Physio Perform

Physio Perform

Rehabilitation and performance coaching


3. Those very basic theraband exercises that physio's seem to love... they might be useful at the beginning of your rehab but chances are they won't be sufficient to prepare you to return to competitive sport.

We take the time to understand the demands of your sport and ensure that your training mimics these requirements! That's the beauty of having a Physio and S&C coach at your disposal - a seamless transition from "rehab" to performance coaching đź’Ş


2. Travelling 15-mins, waiting 20-minutes in the waiting area, 30-minute appointment, another 15-minutes travelling home… all to be given a pat on the back and “promotion” to a different coloured theraband? Yeah, no thanks!

Interacting with your physio/coach remotely is a much more effficient use of your time!


1. That bit of paper with a few stick men drawings of exercises which you’ll inevitably forget/not bother to do after a day or so. Hardly inspiring right?

Imagine having an interactive programme with video demonstrations at your fingertips... With a webchat feature where you can give feedback to your Physio or S&C Coach and have your programme progressed/regressed… Or if you’re a bit unsure of your technique, send a video in and get highly qualified coaching to make sure you’re getting the best out of your rehab… Sounds good right?!


We’ll be putting out a series of posts over the next week explaining why conventional physio/rehab often fails and why we created Physio Perform. We want to see if anybody relates to our gripes, so please feel free to tag a friend that’s had a similar experience!


Feel free to check out our website:

If you’d like to find out how we might be able to help you then get in touch via the contact form - we’d love to hear from you!

PHYSIO PERFORM Start your journey to better performance after injury Gain access to your personal Physiotherapist and S&C Coach direct to your devices Twice the expertise to better support your recovery Click the + icons to find out more about your team OUR PROCESS IN THE BEGINNING... Your Physiotherapist will tak...


Our pricing:

We pride ourselves on being both highly accessible and affordable. Gain full access to a month of programming and all of our features for just £40 per month. That’s comparable to just a single Physio appointment or personal training session!

Our goal is to ensure a safe and effective return to your sport at a higher level of performance than previously obtained. When you feel that you have achieved your desired level of performance, we hope that we have provided you with enough education and support to continue your progress independently.

What’s more, if you decide that you no longer require our services, simply cancel your subscription via the App and you will retain full access to Physio Perform until the end of your payment period.


Our app is packed full of features! When you work with us you’ll benefit from:

- Workout calendar updated with your bespoke programme
- Video demonstrations
- Web chat giving you direct access to your team
- Video upload where you can send in your videos for us to critique and provide feedback on technique
- Nutritional support through downloadable content
- A range of performance tracking tools

TeamBuildr x Mines Hype Video 23/04/2022

Our App!

We’ve partnered with Teambuildr - one of the very best S&C platforms used within elite sport worldwide. The FA, Arsenal FC, Chelsea FC, and the All Blacks use Teambuildr to name a few!

When you work with Physio Perform, you’ll be treated like a professional athlete with support and information at your fingertips 24/7. Please note, we don’t use any pre-designed programme templates. Everything we do is bespoke with the client at the heart of all decision making.

TeamBuildr x Mines Hype Video


Meet the team!

With Physio Perform you gain access to your own personal Physiotherapist and Strength and Conditioning coach. Twice the expertise to better support your recovery! Here’s a bit about your team:

Harry Knapman: A Physiotherapy Officer currently serving in the British Army. Harry also has extensive experience within professional sport, rehabilitating elite athletes to the highest level of competition. Outside of work he balances his time between his family, studying a Masters degree in Strength and Conditioning, training and the occasional round of golf.

Jacob Staines: An accredited S&C Coach with a track record of delivering success at the highest level of competition across multiple disciplines. Jacob currently works within professional football having previously worked in cricket, swimming and rowing with Team GB. When he’s not at work he can be found trying his hand at some DIY, back in the gym or out and about on his bike.


What is Physio Perform?

Physio Perform guides you on a journey. A journey from injury, back to the sport that you love through online rehabilitation and performance coaching.

But we’re not satisfied with just getting you back to your sport. From the moment you begin working with us, we begin rebuilding you to perform better than ever before. We work with motivated individuals, harnessing their determination and transforming their training to achieve optimal results.


Welcome to Physio Perform!

Keep an eye out for more information about who we are, what we do and how we can help you get back to the sport that you love!