

This blog community we will be hot open & transparent.

Finding our purpose, confronting past trauma and finding breakthroughs to heal and evolve.Although, it is not always our fault it is now our responsibility to be free simply because we already are.



— Fear Of The Unknown—

For so many years as far back as I can remember I been scared of just about everything. I am a calculated risk taker and if the math and math’n it ain’t happening! I realized I’ve been living in fear… fear of the unknown.

I had to opportunity to be on a podcast telling my truth about my testimony and it was the most scariest thing I did but I did it…. This was a time in my life where I didn’t know what would come from doing the podcast but I pushed through while feeling fear and still did it anyway. Not caring what would come and just hoping and expecting something great to come from it and it did.

When you fearful that means you suppose to do it… it’s the state of being uncomfortable and trusting that everything will work itself out, like it usually do. Don’t let fear hold you back from the great things God has placed in the inside of you.

PSLAMS 139: 13-14
“For YOU formed my inward parts, YOU covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise YOU, for I am FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made; marvelous are YOUR works, and that my soul knows very well.”

“Go check out the blog post link is in the bio” 📝

What things are you fearful of right now?🤎



Although I wasn’t as consistent as I should have been with so many things like posting, staying consistent, saying the wrong things, grammar errors also making hella mistakes. I am very proud of it all most of all because I STARTED… which is hard for me because I am a perfectionist at EVERYTHING I do and if all my T’s aren’t crossed and I’s are dotted I usually don’t move but with this I took a leap of faith in addition to putting myself out there like never before. It was scary not knowing how others will take your inner most vulnerable thoughts… all YOU and I’m so glad God pushed me in this direction. 2023 will be full of things so many great things I feel it coming and I can’t wait to endure them good and bad. Thank you to those who supported and took time to read my posts and give feedback you are appreciated!

Here’s to more years to come and whatever God has planned for us!




I am so thankful to be here and I have truly missed doing this. 2023 will be full of New Chapters & New Beginnings and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!


— Throw It In The Fire —

Last night I attended a girl’s night and we had a bonefire 🪵🔥 I suggested we do a healing release from anything that no longer serves us or we just simply want to let go. My list was long but here’s a few that got tossed in…
•Limiting beliefs about myself
•Fear of anything
•Being alone
•generational curses

Anything that is no longer serving us we are 🔥 and leaving it there in 2022.

“Go check out the blog post link is in the bio” 📝

What things are you & leaving in 2022? 🔥


I can relate so much to “The Strong Friend” because I AM HER.
That woman who never is moved by anything... who never lets anybody see her sweat... oh and let's not forget the woman who thinks she is superwoman and doesn't need any help. oh yeah, that's definitely ME.

If this is you let me tell you, friend, it's nothing wrong with being strong at times but that’s it we only need to be strong AT TIMES.. not ALL the time. I know that culture and people tell us to push through and keep our chin up but not at the expense of you internally losing it.

Vulnerability is that word that has your cheeks clenching tight. Makes you feel so uncomfortable we can't even have conversations or express ourselves when needed. Really vulnerability is your friend, not your enemy depending on your perspective. By all means please don't give yourself 100% to anyone except God but you do have to give grace and then it's up to you to pay attention to the signs and act accordingly after.

Instead of running from it assess it than embrace it and know that you are not alone. That you can ask for help, ask to talk to someone whomever that person is for you. Be open to new opportunities, people, and things no matter how strong you think you have to be. God got you so you can stop clenching your cheeks now lol I promise IT’S OKAY🤎

Don’t forget to check on your Strong Friends today💕

2 corinthians 12:10 "That's why for christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am Strong"🙏🏽💪🏽

🦋 🦋


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “SHIFTING” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in touch on new things to come.

Let’s talk about it…..
What mind shifts do you need to make today?


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “Remember Why You Started” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in touch on new things to come.

Let’s talk about it…..
What things have you pushed aside?


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “Setting Intentions for the day” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in tomuch on new things to come

Let’s talk about it…..
What intentions do you set daily?


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “Intentional Aim ” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in tomuch on new things to come

Let’s talk about it…..
What do you need to be doing daily to make your day better?
In what ways are you aiming recklessly?
Are you blindly aiming for life everyday?


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “KNOW Limits ” link in bio.

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Let me know your thoughts on this. What limits do you need for yourself right now? What limits you’ve go that’s overdue? What limits are you setting for yourself this week?🌱🤎


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “Love Healed ” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in touch.

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Let me know your thoughts on this. Happy Valentine’s Day❤️🌱


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “Unforeseen Circumstances ” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in touch.

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Let me know your thoughts on this. Anything unexpected happened to you lately? How are you viewing this situation? What can you do about it right now?🌱


💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “celebrate Your Small Wins” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in touch.

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Let me know your thoughts on this. What small thing you have done that you can celebrate? How can you celebrate you?🌱

Lifestyle | Intentionally Raw 23/01/2022

💌New Post💌
Go check out my new post “Self-Care Is Self-Love” link in bio.

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Let me know your thoughts on this. What is Self-Care to you? What kind of things you do for Self-Care?🌱

Lifestyle | Intentionally Raw Where Lifestyle, self-love, and healing collide. On a journey to become the best version of ourselves, Intentionally Raw and authentic to our purpose in life.


🚨New Post🚨
Go check out my new post “Depression or Development” link in bio.

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in touch.💕

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Let me know your thoughts on this and if you’ve mislabeled something over your life🌱


Go check out my new blog post “It Starts With YOU” link in bio!

Make sure you sign up to be a subscriber to stay in touch!

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Let me know your thoughts, your goals and what is something you need to change🌱

Instagram: intentionallyrawtheblog


Welcome to IntentionallyRaw a lifestyle blog for Growth, Healing & Fashion!

This blog community we will be hot open & transparent about the deepest most vulnerable parts of ourselves that we are afraid of. We will be finding our purpose, confronting past trauma and finding breakthroughs to heal and evolve because although it is not always our fault it is now our responsibility and we deserve to be free simply because we already are. 🌱 & Let’s not forget about fashion 👗🛍

I hope to grow with you all on this journey. I love you but more importantly God loves you💕

Instagram: intentionallyrawtheblog


Welcome to IntentionallyRaw a lifestyle blog for Growth, Healing & Fashion!

This blog community we will be hot open & transparent about the deepest most vulnerable parts of ourselves that we are afraid of. We will be finding our purpose, confronting past trauma and finding breakthroughs to heal and evolve because although it is not always our fault it is now our responsibility and we deserve to be free simply because we already are. 🌱 & Let’s not forget about fashion 👗🛍

I hope to grow with you all on this journey. I love you but more importantly God loves you💕
