Gemini Rising

Gemini Rising

Kundalini Yoga
Flower Remedies
The Spiritual Life of Twins
Intuitive Tools for Beauty & Vitality
Holistic Journal

Photos from Gemini Rising's post 10/10/2022
Photos from Gemini Rising's post 27/09/2022

Been thinking about timelines and all the things that could have been different. Better, worse, but always with one constant - you.

Happy birthday to the one who knows just how to hold me - never too tight, but always enough. I can fly away whenever I want but I will always return because here I am safe; here I am all and everything. You give that to me. And all of your innumerable impressive achievements (which I won’t name here) dazzle, but not so much as the quiet might of your heart.


No filter needed; the world is this good. 🌍


I recently had the privilege of receiving these wise, beautiful words from and they have been deeply healing, deeply soothing.

We all spend so much time imagining what we need, or what conditions must be met for us to be happy.

If I had this, if life were like that, if my job were this, if my partner that.

Energy and time poured into glass vessels that break so easily against the pressures of life.

The process carries its own wisdom; I don’t regret any of the time I spent pursuing the things I thought I needed. I do this still, though much, much less than I used to.

Self-trust is a difficult win, but once it is yours, no one can take it from you.

If you go through life with conscious awareness, not so much trying to force outcomes, but noticing what gifts you receive each day, it becomes so much easier to trust yourself and trust your intuition.

Then — fleetingly, perhaps — the moments where you can really drink in life in all its beauty and splendour. Simply living, even if only for a moment.


The in my back garden are coming into bloom; I can't wait to harvest them for what will be the third year running and make so much magic with these beautiful petals.
But I've already started making rose magic. While this first public collection of ta***ic necklaces isn't the first I've made, it is the first collection I feel is meant for others. I'm finally ready to share.
I've been on a long, intense journey with . I had practiced intermittently for years before diving into a teacher training in January 2020. When the pandemic hit, my practice kept me going. I practiced through home schooling, a crowded house where I felt I had literally no room for myself, anxiety, uncertainty, isolation and the rest. They say is a fire and I burned, burned, burned.
When my teacher died in August, I received an even deeper transmission (one that I am still integrating), and a creative burst came through as these necklaces.
Now I am in a softer place with my practice, and what has risen up in the room I have created is my own magic, my own song, my own wisdom. I have so much to share. Ironically, as I've cleared, released and finally luxuriated in the crystalline waters of clarity, I feel less called to share in big, pressurised ways. I am moving more like water, and guided as often as I can be solely by my own intuition.
And my intuition tells me it is time to share these.
My first public collection ***icnecklaces is based on the beauty, strength, mystery, grace, wisdom and lineage of the rose. Some are weighty; others are light as air. All are infused with deep meditative study, prayer, devotion, fun. I have meditated with all of them. I don't know how they will be received, but I do feel they are no longer meant for me!
Full details + listings tonight. Sneak peek in stories!




What if instead of constantly looking for some angle so sharp it can cut, we embrace love, compassion, kindness, generosity, forgiveness, empathy or simply employ our ability to unsubscribe, unfollow, fail to purchase? So tired of cancel culture — honestly it has gotten so boring & I am doing my best to detach from pot-stirring. 😑

Photos from Gemini Rising's post 15/02/2022

File under “sh*t I’ve had to put up with as a mother.”

Photos from Gemini Rising's post 15/02/2022


Photos from Gemini Rising's post 15/02/2022

IG has become a yawnfest; I’m taking the lessons from Super Bowl Sunday. 🏈


Photos from Gemini Rising's post 07/02/2022

I’ve just finished the write-up for my upcoming workshop with , and it’s going to go deep.

Drawing on teachings from the kundalini yoga tradition as well as the work I did last year with ***ic.alchemy, Star-Crossed Love is a 90 minute portal into the realm of messy, sticky, star-crossed love.

We’ll start with an exploration of themes such as “soul mates,” “twin flames” and “the One,” examining the power of big love in our culture, and in our personal lives. We’ll play with tropes and examples from Shakespeare to Taylor Swift, seeing the polarity of thwarted love as both an expansive healing force, and a whirlwind of negativity that can keep us stuck in a repeating loop.

We’ll look at the “karmic” implications of s.ex, and the big loves that cross our lives for a time, or an eternity.

Then using the diagonal energy of kundalini yoga (illustrated here so beautifully in this image promoting an old theatrical production of Romeo & Juliet), we’ll practice one of kundalini yoga’s most potent meditations to clear this “karma” and free ourselves from the energetic residue of past relationships.

We live in a time of great choice and great freedom; often what holds us back the most is our own perceptions of how things should be, how timelines should have played out, and what we *think* we want. Carving out these 90 minutes to revisit an old wound with the intention of the highest healing is an incredible gift to give yourself.

I’m excited to see you there! This Thursday 7:45-9:15; booking via .

Photos from Gemini Rising's post 23/12/2021

The many phases of you. 🌙
Yogic Science has mapped out 11 energy portals in the female body, known as “moon centres” (fun fact: men have just one).
Every 2.5 days, women change moon centres, meaning that they are tuning into the flow of universal energy through a different portal. Accordingly, their moods & views on the world shift every 2.5 days. Explains a lot, right?
On January 6 at 7:45, I’ll be going over moon centre technology in greater detail in a fun workshop with an embodied element so you can feel these portals in your own body.

Join me at to learn your anatomy through a yogic lens. Discover your own unique moon centre pattern (which remains the same throughout your life), and demystify the cycle of your personality.
Book in through . 🤍🌙

Photos from Gemini Rising's post 17/12/2021

Meet the Moon Centres; meet yourself in a whole new way.

Getting 2022 off with a bang 🎉

My first workshop of the year will focus on the yogic science of the moon centres and how this will help you run every aspect of your life better.

A workshop for women on January 6 at .


🌬 💨 🌬


No classes this week as I tend to the garden of my family and begin to turn onwards, as the season demands. We celebrated Harvest Festival last week, and I was reminded of all the ways this season invites us to connect. How are you showing up in community; what bounty do you have to share? Scorpio season can feel spiky, but the soft underbelly of these transformative weeks carries a sweetness. Surrender to it!


This week marks the birthday of Dr. Edward Bach, a paradigm-breaking doctor who began research in vaccination, of all things, alongside healing soldier returning from war. He also suffered his own health crisis, nearly dying after he collapsed from a severe haemorrhage. Needless to say, he had his brush with trauma.
His research led him to look at the link between our emotional wellbeing and our physical health. These ideas are now taking deeper root in the collective consciousness; from Joe Dispenza to Carolyn Myss, to name just two modern thought leaders, the link between emotional health and the physical body is being studied and taught.
I am so pleased to bring my own flower remedy practice to .uk. Each week I am in residence there offering consultations + remedy bottles. Bach flower remedies are part of my personal lifestyle and are health-balancing tools that bring myself and my family home to ourselves, and closer to nature. I also offer consultations over Zoom.
Wishing everyone well in the post-Equinox window!

Photos from Gemini Rising's post 18/09/2021

Roll up roll up -- or maybe just roll outta bed. ! Tuesdays are in person at 11, but my Thursday class is virtual so you can go from bed to floor in minutes and be ready to practice. No one has to know. 😜
I've been absolutely loving holding space for those who have felt the call. Hope to see you in person at or in the virtual with .


My favourite time of year -- crunchy textures, warm tones and cosy tastes of cinnamon and spice -- maybe even a little vanilla, which I experienced very powerfully yesterday in ceremony with and .
New beginnings are sweet and scary -- we walk with trepidation through thresholds that seem daunting until we traverse them.
I start teaching in person this week - Tuesdays 11-12:15 . We'll move from comfort to beyond and back again in sweet community. Join me -- link in bio to book!
I also appear in the virtual space Thursdays at 7AM -- find out more via .
Stepping joyfully into Autumn -- 🍄🍁🍂

Photos from Gemini Rising's post 09/09/2021

Kundalini classes are now live! You can book in-person for my class at via the link in bio, or book directly with for my Thursday morning class.
Both classes include movement, a deep relax (in-person with Venus gong - yay!) and meditation. A limited number of sheepskins are available for in-person classes.
I look forward to practicing with you!


Keep up and you will be kept up ✨🤍


The only places I enjoy making content: TikTok & my kitchen.

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The only places I enjoy making content: TikTok & my kitchen. #thatsmybread