

A voice to BIM (Building Information Modelling)! What is BIM all about? Are we happy with the adoption rate? Get inspired by the stories of our guests here.

What are the associated challenges and how do we take our beloved AEC industry to the next level?


Big thanks to ACCA Software for their outstanding IDS guide!

Are you curious about how to unlock the full potential of IDS? ACCA’s "IDS for Everyone" guide makes it simple to get started and excel.

Covering everything from the basics to advanced techniques, this guide is your ultimate resource for boosting collaboration and efficiency with IDS.

Thank you, ACCA Software, for making IDS accessible and understandable!

Link to download:


The latest daily BlenderBIM update is amazing!

Before, working with models that had large coordinates was challenging.

But now, BlenderBIM does this automatically most of the time, depending on how messed up the georeferencing is.

Even more impressive, it does this for linked models used as references too!

This is insanely useful if you want to update one model according to another.

It's amazing how good BlenderBIM has gotten at dealing with georeferencing.

But now I'm wondering: Is georeferencing important at all for you on your projects?


3 Mistakes I Made with BlenderBIM You Should Avoid When Working with IFC:

→ Postponing to start using it: I kept putting it off, thinking I wasn’t ready. Don’t make the same mistake. Start now and grow with it.

→ Giving up repeatedly: It felt overwhelming, so I gave up and postponed again. Persistence is key. Push through the learning curve.

→ Not using daily updates: I missed out on improvements and fixes by not using the daily updates from the beginning. Stay updated to make the most of BlenderBIM.

Where are you in your journey with this amazing IFC native tool?


Today is the 30th day of my challenge to train every morning!

As professionals who sit at a desk all day, it’s easy to neglect our physical health.

But over the past 30 days, I’ve made exercise a daily habit and the benefits have been incredible.

I feel more energized, more focused, and healthier than ever before.

I’ve always been an early riser, so incorporating this routine was a natural fit.

This challenge has reinforced the importance of consistency and determination in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Moving forward, I will keep this up, but without any pressure—just seeing it as a daily habit.

Have you ever thought about starting a fitness challenge? Trust me, it’s worth the effort.


Many see working with IFC as an annoying chore, something they have to put up with.

Let's change that perspective.

See IFC as a powerful database, not a menace. Realize its true potential. Respect it.

Aim to provide the best quality database possible.

Yes, you can learn this. You can learn how to export better IFC models, to the extent your tools support this.

And then, use BlenderBIM to do the rest that they cannot deliver to you.

Embrace the power of IFC and BlenderBIM. Transform your workflow.

What is IFC to you?


How often do you encounter IFC models that don’t have quantity sets?

It’s a common issue, especially with IFC 2x3 models, where these properties aren’t included by default.

Now, with the newest quantification tool in BlenderBIM’s costing and scheduling module, you can add quantity data to your objects, even in IFC 2x3 models, just like in IFC4.

This tool simplifies integrating detailed quantity information into your BIM projects, making it easier to manage and extract relevant data for costing and scheduling.

Did you know about this feature? How were you handling quantity data in your IFC 2x3 models before?

Make sure to give BlenderBIM a try for this!


Are you spending too much time creating custom property sets?

The thing is, the IFC schema already supports most of what we need by default! Instead of reinventing the wheel, let’s make the most of these built-in features.

For example, some people create a custom property set named “CompanyX” with a property called “Location,” which has values like “Interior” or “Exterior.”

This is redundant and unnecessary.

Instead, use the existing IFC property “IsExternal,” which is already designed for this purpose. This ensures consistency, saves time, and aligns with industry standards.

Have you ever encountered a situation where using the existing IFC properties would have been a simpler and more efficient solution?


Discipline often gets a bad rap, but it's where true rewards lie.

Think about the satisfaction of finishing a tough workout, the calm after sticking to your morning routine, or the pride in hitting a long-term goal.

These aren’t just fleeting moments of joy; they’re the real rewards of discipline.

It’s about the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re dedicated to your growth and the quiet confidence that builds with each disciplined choice.

Embrace discipline not as a burden, but as the secret ingredient to a more fulfilling life.

What’s one disciplined habit that has brought positive change to your life?


Have you tried BlenderBIM and felt overwhelmed?

Let me guess...

You started with modeling.

That’s a common mistake.

BlenderBIM has so much more to offer! While it includes modeling, it's not the best place to start.

Instead, focus on its powerful validation and automation features. These tools can significantly streamline your IFC workflows and save you tons of time.

So, what did you try first



Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of procrastination, unable to achieve your goals?

You are not alone.

Many of us have a vision of ourselves: someone who cooks healthy meals, works out regularly, continuously develops their mind, and stays focused.

But there's one thing that stands in the way: lack of discipline.

Discipline is the key to breaking free from the chains of our whims and bad habits. It allows us to live according to our ideals, not just our immediate desires.

Imagine the version of you that doesn't procrastinate, that takes care of their body and mind, that achieves what they set out to do. That version of you is within reach.

All it takes is discipline.

Discipline isn't about restricting your freedom; it's about giving you the freedom to live the life you truly want.

So, start today. Make a plan, stick to it, and watch how discipline transforms your life.

What steps are you taking to become the best version of yourself?


Do you feel trapped by proprietary systems?

When you learn how to use BlenderBIM, you gain a deeper understanding of the IFC schema.

This means you’re not locking yourself into a black-box system.

Instead, you open yourself to true collaboration.

Join the openBIM movement and embrace a more collaborative, transparent way of working.

See you on the good side.


Consistent discipline and unwavering self-belief will always lead to success.

That's how you beat the odds and achieve your dreams.

I'm extremely proud of the Romanian Football team for advancing in the European Championship.

They truly exemplify the power of believing in oneself and staying disciplined.

Netherlands, don't make the mistake of counting us out already.

Who do you think will advance from this clash: Romania 🇷🇴 or the Netherlands 🇳🇱 ?


Sometimes simple decisions, like moving closer to your job, can make a huge difference in your everyday life, especially if you know you want to stay in that job for longer.

I wouldn’t have been able to maintain my current morning routine from my previous place. I was dependent on traffic.

Now, I can get to work in 22 minutes by bus. A true bliss.

I'm very grateful for this change and happy I made this decision. It’s having a huge impact on my everyday life.

What simple change could you make today to significantly improve your daily life?

Share your thoughts!


Did you know you could use every IFC model as an object library?

In my video, I show you how to bring in objects from other IFC models using BlenderBIM seamlessly.

Watch the video to see how it all works and enhance your openBIM workflows.

Watch the video here:


Ever felt like giving up because you're unsure if anyone is listening?

I did, and I went silent for a while intentionally.

But here's what I learned: just because people don't speak up, it doesn't mean they're not paying attention.

Some are even getting inspired.

Yesterday, someone told me that my posts made him rethink his planning and time management.

That was truly rewarding and inspiring for me.

So, I'm back with more posts aimed at overall improvement and motivation.

Because at the end of the day, we all need a little push to be our best.

P.S. Today marks my 20th day in a row. How many days in a row for you with your new habit?


Are you stuck on one tool, ignoring the bigger picture?

Think about processes instead.

I often talk about BlenderBIM for two reasons: it's free and accessible to everyone, and it's IFC native (it's a mirror for the IFC schema).
What more could you wish for?

Can you use it for everything? No, not really. Though you can if you're hardcore about it.

But that's not the point.

The point is to make your IFC work easier and stop saying, "I can't do that with my IFC."

Because with BlenderBIM, you can do ANYTHING with your IFC.

Did you try BlenderBIM?


Good quality models start with defining good requirements

Defining good requirements is not so difficult if you invest a little bit of time.

Funny thing is when using IDS for validation you start with the project requirements in mind,

So actually implementing IDS you're actually defining the requirements you want on your project.


I had a chat with Dion Moult, the creator of the BlenderBIM Add-on, where he explains how IfcClash works.

We covered some critical points that many of you might find challenging:

- Intersection
- Collision
- Piercing

Dion breaks down these concepts in a way that's easy to understand, helping you make the most of IfcClash in your projects.

Curious to learn more? Watch the video to get all the insights straight from the expert himself!

Watch the video here:


Feeling stuck or unmotivated?

Try practicing gratitude.

Being grateful shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have, bringing positivity and perspective.

It’s a powerful tool for improving mental health and overall well-being.

Start each day by acknowledging the good in your life. It’s a simple habit that can transform your outlook and fuel your success.

It makes a huge impact in my life, and that’s why I start every day doing this.

Ready to embrace gratitude and see the change?

Photos from BIMvoice's post 17/06/2024

What better way to start your week than with a morning workout session?

Kickstart your week with energy, focus, and a positive mindset.

"Be impeccable with your word." This is one of the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and it reminds us to stay true to our commitments.

Make every Monday a win by showing up and putting in the work.

Ready to transform your mornings and your life?


Planning to model in BlenderBIM?

There's one key thing you must understand before starting.

I've made a video to explain the crucial differences.

This guide will save you a lot of time and help you understand what's happening.

Watch the video here:

Photos from BIMvoice's post 11/06/2024


Are you ready for a productive amazing day?


📅 Save the date!

On the 10th of May at 3 PM CET, join us for a compelling livestream where Menno Mekes, an expert in architectural modeling, will explore the process of converting SketchUp models to IFC.

Ideal for architects and designers seeking to bridge their work between SketchUp and BIM environments, this session will offer valuable insights into enhancing interoperability and efficiency.

Learn from Menno's extensive experience and discover how to effectively integrate your SketchUp models into broader BIM workflows.

Tune in, learn, and engage with Menno live to take your SketchUp skills to the next level!


📅 Save the date!

Join us for a live stream with Menno Mekes, happening this Friday, May 10th, at 3 PM CET.

In this session, Menno will walk us through the, shedding light on the ins and outs of this crucial workflow step.

Whether you're a Sketchup enthusiast or simply curious about interoperability, this stream promises to offer valuable insights.

So, grab your favorite beverage, bring your questions, and let's explore together the world of Sketchup export to IFC.

We can't wait to see you there!


Have you ever noticed how much energy complaining can take out of you? It's like a dark cloud that never really clears up.

But what if we shifted our focus from what's going wrong to appreciating what's going right?

Practicing gratitude is more than just saying 'thank you.' It's about recognizing the good in our lives and understanding that, even on bad days, there's always something positive if we choose to see it.

This simple shift in perspective can transform our everyday experiences, making us feel more fulfilled and less stressed.

Being grateful doesn’t mean ignoring challenges—it means appreciating the small victories and joys that come your way, no matter how tiny.

It’s about realizing that every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

Start small: maybe thank someone who made your day a bit easier, write down three things you were grateful for today before going to bed, or just take a moment to enjoy a warm cup of coffee in peace.

Watch how these small acts of gratitude change your outlook and, quite possibly, your life.


Under the latest guidelines, a classification system is now a requirement in IDS 0.9.7.

This shift is crucial because simply specifying any classification, as was often done, is too vague and goes against the schema’s intent.

Being overly generic doesn’t cut it in the precise world of CDEs, where each piece of data should be accurately categorized to enhance usability and searchability.

However, if you need to keep things somewhat broad, there’s still wiggle room.

The update allows for the use of a catch-all pattern, enabling you to group less specific items under a general category while staying compliant with the new standards.

This change aims to improve the clarity and relevance of data within our projects, ensuring everything is organized and retrievable in just the right context.



IfcTester has been upgraded to fully support IDS v0.9.7, which launched a month ago.

This update isn't just about keeping up with the latest IDS specifications; it’s packed with enhancements and critical bug fixes to streamline your workflow.

Key Improvements Include:

★ Faster Checks: IDS checks on properties and quantities are now significantly quicker.

★ Enhanced Reporting: You can now generate ODS reports directly from the UI, and reports will now display the filename of the audited model for better tracking.

★ UI Enhancements: Select failed entities right from the IfcTester UI for easier review. A new column now shows the element type, and prohibited requirements are clearly described.

★ Bug Fixes and Conveniences: We've squashed bugs, including those affecting the handling of prohibited facets and the export of test reports.

Plus, facet ordering is now canonicalized, removing the need to define facets in a specific sequence.

This comprehensive update is included in the latest BlenderBIM release.

Ready to boost your BIM auditing to the next level?


It’s everywhere—personal chats, work meetings, casual hangouts outside.

People just can’t peel their eyes off their phones.

What’s with the constant need to check every single ping and ding?

It’s outright disrespectful.

Especially with the younger crowd, it’s like their phones are glued to their hands.

I give you my full attention because I have to, not just because I want to.

And if you asked for this conversation, the least you can do is show the same respect.

Really, what’s so terrifying about missing a text for an hour?

Put the phone away—silent mode, pocket, whatever works.

Just try it.

What do you think will happen if you actually look up and see the world around you?

Have you faced this too, or are you guilty of checking your phone too often when someone's talking to you?

P.S. If I've ever done this to you, I apologize. Please forgive me.


In Norway, it’s becoming standard for major clients to request IFC deliveries for their projects—it’s the same situation on my project too.

Beyond compliance, I personally see IFC as a beacon of hope for collaboration in AEC.

What about you?

Why do you use IFC?

Is it client requirements, personal interest, or something else?


📅 Mark your calendars!

I’m thrilled to announce a live interview with Andrea Aiello, CEO of ACCA Software Group, on the 6th of May at 3 PM CET.

We'll explore their pioneering mission to support open standards across their platforms.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear directly from a leader driving change in the tech landscape.

Tune in as we discuss how ACCA is shaping the future of interoperability and innovation.

Bring your questions and get ready for an engaging session!

Videos (show all)

Oslo's future is clear, and it flows with clean water.In the heart of Oslo, a groundbreaking project is unfolding, set t...
Exporting IFC models from Revit isn’t just about selecting the right options—it’s about strategic decision-making, knowi...
Struggling with cluttered IFC models? Blender BIM's 'merge duplicate types' IfcPatch recipe is your new best friend. It ...
Big news from the BlenderBIM front!Just dropped: BlenderBIM Add-on v0.0.240402, and it's a game-changer with 830 updates...
ISO 19650 The DNA of BIMUnlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here to make openBIM easy for ev...
IFC: More Than Just a File FormatUnlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here to make openBIM ea...
Maximize BIM: Beyond CADUnlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here to make openBIM easy for ev...
BIM: Beyond ComplianceUnlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here to make openBIM easy for ever...
Promoting openBIM: A Duty for All Unlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here to make openBIM e...
BIM in Facility Management Unlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here to make openBIM easy for...
BIM for more Unlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here to make openBIM easy for everyone, gui...
Still Thinking Everything Revolves Around Drawings?Unlock the full potential of openBIM by following BIMvoice. I'm here ...