Guillermo Guillén

Guillermo Guillén
Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 20/11/2023

Incredible time during the Duende Flamenco Festival in Toronto! Feeling so grateful to share time and stage with such great people and artists. Thanks for the invitation


So excited to be part of this beautiful project!

Show dates: Sept. 8 & 9
At theLatino Cultural Center
Tickets at:
City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture
The Flame Foundation

Culture, art, dance - Dallas Voice 01/09/2023

Next Week! 🤘🤩🧡

Culture, art, dance - Dallas Voice Dancer J. Alexander Langley is back in Black for a new premiere performance RICH LOPEZ | Staff writer [email protected] To see J. Alexander Langley onstage again will be a treat. After taking a final bow from performing just last December, the q***r dancer is making his return to the stage as par...

De la selva a los bosques, movimientos del monte (2023) - Selva Adentro 01/09/2023

🇫🇷 Un an de plus! Le nécessaire Festival Selva Adentro a besoin de nous tous! Un petit clic et un grand geste pour la paix!
🇬🇧And one more year! The necessary Festival Selva Adentro needs all of us! A small click and a big gesture for peace!
🇪🇸¡Y un año más! ¡El necesario Festival Selva Adentro nos necesita a todos! Un pequeño clic y un gran gesto por la paz!

Mogaburo Cid
Esi Graves
C Durango

De la selva a los bosques, movimientos del monte (2023) - Selva Adentro We invite you to join our solidarity crowdfunding. With your contribution, you will be joining the ‘Amigos Selva’, friends of Selva Adentro, a festival that promotes artistic shows as cultural and social tools for reconciliation.


La semana que viene, tenemos el placer de anunciar que:

ZARRA estrena en MADRID, del 17 al 27 de agosto en el Teatro Reina Victoria.

Esta obra es un espectáculo de baile flamenco en homenaje a la leyenda del fútbol Telmo Zarraonandia.

De la mano de 9 bailarines/as, Adriana Bilbao, bailaora, coreógrafa y nieta de Zarra, hace un homenaje a su abuelo en un espectáculo que mezcla la danza y elementos del fútbol, guiada por las anécdotas de Telmo Zarraonandia.⚽️💃🏾

🔗 Puedes comprar tu entrada en el siguiente ENLACE:

💃🏽Cuerpo de baile: .bilbaozarra .site


Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 21/07/2023

On our way! 😎✈️🤩Performing on Saturday and Sunday in Creede (Colorado) with mis ricos ! Thanks Creede Musical Arts Collective Inc for the invitation!


Such an honor to perform tomorrow with artists I admire so much: mesmerizing and unique ,
at the magical
Forever agradecido!

Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 03/04/2023

An incredible honor for me to participate in Elio Villafranca's amazing new work "Palos por Agua”, on April 14 and 15 at Jazz at Lincoln Center, with the "Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra" directed by Wynton Marsalis, with the great and unique Paquito D'Rivera and my compañeros del alma Ismael Fernández y Sonia Olla. Grateful no, lo siguiente! 🤍🤍🤍


's beautiful album "Kisses of Poetry" finally available on all digital platforms! Deep poetry, moving and sparkling voices, incredibly refined music, and a whole lot of love! Very grateful to have participated in this adventure!


Posted • 📣💃Join us for Peña Flamenca On Stage February 10 and 11 ! Guest performers from Spain and the US join us in performance at our NYC take on the traditional Spanish flamenco club – and enjoy a menu featuring American fare, curated wine, and specialty cocktails. These performances will feature El Choro, Sonia Olla, Ismael Fernández, Antonio Campos, Guillermo Guillén!

✨FREE admission with the NYC Flamenco Pass, LINK IN BIO!


* For tickets call 212.434.0445 or email [email protected]
* Due to technical difficulties, we recommend calling the Chelsea Table + Stage ticket office for quickest, easiest ticket purchasing.

Soleá Pelá y Aguillá. Single extraído del próximo disco de Raúl Micó titulado: ¿Flamenco, yo? 07/01/2023

👇👇👇 Post in 🇬🇧 English / 🇪🇸 Español / 🇫🇷 Français 👇👇👇

"Así, ¡sí!"
Another one of those things that made me think "así, ¡sí!".
Literally: "like that, yes!"
I mean this:
- Yes, it was worth it.
- Yes, it makes sense (to me anyway.)
- Yes, I have the impression of having found a little piece of my soul which resonates with little pieces of other souls.

To be invited by a great friend and immense artist like Raúl Micó/compositor y cantaor flamenco to participate in his new album is a great honor, and also a great responsibility. I was afraid of not finding these little things that I know deeply move him and me, which are so fragile, so ephemeral and so difficult to unearth.
But we got there as a team.
- Thanks to the vision of Raúl, who knows what he is looking for without knowing it until he has found it.
- Thanks to the enormous talent and sensitivity of Antonio Prat "el Pelao" Antonio Prats GarcIa who guided our sound quest.
- Thanks to the grace of Alicia Reig Jover, because this soleá could not have been danced in any other way.
- Thanks to invisible work but oh! how audible of LUIS DAVILA ORIA, our Wizard of Sound.

In a word: thank you!

I hope you enjoy this video and the music.


"Así, ¡sí!"
Encore une de ces choses qui m'ont fait penser "así, ¡sí!".
Littéralement: "comme ça, oui!"
Je veux dire que:
- Oui, ça valait le coup.
- Oui, ça a du sens (pour moi en tout cas.)
- Oui, j'ai l'impression d'avoir trouvé un petit bout de mon âme qui résonne avec des petits bouts d'autres âmes.

Être invité par un grand ami et immense artiste comme Raúl Micó à participer à son nouvel album est un grand honneur, et aussi une grande responsabilité. J'ai eu peur de ne pas trouver ces petites choses que je sais nous émeuvent profondément lui et moi, qui sont si fragiles, si éphémères et si difficiles à dénicher.
Mais on y est arrivé en équipe.
- Grâce à la vision de Raúl, qui sait ce qu'il cherche sans le savoir jusqu'à l'avoir trouvé.
- Grâce à l'énorme talent et la sensibilité d'Antonio Prat "el Pelao" qui a guidé notre quête sonore.
- Grâce à la grâce d'Alicia Reig, car cette soleá n'aurait pas pu être dansée d'une autre façon.
- Grâce au travail invisible mais oh! combien audible de Luis Dávila, notre Magicien du Son.

En un mot: merci!

J'espère que vous apprécierez cette vidéo et la musique.


"Así, ¡sí!"
Otra de esas cosas que me hicieron pensar "así, ¡sí!".
Quiero decir:
- Si, valió la pena.
- Sí, tiene sentido (para mí al menos).
- Sí, tengo la impresión de haber encontrado un pedacito de mi alma que resuena con pedacitos de otras almas.

Ser invitado por un gran amigo e inmenso artista como Raúl Micó a participar en su nuevo disco es un gran honor, y también una gran responsabilidad. Tenía miedo de no encontrar estas pequeñas cosas que sé que nos conmueven profundamente a él y a mí, esas cositas que son tan frágiles, tan efímeras y tan difíciles de desenterrar.

Pero lo logramos, como un buen equipo.
- Gracias a la visión de Raúl, que sabe lo que busca sin saberlo hasta que lo encuentra.
- Gracias al enorme talento y sensibilidad de Antonio Prat "el Pelao" que guió nuestra búsqueda sonora.
- Gracias a la gracia de Alicia Reig, porque esta soleá no se podía bailar de otra forma.
- Gracias al trabajo invisible pero sí audible de Luis Dávila, nuestro Mago del Sonido.

En una palabra: ¡gracias!

Espero que disfruten este video y la música.

Soleá Pelá y Aguillá. Single extraído del próximo disco de Raúl Micó titulado: ¿Flamenco, yo?


Hoy es un día importante.
Se estrena en Bilbao (España) la obra "Zarra" de mi queridísima y admirada .bilbaozarra.
Es una obra muy especial, por muchas razones:
- Es un espectáculo donde se dan cita la danza, el flamenco, la música y el fútbol, ​​algo que, que yo sepa, no existía hasta el día de hoy
- Es un trabajo sincero, generoso, arriesgado y comprometido. Como es Adriana.
- Es un vibrante homenaje a su abuelo, el mítico futbolista Zarra, y allí nos recuerda la importancia de la memoria de nuestros antepasados. Si han sido famosos o no, no importa, lo que importa es el legado que nos transmitieron y lo que queda vivo de ellos en nosotros.
- Cuenta con la presencia y la colaboración de much@s artistas de muchísimo talento, que destacan aún más por su valor como seres humanos y su generosidad.
- Tuve el honor de componer gran parte de las músicas para este espectáculo. Desde mi perspectiva, es una obra hija de la confianza infinita y la amistad eterna. Todo se hizo con un océano y muchos retos de por medio, pero la amistad puede con todo.

Amig@s, aunque no esté en el escenario con ustedes, estaré con ustedes. Estoy con ustedes desde el principio.

📆 Azaroak 17 noviembre 19:30h

La bailaroa Adriana Bilbao rinde homenaje a su abuelo, Zarra, en su espectáculo flamenco 16/11/2022

🤩🤩🤩 ¡Hoy es un día importante!
🤩🤩🤩 Today is an important day! (>> rest of the post in English below)

Se estrena en Bilbao la obra "Zarra" de mi queridísima y admirada Adriana Bilbao Zarraonandia

Es una obra muy especial, por muchas razones:
- Es un espectáculo donde se dan cita la danza, el flamenco, la música y el fútbol, ​​algo que, que yo sepa, no existía hasta el día de hoy.
- Es un trabajo sincero, generoso, arriesgado y comprometido. Como es Adriana.
- Es un vibrante homenaje a su abuelo, el mítico futbolista Telmo Zarra, y allí nos recuerda la importancia de la memoria de nuestros antepasados. Si han sido famosos o no, no importa, lo que importa es el legado que nos transmitieron y lo que queda vivo de ellos en nosotros.
- Cuenta con la presencia y la colaboración de much@s artistas , técnicos, diseñadores, administradores de muchísimo talento, que destacan aún más por su valor como seres humanos y su generosidad.
- Tuve el honor de componer gran parte de las músicas para este espectáculo. Desde mi perspectiva, es una obra hija de la amistad eterna y la confianza infinita. Todo se hizo con un océano y muchos retos de por medio, pero la amistad puede con todo.

Amig@s, aunque no esté en el escenario con ustedes, estaré con ustedes. Estoy con ustedes desde el principio 🥰

📆 Jueves 17 noviembre - 19h30
📍 Teatro Arriaga Antzokia

Today is an important day.
The show ”Zarra" by my dearest and admired .bilbaozarra premieres in Bilbao (Spain).
It is a very special show, for many reasons:
- It is a show where dance, flamenco, music and soccer come together, something that, as far as I know, did not exist until today.
- It is sincere, generous, risky and committed. Like Adriana.
- It is a vibrant tribute to her grandfather, the legendary soccer player Telmo Zarra, and there she reminds us of the importance of the memory of our ancestors. Whether they have been famous or not doesn't matter, what matters is the legacy they passed on to us and what remains alive of them in us.
- Many unspeakably talented artists, technicians, designers, administrators, who stand out even more for their value as human beings and their generosity, are part of this show.
- I had the honor of composing a large part of the music for this show. From my perspective, this is the result of infinite trust and eternal friendship. Everything was done with an ocean and many challenges in between, but friendship can handle everything.

Friends, even if I'm not on stage with you, I am with you. I am with you from the beginning 🥰

📆 Thursday November 17, 7:30 p.m.
📍 Teatro Arriaga Antzokia

D8 Sorkuntza Faktoria
Dirección: Adriana Bilbao.
Composición músical: Guillermo Guillén.
Coreografía: Adriana Bilbao y elenco.
Intérpretes: Adriana Bilbao, Carmen Bejarano, Tatiana Cuevas, Blanca Lorente, Gabriel Matías, Miriam Pérez, Magdalena Mannion, Pablo Egea y Adrian Domínguez.
Diseño de Escenografía y Vestuario: Fran López del Cerro.
Diseño Iluminación: Alberto Rodríguez Vega.
Videoproyecciones: Alphax Estudio.
Producción y distribución: Cía Adriana Bilbao y D8 Sorkuntza Faktoria.
Distribución: D8 Sorkuntza Faktoria.
Colaboración: Teatro Arriaga.

La bailaroa Adriana Bilbao rinde homenaje a su abuelo, Zarra, en su espectáculo flamenco Hemos visto al flamenco fusionarse con otras músicas, con otras disciplinas como el ballet o el teatro... Pero lo que no habíamos visto hasta ahora era al fl...


Posted • 📣Our fan-favorite Peña On Stage is just 3 DAYS AWAY! This Friday, November 18 at 7pm & 9pm spend a night out taking in the intimate and electric energy of our NYC take on the traditional flamenco club commonly found in Spain with an open wine bar😉 Secure your tickets now at the LINK IN OUR BIO!

🥂Enjoy an open wine bar as you marvel at the power of Sonia Olla, Ismael Fernández, and Guillermo Guillén, featuring special guest Irene Lozano, La Chiqui de Málaga — recent winner of the highest award for dance, the Desplante Feminino, at the esteemed Cante de las Minas Festival 2022.



Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 16/08/2022

Posted • See you all this SATURDAY!
More info 👇🏼

Posted • AUGUST 20, 1PM: presents "Dancing in the Light", a free dance happening in the historic St. Nicholas Park, featuring CDI residents , , as well as .


Produced by Monique Martin ()



Come and support A PIECE OF COLOMBIA IN NEW YORK fundraisers at Drom on June 29th at 9:00pm, and Terraza 7 on July 2nd at 6:00pm.

Two fundraiser events in NYC to benefit the 6th Festival Selva Adentro. Selva Adentro (Into the Jungle) is a Festival of the Arts that offers dance and peace workshops, and bridges the urban and rural communities of Colombia, a project to promote cultural and community tourism.

Selva Adentro is a meeting point for artists in the Colombian jungle to enjoy dance, theater and music as a living necessity to bring them together and reunite Colombian society.

With your donation you will be making it possible to finance workshops for children and adults as well as the logistics, technical production and transportation required for the festival.

For more info:

Drom event:

Terraza 7:



Five years already! 😱 with my compadre the great !


An Afternoon of Dance in the Historic St. Nicholas Park
Saturday, June 11, 2022
3pm – 6pm
Free & Open to the Public

City College Center for the Arts, on the campus of City College of New York, is celebrating dance with a free outdoor presentation featuring four outstanding, Harlem based dance companies in the historic St. Nicholas Park on Saturday, June 11, 2022 from 3pm – 6pm.  This special event will feature  of LaRocque Bey School Of Dance and  in a three-hour afternoon of dance produced by Monique Martin.  For more information please visit

Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 26/05/2022

A Piece of Colombia in New York
So many things we do really have no meaning, no direction, no intention. But sometimes important things happen, important people appear and we have to thank them, necessary initiatives are born and we have to support them.
The .adentro.festival (in Medellín and Chocó - Colombia) is NECESSARY (link and description below).
That festival taught me a lot, it enriched me, it opened my mind as a musician but above all as a human being and a citizen of the world, with responsibilities and obligations.
That's why, in order to help this festival that we're hosting two side events to the main Festival in Colombia in October, but this time in New York, on June 29 and July 2.
Will we see you there? It is important ;-)

Tantas cosas que hacemos realmente no tienen sentido, ni dirección, ni intención.
Pero a veces pasan cosas importantes, aparecen personas importantes y hay que agradecerles, nacen iniciativas necesarias y hay que apoyarlas.
El Festival Selva Adentro (en Medellín y Chocó - Colombia) es NECESARIO (link y descripción abajo).
Me enseñó mucho, me enriqueció, me abrió la mente como músico pero sobre todo como ser humano y ciudadano del mundo, con responsabilidades y obligaciones.
Es por eso, para apoyarlo que estamos organizando dos eventos paralelos al Festival principal en Colombia en octubre, pero esta vez en Nueva York, el 29 de junio y el 2 de julio.
¿Te veremos allí? Es importante ;-)


La PEÑA FLAMENCA NYC de Flamenco Vivo.
With my dearest Ismael Fernández!
Thursday, April 14 - 7:00pm
4 West 43rd Street, Room 616, New York, NY 10036

Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 31/03/2022

What one learns during a conference!
I say it for myself, first of all! I learn a lot, from my fellow artists, from the organizers, from the people in the audience who always awaken our neurons with their questions and awaken our souls with their interest and desire to share...
As always, a pleasure!
Thanks to , and especially to Reyes Lázaro who made it possible, thanks to the people who came to see us and listen to us.
Thanks to the wonderful artists and . An incredible honor to have .angel.rosales in the audience, with his always deep and much-needed input!
And thanks to Flamenco, who always gives me more than I can ever give it in return.


An honor to participate in this series of lectures/masterclasses on flamenco and its different facets.
With my dear and .
Thanks to the Spanish & Portuguese Department and to Reyes Lázaro.
Wednesday, March 30 at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts


💃🏽We have ONLY 10 TICKETS LEFT to La Peña Flamenca NEXT FRIDAY, March 18 at 7:30pm – get your ticket now at the LINK IN OUR BIO!

🍾Spend a night out taking in the intimate and electric energy of our take on the traditional flamenco club commonly found in Spain as internationally acclaimed dancer Lidón Patiño and recent winner of la Lámpara Minera, Amparo Heredia, take the stage alongside Sol "La Argentinita," Carlos Menchaca, Kayla Lyall, and guitarist Guillermo Guillén.

⭐️FREE with the NYC Flamenco Pass
Dancers and musicians:


Happy to be part of La PEÑA FLAMENCA NYC de on Friday, March 18 at 7:30pm!

This show will feature internationally acclaimed dancer Lidón Patiño and recent winner of la Lámpara Minera, Amparo Heredia, take the stage alongside Sol "La Argentinita," Carlos Menchaca, Kayla Lyall, and guitarist Guillermo Guillén.

Dancers and musicians:


La PEÑA FLAMENCA NYC is BACK AND IN PERSON Friday, March 18 at 7:30pm!

💃🏽Reserve your spot — tickets are selling quickly!

Spend a night out enjoying drinks in a casual, laid-back setting while taking in the intimate and electric energy of our take on the traditional flamenco club commonly found in Spain. This show will feature internationally acclaimed dancer Lidón Patiño and recent winner of la Lámpara Minera, Amparo Heredia, take the stage alongside Sol "La Argentinita," Carlos Menchaca, Kayla Lyall, and guitarist Guillermo Guillén.

⭐️FREE with the NYC Flamenco Pass (link in bio)

Dancers and musicians:


An honor to perform tomorrow with
Kaufman Music Center
Sunday | February 27 2022 | 8 pm F***j Abyad- Oud & Vocals
Layth Sidiq- Violin/Musical Director
Gabriel Dahrieh- Violin
Yarub Smarait- Violin
Bengisu Gokce- Viola
Hani Asad- Riq
Zafer Tawil- Tableh
Alber Baseel- Daf
Naseem Alatrash- Cello
Francois Moutin- Bass
Utar Artun- Piano
Tamer Pinarbasi- Qanun
Laith Suleiman- Nay


An honor to perform tomorrow with
Kaufman Music Center
Sunday | February 27 2022 | 8 pm F***j Abyad- Oud & Vocals
Layth Sidiq- Violin/Musical Director
Gabriel Dahrieh- Violin
Yarub Smarait- Violin
Bengisu Gokce- Viola
Hani Asad- Riq
Zafer Tawil- Tableh
Alber Baseel- Daf
Naseem Alatrash- Cello
Francois Moutin- Bass
Utar Artun- Piano
Tamer Pinarbasi- Qanun
Laith Suleiman- Nay


Exciting things happening!

Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 07/11/2021



Next 5,6,7 November in Madrid.


A por the second one! Thanks to for this wonderful festival. Always an honor to be on stage with


October 22nd & 23rd. “GLORIA”, by Sonia Olla. From October 16 to November 13, 2021, the Instituto Cervantes of Chicago will once again be home to the Chicago Flamenco Festival, now in its 19th edition

Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 03/10/2021

Vida 🌿

Photos from Guillermo Guillén's post 29/09/2021

Colombia, allá vamos.


Vº FESTIVAL SELVA ADENTRO - Medellín - Carmen del Darién, Chocó (Colombia) - Sept 27 - Oct 10 2021 -

Un festival tremendamente hermoso y necesario.
Muy feliz de participar! 🧡💛💚

A tremendously beautiful and necessary festival.
Very happy to be part of it! 🧡💛💚

Un festival magnifique et nécessaire.
Très heureux d'y participer! 🧡💛💚

With Mogaburo Yinka Esi Graves Festival Selva Adentro


¡Feliz de ser parte de esta loca aventura! Enhorabuena
a tod@s l@s compañer@os de HIERRO / BURDINA / LA SAGA DU FER!
Os quiero y os extraño! 🤘😍🥳



Candidata a los XXIV Premios Max en:
- Mejor espectáculo revelación
- Mejor autoría revelación

Gracias gracias gracias....

Zorionak a todo el equipo!!
Beñat Achiary Peio Mentxaka
Raúl Micó
Guilhem Tarroux
Michel Queuille
Errekatxo Harrizulatzaileak (Primo,
, Ander Eceiza)moreno88

Didier Teilagorri Aitor Etxebarria Maria Ibarretxe
Christinne. Jérémie Garat

Familia, amigos.... 🍀michole🍀

Podéis seguir votando para el premio del público en


... and a NEW flamenco educational project was born! 🥳🥳🥳
Is it called “flamenco school,” or “flamenco online academy?”, NO, it's called FLAMENCOMAPS, because... go and visit:

It is an original, comprehensive and transformative way for flamenco DANCERS, GUITARISTS, SINGERS and all flamenco LOVERS to learn, practice and reach your full potential and creativity!
We can spend years learning choreographies, steps, letras, or falsetas by heart and still miss the fundamentals of how it REALLY works. FlamencoMAPS it is the perfect complement for any flamenco lessons you already take, whether it be dance, singing, guitar, palmas or percussion because it is not enough to accumulate knowledge and learn by heart.


COMPREHENSIVE FLAMENCO STUDIES: starting today with a new international group!


Many thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's event!
I am very happy to start NEXT WEEK with a new group!T
If you're interested in joining, do not hesitate to contact me quickly, we are in the process of scheduling!

Videos (show all)