine... right!? ... Nope!

That is one of the biggest reasons we wanted to include a blog as a part of The Lighthouse website! Because we all face struggles. BUT, by surrendering to Jesus and relying on God, we can face any struggle. Just like this young lady!

Check out our latest blog featuring a story from one of our guest writers, Brittney Lunski!

SPIRITUAL TIP TUESDAY | MAY 4, 2021 04/05/2021

Lord give us the foresight and courage to be encouragers and not hinderers along the way so that others may see Christ.
-Sometimes, we try to avoid uncomfortable, or negative situations, but there could be a different and beautiful way of dealing with some of these situations. Check out our latest Spiritual Tip Tuesday!

SPIRITUAL TIP TUESDAY | MAY 4, 2021 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 In our daily lives we all must have experienced being in an environment, work, social or even home, where there is l...


Don't stoop down to their level?
Have you ever paused to think about the phrase? Check out today's Spiritual Tip Tuesday to learn more!


Join us tomorrow April 27th 6pm for our bible study held J.Forks Designs. We can’t wait to see you!!!

Videos (show all)

We are gearing up for our @thelighthouse_tx bible study this Tuesday April 20th at 6pm and we hope to see you all there!...
Today we are announcing a project that our team has been working on... The Lighthouse, an online store where people can ...