WebDev Programmers

WebDev Programmers

Make it Work, Make it Right, Make it Fast.


- GET: Retrieves data from a server
- POST: Sends new data to a server
- PUT: Updates existing data on a server
- DELETE: Deletes data from a server
- PATCH: Partially updates data on a server

These HTTP methods are the foundation of communication between clients and servers, making the web work!


Callbacks are often used when handling asynchronous events like network requests or file I/O. It's a means to guarantee that certain code won't run until a given task has been completed. Callbacks can be an effective tool for asynchronous programming


Variable Naming Conventions:
1. Snakecase: Words are delimited by an underscore. variable_one,variable_two.
2. Camelcase: Words are delimited by capital letters, except the initial word. variableOne, variableTwo.
3. Pascalcase: Words are delimited by capital letters. VariableOne, VariableTwo.


Is javascript a statically typed or a dynamically typed language?


JavaScript Variables can be declared in 4 ways:
1. Automatically
2. Using var
3. Using let
4. Using const


Vanilla JavaScript Invoice System | Invoice System For Stock & Inventory or Web Application



Vanilla JavaScript Invoice System

Video: https://youtu.be/Wf_kFXnSOnc?si=7pJJRTIN3E4gNEUV

Vanilla JavaScript Invoice System | HTML Markup | Part 1 29/04/2024


Vanilla JavaScript Invoice System | HTML Markup | Part 1 Vanilla JavaScript Billing System Project: Discover how to build a comprehensive billing invoice system using JavaScript. This project encompasses everything...

Videos (show all)

Vanilla JavaScript Invoice System | Invoice System For Stock & Inventory or Web Applicationhttps://youtu.be/EWOifsV-cmQ?...
Vanilla JavaScript Invoice SystemVideo: https://youtu.be/Wf_kFXnSOnc?si=7pJJRTIN3E4gNEUV
