Roots of Impact Podcast
Interviewing Leaders, Teachers and Healers to learn about their journey to inspire ourselves and our audience to continue making the world beautiful place.
Hi family of the Roots of Impact podcast. This week we release another episode that is close to my heart with a new mentor of mine in the line of work that I am passionate about. I am talking about Morag Gamble and .
Last year I left my job as an Environmental IT Consultant because I felt that the pandemic was a call to action to start working on regenerating my inner landscape and regenerating our system using permaculture. I did not know how this was going to look or how we were going to make it work but I trusted and trust in the tools provided by permaculture and the permaculture community. I know my work is along these lines.
While searching for mentors in this field and on how to make a living out of permaculture, I found the work of Morag Gamble and she became an immediate inspiration and a source of a lot of wisdom and knowledge.
After my Children in Permaculture course where I met Annette Argabright and Chanel Smith, I hopped onto their wagon of starting Permayouth Americas which is a child organization for Permayouth and Permyouth was started by Maia Raymond the daughter of Morag Gamble. This is all to say, that this combination of events put me in contact with Morag directly. This was almost unbelievable to me because I had and have such high regards for her and her work. This was how I was able to talk to her on this show.
I consider Morag to have mastered permaculture because she applies it so well to all the aspects of her life. She applies to the building of her family's house, to her garden, to her living lifestyle, to her community, to her online and offline communication and education, to the education of her kids, and to her foundation and to her business. She really connects permaculture's ethics and principles to all she does.
Morag explains what permaculture is in a very simple way, it is a one planet way of living based on our context and our community.
Come on in and enjoy a great conversation on how to apply permaculture as a solution to all the aspects of our lives.
E.34 - Permaculture Your Life with Morag Gamble — Roots of Impact Podcast Morag explains that Permaculture is a One Planet way of life in each of our contexts, and in each of our communities.
Hi family of the Roots of Impact Podcast. It has been a while. Thanks for your patience.
This last podcast that came out is very dear to my heart. Karen, who I interview in this podcast has been my guide in the metamorphosis of my life and it all started with the wilderness fast she guided me through at Samanea. It was a magical and powerful experience from which a lot has come out.
Come on in and listen to this exceptional lady and the beautiful work she is doing.
Big hugs,
E.33 - Into Your Wilderness Quest with Karen Gordon — Roots of Impact Podcast Karen’s journey started in her bedroom window where one day the forest was there and then another day the forest was gone. This left a mark in her. When she was older she decided to study Biology and she focused her work on landscape restoration. This work led her to Monteverde in Costa Rica, a pl...
In this episode, we talk to Annette, Chanel and Allan the facilitators of PermaYouth Americas which is a container or platform for youth around the Americas to connect, learn from each other and empower themselves to be leaders and change-makers in their communities based on the Permaculture ethics of People care, Earth care and Fair share. Come on in and enjoy the fun!
E.32 - Youth Emergence through Permaculture Ethics, People Care, Earth Care and Fair Share with PermaYouth Americas Facilitators — Roots of Impact Podcast In this episode, we talk to Annette, Chanel and Allan the facilitators of PermaYouth Americas which is a container or platform for youth around the Americas to connect, learn from each other and empower themselves to be leaders and change-makers in their communities based on the Permaculture ethics
Inviting the youth from the Americas to collaborate to create a resilient future using the permaculture ethics of People care, Earth care and Fair share.
Come on in look back and look forward of this 2020
[Nuevo Video] Hoy nos trasladamos a Playa Hermosa de Jaco en Costa Rica y hablamos con Melina Chacón. Ella es originaria de Grecia, Costa Rica y desde temprana edad y a través de su curiosidad ha incursionado en un camino espiritual, llegando hoy en día a ser una guía espiritual que empodera a la gente a adueñarse de su vida y a caminar el camino de su alma. Nos cuenta que ella no puede caminar nuestro camino por nosotros pero nos puede guiar y acompañar.
Melina dejó su trabajo en publicidad para dedicarse plenamente a una vida de conexión consigo misma y a guiar a gente a hacer lo mismo.
En este episodio Melina nos da herramientas de cómo conectarnos con nosotros mismos para poder sostener nuestro espacio, tomar responsabilidad sobre nuestras acciones y relaciones y eventualmente adueñarnos de nuestro ser y nuestro camino.
S.2 - E.13 - Adueñate de ti con Melina Chacón Hoy nos trasladamos a Playa Hermosa de Jaco en Costa Rica y hablamos con Melina Chacón. Ella es originaria de Grecia, Costa Rica y desde temprana edad y a tr...
[NEW VIDEO] In this Episode Aanghel shares with us his experience on doing a dopamine detox, the quickest easiest simplest way to reset your mind. In addition, he shares the levels of detox we can do and how to do them, as well as the long lasting benefits that aligned with what we want to do in life and help us reach our potential.
Here is the Video interview of the Roots of Impact Podcast with Leonard Jacobson.
In this episode we talk about Leonard’s spiritual journey which includes various unexpected and spontaneous awakenings. We also discuss his teachings that consists of the two-step dance of awakening – the first step leads to presence and the second step, to mastery of the mind and ego.
Awakening Into Now with Leonard Jacobson - Roots of Impact Podcast Today we have the honor of interviewing Leonard Jacobson an awakened spiritual teacher, mystic, healer and an author who is deeply committed to guiding and s...
In this episode, we have the honor of interviewing Leonard Jacobson an awakened spiritual teacher, mystic, healer, and author who is deeply committed to guiding and supporting others in their journey towards wholeness. Leonard teaches how to become fundamentally present and awaken into the truth of who you are.
He is the founder of the Conscious Living Foundation, a registered non-profit organization established to support the awakening of human consciousness and to make his teachings widely available. He is the author of five books: Words from Silence, Journey into Now, Embracing the Present, Bridging Heaven & Earth and In Search of the Light, a winner of the Indie Children’s book award.
He also released the Awaken Now App, an App designed to support you on your journey of Awakening, by providing an online platform with direct access to Leonard's simple, yet profound teachings on the transformative power of Presence and Mastery of the mind and ego.
In this episode we talk about Leonard’s spiritual journey which includes various unexpected and spontaneous awakening experiences. We also discuss his teachings that consist of the two-step dance of Awakening – the first step leads to Presence and the second step, to Mastery of the mind and ego.
Also available on Apple Podcast and Spotify
S.2 - E.14 - Awakening Into Now with Leonard Jacobson — Roots of Impact Podcast Today we have the honor of interviewing Leonard Jacobson an awakened spiritual teacher, mystic, healer and an author who is deeply committed to guiding and supporting others in their journey towards wholeness. Leonard teaches how to become fundamentally present and awaken into the truth of who you
PROGRAMA CLEAN + HUERTA EN CASA ¡Te invitamos a nuestro encuentro virtual con el Dr. Alejandro Junger y los chicos de Huerta en Casa! Aprenderás a planear y armar tu huerta, a realizar comp...
Hola familia del Roots of Impact Podcast. Es jueves de podcast! Los invito a adentrarse en esta entrevista hacia la profundida de nuestros seres. En este episodio Melina nos da herramientas de cómo conectarnos con nosotros mismos para poder sostener nuestro espacio, tomar responsabilidad sobre nuestras acciones y relaciones y eventualmente adueñarnos de nuestro ser y nuestro camino.
Un abrazo enorme a todos!
David Grillot
Paulo Rhor
S.2 - E.13 - Adueñate de ti conMelina Chacón — Roots of Impact Podcast En este episodio Melina nos da herramientas de cómo conectarnos con nosotros mismos para poder sostener nuestro espacio, tomar responsabilidad sobre nuestras acciones y relaciones y eventualmente adueñarnos de nuestro ser y nuestro camino.
Dr. Alejandro Junger, Autor del libro "El Método CLEAN", nos habla del Poder de la Meditación y de estar Presente.
Para el Podcast completo, visite:
Disponible también en Apple Podcast y Spotify
Hola Familia del Roots of Impact Podcast!
En este episodio entrevisto a una persona que admiro muchísimo, el Cardiólogo y Doctor de Medicina Funcional, Dr. Alejandro Junger.
Una de las misiones de vida del Alejandro es sanar al mundo a través de su método CLEAN, un método de detoxificación que ayuda a personas a sanarse y prevenir enfermedades crónicas comunes de hoy en día al igual que mejorar su salud y bienestar radicalmente.
Dr. Junger es un New York Times Best Seller con sus libros el método Clean, el método Clean para el intestino (Clean Gut) y su último libro el Clean 7. También estuvo en documentales famosos como “Hungry for Change” y es conocido por trabajar con celebridades como Gwyneth Paltrow.
En el podcast exploramos su jornada de vida que lo llevo a enfermarse mientras estudiaba medicina en New York debido a la mala alimentación, estar estresado y sufrir de depresión, a explorar otras maneras de sanarse, diferente a la medicina convencional, a través de mejor alimentación, detoxificación, meditación y medicinas orientales.
También hablamos de la importancia de vivir más presentes y conectados con nuestro verdadero ser y de la importancia de no identificarnos con voz que tenemos en nuestra cabeza.
Alejandro es un embodiment del cambio que necesitamos hoy en día en el mundo. Gracias Alejandro!
Disfruten el Podcast!
S.2 - E.12 - Comiendo Clean y Conectando con Nuestro Ser con el Dr. Alejandro Junger — Roots of Impact Podcast En este episodio, Alejandro Junger, author del libro CLEAN, nos cuenta el motivo por el cual decidió perseguir diferentes maneras de curar al cuerpo y mantener la salud, ademas de la medicina tradicional, para poder curarse el mismo y así poder curar a otros. Tocamos temas como el ayuno, la salud ...
How to remain laser FOCUS in a distracted world???
Listen to this powerful conversation with Aanghel that will show you the quickest, easiest, simplest way to reset your mind by reducing or detoxing from your normal DOPAMINE intakes
(📲💻📀📞📺 )
S.2 - E.11 - Reset your mind with a Dopamine Detox — Roots of Impact Podcast In this Episode Aanghel shares with us his experience on doing a dopamine detox, the quickest easiest simplest way to reset your mind. In addition, he shares the levels of detox we can do and how to do them, as well as the long lasting benefits that aligned with what we want to do in life and help u
El cerebro del intestino es mucho más activo en la producción de neurotransmisores que el cerebro de la cabeza. La serotonina, un neurotransmisor responsable de la sensación de felicidad y bienestar, se fabrica principalmente en el intestino (el 90 por ciento, en realidad). - Alejandro Junger MD
Hola familia del Roots of Impact Podcast! Bienvenidos a otro jueves de magia y nuevamente en español. Que lindo hablar en nuestra lengua materna y criolla.
Hoy hablamos con Lucía Casanova, una gran amiga y viajera de la vida. Yo la considero una guía de almas terrenales.
Que alegría y honor poder compartir con una amiga que ha dedicado su vida a aprender sobre ella misma y a ayudar a los demás a encontrarse a si mismes y a atravesar sus miedos.
Los invito a escuchar esta entrevista llena vida y los invito a que sigan a sus corazones :).
S.2 - E.10 - Siguiendo al Corazón con Lucía Casanova — Roots of Impact Podcast Lucía nos cuenta el viaje de su vida a través de Registros Akáshicos, el miedo, Biodecodificación y la escritura para hoy llegar a Ser Telúrica.
Hi family of the Roots of Impact podcast! We are back from a summer break and we are hitting the floor running. Join me in this listening to Grace MacNeil's inspiring story! I came out of our talk feeling courageous to charge on and take action towards a bright future through these turbulent times. Grace is a powerful woman, a herbalist and a healer in many dimensions. Come on in and feel the energy!
S.2 - E.9 - Courageously Navigating Life and Going for Our Dreams with Grace MacNeil — Roots of Impact Podcast Grace MacNeil is a holistic herbalist in Bloomington Indiana. She shares her story since birth. It is an inspiring story about courage and trusting your calling. She is also is a trained herbalist, an Arvigo therapist, and the founder of Monarch Apothecary where she creates artisan herbals and soaps
Hola familia del Roots! Salió nuestro primer episodio en español de la segunda temporada y en este episodio tengo el honor de entrevistar a una nueva hermana Argentina, Alelí Lauría. Fa, nos vamos profundo en este podcast, hablando sobre la biodecodificacion emocional, sobre nuestros ancestros y sobre como conocernos a nosotros mismos. Alelí nos expande la cabeza y nos lleva a explorarnos profundamente. Esta buenisimo el podcast y me divertí mucho hablando con Alelí, fue un tremendo gusto. Disfruten, un abrazo grande familía!
S.2 - E.8 - Conociendo a nuestros ancestros con Alelí Lauría — Roots of Impact Podcast Alelí Lauría nos cuenta que ella llego a este camino de la Biodecodificación a través de la rama de Humano Puente que esta en Argentina y como esta practica la ayuda a conectarse con sus ancestros que la ayudan a entender su misión y su trabajo en esta vida. Alelí nos nuestra como podemos apre...
Shlomo Friedman
S.2 - E.7 - Beyond Reality Transurfing with Shlomo Friedman — Roots of Impact Podcast Today we are interviewing Shlomo Friedman. Shlomo Friedman has a YouTube Channel where he covers the topic of “Reality Transurfing.”
Monthly Meetup - World Energy
I had to pleasure to interview Shlomo Friedman for today's episode. We discussed topics such as Reality Transurfing, examples of what we can do to apply this concept as well as tips that can help us understand how Reality Transurfing works. We also talked about possible new changes coming from the current pandemic and what we can do to focus on the “Why” versus the different mechanical “How”.
Here is a link to his Youtube channel:
S.2 - E.7 - Beyond Reality Transurfing with Shlomo Friedman — Roots of Impact Podcast Today we are interviewing Shlomo Friedman. Shlomo Friedman has a YouTube Channel where he covers the topic of “Reality Transurfing.”
Tonight is the night...
The Intuitive Plant Medicine sale ends at 9 pm EDT!
To learn more and register:
This eight week journey is a guided initiation into becoming a plant medicine person. Someone who has the ability to work with the multidimensional healing of the plants and who also recognizes their *own* medicine.
With over 2,000 students from around the world, Intuitive Plant Medicine is a transformational online course designed to help you open a gateway of communication with the living world.
Dreamwork • Medicine Making • Plant Communication • Flower Essences • Earth Acupuncture • Intuitive development
Finally, to learn more about Asia, check out the Roots of Impact Podcast where Allan interviews Asia!
Today I am very honored to interview Asia Suler who currently makes her home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina, the ancestral lands of the Cherokee, and some of the most coves on Earth.
Asia Suler is a writer, a trained herbalist, an earth medicine teacher, a medicine maker and a seeker. She is the founder of One Willow Apothecaries, an online gathering place for learning healing and connection with the living world.
She shares with us that she discovered the altar of the green world when she was in the midst of dealing with chronic pain. The pain inside of her was so great that she simply had to go outside. It was in that world that she started to listen to the flowers and hugging the trees and slowly she started to heal on subtle energetic and emotional levels.
Asia is the creator of the Online Intuitive Plant Medicine Course in which she explores Dreamwork – Medicine Making – Earth Ritual – Shamanic Journeying – Flower Essences – Plant Communication – Earth Acupuncture – Land Healing – Creative Channeling.
Asia Suler has been one of my most influential teachers in the last past years and her online course on Intuitive Plant Medicine has made a huge impact in my life.
Thank you, Asia.
PS: This year we are honored to be affiliates to Asia’s Intuitive Plant Medicine Course so if you resonate with this course please check it out here:
Paulo Rhor, Lauren Love, Christopher Campbell, Elke Sauter, Asia Suler, Elena Supervielle, Ale Teran, Annelise Sauter, Annemarie Sauter, Alelí Lauría
S.2 - E.6 - Communion and Self Love with Asia Suler — Roots of Impact Podcast Asia Suler shares with us that she discovered the altar of the green world when she was in the midst of dealing with chronic pain. The pain inside of her was so great that she simply had to go outside. It was in that world that she started to listen to the flowers and hugging the trees and slowly sh