Thula Booties
Beautiful bespoke baby bo**ies THAT STAY ON / up to size 12m / by post / from £24 / message to order
Can we just stop and appreciate these colours for a minute? Can we? Just look at them. Ahh.
Spring Greeeens
You’d like to order some bo**ies? Yep, uh-huh, and your baby’s nickname is Bee? 🐝 Sure, no problem...
🦶 Is anyone you know expecting the patter of tiny feet?
Thula Booties are warm and toasty, they stay on (even in the sling) and most importantly LOOK HOW FLUFFING CUTE THEY ARE
Look at them all! I’ve almost worked through the Christmas waiting list now so it’s the perfect time to order for babies due in the new year. From £24.
Need a Xmas pressie for a new babe?
❤️ LOVE this photo of one of my customers wearing her twins and showing how Thula Booties are perfect for the sling! 💪🤱
Want to order gorgeous bo**ies for the tiny person in your life? Of COURSE you do. Only three pairs on my waiting list, so do it now before the Autumn rush.
Local Hebden Bridge customers, would you keep an eye out for a bo**ie like this on your travels? (One of my lovely customers is heartbroken to have lost one while out walking.) 😢
Self-worth post!
I’ve been making and perfecting these little beauties for over ten years now, and they’re loved by mums and babes all over the country. I often hear people say that their outgrown Thula Booties have been put into a memory box because they were too special to part with. 🥰
Making them involves washing and preparing the leather, cutting and punching the sole, splitting and mixing the yarn, crocheting the upper, weaving and sewing in the elastic and toggle, and sewing in ends. Multiple threads have to be carefully split and mixed for every colour (zoom in to see what I mean) so you can imagine how long the rainbow pairs take! (Clue: aaaaages.)
And the result is a little tiny work of art that’s also going to keep a pair of little tiny feet warm all through the winter, and might be something you keep to show to your child when they’re grown. ❤️
But, here’s the thing: they’re too cheap. Like so many Makers, I undervalue myself and find it really hard to put my prices up. But do you know what? No one else can make a pair of bo**ies quite like these. And like so many things, time is more expensive lately, so I’m going to charge a bit more for mine.
And because I’m set on improving my self-esteem at the moment I’m not even going to do it apologetically! 💪🏅😊 Ha!
So feel free to order a beautiful pair of Thula Booties for your baby, now £24 plain, and £29 rainbow. (+£3.50 postage.) And thank you for reading. Hope this inspires you to value yourself too. # # #
Need a gorgeous but practical present for someone who’s expecting the patter of tiny feet?
Come and show off your Thula Booties at a Thula Mama singing session!
FREE! And I mean *actually* free, with no catches, if you're a Mama with a precrawling baby.
Claim a free trial session at Hebden Bridge Thula Mama: Sing to your baby just by commenting on this post. Use your free session on any Friday morning. And if you like it, join us weekly. :)
Thula Mama sessions are nourishing, soothing, uplifting, and highly effective against PND - read on for some customer reviews - or just join us and see for yourself. xx
"Your singing and safe circle makes post-partum and the joy/pain of growing babies so much easier to carry"
"You have brought so much joy to my life through Thula, a reason to get up in the morning"
"Singing with you and other mums has been one of the highlights of my maternity leave"
"There will never be words to explain the difference Thula has made to our lives - you have reignited my love of singing and filled our hearts with joy"
"I will remember Thula as being a turning point for me and my precious boy as here I found a very safe place for us to connect and make happy and content memories together - thank you for creating such a safe, calm atmosphere"
"Thank you for giving me the confidence to sing to my children"
All the cool kids are wearing ‘em
I'll soon have some spaces at Hebden Bridge Thula Mama - could I ask you to share this with your friends, or perhaps tag a new Mama who might need some soothing singing in her life? x
That *might* be the end of the hot weather. Anyone want to kick off the autumn bo**ie rush for me? Taking orders now.
Ever wondered why they're called *Thula* Booties?
Because I began by making them for my Mama&Baby singing group, named "Thula Mama" after a South African lullaby. Come and sing with us!
Spaces available in the Todmorden group.
I have spaces for new Mamas to join us at Todmorden Thula Mama in the Todfellows Space. Gentle, soothing harmony singing for new mothers; to soothe and calm, nourish and lift, and remind you that you're a person, not just a life support machine.
I'm very focused on creating a safe space - we sit in a large circle (with distancing and windows open) and we're a precrawlers group, so there are no marauding toddlers to trample on the newborns. Thula often runs with a waiting list so this is rare chance to sign up and get an immediate place.
Tod Thula runs on Tuesday mornings, but if that's no good for you, join us in Hebden on Friday mornings.
Contact me through the page or directly on 07596 900305 to book.
Liz x
Like sprinkles on an ice cream? Like a firework display finale? Like a rainbow that went through a blender?
Any local Mamas looking for somewhere to show off their Thula Booties? Come sing with me in Todmorden!
Thula Mama is coming soon to the Todfellows Space on Oxford Road in Todmorden. Gentle, soothing harmony singing for new mothers; to soothe and calm, nourish and lift, and remind you that you're a person, not just a life support machine.
I'm very focused on creating a safe space - we sit in a large circle (with distancing and masks and windows open) and we're a precrawlers group, so there are no marauding toddlers to trample on the newborns. Thula usually runs with a waiting list so this is rare chance to sign up and get an immediate place. Contact me through the page or directly on 07596 900305 to book.
Liz x
(Shake shake shake) Shake your bo**ie
£18+ p&p
I've looked outside the window and I can now confirm that it IS bo**ie time. 😍
Is it BO**IE TIME soon? Is it?
Know someone who's expecting? These beauties are fresh off the hook and looking for a home. Size 0-3m, £22.50 plus £3 p&p, and they could go in this afternoon's post if you're quick! Made from recycled leather, yarn, and love. 👶❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
☀️ It might be too warm for bo**ies at the moment, but a pair of these in a size 3-6m make a perfect present for a newborn - and they'll fit just as the weather cools! Who do you know that's expecting? # # # (Rainbow Thula Booties, £22.50 + £3 postage, available in sizes up to 12m - order via messenger.)
What’s that you say? Your LGBT friends are having a baby? And your Goth friends are having a baby, too? And you need to buy something for them?
I got this.
Thula Booties stay on! They’re handmade-to-measure, with love and care, from recycled materials. Oh, and they’re stupidly cute.
Message me with a measurement*, and receive your bo**ies by post. £17.5o in a plain colour, £22.5o in rainbow. £3 postage.
*Or just ask me for ‘newborn’ size if you need a Birth-Congrats present.