

Urban's last wishes and last testament: Nemo is in charge. Gojulandia International is a body of Master's, Grand Masters, Ministers and invited guests.

Gojulandia International was founded by Albert Salas in 2006 it is comprised by a body of Master's, Grand Masters, Ministers and invited guests, for the purpose of Keeping with O' Sensei Peter G. The private room groups mission is to organize a fellowship of leaders in the Martial Arts World for a better Martial Arts Nation .Please feel free to add your self and style of play to our data base at http://www.Gojulandia.org all are welcome.


Thanks to all of you who take the time to keep this room alive by respecting and honoring the man, the maestro, the founder who started it all, the late great Peter G. Urban. I hope everyone has enjoyed a great summer. I wish all of you a fantastic Labor Day weekend. Be healthy, be safe, and keep on punching. Oooooooosssss! A.S


Here is an old Document of Maestro Urban's Guidelines for Self Analysis It can and should be used today. The address is out dated and is no longer being used nor is the phone number.

Remember to Keep On Punching and Thanks for being here, have a Healthy, Safe, and Prosperous Weekend, Oooooosssss!


Photos from Gojulandia's post 13/08/2024

So, which of these candidates are you rooting for? Which one will be the 47th President of the United States? Who has your vote?


Thank you all for the well wishes. Today, I want to share something with you that I hope brings you joy, wisdom, good health, and prosperity.

Our topic is Time and Opportunity. A very wise, intelligent, and wealthy woman once told me, "Not everybody gets everything at the same time." This is profoundly true because, sooner or later, your time and chances will come. But the question is: Are you prepared and ready for them?

Consider this Bible verse from Ecclesiastes 9:11 (KJV): "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."

So, with that in mind, seize the day. Carpe Diem! Don’t miss out on good opportunities.

THE CAT YAMAGUCHI GOGEN 07 10 English Subtitles 08/06/2024

Found this post via Hanshi Steven Malanoski's post. In it, Hanshi Yamaguchi's daughter talks how she received no special treatment. She is indeed a very powerful woman with great form. Check it out.

THE CAT YAMAGUCHI GOGEN 07 10 English Subtitles

Discover the Hottest Entertainment Utility Meme Token - Bitch Coin | Bitch Coin 04/06/2024

Understanding the Word "Bitch": Connotations and Constitutional Rights

The word "bitch" carries both negative and positive connotations. Historically, it has been used as a derogatory term aimed at women, implying negativity and aggression. However, in recent years, there has been a movement to reclaim and reframe the term, empowering it with positive attributes of strength, resilience, and independence.

Our First Amendment rights play a crucial role in this discussion. The First Amendment prohibits the establishment of religion and ensures the free exercise of religion. Additionally, it guarantees freedom of speech, leading to the broader freedoms of belief and expression. These protections are vital as they allow for the exploration and discussion of language, including controversial terms like "Bitch."

Introducing BitchCoin: A New Project for Women's and LGBTQIA+ Rights

I am excited to announce a new project aimed at promoting women's rights and the LGBTQIA+ community through the use of a MemeCoin named BitchCoin. This innovative cryptocurrency is designed to raise awareness and support for these important causes.

However, we have encountered a challenge: Facebook does not allow the use of the word "bitch" in the title of our page. To navigate this, we have opted to use "B**h" instead, ensuring our message still reaches the audience.

BitchCoin is not just a Meme Coin; it represents a Meme Avatar supporting a significant cause. We believe it has the potential to take the market by storm. I have invited all 600 of my Facebook friends to join our group, and I sincerely hope you will show your support by liking and following the page. Together, we can advocate for a change in Facebook's policy against the very word we aim to bring attention to.

By supporting BitchCoin, you are helping to spread awareness about a controversial word, its meanings, and its nuances. You can learn more about the BitchCoin project on our website, http://www.BitchCoin.cash). Your backing and support are greatly appreciated.

you for joining us in this important endeavor.

Discover the Hottest Entertainment Utility Meme Token - Bitch Coin | Bitch Coin Get in early at an introductory price before it skyrockets. Don't miss out on this sexy and smart meme coin opportunity. Trade with ca:0x04f6a619042f7680f208ed1df23d779055e5d580 on the base network...


If you are over 50 I recommend getting your Shingles prevention shot. It is no joke. The older you are the more it hurts. I would not want to see any of you get it. I've been out trying to get some rest from it and even that is hard to do. I was going to get my Shingles shot but now it's too late. I wouldn't want you to get it like I did at age 65. Not good, stay healthy. Seniors make sure to get all your shots. Including pneumonia and all other Health Vaccines for the elderly.

Why ALL Karate Styles Are FAKE 26/02/2024

Why ALL Karate Styles Are FAKE Everybody wants to know what the best Karate style is.But Karate styles didn’t exist in ancient Okinawa. They were invented for political reasons to moderniz...