Common Sense Coalition

Common Sense Coalition

Connection the dots through comprehensive examination of key issues and initiatives.

Devastated Parents of Girl, 12, Who Died by Su***de After Enduring Months of Bullying Speak Out, Demand Change 16/06/2024

PARENTS fail, TEACHERS fail,, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS fail, WELL BEHAVED RESPONSIBLE CHILDREN nonexistent... this is the fail of the decade. Humans have always been tribal and will continue to be so, but the worst behavior is when a group of mean kids bolster there own self-esteem and cover their inadequacies but bullying others... this situation warrants a lawsuit and jail for the bullies, parents and school officials.

Devastated Parents of Girl, 12, Who Died by Su***de After Enduring Months of Bullying Speak Out, Demand Change


When you are told that employment numbers are up, be sure to ask about the unemployment numbers being up as well.


Putin has stated that he is sending Russian ships to the Carribean to deliver long range missles to Russian allies. Turn back the calendar to the "Bay of Pigs" crisis between Kruschev and JFK. History repeating itself?


More Student Debt Relief:

The Biden administration approved the cancellation of $7.7B in student debt yesterday for an estimated 160,500 eligible borrowers. The move is part of the White House's incremental approach to canceling federal student loans via program adjustments as it builds out a broader debt plan. Yesterday's approval brings the administration's total debt relief to $167B for nearly 5 million borrowers.

The latest round of relief applies to people enrolled in specific federal loan programs that reduce or cancel debt in exchange for public services like teaching or by consideration of an individual's income, known as income-driven repayment plans. Borrowers will receive an email if they qualify. Learn more about IDR plans here.

Last summer, the Supreme Court rejected the administration's broad $400B attempt to cancel student debt, a major Biden campaign promise. Last month, officials announced a more targeted approach relying on the 1965 Higher Education Act, which could see debt canceled for 30 million borrowers as soon as the fall. Legal challenges are expected.

Your tax dollars...


American citizen travelers and tourists are suddenly required to comply with this CDC policy.... or we could just walk in...


The fight rages on for equal pay. This makes sense and will work in the business, medical and education environments. It will never fly in the sports and entertainment environments where profits are organically determined purely by demand and reliant on the availability of disposable income... if you disagree, then male "celebrities" should get equal pay to Oprah.

PM apologises after infected blood scandal cover-up 21/05/2024 This is what government run healthcare gets you...

PM apologises after infected blood scandal cover-up PM truly sorry as inquiry finds authorities covered up scandal and exposed victims to unacceptable risks.


Want to know why illegal immigrants are shipped to large cities? There will be many if not most who will attempt to vote in November. They will slip through the cracks by the thousands and vote for the administration the paid them off with taxpayer dollars for transportation, housing, phones, food, medical care.


When the battery runs out...


Four more years.... PAUSE


The Biden administration is modifying Title iX to include the trans community, Title IX was initiated to create equal opportunities for women in sports... please explain how including biological males serves women's rights???


California spent 24b on homeless programs... that is over 132k per person


The Crumbley parents are going to jail... note to all parents... teach your children well... pay attention to their behaviors and intervene daily.


While criminals are allowed to flood the streets...


Connect the dots... Chinese company makes deal with Wisconson Gov for big Lithium Ion auto battery plant.... Biden forcing electric vehicles on everyone... no surprise that Biden family cartel makes millions through business deals with China.


Remember, when you hear a liberal Democrat talk about saving democracy, they are the ones eliminating your right to vote for the candidate of your choice.


We all knew this was coming... Biden allowed 10 to 12 million illegals to cross the border without taking the lawful pathway to citizenship... and now he is launching his plan so that they can vote in elections.

This is a win at any cost action attempt that will result in increased division and increased levels of conflict throughout society.

Call, e-mail and write to your Congressional Representatives.


The Biden administration’s effort to rewrite Title IX – a move which would destroy decades-old legal protections for women’s sports and undermine due process in s*xual assault cases – moved one step closer to completion when the Education Department sent the final text of its new rule to the White House on February 2.

Title IX refers to a landmark 1972 civil rights law which prohibits s*x-based discrimination at any school which receives federal funding. Notably, Title IX led to the creation of scholarship women’s athletic programs at hundreds of schools and expanded other opportunities for women in academia.

In June 2022, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona announced sweeping changes to Title IX regulations which lower the bar for what is considered “s*xual harassment” and introduce language requiring schools to allow males who identify as women to participate in women’s sports – stealing opportunities and scholarships from women in the process.

Specifically, the new rule proposed by the Biden Department of Education would remove the requirement for cross-examination in s*xual harassment and s*xual assault cases and lower the bar for someone to be found guilty from “clear and convincing” evidence of guilt to merely “a preponderance of the evidence.” Moreover, the new rule removes requirements that schools hold live hearings for harassment and assault cases.

In other words, the fate of a student accused of s*xual harassment or s*xual assault would be determined entirely according to the opinion of one administrator who plays judge, jury, and executioner – all without even a formal hearing to allow the accused to plead his case.

Schools would also be required under the new rule to “respond to a hostile environment based on s*x” even if said conduct occurs off school property. This provision allows schools to police their students’ conduct anywhere – including in their own homes. As the National Review Editorial Board has warned, it could even mean “that parents who refuse to green-light their child’s gender transition could be investigated for discrimination as well as kept in the dark about their child’s transgender status at school.”

Even more egregiously, the Biden administration rule would change the Supreme Court’s narrow definition of discriminatory s*x-based harassment in the original Title IX statute to include all “unwelcome s*x-based content” and “all forms of s*x discrimination, including discrimination based on s*x stereotypes, s*x characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, s*xual orientation and gender identity.”

This intentionally broad definition includes refusing to use a student’s “preferred pronouns.” This means that, under the new rule, students could be expelled for “misgendering” another student or faculty member.

By redefining s*x to include gender identity, the Biden administration’s Title IX rewrite will also coerce all schools which accept federal funding to allow biological males to compete on women’s sports teams. To make this even more clear, Cardona released another rule in April 2023 which states that schools “would not be permitted to adopt or apply a one-size-fits-all policy that categorically bans transgender students from participating on teams consistent with their gender identity.”

As retired Stanford professor David Hanson explained, when it was introduced 50 years ago Title IX assured parity for women’s sports by granting them the same budgets, infrastructure, and institutional support as men’s sports. “How ironic, then,” he said, “that a half-century of athletic transformation has been completely undermined by the current ritual takeover of [women’s sports] by biological men.”

Many educators believe that the new Title IX rule will become an instrument of intimidation, a weapon for the Biden administration to impose its far-left social agenda on schools – much as Biden did by threatening to withhold federal money for school lunches unless schools acceded to the administration’s transgender bathroom policy.

Even schools that are free from the shackles of federal funding are now being targeted by the left in attempts to force them in line.

One of the most notable is Hillsdale College, a private Christian school which accepts zero federal funding and has become a top target of the left for its commitment to objectivity rather than advancing a blatantly left-wing worldview.

Hillsdale is now facing a lawsuit claiming that there is an “unusually high risk of s*xual assault” at the school because it does not comply with Title IX. The lawsuit further alleges that the school’s rejection of federal funds is “a misguided and ineffective attempt to avoid its obligations under Title IX.”

While claims of s*xual harassment are certainly serious and worthy of a fair hearing, the evidence advanced in the case is thin at best, and the lawsuit appears to be more an attempt to punish Hillsdale for refusing to accept federal funding and in doing so submit itself to the ideological agenda of bureaucrats at the Department of Education.

Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn has stated that these attempts to force Hillsdale under federal authority would “convert [the college] from the pursuit of goals to the pursuit of compliance with rules.”

Despite the apparent spuriousness of the lawsuit, however, the case is still pending, and could go against Hillsdale – a ruling that would have disastrous implications for every school throughout the country which seeks to preserve its independence from federal authority.

Margaret Beecher, the president of Napa Legal Institute, which filed an amicus brief on behalf of Hillsdale, explained that the essence of the case is about religious freedom. “Is the government in charge? Or are religious institutions free to govern themselves in accordance with their beliefs?” she asked.

This battle is also taking place amid the backdrop of a precipitous decline in public confidence in academia. In a Gallup poll from last July, 62 percent of Americans said they had only “some” or “very little” trust in the higher education system.

The Biden administration’s new rule, which could be finalized in a matter of weeks, is unlikely to reverse this trend.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.


People often ask how illegal aliens can afford to pay for their journeys. Much of the funding comes from predictable sources: Relatives in the United States may send the money, the migrant may borrow it or even indenture himself to smuggling gangs and work off the debt once here.

But a lot of the money comes from the American taxpayer.

At every stage of a migrant’s journey, U.S. tax money smooths the way for people planning to enter and live in the United States illegally.

Start with the United Nations. The United States gave all the U.N. agencies $18 billion in 2022, representing about one-third of the total budget. The U.N. does many different things with that money, but one thing is to help wannabe border-jumpers actually make it to the border.

An investigation by the Center for Immigration Studies has revealed that U.N. agencies have budgeted $372 million for 2024 to help 624,000 migrants heading north to cross illegally into the United States. These migrants “in transit” will be supported with money, transportation, food, shelter, legal advice and more to ensure they’re able to get to the Rio Grande.

Once the illegal aliens cross the border, they turn themselves in to the Border Patrol, which is obviously totally funded by our taxes. Law enforcement is an essential function of government, and few people begrudge the taxes we have to pay for that protection.

But now, the taxpayer-funded Border Patrol is no longer doing much law enforcement — it’s been turned into a vast, green-uniformed Welcome Wagon. Since President Biden took office, more than 3 million undocumented aliens have been “processed” by the Border Patrol and released into the United States.

Once you’ve paid to have the immigrants “processed” and released, they then have to make their way to the relatives or friends they’re going to join. While much of the money for the bus or plane tickets comes from the aliens’ families or a genuine charity, the taxpayers provide some of it whether you like it or not.

For one group of immigrants, all the transportation costs are borne by the taxpayer. Unaccompanied minors (who frequently are neither minors nor really unaccompanied) have totaled nearly half a million on Biden’s watch, and they are delivered to their “sponsors” (often their undocumented alien parents who paid to have them smuggled in the first place) by the U.S. government.

This is so egregious that one federal judge has angrily noted that the Department of Homeland Security was “successfully completing the mission of the criminal (smuggling) conspiracy.” On your dime.

But you help pay for adult undocumented aliens to get to their destinations, too. The Federal Emergency Management Agency oversees Emergency Food and Shelter Program, which was started 40 years ago to give money to non-profit groups to help homeless veterans and others. The original purpose of this program has been swallowed up by a new mission — assisting undocumented border-crossers with transportation and basic needs. In 2023, $425 million in your money was budgeted for that task.

And then, when the aliens reach their destinations, you’re still paying. New York City expects to shell out up to $12 billion through next year to support them, and Chicago and other cities face similar challenges. And since states often help pay for municipal budgets, people in Upstate New York and Downstate Illinois will also pay.

If you don’t live in one of those places, you’re still not off the hook. The border bill being negotiated in the Senate, whatever its other strengths and weaknesses, includes a federal bailout for New York and other sanctuary cities struggling with the costs of our border policies.

Whether the money comes directly from the federal treasury or is directed through the United Nations or various non-profit groups, your tax money is helping underwrite the border crisis. There’s a long list of things that need to be done to regain control after three years of chaos, but high up on that list is to stop paying to make it worse.

Reprinted with permission from The DC Journal by Mark Krikorian.


A sure sign of a dictatorship, is when the leader in power jails his rivals. This is the norm in Russia and China. This policy is being attempted by the current administration.
