Quantum Star Board

Quantum Star Board

Quantum Star®️ Board is a flexible energy therapy.

It unites dowsing, radionics, psionics, quantum physics and spirituality and with the support of the Beings of Light and all entities that proposed to cooperate for the greater good.


Hey there! Let's take a break from this heavy atmosphere and bring a little joy to our hearts, shall we? Despite all the adversities, let's find reasons to smile and spread positive energy around!

We're not going to let this cloud of tension steal the sparkle from our eyes, right?

Yes, we might be at our limit, but you know what? That just means we're ready to take a step forward and seek positive change.

Here, let's come together like one big family, cheering and radiating good vibes. Let's remember that, it's also important to take care of ourselves. Cleanse our energy, renew our hopes, and move forward with a light heart.

Believe me, we're all in the same boat. And the only way to move forward is to navigate together, side by side, overcoming the turbulent waves that come our way. Let's support each other, lend a helping hand, and build a better future.

Let's fill ourselves with hope, dream of better days, and act with love and compassion.

So, smile! Joy is contagious, and you can be the spark that ignites the flame of hope in someone else.

Together, we're unstoppable!

With love,
Pri & Tere


Hey there, searching soul longing for your other half! We understand your desperation and the burning question that keeps you up at night. But fear not, because we have the answer you've been seeking!

Take a deep breath and let us guide you on a captivating journey. Picture this: The Quantum Star® Board, an extraordinary rebalancing therapy that has the power to transform the very essence of your being. Intriguing, isn't it?

You see, everything around us, including ourselves, is composed of energy. And this therapy taps into the inherent energy of the universe to shift your vibrations and align them with your soulmate. It's like a cosmic dance of destiny!

Imagine this scenario: Your perfect match might be closer than you think, but there could be unseen forces at play, blocking the path to your destined encounter. Perhaps it's a deep-rooted emotional blockage or a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. It's an all-too-common occurrence, my friend!

But here's where the Quantum Star® Board steps in. Through its mystical powers, it delves into the depths of your energy and that of your soulmate, working tirelessly to restore equilibrium and dissolve any barriers that have hindered your love life thus far. It's like hitting the reset button on your romantic destiny!

And let us tell you a little secret: We have a track record of countless success stories. Yes, we've been instrumental in bringing together numerous couples, reuniting their souls and igniting the flames of love. It's a heartwarming sight to behold!

So, are things starting to become crystal clear? Rest assured, we're here to address any lingering questions or doubts you may have.

With love,
Pri & Tere


Self-care is a crucial practice that encompasses taking deliberate actions to promote and maintain your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It involves prioritizing your own needs and making choices that nurture and support your overall health.

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and neglect self-care. However, it is essential to recognize that self-care is not selfish; it is a fundamental aspect of leading a fulfilling and balanced life.

Self-care is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It looks different for everyone and can encompass a wide range of activities, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, seeking therapy or counseling, setting boundaries, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. The key is to find what works best for you and to make self-care a consistent part of your routine.

In conclusion, self-care is not a luxury; it is a necessity. It is an act of self-love and self-respect that allows you to nurture your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By prioritizing self-care, you invest in your overall health and happiness, enabling you to show up fully in all areas of your life. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish but rather a vital component of leading a balanced and fulfilling life.

With love,
Pri & Tere


Welcome to our world of connections beyond physical presence!

Have you ever stopped to think if it's possible to have a strong bond with someone who has never been with you? It seems unlikely, doesn't it? But we're here to share with you a story that defies all expectations.

Exactly 20 years ago, we met through the internet. Since then, a unique and enduring friendship has blossomed, and the most incredible part is that we have never met in person. Yes, it's true! We can almost hear your astonishment.

But do you know why this friendship has stood the test of time and distance? Because it transcends the physical. Together, we have worked on numerous projects, we are life partners, and we share a deep affinity that can only be explained as a work of the universe.

And it is this unwavering belief in our mission that drives us to share this story with you.
We want you to know that the people capable of making a significant difference in your life are out there, waiting for you. They are awaiting the moment when you will be ready to recognize them, embrace them, and allow them into your path.

So, on our part, we want to encourage you to be open to the possibilities and connections that can form, even when physical presence is absent. Believe in synchronicities, in bonds that form beyond appearances, and in friendships that defy all odds.

From heart to heart, we hope that our story serves as a message of hope and inspiration to you. Because regardless of the medium we use to connect, the true essence of friendships lies in love, trust, and mutual exchange.

We are here, with our hearts open, ready to receive and share this incredible journey with you.

With love,

Pri & Tere


The greatest of all doubts that come to us are about relationships. Do we continue or separate? That's the main one.

The Quantum Star® Board has tools that allow access to your past and future.

The Quantum Leap allows, for example, that what went wrong at the beginning of your relationship is fixed.

And it also goes to the future to prevent new traumas from happening.

Now the question to make it possible: are you with an open mind and heart to receive these blessings?

If the answer is yes, we can start now. Our book has more information. Access via the link in bio.

And enjoy the leap your relationship will take!

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Life gives signs of how things should be. Constantly, by the way!

But maybe you are not being able to understand. Dreams, conversations, people arriving, something unusual, coincidences. Everything has a reason, but you need a unique look.

Mindfulness is vital, but let's face it, it takes work all the time.

Nothing better than starting the way you can. How many days will go by without you noticing? Everything is happening in front of you to guide you.

Therefore, our invitation. There's a book full of exclusive tips on the subject.

The link is in bio. And today is the day for you to start being an observer of your life.

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


In the dictionary, awakening means coming out of sleep from the dormant state; wake up.

And if you look for spiritual, you will find similar to spirit, devoid of corporeity, immaterial.

Putting the two words together, the concept gains even more significant meaning.

Spiritual awakening is the awareness that we are more than just a body and a mind; within us, there is spirit too.

Our book is written for you if you still need to have the privilege of going through this process.

Come and discover what exists beyond what can be seen. You deserve to live according to what the Universe has for you.

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Your mind, your spirit, and your body. The three pillars form your foundation.

Are they in tune, improved day by day? Are they firm, strong, and healthy?

When one is not well, the others fall apart.

In the book Quantum Star® Board - The Simplicity of Awakening, we teach you how to take care of each of these parts.

Because it is the whole, balanced, that guarantees your happiness!

Have you already clicked on the link in the bio?

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


What did they say to you when you were a kid?

We don't know, and maybe even you don't remember, but marks from your childhood remain.

Let's do a test?

Did someone close, a family member perhaps, label you? Example: disorganized, undisciplined, fat, lazy,…and you still believe it?

The way you see yourself, accept yourself, behave in front of other people's eyes...

…if it's not letting you lay your head on the pillow and sleep peacefully at night, it's time to let go.

Your essence needs to occupy this place! And we know how to help.

The first step is information. Click on the bio link and start with our book.
Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Before being a means of healing and inner peace, the Quantum Star® Board was a watershed for me, too.

I was chosen during the pandemic and after my holistic practice closed just a month after opening. And saved too!

Today, the Quantum Star® Board is the flagship of my services and one of the things I love to do most in life.

This story has such surprising details that it is worth knowing. There's a link in the bio. Our book is at your entire disposal!

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Inside, you shine a light that never goes out.

It stays in the stomach and vibrates in yellow color. It's called the Solar Plexus Chakra and is directly related to personal power.

When your vibration is low, you lack self-love, confidence, and focus. You have difficulty relating and tend to have depressive thinking.

But everything is possible with the Quantum Star® Board.

For that light to be so intense again that no one can ignore you, there are incredible tips in the book THE SIMPLICITY OF AWAKENING.

Wake up, show yourself, and don't be ashamed to express yourself. Yes, you were born to shine!

Link in the BIO!
Your friends,
Pri & Tere


A weight on your back that prevents you from getting out of bed.

This discouragement of yours may have a name you've heard: ENVY.

Someone who wants for themselves what you've already conquered. An energy so focused on what you have can create a hole in the energy field and lower your vibration.

The Quantum Star® Board solves that too!

Want an example? When envy comes from someone close to you, the Board helps you see that distancing is the best way.

Flow naturally again! More information is in our book. Have you already clicked on the BIO link to find out?

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Is there a person in your life that you often dream about? Even if there are no more emotional bonds between you?

Yeah, sometimes the relationship ends, but the energetic bond remains. If your connection to someone is keeping you from moving forward...


The bond on the astral plane also needs to be undone. And it's not just about a marital union! Energetic divorce can happen between friends, family, and acquaintances.

Want to know more?

There's a link in BIO. Click and start reading what we tell you, in detail, about this and many other solutions for your life to flow again.

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Little Faith

For every difficult situation you may be going through, other people have felt this way too.

For every feeling you have that, there is no way out, other people have also sought to know.

We can do it for everyone who wants to heal, free themselves, and walk again without weights on their shoulders.

Situations that are now told in a book. Inspiring! We invite you to read. For you to be inspired by memoirs that can genuinely help you.

Click on the BIO link and learn more.
Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Once, a client came to the Quantum Star® Board to grow professionally.

Through the pendulum, with spiritual support, we discovered some imbalances in their life.

And the solution for that… well, read below; you'll like to know.


Days after the session, this client returned, enraged! He had just received his resignation.

We explained to him that everything had a meaning. In time, he would understand.

And that's what happened! In a few weeks, he became convinced that he really needed to leave his job for a new opportunity to arise.

Yes, he was hired by a company that offered growth and a higher salary.

Moral of the story: The Quantum Star® Board will not manifest as you want but as you need to.

When are you going to allow new paths to open in your life as well?

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


The Universe conspires! How many times has this sentence been said?

It's more or less the same as..." when you're ready, you'll have not what you want, but what you need."

The idea is enough, the exact measurements for your life.

So don't even waste time asking! What's yours is already reserved.

You need to allow yourself. Remember: heart and mind always open for when the time is right and when the time comes to receive.

If we can reveal what, how, and when... it will be an immense pleasure!

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


If I were you, I would still find a way to balance your SEXUAL CHAKRA today.

After all, it is inevitable that you want more vitality, creativity, and disposition. Right?

Of course, that name is not for nothing. Your s*x life will take a leap too!

So let's take care of this chakra, which is so important to you? Some attitude changes and new habits can help a lot.

But nothing like doing an energy cleaning with a good professional! Come on?

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Today, we want to introduce a friend.
Dona Rosa Caveira is her name.

She is well known. Have you ever heard of what this Pomba Gira is capable of? There are several legends, but all confirm the following:

Rosa Caveira is an excellent counselor and protects those who ask for help. But beware: she is also impatient and does not forgive her enemies.

Do not worry! You have nothing to worry about. When the Rosa Caveira is present at the Quantum Star® Board, it means that it will support the elimination of negative energies.

Only advantages, okay? For both s*xes, by the way. Men conquer the balance of the Solar Plexus Chakra and women of the Basic Chakra.

How about coming and having the pleasure of meeting Dona Rosa Caveira, our powerful friend, in person?

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Engineering work is enough to change the course of a road, but how do you change the course of energy?

Returning the energy flow to its original state (inner peace, completeness, and fulfillment) will require participation.

Ever heard of catharsis?

The catharsis of the Quantum Star® Board transmutes energy on all levels, and, as unexpected as it may be, this process will give you a lot of strength.

Allow yourself to receive!

And remember the manifestations that will happen in your life after our session is in the exact measure. Come with an open heart because, from now on, …

…you will be able to overcome obstacles that prevent you from evolving.

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


The Universe has its own laws. One of them tells us:

Everything must flow naturally, without damming, hiding, accelerating, or suppressing.

The famous Law of Flow!

It's not normal to have something blocking your energy, which could be the barrier preventing you from healing wounds.

Achieve clarity and awareness and release the dammed energy flow.

It's an intense release! Are you prepared for everything you have in store for your life?

Schedule your session with us! And receive immense amounts of well-being and joy.

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


It's time for us to answer the most received question. How does the Quantum Star® Board work?

Radiesthesia, radionics, psionics, and quantum physics. The names are complicated, but the logic is simple: we identify imbalances in each person's life.

But it only makes sense if there is a solution, right? That's when electromagnetic waves and frequencies come into play, capable of restoring the fluidity of energy.

There are crystals too, which intensify the process!

When the realignment is complete…well, you can feel it! Growth and happiness! Doesn't that sound like a good reward?

The effects of the Board last up to 100 days, but this time can be defined during the session.

In short, it's the perfect opportunity to start seeing everything from a new perspective.

Liked it, right? So, come on!

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Was today not a good day? Well, it happens! Everyone has their moments 👎🏻.

For the days of struggle… pay attention:

Pride, revolt, shame, anger, intolerance, sadness, fear.

Was it not one of those feelings that prevailed?

Why don't you seek help to remove what affects your well-being?

We are here! With the secret to glory days at your fingertips!

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Do you know that airline warning on takeoffs?

“In case of depressurization, put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping children and the elderly.”

On Quantum Star® Board, the alert is almost the same:

“If you want others to love you, love yourself first.”

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


If you've ever traveled alone, you know how GPS makes a difference.

The Quantum Sta® Board is one of those locators and works just like a guide.

But what is even more necessary to go anywhere in the world; is first, you need to FIND YOURSELF.

Do you know some unknown corners within YOURSELF?

Stay calm! We will show you how to access it.

Coming soon is the map of your life in book form. Simply the path you were looking for towards your destination.

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


Beings from other planets and dimensions. You don't need to see them to know their capabilities.

They heal! And you, too, can benefit.

Let us explain: on other planets, galaxies, and constellations, some archangels and masters ascended.

They are called to help those in need. Everything happens through specific commands from the Quantum Star® Board.

Please don't worry if you don't believe it. Just trust!

And also, keep in mind: everyone respects the cosmic law of free will, and it is you who ultimately decides.

But the SUPER IMPORTANT advice is worth it: take advantage of the experience, and it will bring you peace and remove you from pain.

We are just waiting to help you. You can now message us and schedule your session!

Your friends,
Pri & Tere


In five steps, the Quantum Star® Board can be the greatest ally for the outstanding harmony you are looking for.

⿡ It all starts with a conversation. Come with an open heart that we reciprocate with hospitality;

⿢ With the help of some exclusive techniques, we identify the situations that prevent you from evolving;

⿣ The transformation will only be a matter of time! Some of Board's tools are special for enhancing the process;

⿤ Beings of light come here to support you and contribute to the actions that will be practiced from now on;

⿥ Congratulations! Powerful realignment successfully completed. Immediately enjoy the benefits obtained.

Schedule your session already!

Your friends,
Pri & Tere

Videos (show all)

Greetings, Divine Souls!Meet the Quantum Star® Board!We made this video with great love and care to explain what the Qua...
Greetings, Divine Souls!Did you know that energy cleansing removes any harmful energy that may be unbalancing your vibra...