Asaada van de L'Isle

Asaada van de L'Isle

Entering into the midlife cycle we can encounter many mental, emotional and physical shifts that aff


Greetings all my Soul Sisters!

As we all know we are living in interesting times and I feel that it is important that we support one another especially at a time like this! I truly hope and pray that this post finds you all in a state of Peace, knowing that THIS TOO SHALL PASS! Maybe you all think that it's a bit too much to ask that you keep yourself in a state of Peace but I want to urge you to work on it! Fear lowers our immune system and puts us in a very vulnerable position. The Cosmos and mother earth are having a moment of restructuring and changing from what once was to what wants to come forth next. This is about us lining up with the Universal flow and riding out this wave until what's done is done! I hope that I can inspire you, just like I have been inspired to pay more attention to my state of mind during this quiet time and make good use of it! Establish some immune strengthening habits like taking daily probiotics and green juices or salads and staying away from alcohol, smoking and sugar! Exercising is also important at this time. For me I find it most challenging to keep a routine going but I keep making an effort. I hope that we will all come out of this with a greater connection to ourselves, stronger than ever, with more clarity of how we want to spend the rest of this precious yet delicate thing called Life!

Peace, Love and Light!


Greetings Soul Sisters!

I trust that you are all doing well or in the process of getting there. This life of ours is a Gift as well as a Journey that is on going. There will never be a time when you stop growing or learning so in every experience you are having there is an opportunity for growth. Wether it was pleasant or unpleasant, the experience can always teach you something. As a matter of fact we don't realize most of the time that the unpleasant experiences are where we learn the most about who we really are. It's easy to stay positive when things go well but who do you become when things get tough! Without the difficult times there truly is no growth for us at all, therefore we must re train ourselves to love both the good and the "Bad" experiences that life throws our way and know that the deepest value is actually in how we choose to get through the challenging ones. And after all, how would we be able to appreciate the Good if we don't experience the Bad!!!

Peace n Love!


The Fountain of Youth can be found inside the things we enjoy so intensely when we do them, that we forget for a little while all Time and Space around us, affecting us on cellular level, causing our cells to become timeless and ageless!

Asaada Cheronne van de L’Isle….

(Usually people who intensely enjoy what they do hardly age)


Greetings my soul sisters! I hope that you are all settling into this new year and that you are clear about how you want this year to unfold. I want to inspire you to make your health a priority and start to make some changes in the areas that you are already aware need changes. In all my years of doing research on Holistic Health I must admit that having a plant based diet restores the body and the mind equally! Once we eat better we start to feel better and we start to have better ideas and thoughts and life just starts to flow better! You truly are what you eat so if you want to live than stop eating death. I say this with no judgement, just want to give you something to think about. I deeply believe that eating plants benefits the entire planet and the research doesn't lie, there is plenty of evidence! It is my hope and wish to be able to inspire some of you to make that change and change your whole life as a consequence! Peace n Love!


Greetings Soul sisters!

I hope that you are having an amazing start into 2020! I am inspired to share with you all my thoughts and intentions for 2020! If I am completely honest I have to admit that I am in an interesting place right now, not sure how to explain it but I can't say that I am jumping with excitement even though I have some great goals that I am really excited about. I am sort of in a quiet place and more contemplative and what stands out is the feeling of gratitude to be blessed to enter a new year. I am inspired to hold myself to a higher standard of self love this year so that when 2021 comes around I can feel truly worthy of this precious gift called Human Life! Of course we are all worthy on al levels but I just don't want to take this gift called Life for granted. So I intend to stay in the present with myself more and resist escaping my reality by means of comfort food or too much movie watching. This year I want to live in a state of surrender, allowing The Most High Intelligence to take the lead and to trust that all is well!

Peace n Love!


As I am watching the last few hours of 2019 go by, I realize that time is such a surreal concept, it just blows my mind! I don't know what that time thing really means but I know that it is a moving never ending phenomenon that goes beyond my comprehension. Living in the moment starts to make more and more sense. So if I can make every moment count, then maybe I have accomplished something so simple yet so profound. When you think about it, we either live in the past or the future, I know for me it is more the future. When are we actually really present and fully in the moment, I think that's where God is! For this new year that I am blessed to enter into, I will strive to live more in the moment and be more present for my life and myself! Wishing you all a 2020 full of growth and transformation and most of all Radiant Health and Wellbeing. Peace n love!


Greetings Soul sisters!

I have something on my mind for you but I am not sure I have the right words but let me try. I feel like we live in a society where everything has to have a label, everything or everyone has to be in a familiar box. Why are we willing to accept the labels that are placed on us by society, people, medical professionals and so on! Don't accept any labels or diagnosis unless that's what you really want. You have the power to be, do or have whatever you want, you were designed that way, and what a Grand design you are indeed. You have no idea how much power you hold within your own thoughts, your thoughts create your reality all day, everyday. So instead of identifying yourself with a label that someone placed on you, someone you think knows more than you do, JUST DON'T! Claim your victory and label yourself as a Goddess who is self healing and self sustaining. Say it out loud everyday, I AM RADIANTLY HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL!!! THAT is the only diagnosis you should ever identify with. Peace n Love!


I believe that we are all supposed to have radiant and supreme health and wellness. That truly is our greatest treasure and achievement. Whether your health is great or poor, health starts in the mind. Everything starts in the mind. Anything we take in, be it the food on our plate or the thoughts that we allow to take residence in our mind, it's all what determines the state of our health. You are what you eat, you also are what you THINK and FEEL! Holistic Health is all about having balance between Body and Mind. A lot of us just feed the body and forget all about the mind. Start this new year with a Holistic Practice of feeding both Body and Mind so your entire being is sustained and you can obtain Supreme Wellness!
Peace n Love!


As 2020 approaches we can take the opportunity to reflect on 2019 and to decide how we want 2020 to manifest for us. Not as a cheesy new years resolution but feeling gratitude for the chance to enter into a new year and going into our heart space to feel and listen for what the heart truly wants! My soul sisters, let's make 2020 the year we start to live our truth and make ourselves a priority, let's make it all about us, let's go for those dreams and desires that thus far have only been buried under obligations and distractions and fear, let's break some rules! Just check in to see if you are living your life or if your life is living you!!! I invite you to share a hearts desire that you would like to explore in 2020! We all have dreams, what are yours! A desire or dream is nothing but your gift trying to come out of you, the real reason why you are here! Before you were born into this life you made a plan, you had a specific purpose, you chose the manner in which you were going to contribute to the world! In the process of growing up and trying to please our parents and society, we forget and lose what we came here for and the only way we can be reminded of that Divine purpose is through our Desires and Dreams, they are calling out to you so LISTEN!

Peace n Love!


My sisters! Please make sure to fill up your own cup on a daily basis before you start giving of yourself! Your cup should stay full and therefore you need to have daily Self Love routines in place. Self Love is The Most Essential practice for being Happy and Healthy! No one else can truly make you happy, so take responsibility for your own Happiness and Health from this day forward. Peace n Love!


Being WOMAN is an amazing and also a great responsibility! We are the ones who will move the planet to higher heights once we all come into our feminine Power, which is Soft yet Lethal and very Mystical! As women we must focus on connecting with our inner Goddess so we can unfold and experience our true selves! Own it, you are Beautiful just as you are!!! Our beauty comes in so many shapes, sizes and forms and we need to embrace our individual beauty, NEVER compare! I invite you to look in the mirror today and Love the one looking back at you and let your Mantra for the day be " Yes, I am Beautiful!!!

Peace n Love!

My name is Asaada Cheronne van de L’Isle and I am a Body-Mind Wellness coach for women age 45 and up!

In today’s lifestyle entering Menopause can be a challenging event for women and their families. It’s still considered a taboo subject and that really needs to change. Our ancestors didn’t even know there was such a thing as Menopause because the only thing that changed was the disappearance of their menstrual cycle. There were no heavy mood swings and loss of libido and weight gain, night sweats etc! This is because the environment was less toxic and less stressful.

We don’t realize that our food is the absolute basis for how we function, mentally , physically and spiritually in life! We truly are exactly what we eat. So with the busy lifestyles that we have and the fast food that we consume and with all the pollutants in just about everything, we have to realize that it will affect our Health and Wellness.

When women enter Menopause they need to be willing and able to take good care of themselves and make it a point to make self care a priority! Because I got really healthy and cleaned up my diet I can honestly say that I am having an amazing and smooth Menopause, I actually don’t even consider myself being in Menopause because I never feel like I am, as far I am concerned I am in my midlife cycle period!

I want to help and coach my sisters in midlife how to reap all the benefits from being in your midlife without the discomfort. When there is no discomfort it becomes a process of entering a new era in life, the Era of Divine feminine Wisdom and Power! The Era in which you feel so comfortable in your own skin and nothing faces you! It is during these years that you should look and feel your best.

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