

Retired Social Worker, Aspiring Author

Chapter One - Part 1 14/03/2023

I've got a first draft of Chapter One!
Coming to you in 3 parts over the next few days.

Here is part one:

Chapter One - Part 1 Katherine melted into Ryan’s soft embrace, snuggled deeply into the blankets, and felt her bones relax as she shed years of pent-up stress. Warmth flowed through her and she turned over to look into his hazel eyes, startled to see him suddenly holding a Pokémon card. She blinked and he was standi...


Chapter One of Kat's story coming soon!


If you haven't yet, you should take some time to check out my new blog. Here I write about my thoughts during retirement, as well as share snippets of a book that I am writing!
✨ Another short story from my book is available on my blog NOW! Go check it out!



We’re back to following Kat’s journey this week in my newest blog post. I’m so excited to be able to show you guys snippets of my upcoming book. Let’s find out what’s going on with Penny!