Awoniyi Opeyemi Livingspring group

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God is good. All the time

Nigeria Order 08/05/2021

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Nigeria Order


In d far east they've d bamboo tree. D Chinese bamboo tree takes 5yrs 2 grow. They've water & fertilize ground where it's everyday doesn't break through d ground until d 5th year. BT once it breaks through d ground, within 5weeks it grows 90feet tall. D question is, does it grow 90feet in 5weeks or 5yrs? D ans x obvious. It grows 90feet tall in 5yrs, bcoz at any time had dat person stopped watering, nurturing & fertilze dat dream, dat bamboo tree would've died in d ground.
My pals, hw long av u been working on ur dream & u av nothing to show? Some will keep going hard & some will stopped bcox they don't see instant results. It doesn't happen quickly, oh, no, no, no, no. U got 2 keep watering ur dreams. Ur faith & patience in doing it drives u into action. During those hard times wen u fail & things didn't work out. They were no where 2 be found. BT u know what I discovered? When you're working at ur dream, somebody said "d harder d battle, d sweeter d victory." Oh, it's sweet 2 u. It's gud 2 u. Why? See, when it's hard & there is a struggle, see what u become in d process is more important than d dream. That's far more important. D kind of person u become. D character that u build. D courage dat u developed. D faith dat u're manifesting. Oh, it's something else that, u get up in d morning, u look urself in d mirror, u're a different kind of person. U walk with a different kind of spirit. And people know what life is that u have embraced life. U know it was hard, but u did it hard and u achieve ur goals.
My pals



Tell us what you need, someone might be willing to help out

Tell us what u can give someone might be in need of it.


The Stronger the Faith, the Harder the Test, and the Greater the Reward.


Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest of most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.


If you put Nigerian federal government in charge of Sahara desert, there will be shortage of sand in 5yrs.
Abu I lie?


He that knows not and knows not that he knows not. He is a fool. Run away from him.


"Your wife is dead. Come to your house quick"
Onyonka told Mulei over the phone.
"Dead?! What happened? How did she die?"
Mulei frantically asked.
"The doctor says depression or stress. The
doctor and police are here in your house. Come
quick" Onyonka spoke further and hanged up the
Mulei was on a date with another woman.
Minutes later, he had been laughing and
charming that woman. But on receiving that
phone call from Onyonka of his wife's death, his
face changed.
Onyonka is his close friend.
Mulei got up from the restaurant and left the
"What's wrong?" Asked the woman.
"I can't talk" Mulei left saying.
Mulei got in his car and started driving his car in
a hurry.
As Mulei drove off, he remembered how him and
his wife went to the showroom to buy that same
car he was driving. As he turned his steering
wheel, he remembered how he used to tease his
wife she drives so slowly when she drove. Those
were the good days in their marriage.
"My wife is dead! My wife is dead! God.." He
broke down as he drove.
He remembered the day of their wedding. The
vows they made. As he turned the steering
wheel, he looked on his finger and didn't see his
wedding ring. The wedding ring he removed to
lie to other women he is single.
Mulei remembered how he would heartlessly tell
his wife that he has the right to have fun. How
he would break his wife's heart and not care.
"My wife is dead! My wife is dead! Why God
why?" He sought for an answer.
The answer came to him. He remembered what
Onyonka had told him. That his wife probably
died of stress and depression. In that case, Mulei
killed her.
"I killed my own wife. God I am sorry..." He
pleaded as he drove even faster.
Mulei remembered how things got ugly in his
marriage. How love left their home. How they
started arguing. The four times he has slapped
her. The monster he was to his wife and children.
He felt he needed to stamp his authority in his
house, then that need turned into disrespect to
his wife, then disrespect turned into abuse, then
abuse turned into ulcers.
She developed ulcers because of the pain he
caused her. Her health deteriorated but he didn't
care, he was too proud to apologize, he
despised her as he chased after the admiration
from other women. He had turned from a loving
husband into a heartless stranger to her. She is
As he switched lanes and turned corners, he
thought to himself how her ulcers must have
turned into stress then into depression. When he
went to ask for her hand in marriage, she was
beautiful, loving and full of life; only for him to
marry her, ruin her, break her and kill her.
How did she die? He wouldn't know because he
hasn't been at his home for a week. She kept
sending him messages, pleading, begging but
her cries fell on deaf years. She was such a nag,
but he turned her into a nag. She was just a
nagging woman desperate to save her marriage.
Now she is dead.
"What will I do with our four children?" He
thought to himself. The four children he has been
neglecting because he has been busy having fun.
He got to appreciate the work his wife has been
doing raising the children. Who will raise his
children? The women he has been fooling around
with can't raise his children, they are not
marriage material. Marriage material women
don't break another woman's marriage.
What will the parents of his dead wife think?
What will people think? What does God think?
This is how it ends? A marriage comes to this? A
dead wife?
Mulei parked his car. Got out of his car. Ran to
his house.
He opened the gate. Opened the door. He found
Onyonka, his close friend standing in the
corridor of his house.
"What happened? She can't be dead. She can't
be dead. What will I do?" Mulei said restless.
Onyonka hugged Mulei.
"Are you OK?" Onyonka asked.
"How can I be OK? My wife is dead. The mother
of my kids is dead? Where is her body?" Mulei
said losing breath.
"In the living room" Onyonka answered.
Mulei rushed to the living room.
He saw his wife alive. Sitting on the sofa with
Onyonka's wife next to her.
"You're not dead?!" Mulei said in shock.
"No she isn't. But if you both continue like this
she might. Your wife hasn't been well at all. She
has been trying to reach you but you have
ignored her. The news of her death made you
run to her. If only you were running to her for
life and not death" said Onyonka.
Mulei knelt down before his wife and touched
her face. At first she resisted.
"I hope the scary journey coming home thinking
she is dead will remind you of what is important.
Don't wait until it's too late to do what is right.
You have a second chance" said Onyonka's wife.
Mulei held his wife's hand.
"Marriage is not a joke you two. Stop playing
games with lives. Tomorrow is not guaranteed"
added Onyonka's wife.
"You two have a problem. You've become
comfortable hurting each other and hurting
people. Tomorrow may never be there for you to
say sorry" said Onyonka.
"And when you meet your Heavenly Father, when
you meet God. Mulei, one of the things God will
ask you is how did you treat your wife? She is
God's daughter" spoke Onyonka's wife.
"And Mrs. Mulei God will ask you about how you
treated your husband. You have the same
problem. You go around making enemies,
breaking relationships, hurting people and
walking away. You cry about your husband
disrespecting you, yet you disrespect your
mother. Repeatedly you have insulted my wife
for no reason despite all she has been through
with you. This don't care attitude will make you
regret one day. One day your mom will die, so
will my wife, so will all of us. It is not wishing for
death, it is the reality. When people are alive
love them. Love them" said Onyonka.
Mrs. Mulei turned to Mrs. Onyonka and said "I
am sorry. Forgive me. Thank you for planning
this idea of my fake death to wake up my
husband. I love him but got tired of his hurt.
You have been a true friend"
Mrs. Onyonka hugged Mrs. Mulei.
"You two need to agree. Will you remain married
and act like married couples, or will you break
your marriage off for good? All or nothing,
either you are fully in or not.
Mulei hugged his wife tightly saying, "I am sorry.
I don't want to lose you. Today I have seen my
family fall apart. I was blind but now I see. Don't
die on me please. I will do better"
"You have alot of ulcers to heal. You have hurt
me so much but I still love you, our children love
you. I am sorry for all the wrongs I have done to
you too in anger and making things complicated.
We vowed till death do us part. It will not be
easy, but our marriage is worth it. We both
messed up. We both can heal this family" said
Mulei's wife.
Mulei and the wife hugged.
"My wife and I will leave now, and let you two do
what married couples do best" said Mr.

Love your spouse, honour your parents, bless
your children, cherish your friends; They are our


11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, note

12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; note

14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.


The Beginning

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 He was with God in the beginning.

3 Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made.

4 In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


Life is a maths equation. In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives.


“For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth, And its stump may die in the ground, Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.Job 14:7‭-‬9 NKJV

No matter what your situation may look like now, no matter how terrible or hopeless your condition may appear at present. The truth is as long as you're still living, there is hope for you.

The Christian hope is not just an unfounded optimism but confident assurance that God will keep every of His promise. Yes, it is a future event but established on past action. Your hope in God is based on the historical event of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christian hope therefore, embraces expectation, trust and patience.

In as much as God did not abandon Jesus Christ on the cross and did not allow Him to suffer corruption and experience decay in the grave but raised Him from the dead on the third day by His incomparable great power, you likewise as long as you remain alive in the body will experience Supernatural Help that will transform your darkness to a glorious light, your sickness to health, adversity to prosperity, your barrenness to fruitfulness, failure to success and pain to gain all because Jesus lives. Brace up and move on, there is yet hope for you. Have a joyous weekend.


“For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth, And its stump may die in the ground, Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.Job 14:7‭-‬9 NKJV

No matter what your situation may look like now, no matter how terrible or hopeless your condition may appear at present. The truth is as long as you're still living, there is hope for you.

The Christian hope is not just an unfounded optimism but confident assurance that God will keep every of His promise. Yes, it is a future event but established on past action. Your hope in God is based on the historical event of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christian hope therefore, embraces expectation, trust and patience.

In as much as God did not abandon Jesus Christ on the cross and did not allow Him to suffer corruption and experience decay in the grave but raised Him from the dead on the third day by His incomparable great power, you likewise as long as you remain alive in the body will experience Supernatural Help that will transform your darkness to a glorious light, your sickness to health, adversity to prosperity, your barrenness to fruitfulness, failure to success and pain to gain all because Jesus lives. Brace up and move on, there is yet hope for you. Have a joyous weekend. Everyone


My Christian friends, God has been so very good and kind to us. That is the reason why I am asking you very strongly to offer your bodies to him. Bring your bodies to him, as a *sacrifice that is still alive. Give yourselves to him completely, so that he may be happy because of you. That is how you can really *worship God.

Do not let yourselves be like the people who belong to this world. But instead, let God change how you think. Then you will become new people. You will be able to understand what God wants you to do. You will understand what is good. You will understand what makes God happy. And you will understand how to live completely as God wants you to live.


The value of life don't depend on the length of time on this Earth but rather on the amount of love given & shared to the people we care about.
