Just Jono

Just Jono

I am passionate about inspiring people to break free from inherited and self imposed limitations

S*x Education, normalising Pe******ia and S*xual Identity Confusion - School Curriculum Aug 2023. 29/08/2023

If your a parent with young school children please watch this and share with your network.

S*x Education, normalising Pe******ia and S*xual Identity Confusion - School Curriculum Aug 2023. ๐—œ๐—ป ๐— ๐—ฎ๐˜† ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฏ ๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ถ๐˜๐˜† ๐—–๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ธ ๐—ฅ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ผ ๐—ต๐—ผ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ฎ ๐—ด๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ป๐—ฑ-๐—ฏ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐—ฑ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—จ๐—ป๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ก๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป?....


A clip making the rounds, and my comment below it.

โ€œThis picture was taken in a pure and raw moment of our son.

Proud doesnโ€™t even come close when I reflect on what I learned about our 8 year old son this past week. Back in March he decided that he wanted to do the Market lamb project for his first year in 4-H. We made sure that he understood that the end would result in one of his lambs most likely being in the Sale at Fair and fulfilling its purpose as a Market animal. He was set on the task at hand. He knew he would get attached to both ewe lambs, who he named Pork and Beans, and he knew where one would likely end up. He surprised us with his tenacity when it came to early morning feedings before school and late nights nursing a sick one through pneumonia. He worked them everyday . Taught them how to lead and brace. He measured and weighed feed and supplements as well as making sure they had clean fresh water at all times. I would catch him hugging and loving on them when he would have a quiet moment . There was no doubt that he loved them.

At Fair we could tell that he was very proud of his finished projects . He faced his fears and walked into the show ring with his head held high and gave it all he had. He built a beautiful partnership with Pork and Beans. As a mom , my heart was so full and I was in awe of my boy. I looked at his dad beaming with pride of his son .

Sale day came and we found out that Beans made the cut. Beans and Our boy posed for a picture for their potential buyers in front of a Douglas County back drop, then their Auction number was painted on Beansโ€™s back. At that point, tears started rolling down my sons face. I hugged him and kissed his forehead. But, he was still set on what was to follow. That night, we watched him proudly walk her around the Auction arena and sell her for a number beyond what any of us ever expected. The incredible thing about 4-H auctions is that buyers donโ€™t pay just what the animal is worth, they exceed far beyond their market value because they believe in our childrenโ€™s hard work and want to invest in them. He left that auction arena on cloud nine and so pumped for next year.

Sunday came around and we knew it was going to be a rough day . Beans had a color painted on her back which indicated which truck she was to be loaded on. Time came to take her out of the pen and lead her that direction. My heart ached as I watch my child say goodbye to his partner . As much as I tried, I couldnโ€™t help but let the tears stream down my face. My boy gave her many hugs and scratches. His father, fighting his own tears asked if our son needed him to take Beans to semi but, our sweet, courageous boy insisted on doing it himself. The barn was filled with many kids and parents that were going through the same thing. What a beautiful thing. These animals are destined for Market. How incredible that they land in the hands of children who love them and give them the best care while they are here on this earth . I found myself in a strange place. I wanted to fix my sonโ€™s heartache, but at the same time I knew how important it was to follow through with the ENTIRE 4-H project. From start to finish. And even though this was tough, we had to allow him this experience. Sobbing, he loaded Beans on the truck , walked her halter back to the sheep barn where he was embraced with many hugs from other 4-H members wiping their own tears because they to just said goodbye to their partners. And through all of this, he actually thanked us for allowing him this experience.

My son is my hero. He is bigger than I ever knew. My son ran the race and finished regardless of his feelings and emotions. He loved his lamb, but he knew what was important. He raised a great product through blood, sweat , and tears, and he completed his project. He never asked to keep her. He never tried to quit. He gave it his all and succeeded. We are a family who loves to eat meat and he wanted to contribute to that in his own way by raising a Market animal. He will never forget Beans but is ready to do it all again next year. This is what 4-H is all about. What extraordinary kids!โ€


Essential lessons for every child - We have a responsibility to feel love and compassion for the prey animals who are our food. In every instance - grief is the price we pay for love.

to the vegans on my friend list: I once believed what you believe now, and while I understand your empathic position, I disagree with your underlying beliefs. All of life - every species - lives on the nutrients supplied by death and the bodies of others. That is a question I have thought deeply about for a long time, many decades. As you may or may not know, I've become a primal eater - my entire diet is meat based. So the issue is - what is my responsibility as a carnivore and an apex predator? I'll link to how I arrived at this choice down below.

This is all very interesting to me also because my professional focus is communication, relationships, families, organizations, and communities. I see humans as remarkable community builders - and the best communities we build are multi-species in specific places on the landscape - all kinds of species - bacterial, fungal, plant, animal, and human. When we do this properly it is clearly a complex set of symbiotic relationships that prosper all the species involved including us and the entire ecosystem of which we are a part. Humans are certainly evolved to be pack-hunting apex predators and hyper-carnivores scoring higher on the carnivore scale than wolves for the last 2.5 million years, but that doesn't mean we can't be responsible ecosystem engineers building healthy complex communities.

I'm reminded of the predator's bargain that I learned from Derrick Jensen: If I eat a particular animal then I am responsible for its well-being as an individual and as a species. My food must live a satisfying life of dignity in the full expression of its nature. It must be treated with respect, and I must pay attention to the health and diversity of its habitat. I must do everything in my power to protect and defend that species as an integral aspect of my own healthy community, especially because the lives and health of those animals are not separate from my own.

If you look closely at the work of folks like Allan Savory, Joel Salatin, and other regenerative farmers who have fully integrated animals into their practice - notice his pigs, cows, rabbits, chickens and so on - they all live lives in the full expression of who they are - expressing the pigness of a pig, the chickenness of a chicken. Just by living that natural life they accomplish much of the work of the farm. They are healthy, happy, they live a good life and they are killed quickly in a way that does not stress the animal.

The exemptions are for animals that are working partners, so dogs, cats, horses, the occasional truffle-hunting pig and many other kinds of animals where we develop unique relationships - they all should get a free pass and be well-cared for too - treated with kindness, affection and respect.

To ignore the cycle of life and death is an ideological pretense that removes one's self from the world. Every living being acquires the essential nutrients of life from the death of the bodies of others, whether a bacteria, a fungus, a plant, an animal. We need to own the violence in our predatory nature and take real responsibility for it.

A Hunter's Prayer
Thank you, little brother, for your strength which will be given to my family.
Thank you for making life for us possible.
Thank you for your love.
Go and wait for me at the door of the spirit world.
I will be along fairly soon.
And we will be together again.




First thing to understand is that most of the land which is optimal for grazing cannot be used for monocrop agriculture. And there are billions of acres for this. Second thing is that monocrop agriculture mines all nutrients out of the soil, so that requires fertilizer inputs which, at the scale we operate, always means fossil fuels. And also fossil fuels are required for all the biocides as well. Remember, mass monocropping is in itself a biocidal operation.

All these natural systems evolved with a full complement of plants and animals, and to exclude half of the species diminishes the world.

Tragically, modern plant agriculture is a war against all of life - pure biocide. One plant lives (corn, wheat, tomatoes, soy, cotton, potatoes, sorghum, strawberries - or whatever it is) and every other living thing must be wiped out. The poisons (and petroleum-based fertilizers) necessary to accomplish this persist in the land and eventually poison and sterilize the entire landscape, including the air and water.

As I've posted elsewhere, an average North American prairie regenerated through holistic management and properly managed grazing can easily support and provide habitat for at least:

240 species of prairie grasses and wildflowers,
174 species of birds,
70 species of trees and shrubs,
50 species of mammals (including 10-15 species of bats) in addition to cows, sheep, goats or pigs (as well as wild ruminants)
30 species of amphibians
75 species of reptiles
well over 2,000 species of insects including bees, beetles, butterflies, and moths.

And prairie and grasslands grow wonderfully healthy meat for humans in addition to providing abundant and resilient habitat for the myriad of species listed above.

It also sequesters carbon at a rate that could reverse desertification and recover all the carbon released by the use of fossil fuels over the last 250 years, putting an end to the current climate madness in 20 to 30 years.

We ignore that data at our own risk.

Here is a case in point, the Chihuahuan Desert, which gets 6 inches or less of rain per year, and this cattle-grazing ranch has now become an internationally renowned bird sanctuary, where there was once only reddish-white, dead. dry. cracked mud with an occasional creosote bush. The more brittle the ecosystem, the more essential it is to keep every drop of water that falls safely in the soil, instead of evaporating or running off. Nothing does that better than grazers on grass being properly managed.


~Carmine Leo


Registration is open for our national conference, Advancing the 2030 Agenda. This half day event will take place on Thursday 28 September at Parliament.

Dr Sir Ashley Bloomfield, former Director-General of Health, is confirmed as a keynote speaker.

Panel discussion speakers include Ibrahim Omer MP, Ambassador Carolyn Schwalger, New Zealand's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Mary Wareham, Advocacy Director of the Arms Division of Human Rights Watch, and Sophie Handford, Paekฤkฤrikiโ€“Raumati Ward Councillor at the Kฤpiti Coast District Council.

The ticket price includes afternoon tea and refreshments at the networking reception. https://lnkd.in/gYwnjriH



We dont need more needles


I am, who I say I am.

Who are you?


Wow this is interesting we must have touched a nerve tonight on our weekly chat AMOA - A Matter Of Authenticity. If you don't like being told what to do... maybe there is a chat on this page you should go have a look at...

Share if you like to say F*** you to the censors...

Interesting 19/06/2023



Crazy talk


Facebook, the single source of truth since 2020
