

Chartered Accountant who realised his passion lies in travel and writing.

Photos from Milestones's post 16/11/2023

The eternal love for travel and exploration continues. ❤️

Photos from Milestones's post 13/11/2023

Can't think of a caption but hope you enjoy this one 😊


A quote from the book
The Almanack.

Photos from Milestones's post 29/10/2023

Life is testing at the best of times. Here are a few lessonsvi learnt they I hope help make life simpler.


One of the great quotes. Muhammad Ali ofcourse.

Photos from Milestones's post 15/10/2023



This hit hard as we all have been here. A quote from the movie The Lunchbox.


Like waking up and checking our phones, it is a habit for us to take sides in any conflict. War has never served any purpose but harm humanity and nature.

Parents lose children, children lose parents, women are r***d and men are slaughtered. This is an absolute fact that the media does not show.

Let's stop hating people who are different from us. Lets start not wanting wars let's not support politicians who pep the general population up by talking war. They are not the ones who pick up a rifle and go to war.

Politicians often benefit from war as it boost their popularity and also increases revenue from taxes. For eg. As the price of fuel goes up so does revenue from duties.


One of it leads to introspection and the other leads to blame, frustration and anger.

Photos from Milestones's post 20/09/2023

Often in life I found myself blaming external circumstances for my failures. It was only when I looked within and asked myself some uncomfortable questions, I began to see some real growth. So when things go wrong look within the answer often lies there.

Photos from Milestones's post 17/09/2023

This coming Wednesday Sydney will hit 35* which is 16* above average for this time of year. A lot of it is to do with global warming. So here are a few tips to help the environment.


Often feel sometimes life is about unlearning what we believe and then learning new things. One of the ways to support this and also keep growing as a person is to see things a different way. This quote by Henry Miller is very apt.

Photos from Milestones's post 07/09/2023

I have never been the sharpest tool in box but here is something that has helped me tremendously.


If you are feeling stuck try doing that task for just 10 minutes, you might just end up doing it for a lot longer and stop procanistation.


A lot of us just exist, we live to accumulate more and give less. For the lucky ones, our children are something we leave behind. What if we aimed at making them better humans than we were?

Photos from Milestones's post 27/08/2023

This might ruffle a few feathers but her are some general statements made in everyday life that stems from patriarchy.


This is one of the best quotes I have come across. How true is it!!
Cause there is my son who cries like the world is coming to an end when he wants our attention and then there is me, who cries in a manner that avoids others attention.


As I matured I always tried to understand the lifes of good artist. One commonality amongst them was angst. They have some void, yet they are not lost. It is this void where art is created. Whether it be Sanjay Bansali or Kanye West there is angst.

Life is about experiencing everything. That is something I try and do, in the end we are left with nothing but experiences.


I am sure many other parents relate.

Photos from Milestones's post 06/08/2023

As an accountant I have always seen a similar pattern of thinking amongst rich people. Here are some things the rich kinda do better than others.


And also more tired the parent 🥲

Photos from Milestones's post 02/08/2023

Through my page a lot of you'll must think that I have my s**t sorted out. Truth is that I am far from that. Here are just a few thoughts I had in a space of 2 hours or so yesterday morning. I am sure many relate to this. There r tough days, sometimes tough years but they all pass. Just get through that one day.😊

Photos from Milestones's post 30/07/2023

Our parents are not perfect. They are human too. They not always correct. Specially as they get older. But there is a lot to learn from them. Here are a few things I learnt from them.


My life in a nutshell.


This applies to any phase of life. Leadership, parenthood, old age, if you want to inspire or make a change.

Since becoming a father a lot of what I do is to inspire my child and teach him things I did not know. We are humans and we are very observational beings. So if u want to make a change show don't say.


Here is something I would change if I could time travel cause in my 30's I realised that what I really craved is freedom. So if you are someone setting up your career do keep this in mind.

Photos from Milestones's post 09/07/2023

I could speak or write for hours about giving cause I feel it is not spoken enough. People talk sacrifice, handwork, money, more money but no one gives. We take. It's the way we are.

Hope u enjoy this one and give just a little bit.


Life is actually a puzzle, it's about figuring out why we need to forge our path, why not to live for forming perceptions.

It's about learning to ignore noise just like you do in a busy intersection.

Photos from Milestones's post 02/07/2023

Was around 17 when I first read Harry Potter thanks to my cousins persistence. It got me back into reading and thought me some essential life skills. Here are some quotes from the book.

1.     “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery.
– Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Chapter 16
2.    “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”
— Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 36
3.    “Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 35
4.    “It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love”.
– Horace Slughorn, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 9
5.    “Family…Whatever yeh say, blood’s important. . . .”
– Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 2
6.    “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Chapter 17
7.    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 18


Here is something I learnt as a husband cause one of my favourite things to say is "Don't worry about it". It's never helped 😄


Very often we form our opinions based on what majority of people around us think. Sometimes logic takes a back seat. These opinions can be political, spiritual, personal but we all are unique and we must also try and form our own opinions.

Our actions, ambitions, goals must never be set by a herd. We need to get out of the herd mentality.

Photos from Milestones's post 25/06/2023

Lately I have been filled with self doubt specially when it comes to creativity. As algorithms change, the focus is on quantity instead of quality. Still wrote this one. Thought of why I started this page, it was less about acceptance and more about sharing my thoughts. If you have taken time to read this, appreciate your time thank you. 😊

Photos from Milestones's post 18/06/2023

A post I really enjoyed writing. 😊
I hope this post brings a little joy to the you the reader.

Photos from Milestones's post 11/06/2023

Life in hindsight is always easy. I should have done that, I should have approached life differently. These are very easy statements to make about the past. Here are a few things I would tell my 25 yr old self. I hope my experience helps you😊


The amount of thoughts and analysing I have done in the shower is second to none.


Hating.. envy.. wishing bad.. are very common emotions. It is common cause it's easy to feel that way. Hence, when you do well at anything, it is common to see people who once supported you not be that happy for you. But try not to hate them back.. cause any negative emotions never concured anything.

Photos from Milestones's post 04/06/2023

The road we travel on is normally set during our early childhood. Our parents, with the best intentions of course, think that they know best and nudge us on a path that seems right for us. Sometimes they are right.. sometimes, as we mature, we need to choose a road that is less travelled. As hard as this road is, it is a road that leads to happiness.


This is a quote that really resonated with me. We often want to just achieve something, just to say, I did this.

To be honest when I studied Chartered Accountancy (CA) all I wanted was to be a CA. I never really enjoyed the process. When I finally became a CA it did not even feel that great. Now I don't even look at my certificate.

Photos from Milestones's post 28/05/2023
